Get Your Facts Straight
Please realize that old information is just as dangerous as mis-information, dis-information and mal-information.
Step #1:
Challenge the assumptions, premises and narratives that are being used to justify the WHO negotiations.
In my humble opinion, the WHO negotiations are heading in exactly the wrong direction because the core concepts that underlie the WHO negotiations are fundamentally flawed.
We do not need to spend billions of dollars looking for pathogens with pandemic potential, building genomic sequencing laboratories and mRNA gene therapy manufacturing plants. That is a recipe for an even larger disaster.
CLICK HERE to review 25 truths that I hold to be self-evident.
CLICK HERE to review an article by Russell Blaylock that summarized the most important issues way back on April 22, 2022.
CLICK HERE to review the reasons why I believe these negotiations should be stopped because a proper after-event review has NOT been conducted.
CLICK HERE to review “The People’s Declaration” in order to object to the proliferation of biological weapons.
CLICK HERE to review and help develop the Health Freedom Bill of Rights.
CLICK HERE to review Katherine Watt’s detailed and appropriate call to action.
CLICK HERE to examine a number of red herrings.
Step #2:
Watch the video below (and/or watch these videos too)
Step #3:
Watch the video below.
The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs held a “listening session” on April 11, 2024 during which 13 men and women expressed their opinions directly to their public servants.
I realize that the quality of the audio in this bootleg video is poor, but the content is very important. Please watch it anyway.
Step #4:
Don’t believe hearsay. Read the documents for yourself:
Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations (WGIHR)
Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations
The latest version of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations:
CLICK HERE to learn more about the amendments regarding quarantine.
CLICK HERE for the originally proposed amendments
CLICK HERE for the February 6, 2023 IHR Review Committee Final Report
CLICK HERE to learn more about the fact that the WGIHR has missed their January 27, 2024 deadline in violation of Article 55.
CLICK HERE to learn more about how the 75th World Health Organization fraudulently considered and then fraudulently claimed to adopt the 2022 amendments without ever actually conducting a proper vote.
CLICK HERE for all the official WGIHR documents.
The final meeting of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations is scheduled for April 22-26, 2024.
The proposed “Pandemic Agreement”
Read the latest version of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement”:
Be sure to read Article 24.3.
A new version of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” is scheduled to be released (to the inner circle) by April 18, 2024.
CLICK HERE to watch a video review of the “Pandemic Agreement.”
CLICK HERE to review many of the textual changes proposed by the delegation from the United States.
CLICK HERE for all of the official INB documents.
The final meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to negotiate the proposed “Pandemic Agreement is scheduled for April 29 to May 10, 2024.
The 77th World Health Assembly
Scheduled for May 27 to June 1, 2024.
The proposed amendments to the IHR and the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” are scheduled to be discussed on Tuesday May 28, 2024 (see the provisional agenda).
CLICK HERE for the official documents associated with the 77th World Health Assembly.
STEP #5:
Share this article with others.
STEP #6:
CLICK HERE to send an email (public comment) to the employees of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs.
STEP #7:
CLICK HERE to access the Worldwide Activist Toolbox
STEP #8:
Contact me (James Roguski) directly at 310-619-3055 (phone, text, Signal, Telegram or WhatsApp) if you have any questions, or if you would like to help stop this insanity.
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Thank you, James. Part IV final abbreviated transcript of your Apr 12.24 interview with John Campbell.
The new Gold Rush is to find a pathogen with pandemic profit potential to continually enrich dark entities, while instilling fear that blocks human potential to abandon the wheel of pain and suffering and free ourselves from this evil construct that keeps repeating b/c life happens through us.
Immutable and Mutable Laws of the Universe. Universal Law of Cause and Effect #6: "Every Cause has its Effect", "Every Effect has its Cause." In accordance with this Law, every effect you see in your outside or physical world has a very specific cause which has its origin in your inner or mental world. This is the essence of thought power.
Your information is beyond superb, as usual. My question is hard to express, but have you modified your recommendations to be different in, say, the last few months? It seems that what you're saying is different from what I'm hearing from others. Thanks for all your unbelievable work you've put into this.