The People Have Spoken
Here are my opinions and a collection of the comments submitted by readers and viewers regarding the UK Parliament's "Urgent Question" about the World Health Organization.
This article is a followup to THIS ARTICLE.
The United Kingdom Parliament addressed an “Urgent Question” regarding the World Health Negotiations. You can watch the entire discussion HERE, and I strongly encourage you to do so.
Let’s clear up some fundamental, and pervasive fallacies:
National Sovereignty
The issue of “national sovereignty” is a red herring.
Quite a lot of time has been spent barking up the wrong tree.
The unending discussion of “national sovereignty” is a sophisticated decoy to distract your attention away from what these documents actually seek to accomplish.
Please read Article 24.3 on page 19 in the latest available version of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement.”
“Nothing in the WHO Pandemic Agreement shall be interpreted as providing the WHO Secretariat, including the WHO Director-General, any authority to direct, order, alter or otherwise prescribe the national and/or domestic laws, as appropriate, or policies of any Party, or to mandate or otherwise impose any requirements that Parties take specific actions, such as ban or accept travellers, impose vaccination mandates or therapeutic or diagnostic measures or implement lockdowns.”
Article 3.1 of the “Pandemic Agreement” makes it clear that the member nations are actually expressing their national sovereign authority over their biological resources:
“The sovereign right of States to adopt, legislate and implement legislation, within their jurisdiction, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the WHO Constitution and the principles of international law, and their sovereign rights over their biological resources.”
In the International Health Regulations:
No one even mentioned this: QUARANTINE
Article 31 of the EXISTING International Health Regulations states the following:
The State Party may… compel the traveller to undergo:
(a) the least invasive and intrusive medical examination that would achieve the public health objective;
(b) vaccination or other prophylaxis; or
(c) additional established health measures that prevent or control the spread of disease, including isolation, quarantine or placing the traveller under public health observation.
The above is an absurd expression of national sovereignty that clearly and egregiously violates the fundamental rights of every man, woman and child to travel freely and the unalienable right to bodily autonomy.
The proposed amendment to Article 24 would add the bold text:
1. States Parties shall take all practicable measures consistent with these Regulations to ensure that conveyance operators:
(a) comply with the health measures, which may include isolation and quarantine as appropriate, recommended by WHO and adopted by the State Party, including for application on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation;
(b) inform travellers of the health measures recommended by WHO and adopted by the State Party including for application on board as well as during embarkation and disembarkation; and
The proposed amendment to Article 27 would add the bold text:
The competent authority may implement additional health measures, including isolation and quarantine of the conveyances, as necessary, to prevent the spread of disease.
Again, these are NOT attacks on national sovereignty.
These are extreme expressions of national sovereignty that are designed to violate fundamental human rights and bodily autonomy.
I welcome a good debate:
If you still believe that the proposed agreements are an attack on national sovereignty, please post an excerpt from either the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations or the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” along with your reasoning in the comment section below:
Domestic Legislation
The WHO negotiations will NOT require changes in domestic law.
Read your local laws. They are most likely already quite bad enough.
The local tyrants who may have attempted to, or succeeded in, abusing your fundamental rights and freedoms over the past 4+ years did not need any amendments to the International Health Regulations and they did not need any new “Pandemic Agreement” to exceed their authority.
Please comprehend the distinctions between national sovereignty and individual rights, freedoms and bodily autonomy.
Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing (PABS) System
The Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing (PABS) System would NOT require 20% of products to be handed over to the WHO. That is not what has been described in the documents.
If a corporation chose to participate in the PABS system, it would first obtain genetic information FROM the PABS System that it could then use to develop into pandemic-related products. It would have to mutually agree to provide a portion of it’s products and/or profits as payment for the value received.
Companies would not be able to make any products without first obtaining the biological information that is the natural sovereign resource of the member nation that provided it. Only those products that were developed based on the access to the pathogen information would be subject to the PABS requirement.
This is not an attack on national sovereignty. It is actually a powerful expression OF national sovereignty.
Why are we even considering a trade agreement that facilitates the proliferation of pathogens with pandemic potential?
Will There be a Parliamentary Vote?
Many people are confused regarding the method by which international agreements are adopted and implemented in the United Kingdom.
Here is the short version of a long story:
The UK Parliament is supposed to have 21 days to REJECT any international instrument that the “government” has agreed to. This provides Parliament with an opportunity to reject any such agreements This is the same as a pro-active right to approve the agreement. The difference is important.
Please review the Constitutional Reform and Governance Act (CRaG)
The question of whether or not a Parliamentary vote will occur was avoided at least 4 times. Representative government appears to be dead in the United Kingdom.
Maybe the UK government is confused. Possibly something has changed and has not been reported.
Way back on July 21, 2022, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body CLEARLY decided that the proposed instrument should be adopted under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution.
4. Regarding the identification of the provision of the WHO Constitution under which the instrument should be adopted, the INB agreed that the instrument should be legally binding and contain both legally binding as well as non-legally binding elements. In that regard, the INB identified that Article 19 of the WHO Constitution is the comprehensive provision under which the instrument should be adopted.
I published an article about this issue in November 2023.
I encourage you to read it.
The Jabs are Great!
Now that the AstraZeneca “vaccine” has been removed from the market due to the harms that it caused, is this actually an admission of a crime against humanity?
“British science stood tall on the world stage and our country donated 84 million vaccine doses to help vaccinate the world.”
How in the world could anyone have the audacity to speak with pride regarding the AstraZeneca “vaccine” that was recently taken off the market due to the adverse events that it caused? Proclaiming that such a biological weapon was donated abroad is admission of crimes against humanity, not something of which anyone should be proud.
Sometimes government officials blatantly lie in public.
It is clearly the case that the Director-General of the WHO can decide to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) without the approval of any of the 194 member nations.
This is a blatant lie.
And the UK government clearly knows the truth.
And finally, the pièce de résistance:
No one asked the following questions:
The WHO negotiations are based on the flawed premise that pandemic-related products such as diagnostics, drugs and jabs were helpful and that the nations that were unable to afford or acquire them were somehow harmed by the lack of such products. However, any such assumption is demonstrably false. The diagnostics were fraudulently inaccurate, drugs like Midazolam and Remdesivir caused more harm than benefit and the so-called “vaccines” failed to prevent infection and/or transmission and have caused immeasurable harm. Negotiating a “Pandemic Agreement” to divert billions of dollars to the geographically distributed manufacture of such “products” is absurd.
What is the UK government going to do to address the fraudulent “adoption” of amendments to the International Health Regulations that occurred on May 28, 2022 without a proper vote ever being conducted? These amendments are fraudulently scheduled to go into effect on May 31, 2024.
Article 31 of the 2005 International Health Regulations violates the fundamental human rights of freedom to travel and bodily autonomy by stating that authorities can compel international travelers to undergo medical examination, prophylaxis, vaccination, isolation and/or quarantine. Why is this allowed?
How much are the commitments associated with the “Pandemic Agreement” going to cost? Who (WHO?) will receive that money and for what exactly will it be used?
They seem to be quite worried about the WHO grabbing power. Why aren’t they worried about the abuses and crimes committed by their own government? Do politicians want maintain the sole right to inflict mandates and lockdowns upon their own people?
Readers’ Comments
I REALLY appreciate everyone’s comments!
We spoke on 5 May 2024, when you explained to the Slovenian audience what was really going on behind the scenes in the WHO negotiations. Your information at the time that it was not really about human health, but about everything else, proved to be correct when listening to the questions and answers of the UK Health Minister.
It was made clear that the WHO does not respect its own rules (deadlines). The GB Government is not bothered by this and will continue with the negotiations. All that was made clear was that GB will defend national sovereignty and will not allow the WHO to interfere in it.
None of the Members asked whether the measures taken in the 'pandemic' were adequate, whether the vaccines were safe and effective, whether the tests actually diagnosed the diseases. No one suggested that we should talk at global level about healthy lifestyles, clean water, clean air, live food, living in harmony with nature and living a peaceful, stress-free life.
They talked about sufficient vaccines for their own populations, about donations of vaccines to others without addressing vaccine injuries, the collapse of the economy after lockdowns, the sacking of workers who refused to be vaccinated and all forms of restriction of human rights and freedoms.
The government (Minister for Health) has repeated the same thing over and over again, that they will protect the sovereignty of GB, without actually revealing anything about the actual content of the negotiations under the table without the public being present, without addressing the WHO's own rules being broken in the IHR discussions, and also on the treaty and/or the resolution.
All I got out of that British Parliamentary meeting was that they had agreed in advance anyway to accept a deal that would in some way satisfy the profit-sharing demands of the underdeveloped countries and the developed countries who do not want to share the profits from the 'pandemics' (which they are planning for the future). They already know that the pathogens they are supposed to be sharing, which are in fact still being planned, will be used to make new vaccines, tests, measures, all for a huge profit.
Obviously, everything is geared to deceiving people, to jeopardising their health, their freedom to decide on interventions in their bodies, their way of life. Everything to do with 'pandemics' is, at a global level, for profit, for the management of human lives, for the restriction of freedom of movement and for what else, as we have seen in the last four years.
The main players in this deception are national parliaments and governments, who are betraying their own people for great profit.
We do not need any international organisation backed by corrupt governments for a healthy life.
At first I almost died from secondhand embarrassment at the spinelessness of the initial exchanges. The guy at around 7 minutes was a sloganeering cringe in human form. (I'm not familiar enough with British political figures to name the players involved.)
The man being questioned at around ten and a half minutes said “At the moment, we do not envisage any proposal requiring changes to domestic law. I think it’s highly unlikely any proposal will come through in that shape or form”, but then at around 21 minutes said “…any new domestic legislation necessary (or appropriate) would of course be made by the usual parliamentary process, but as we do not know the exact details of the Accord yet, I cannot be any clearer”.
Giving assurances for something one subsequently admits one cannot know, but knows will be handled correctly is just another hilarious example of the "it's not happening and it's good that it is" gaslighting theme that is apparently endless.
The woman who pointed out at around 24 min that this agreement solidifies political pressure during the confusion of a panic and could lead to tremendous harms such as the COVID measures was, of course, right. However, she was a rare anomaly from what seemed up until that point a general theme of advocacy for protecting British sovereignty by prioritizing pharmaceutically poisoning British citizens over foreigners.
At around 28 minutes, the man being questioned let the cat out of the bag and simply admitted the domestic motive of the powers-that-be for aligning with the treaty: the rabid sharing of genomic information was of interest to British giant pharmaceutical companies
Things changed when Andrew Bridgen stood up to be the adult in the room and asked for a deferment on an instrument no one had seen finalized and that violated the WHO's own rules of procedure.
That the spokes-weasel bluntly said "no" made it clear there was nothing reasonable or judicious about the ongoing process.
The last seven minutes were actually quite fun as the conservatives finally started pushing back on the fake need for the instruments altogether.
The primary point that should have been made was actually a much larger point than in pertinence to just the instruments themselves, which is that they are not just bad on their own; they are entirely the wrong direction. The UK should be exiting the WHO, and more importantly, evicting all forms of domestic governance that are the ones actually culpable for the disasters of the COVID era.
That those in power are so blasé over their own crimes they think they can maneuver the discussion as to whether it’s ok to double down or not is an infuriating representation of the level of inertia built into the political sphere.
The question that should have been asked would be: Why do you think that doubling down is the right direction, when compared with outcomes in e.g. Sweden and Africa? More broadly, why do you think it’s ok to ignore the basic lesson of world civilizations up to now that those forms of governance that rely on fear to control the masses are always more trouble than they’re worth? Most importantly, why do your ilk feel the need to play God, and if, in fact, the universe is not ultimately reducible to blind indifference (as has become increasingly evidenced from everything from fine tuning to the measurement problem to obstacles to mathematical mechanization), what do you plan to say to the real God when you have to explain yourself with a beak still wet from selling the public up the river?
Thanks for sharing this video, I would ask them:
-Do we really need a pandemic treaty or updates to the IHR?
-If this is a member led agreement, then why is the “bureau” drafting and proposing text changes and the DG pressuring member states to reach an agreement?
-Will the WHO conduct an actual vote on the treaty and IHR changes or will they just announce a consensus?
-How much time will there be for parliament to scrutinise the revised text and raise objections before changes are adopted in late May?
-Could the amendments be delayed until a later Health Assembly so that the final text can be tabled at least 4 months prior to adoption?
-What is the additional annual budget required to finance ongoing compliance with the updated regulations?
-Is this about preventing pandemics or is it about getting more global public funding for “health products” and the vaccine industry?
-Do the WHO and its non-government donors need to be able to announce more “likely” pandemics so that vaccines and drugs can again be fast-tracked to market without long-term safety testing, shortening the IRR for these products?
Other comments:
On the positive side, it is good to see a number of UK MPs taking an interest and raising various concerns. It is also positive that the text has still not been agreed at this late stage, as this indicates that they could run out of time.
On the negative side, the Government seems to be all in on the pathogen sharing and vaccine manufacturing for “economic security”. Their focus is still on publicly funded vaccines as the solution to pandemics, rather than preventing pandemics or looking at other treatments.
Unfortunately, even without a treaty, I think the mRNA factories will be full steam ahead as soon as the DG selects a suitable “likely” pandemic. The updated IHR will just make it easier for him to declare one. The bird flu is ready and waiting for the ink to dry and will allow Blackstone to monetise their revenue share deal with Moderna.
In a carefully crafted piece , of prepared questions, in " question time" as per the Parliamentary norms,
This is pure decorative deception and the Minister is reading from the script as we see the House,
is sparsely populated. These are for the record, of Statements.
The fearful fallacy of the W.H.O. as regards to Sovereignty and the implication of the W.H.O having
"binding " legislative control, has always been a " red herring" to occupy the space with a litany of
implied machinations of the big bad organisation and the folly of " member " States, with the
ability of the W.H.O. to bend its own rules and regulatory protocols is pure drama.
We a reassured the the Sovereignty of Government and the formulation of W.H.O. dictums and
Controls as regards the process of Pandemic Preparedness is a matter of the respective Sovereign
Nations . And that is what has happened.
Of course, there was No Mention, in this by the British Government, as to its Legislation, and in
particular the " Emergency " Legislation and the far reaching powers exercised in said legislation.
There was no Mention of Human Rights, as to a " Contract of Informed Consent "
What was mentioned was the " viability " of future " Pandemics" Pathogens, " and " the needs"
the Assumption is very clear, all the aforementioned will occur, it's a matter of when.
No Mention, of Digital Identification,
No Mention, of Digital Currency,
No Mention, of International " so called " Sovereign Legislation, as regards Travel.
and requirements of other Nations.
No Mention, of what as mentioned previously what "Emergency Provisions Legislation "
looks like. In particular as to censorship.
I can only speak as to Australia, and the Introduction of Legislation and the process of
the Legislative Frameworks already in place, as to Information Legislation, Digital Identification
Legislation, ( voluntary) pardon while a laugh at this insult, Digital Currency, Qualification as to
Access to Services.
Australia 15 May 2024, the Labor Government, just released its Federal Budget, noteworthy
inclusions to "Spending " over 240 million to the Vaccine Industry and the expansion of production
facilities, with ongoing monies provided for construction, 90 million , to the formation of Australia's
version of the C.D.C . And of course Pandemic Preparedness and Contracts of supply of Vaccines,
Testing and Surveillance, ( there goes any precept of Sovereignty)
Curious inclusion, in the Budget, is the requirement to establish, Indemnity of " Blood Products "
Indemnifying the Production and Distribution of these products, this is very interesting and requires
further investigation.
All the Legislation and Emergency Provisions Legislation, are all in place in both Federal and State
Jurisdictions, nothing to do with the WHO, all home grown Legislation, and the myth of Sovereignty,
is just that, with all the right trigger words included, " The Minister " " Force" " Restraint" " isolation
orders" " powers to enter, search, and remove by Force" " no right of reply " no right to informed Consent"
" no record of interview " "Families separated " Children as wards of State" " no property rights"
" no right of bodily integrity " " no restriction on time to be held in so called " Health Facilities ".
All the aforementioned are already in place, strengthened from the time of Covid , modified and
ready for implementation. Oh, that's right, no right to Justice, the Judiciary in Australia, sold out in 2019, in Victoria.
The Scam Continues. This is War.
I get that the UK and US want to be part of the discussion at the WHO when it comes to how all member nations will proceed during another pandemic. I get the part about collaboration and sharing data. But honestly any signed document holding any nation to that is just folly. Why? Well because during the pandemic we experienced nations like China who had mask manufacturing plants owned by U.S. companies prevent those masks being shipped to the U.S. during the pandemic. Isn't China a member of the WHO? This also happened with mask manufacturing plants in Mexico where they were owned by U.S. companies but they also would not allow those masks to leave Mexico. So when the chips are down any kind of legal agreements will take a back seat. This is a fact not conjecture. So honestly, when a new pandemic arrives who the heck is going to enforce China and other nations to comply to any WHO treaty? Will WHO send NATO troops to China to get masks and antibiotics shipped out? I seriously doubt it. Do we need to send troops to Mexico if they don't ship masks? It is just a ridiculous idea that the WHO will be able to control much during a pandemic. Plus those troops will be moved about and spreading god knows what during a pandemic. We saw that during WWI with the 1918 pandemic. What I really think this is about is not about national security but the rights of big pharma to hold onto patents for their next vaccine they dream up for the next pandemic. I do think that most people around the world have learned how the U.S. bioweapons research caused once again another pandemic and then were able to have a miracle vaccine at the ready which provided profits in the billions without any liability. It all seemed rather staged. Next time citizens around the world will not take any vaccines so blindly. So this treaty is a way to force those citizens into compliance with future vaccines seems to be the long game here. As we saw so many western governments have been corporate captured by big pharma. The next pandemic if such a treaty gets signed they can absolve themselves of any liability by pointing to a worthless treaty we signed. This seems like a get out of jail card for governments from future abuses by big pharma.
Instead of spending so much time and money on this treaty, why not bring back manufacturing to the countries to insure national security when the next pandemic happens. But then again we learned how the masks don't work.
The focus on the WHO seems like a bright shiny thing to keep our gaze away from the real problems. We really need to revamp our NHS and NIH, CDC, FDA and clean house and fund these agencies so they work for the people not big pharma. Corporate capture has been complete with the western nations and this is what got us into this mess. We also need to prosecute those who were complicit and treasonous. People like Fauci to start with. We should not allow any public figure to profit from their positions in government like Fauci was able to get a percentage of the patents they approved.
This is where we really need to be focused on for the next pandemic. We cannot control other countries but we can clean up our own before the deep states release another engineered bioweapon on the masses. The peoples of the world were just subjected to bioweapon war games for profit model. They were that bold to use the citizens to show other leaders how dirty they are willing to go. Hey we will actually kill our own citizens to make a point, so you can expect worse.
The stakes have shifted from nuclear armageddon to Nazi like chemical(mRNA vaccines) and viral extermination which is better since it leaves infrastructures in place and habitable. These industrial military complex corporations are playing fast and furious with our lives and profiting from it gloriously. Our politicians are scared of them too. All the more reason to show that their puppet politicians are not able to take away all our rights. When the rubber meets the road we draw a red line. We have let this go on for much too long and we have much ground to recover with all the abuses. We need to make politicians more scared of what we will do to them with long jail terms and huge fines. We need to begin prosecuting those who were complicit to show the world business as usual is no more. These public officials are suppose to be our watch dogs and protect us. They have instead laid down their arms and let mercenary corporations take over. This is treasonous at its core.
"James, the fact that all of the speakers are in accord that the pandemic was real leaves me speechless, they are incapable of independent thought or research. We must extricate ourselves from any and all Globalist /UN led medical agencies. This is a debacle, no one in the house is apparently aware or brave enough to counteract this coup."
They all seem to focus on their country's sovereignty, which is important, but they're only concerned with restrictions the WHO may impose on their domestic medical policies. Their own government has shown that it is very capable of of restricting their citizens rights without the help of the WHO.
I’m surprised to hear Of Britain’s response, it’s concern since it forced the vaccine on its population. I don’t hear anything here though that acknowledges the damage and lack of effectiveness of the so called vaccine. National interests and sovereignty will suffice, however, it’s a start, but we will still have to beat governments down on any plan to force gene therapy on people.
Lay Down Misère, how many times did he have to say to the WHO, as long as you do this, you know, get the bloody wording right, we're in. These " honourable" creatures NEVER say on our behalf, why should we trust an organisation that was fully complicit in this scam & should NEVER be given additional powers to fleece sovereign nations & subjugate their people to tyrannical whims. More interested in the BS add on of mis/dis information to shut us ALL up. Australia is fully in, you only have to take a gander @ the recent budget, dedicated to indemnifying ALL of the crazies, millions dedicated to "vaccine" factories, digital I D bills rushed through, mis/ dis information rubbish & now including the joke organisation, The Red Cross re; blood products being indemnified against prosecution. I wonder why? Stage 2 of the depopulation plan is in full swing as @ least 80 percent of the world's population is now 100 percent changed via their DNA & the cocktail of poisons forced, lied about, coerced & mandated upon them, fact.
Being exempt themselves from the vaccines (aka experimental gene therapies) nulls and voids all their palaver! These are mere middle men for forces of techno-corporatism and gatekeepers at that too! Give full disclosure to the man on the street and ask for his consent - all can imagine the magnitude of his "HELL, NO"!
The world changes in a day when we all say no to what causes harm. No more self censoring what we truly know. They need us for this to work. It will fail miserably and the path is controlled by the power we give them. I choose humanity and love.
The minister representing the UK at WHO treaty negotiations is clearly on the side of the globalist. He enthusiastically used the words like “smarter surveillance”, “compulsory vaccination”, and “opportunity” regarding future pandemics. His rhetoric shows his belief that vaccines are safe and effective. It was disappointing that he declined to support Andrew Bridgen’s request to defer the May 27 vote and ignored the concerns of the other ministers not to sign the treaty. Only one minister mentions exiting the WHO at 31:58 (good on him). The responding minister appeared dead set on signing the treaty in whatever form it takes on May 27 despite the assurances made to the house ministers to preserve UK national sovereignty. Perhaps he’s heavily invested in businesses that would profit from the treaty. That would not surprise me. He’s a total shark.
My Question to WHO is; Will the UK and other governments respect the the right off the individual always. It is crucial people have a choice but only when full and true informed consent has been offered.
I don’t believe the members of parliament have actually read the WHO documents.
10 minutes in and my blood already boiling. AZ have admitted to a fraudulent vaccine (that isn't) the others will surely have to prove their worth (but can't) and yet the bleating is still the push that nobody is safe until we all are??? The last pandemic? When was that then? 1919 or never. Even that was debunked. Take away the greed and backhanders and there is no pandemic. A treaty needs to be explained to the people on whose heads it will fall. I know from conversations the great unwashed believe there will be another and more and those on 5th and 6th jabs now are walking compliant zombies. Willing to obey. Just have a conversation with a couple and see how angry they are with the unjabbed. Vaccines were not even mentioned at the start for discussion. Only lockdowns. The fight has just begun.
My view is the WHO is a globalist agenda and we need out and a new system. I was struck by the fact that there was no mention of our right to decline future vaccination programmes. Sad to hear there is still so much misinformation within the house on the Covid 19 vaccines and their terrible results.
Hilarie Blair
After mandating “vaccines”, that were poorly tested, and now proven to, kill, maim and harm, MP’s know they have to continue their carnage in England. They, like our medics, do not give informed consent or ask our permission to sign our lives over to an unelected, corporate controlled organisation. They have no care for us, as they have sold their and our souls. England and the UK appear to be lost as an example to globalists wishes. Makes Deagle numbers seem a reality. Can’t believe that in just 4 years, I’ve gone from thinking I lived in one of the best countries in the World, to one of the worst.
First, deep thanks, James, for your tireless efforts in exposing this WHO attempted power grab.
Why was it necessary to change the definition of a vaccine?
Why was it necessary to change the definition of a pandemic?
On what evidence does the Honourable Minister claim that "22.7 million deaths were prevented" with these jabs?
On what evidence is the Honourable Minister extolling the virtues of the RT-PCR test?
Why did flu disappear in 2020?
Since the UK went along with every WHO C-19 response recommendation, why is it necessary to sign up to these amendments?
With 80+ million UK-made jab doses sold during the plandemic, is the UK interest in these amendments primarily financial?
Would it be fair to define "disinformation" and "misinformation" as any statement that contradicts the Government narrative?
Politics is groupthink. You can safely shout "Hear, hear!" to the multiple calls for UK sovereignty, but you cross a red line (to use the Honourable Gentleman's terminology) if you audibly support anything Andrew Bridgen says.
There will not be a vote in the House on the WHO Treaty amendments.
The UK will sign on to them in whatever final form they take.
No no no the WHO are a dictatorship, we must never sign into this, Tedros needs investigation into his nefarious background, anyone pushing these vaccines needs to look into the damage they’re causing word wide.
Our UK government seem to refuse to note that our own AstraZeneca jabs were rapidly withdrawn worldwide due to the serious side effects of these dangerous mRNA jabs. How can they be so ignorant when so many of us commoners have seen it in our family & relatives. WHO cannot be trusted with Tedros, a known leader of the Tigray Liberation Front terrorist party.
If any of them were educated in the fact that it was gene therapy, not safe and effective vaccines, it would change the whole conversation.
Well it's good that the government is under some pressure and has been made to go on record saying they won't give power to the WHO.
Do I believe them? No.
The spokesman flatly refused the point by Bridgen that governments should - under the WHO's own rules - have 4 months to consider a finalized text. He just waved that away saying they're going to negotiate a deal in May..... When a government should have months to make a decision and plan to do it within two weeks you know the process is a sham.
Another point - not a single MP stated that they are ELECTED to SERVE THE PEOPLE and clearly can't do that if they hand power to the villain Tedros.
Yes, they talked about not ceding sovereignty - ie. the government's power - but they all seem to have lost sight of the fact they are SUPPOSED to serve the people who ELECT them. We need to put public pressure on them to get THAT FACT front & center in public discourse: your job is to SERVE THE PEOPLE WHO ELECT YOU.
What I heard in the 1st few minutes of the UK parliament, simply DID NOT go far enough by any means. Because no mention of the possible, probable or likely damage that might or likely shall result due to having received any such 'jab.' No comment as to the dangers or potential dangers involved with said 'jabs' was discussed. No mention of individual rights to either accept or refuse such a 'jab' was mentioned as well. Therefore, I'd have to say that there are those in government, most likely world-wide, that wouldn't hesitate to promote another round of mass murder via a new or similar injection. Right of refusal based upon informed consent was not discussed as well. All the more reason to disassociate from the WHO and to eliminate said organization COMPLETELY.
A masterclass in deception as the minister repeatedly hides behind the ¨we don't know what will be in the final text¨ while confidently saying he is sure ¨we can get to an accord in the UK national interest¨. The expression on Andrew Bridgen's face is priceless when the minister blithely dismisses the notion that the WHO flagrantly breaking it's own rules (again) is a matter of any concern. Conclusion: THE FIX IS IN!
Question: Why did nobody question the minister's claim that the UK vaccine sharing program saved 2.7 miliion lives? He gave no scientific basis for this estimate and was not asked to support it.
On both sides of the house there was unquestioning support, even adulation, for the mRNA potion - which confirms to me that from the minister on down they are all bought and paid for by big pharma (¨life sciences sector¨ sounds so much more beautiful).
The notable exception is of course Andrew Bridgen who courageously called them out and paid the price. He has since stated that on expulsion from the Conservative party, he was told by a senior party member that he was right but that there was ¨no appetite to dig into it at the present time, maybe in 20 years¨. And that he may want to consider his personal and family's safety. So don't be fooled by the ¨awfully, awfully nice¨ decorum in the house - it is a made for tv facade.
Has any government done a serious investigation into it's own Covid response and confirmed what it would do differently if faced with the same again? Not to my knowledge, and certainly not the WHO. Of course not, because there is no oversight body for the WHO, just a 'it is member state led organization¨ excuse. The member state in this case being CHINA through it's puppet Tedros.
Neighboring Ireland has committed to a ¨no blame¨ review process. How generous of the Irish government. I can see the conclusion already - ¨we got it mostly right, we erred on the side of caution (because we love you so much), we did not know what we were dealing with, a lot of uncertainty with a novel pathogen you know¨....No accountabilty please, we're Irish.
Matt Hancock would be proud. Pass the Midazolam Matt.
Oh, and all that pathogen data sharing - what could possibly go wrong? Surely no bad actors would be involved, would they? Strange how nobody had the slightest curiosity about that in the house.
It is unbelievable that members of parliament are so unaware of what they are saying. It is clear that we cannot trust science, especially pharma science, when profits have priority over health. The WHO is breaking its own rules when they have still yet to publish all the amendments on both issues under scrutiny, the amendments as well as the agreement itself. It is beyond sad that we seem to have no-one at MoP level who really grasps what is being proposed by the WHO.
No questions asked about whether the measures where even necessary in the beginning? Was it a pandemic? Were 'vaccines' necessary? Could other medication have been repurposed? Were the treatments safe and effective? How many deaths actually occurred from Covid 19? How many deaths and injuries have occurred because of the 'vaccines'? To be honest there are so many unanswered questions.
Reality… a criminal Tedros is “running” this show. Why is he the face of the WHO?, No one ever addresses this. A rational non-puppeted person would not even consider putting their name on this. First and foremost we must exit the WHO, it is not in the interest of our country.
What fascinates about this session is how few people seem to be present/ interested in these goings on. Are all the other members not present firmly onboard with it?
We have enough history and statistics now on ALL the measures rolled out for COVID, yet NO ONE has taken any responsibility for all the mistakes and deaths caused by these measures 4 years later. Now they want to jam this down our throats so the next set of measures can be blamed on someone else, much like they used corporations for this during the Vax rollout.
I find it difficult that this is being considered by the United States, our biggest problem is the corruption of our own government. We seem to have no method to stop this from happening, as we have been totally powerless to stop sending billions of dollars overseas, so this treaty promises to be more of the same.
Thank you to James Roguski for bringing this clear and present danger to our national sovereignty front and center.
Why are these people acting like people don’t know that the pandemic was a hoax? Lockdown and compulsory vaccination will never happen again in my lifetime.
People need to contact their MPs and let them know that we will never fall for a plandemic again. The destruction that that has been caused are always swept under the carpet, because they don’t want to offend the Big Pharma.
All the people in the government in charge of the pandemic now work for the Big Pharma, why is no one talking about that?
Whatever they decide, these people don’t represent the interest of the people. The destruction the vaccines have caused is never discussed.
Never will it happen again in my lifetime, they can plan and try again.
I would have mentioned the scam that was the plandemic and how there was institutional scientific misconduct and how the government(s) used coercive tactics regardinh vax policies that deprived ppl of free and informed consent (the hallmark of ethical medicine, 'do no harm')!
Sounds like the Ministry representative for the UK has already made up his mind as long as he has more "look at me" I'm in control and want power " irregardless to what the vast majority of We The People ( oh maybe, we the mere peasants want). He wants to make death vax's and not share, he wants to know others business but not share his. Then what really takes the cake is; I can't tell you what the final draft is, so there will be No time for a vote or discussion....just Trust Me!
Only one sure thing is the WHO is Nobody and they need to be dissolved! Everyone needs to Get Out of the WHO! Problems Solved!! Cause Who do they think they are?!
Parliament is a puppet show, controlled from elsewhere. It's a circus designed to distract us all into diving into the unlimited quagmire of intricacy and contradiction that daily fills the press and the media, thereby wasting our time and effort - ultimately they will do whatever they want to do anyway.
Parliament doesn't work for the people, it works for whoever controls (funds? or worse?) the political parties.
It needs dismantling together with the political parties and existing statute book .... if we still want a parliament it must be populated by and work for "we the people". Somehow.
But do we need it, and if so, for what exactly? Surely not to poke their noses into and regulate every conceivable minutia of our lives? And certainly not to poke their needles into our bodies unless we as sovereign individuals ask for them to do so - and why would we? They are not physicians - they are charlatans who removed our health choices years ago by taking over "our" NHS on the pretext of "free healthcare at point of use". Good luck with finding a free trustworthy competent and available "point of use" these days.
Powers must ultimately be delegated by the people to their representatives, not devolved by a self-sustaining but remote top level authority, which inevitably leads to complete centralisation of control (ie: exactly what we are battling now - global one-size-fits-all control by the remote grandees at the UN - which potentially could mean that if they "make a mistake", we are all toast).
And don't get me started on the WEF…
By now, the whole world has discovered that cov19 was a hoax, manufactured by the satanic globalists (not a natural virus), they used the mainstream fake news media to scare the crappp out of all human beings on this planet, when it was actually harmful to 0.001% of the population.
The whole plandemic fake story was a bait to lure the masses into submitting to total lockdowns and mass vaccinations, which later proved to be not vaccines, but a man-made biowarfare weapons of mass destruction, designed in America and manufactured in China, just like most American products.
The good scientists have proven that vaccinated people will have to expect two definite outcomes: they will start dropping dead like flies within 3-5 years.
The lucky ones who survive, should realise that they have lost at least 25 years of their life expectancy.
Considering that the WHO was initially created as an merely advisory organisation, but now, this advisory organisation is demanding to have total control over all countries of the world!
The real question is, are you kidding me?
Abolish the satanic globalist WHO and the satanic globalist UN. Right Now!
Individual sovereignty, especially concerning our own health, is TOTALLY IGNORED in this yUKky "debate"! National STATE sovereignty is the main concern of most of these clowns, except for Andrew Bridgen who points out that WHO WHackOs are breaking their own rules by not having a full draft of their diktat ready 4 months before their current clown circus.
The whole debate ASSUMES "vaccines" (a gross misnomer) cure "pandemics", and that yUKky should be at the forefront to profit. No mention is made about "excess deaths" in yUKky since mRNA and gene therapy jabs were rolled out in 2021. No mention of AstraZeneca jabs now withdrawn worldwide after serious "side-effects", including deaths!
No "virus" has ever been isolated or proven by Koch's Postulates to transmit disease. Therefore, virology is a fake "science" based on unproven theory, mainly pushed by petro-chemical and pHARMaceutical interests to profit from sickness.
This Big Lie about "viruses" and "vaccines" underLIES this whole "debate", and is NOT questioned because Big Profits are to be made from the next SCAM-demonic!
As all responses were carefully scripted, one short response in my opinion, struck the alarm bell the loudest. When the member identified that the WHO has not followed its own rules and suggested that the whole process be deferred. The response was “no” followed by more blah blah blah. The omitted question should have been,”what leverage does whoever have over you to make No your response?”
Japanese senior oncologist Dr. Masanori Fukishima calls on the WHO to conduct a full review of Covid vaccine harms (video on LifeSiteNews). He gives a detailed account of horrendous vaccine damage in Japan with over 2000 deaths confirmed (Japan does autopsies it seems). His video is under 10 mins and well worth a look.
Contrast this with the parallel universe in the UK parliament where the pseudo-science prevails unchallenged. Several members of the house are at pains to protect their cherished narrative from attacks of ¨mis- or dis-information¨ (code for censorship justification).
Never before has a clear and obvious failure (some would say successful bio-weapon attack) of such magnitude been covered up with such a coordinated global effort.
The truth cannot be buried for much longer. And no, we have not reached herd IMPUNITY - the WHO will not investigate but the people demand answers and justice will be done, even if it takes time. The illegitimate WHO is slowly but surely making itself irrelevant. Citizens will make their own informed medical choices and tell government and supra national bodies to back off. Change is coming.
Any negotiation with the devil is a bad one. Turn and run.
Why do you even think we NEED an alternative in the first place? The US does not need or want WHO. Get rid of them once and for all.
In no particular order;
they are discussing an 'accord' on how to manage an empty box - there was NO pandemic, it was a scam, covid was NOT isolated. This was a debate by men in suits about power grab, NOT about health.
NOTHING to do with WHO is in UK national interest - it is a criminal organisation with a known murderer put in place as DG by Gates who is 2nd biggest funder after germany - WHY are they discussing getting a good treaty to agree with, we do NOT need WHO AT ALL.
decisions are NOT made by member states, the WHO clearly states that the DG has the say over what is a pandemic, this debate is lies, and the minister is clearly leading the UK into the treaty, its now academic how they will do it whilst hoodwinking the public into thinking government care about them. They are NOT 'right honourable friends/gentlemen', they are right unhonourable liars. ONCE 'constituents' was mentioned, the rest is what THEY want for their OWN gain.
The attendance is embarrassing, no MP representing constituents, there to keep their head in the trough.
Talked about giving some vials to poorer countries but wanting to keep enough to immunise uk first - hang on, NO mention that the vials are killing and injuring people! Also, this is a nonsense, as if the vials are limited and precious, NO, Pharma will produced (have produced) as many as they so wish to poison the entire world.
This is yet more panto, as a UK citizen, I am appalled at the blatant lies and deceit that continues in the elitists' propaganda that have NO interest in the public, just their own gains.
They act like the vaccines are candy. They are simply bioweapons made for depopulation control and equity. He mentioned just lockdowns but not vaccines. And more concerned about sovereignty than vaccines. These thugs are in it as well. Pfizer and Moderna owns these greedy thugs.
Sovereignty? just another word in their agenda. They are STILL preaching as if a pandemic happened and can happen again. They are STILL talking about a vaccine as if it was helpful against a virus that never existed. As was pointed out earlier by James, they don't need your sovereignty with actors like these in your country. These players must be eliminated in a loving way. We no longer need their services. Thank you.
It seems like the most important thing for the Health Minister was to guarantee the future pushing of vaccines onto the population. There was NO mention that these vaccines were neither safe nor effective and NO mention of the millions of people who have been seriously injured by them or died as a result. Figures on mortality? No. Vaccines??? No. How about Gene therapy and gene modification. Let’s be clear. There was no mention of the falseness and fabrication of the “ pandemic”, NO mention of gain of function research which creates pandemics and should be addressed IMMEDIATELY to avoid future created pandemics. Nobody really addressed all the articles within the proposed draft of the IHR. Don’t they have a cooy??? Or do they consider everything in their that WE know as our pushing of “ mis/ dis information.
Not enough thank you.
Time to EXIT the WHO
It is clear that excessive PCR testing was the main driver in misleading the public regarding pandemics. A better use of time would be to withdraw the public health emergency laws that lead to this disaster. I watched about 20 minutes of this theatre before signing off. James, appreciate the effort keeping us posted!
I heard several members of the deliberating body say they didn't think signing onto the treaty was a good idea. Yet, I repeatedly heard the health minister say he would not guarantee that he would not sign the agreement. This is alarming. I don't believe this man is being transparent with the members of the deliberating body. The U.K. should not sign the agreement.
I believe what will happen is that the w.h.o. communists will make every guarantee the various governments of the world want to hear but once all the nations have signed the treaty the w.h.o. will not honor any of those promises. Every nation should exit and defund the w.h.o.
This “discussion” is a Monumental INSULT to our Intelligence!!! It’s obvious the UK Members of Parliament have ALL been bought -- even those who seem to “attempt” to side with UK citizens. This fallacious reasoning FAILS to speak truth. Specifically that 1. Covid vaxes are Murder Weapons, so who cares if the “vaxes” are given away. They should be ALL Lit on fire and destroyed!! All vaxes. AstraZenica recalled its vax / bioweapon yet after it murdered and Damaged so many .. and many more deaths and Injuries unfortunately to come.
2. The discussions don’t mention EXCESS Deaths!!
3. Merely giving ANY attention to “reforming” a tyrannical death warrant disguised as a “treaty” is EVIL and all who spoke here’s. Seem to be complicit in this evil scheme. The aims of this “pandemic scheme?”: 1. Total control of you, me, and any country that even negotiates/signs onto this;
2. A Great Reset Of Wealth -- the WHO, an appendage of the UN-- Will sent its UN police force to come after your homes, cars, ability to travel, your medical freedom, your economic freedom and-- since political freedom is an illusion void of economic freedom-- yes, your political freedom will be tossed in the trash too.
I agree with Mr James Roguski : Eradicate the Discussions; Eradicate the tyrants; eradicate the WHO that Intentionally murdered and injured more than millions -- its heading to billions across the globe. The counts of those impacted is SEVERELY UnderReported.
Those who Control the Money Supply in the UK (look to the Monarchy) are the same ones who Control the Divided USA -- The Fed, Blackrock, Vanguard--- the Fed is Not Federal, nor does it have reserves for us -- your US dollar is Fiat currency. It’s worth less than the printing costs to print it.
Get silver before it skyrockets. Gods currency ia better than fiat currency. The petrodollar os no more. The US dollar is dethroned.
Silence is complicity. We the People Will Not comply.
The very few MPs attending the urgent question had no trust in the minister and his endless repetition of his agreed script on guarding our UK sovereignty. Says a lot that maybe only 20 or so out of 650 MPs showed up.
He had no intention of agreeing to a vote on the final draft.
He was happy to be rushing through something that normally requires 4 months notice of the final draft, in order to get the deal done.
Gates & Co envisaging a global network of factories churning out "safe and effective vaccines" to cure every known ill of mankind. $$$$$$$Trn
Time to restore common sense and to strengthen democratic process rather than weaken it.
There is dirty work afoot.
It's difficult to stop because it is very complicated, there is no rigorous honesty from WHO about intentions, MPs generally not up to the job and the general public are starved of proper information by the media.
Thanks for what you do Mr Roguski.
It was obvious that national sovereignty was of key importance, plus the harm of lockdowns, & the Health Minister assured everyone that they wouldn't sign unless those were agreed upon...BUT...nothing was mentioned or questioned regarding early treatment protocols, freedom of doctors to use their best judgement for treatment, mandating vaccines as in bodily autonomy & CHOICE, the adverse effects & deaths resulting from the mRNA gene therapies, and the overall undemocratic censoring of alternative strategies for treating patients. Depending on the ultimate consensus of the Parliament, the citizens of the UK could STILL suffer from all of the above issues even if national sovereignty was retained!
The minister of State for Health, Andrew Stephenson (trained in management studies and NOT health), flip-flopped between the words Treaty and Accord as if they are equivalent. The amendments are being carried out by the WHO and NOT by member states - clearly misleading ordinary folk. Transparency is not being exercised and digital health passports (requiring compulsory so called vaccines in order to travel) will lead mankind down a very dark and inhumane path ultimately resulting in an enslavement. The WHO appear to be moving away from a role of an advisory body and acquiring powers that involve procedures that are legally binding - clearing a very worrying agenda for obvious reasons. As far as I understand from this video, the speaker of the House repeatedly stated that he did not know the actual format of the amendments, yet reiterated that each draft of the amendments have/are being scrutinised.
It’s certainly worrying to find that the major opposition party (Labour party) were absent from the short debate. What does that indicate regarding their loyalty and honesty?
No discussion on the ‘safe and effectiveness of the so called vaccines’, which is a great concern, especially after recent headlines were published on the withdrawal of AstraZeneca vaccines.
I was somewhat surprised to realise that Suella Braverman is actively questioning the amendments to the Pandemic Treaty and the IHR, bearing in mind her attitude towards ordinary citizens exercising their innate human rights to demonstrate on the streets of the U.K. for Truth and Justice for the Palestinians who are presently experiencing horrific conditions and atrocities.
I questioned Andrew Bridgen’s stance on not signing up to a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, however, his stance regarding the mismanagement of the COVID19 saga and the rollout of the experimental so called mRNA vaccines, has been admirable. He has continuously spoken out about the injustices regarding this matter and like yourself James, been highlighting the importance of all member states having access to the amendments in order to scrutinise and make comments at least 4 months prior to the 77th WHA meeting scheduled for 27th May 2024.
The speaker of the House seemed to portray that member states have been appropriately informed and are up to date with the draft amendments. This is somewhat misleading since the final draft should be with each member state 4 months prior to the 27th May 2024 WHA meeting.
The UK Health Minister, Andrew Stephenson, was a Vaccinator. He claimed the Vaccine saved Lives.
It sounds like he is favouring the WHO in his responses.
Anyone posting a comment would know the Vaccine, not the Virus, did the damage.
"All Cause" Mortality is a good example where it increased some 20 million, as determined by Denis Rancourt. How do you tell our Politicians this is a Fact ?
The Ministers questioning the Health Minister, touched on, briefly, Sammy Wilson: is sceptical of WHO and conflicts of Interest, Suella Braverman: the Treaty is a Charter for further Lockdowns, No Treaty is better than a Bad Treaty, Richard Drax: don't need to Sign a Treaty, Tim Shannon: No longer be a Member of the WHO, Phillip C: the WHO is failing, it's to satisfy Global Elites and is influenced by China.
Minister Andrew Brigden: Clause 55.2 of the IHR ignored by the WHA. The Health Minister ignored that Clause too in his response.
There will not necessarily be a Vote in the UK House on the Treaty because that depends on the Form the Treaty will take. The Health Minister did not explain the Forms in which the Treaty should take to enable a Vote to be taken. The UK Ministers should now change that ruling to ensure the House is given a Vote on the Final Draft of the Treaty, otherwise it sounds like this Health Minister will sign up to it.
Comments from Rumble:
"1. Missing from this is individual sovereignty.
2. They mention "vaccines". Would this include current and future clot shots? The ones that didn't prevent transmission, didn't prevent infection, did cause strokes, paralysis, turbo cancers, etc.? The ones many people were coerced into taking even against their will?
3. Sounds like the main concern of the government is to keep tyranny of the populace under their own control, rather than cede total authority to the WHO.
4. We did not elect the WHO. They do not represent the people. And those who are supposed to represent us, don't seem interested in the job, only in representing their own interests."
"I could not take watching the whole thing because they all are working and making proposals based upon acceptance of "THE science," which must be distinguished from Science! They have all failed to address the issues concerning misuse of the language: redefining pandemic and redefining vaccine 3 or 4 times. They have all failed to appreciate that a vaccine is supposed to prevent a disease from occurring and that a therapeutic treats a disease after it has declared itself. THIS INJECTION WAS NOT A VACCINE and they should questioned some of the highly contradictory things that we were being told and what was done. One of my favorites was to prioritize the immunosuppressed! Why would you do that when the effectiveness of a vaccine depends upon immunocompetence?. You don't administer a real vaccine to an immunosuppressed individual because it could kill them. This whole thing truly was Turtles all the way down and these politicians all fail to appreciate that the foundation of the structure was faulty at multiple levels. You can only "fix" what is on top. The WHO and the UN need to be dissolved. You just can't polish s#it!"
"There are so many issues being sidestepped"
"Wow! the assumption that we need a treaty… that vaccines are the cure and that a pandemic is inevitable… not one comment on the fact vaccine are killing/ failing now…. that last shit show was created out of china lab by fauci, not nature.. let’s focus on stopping gain of function, vs forcing ineffective gene therapy shots for the financial gain of the elites at head of who."
"Countries are always free to share information and material supplies in the event a global emergency - but they also each need to decide for themselves if there IS cause to declare a pandemic. An organization that is privately held, especially with funding from Bill Gates and the like, should in no way ever be able to declare anything, other than their own dissolution - which hopefully be soon. This past alleged "pandemic" was a gong show, from the initial lies of those who were creating bioweapons, to the British idiot who presented wildly crazy predictions of illness and death, to the ridiculous and dangerous concept of creating a "vaccine" after changing the definitions of "pandemic" and "vaccine", that would be ready within one year, and be rolled out to force on every human on the planet without any proven need to do so. If we had enough adults in the room, every government and health "official" around the globe who bought into the "pandemic" should be relieved from their duties, never allowed to work in their capacity of the time ever again, with many being prosecuted for crimes against humanity, crimes against human rights and constitutions, and just for being idiots. We know who they are, many of them have pocketed a lot of cash, or accessed dream jobs for their complicity with criminal pharma corps."
"Plenty of barefaced lies straight away from the minister; little enough reference to global governance; some stiff opposition from a few but wide support for the top-down, one-size-fits-all model that is logically flawed and has actually killed millions as predicted. Clearly Labour will provide no more resistance than the Tories. No pledge to debate the treaty/IHR in parliament just repetition of obvious lies. No discussion of the suppression of human rights (and immune suppression), general assumption that vaccines were an overall benefit. Bridgen was on point and the minister was clear that he had no interest in the WHO's not following its own rules. Basically there were vague hopes but no coherent explanation of why the treaty is even necessary, no mention of OneHealth yet the govt intention is clearly to sign up without any parliamentary interference."
"It seems the Parliament members are more concerned with the "National Sovereignty" of the UK, much more than the Sovereignty of the Individual Human Beings who live in the UK. They are actually concerned about the strategic distribution of Vaccines, to make sure they are more efficient in making sure everyone gets a jab, in the future with Mandates, because if they are going to try culling again, they need efficiency. They express such a desire for the "Accord" with the World Homicide Organization. These clowns don't care about the Sovereignty of the UK, once some Plandemic starts they know there will be a free flow of money coming straight from the BIS and IMF, right into the UK coffers just like the Covid money. Imagine a product that you are Forced to take, that won't work unless your neighbor is also Forced to take it. Covid was never a Pandemic, it was an IQ test. IHR is just an International formalization of the Tyranny that already happened during Covid. They could try it again without the WHO Accord. If Tyranny is not spread fairly for everyone, then it's not a Perfect Tyranny; these twits actually think people WANT access to vaccines. I wonder if they think we all "want" Vaccine Passports" too."
"Why can't they decide the parliamentary procedure for ratifying? Why does the content of the treaty matter to the ratification process??"
"Chris Whitty (former Chief Medical Officer during convid) is the UKs WHO representative. Whitty was fully committed to the jab, masks, mandates, distancing & lockdowns. The Minister is lying & relies on people not knowing the contents of the draft agreement. Labour will win the next General Election & their absence from this debate shows their intention to go along with whatever the WHO demands."
"Dumb-arses. In suits."
"Instead of discussing how they are going to force their tyranny on the world during the next created pandemic, the WHO's job show be working towards eradicating viral labs that are performing gain of function. Those labs are creating the deadly viruses that are placing the world at risk. But that would be too easy and there would be no financial benefit to be gained by multiple forced pharmaceutical jabs on countless viruses they can release or declare are highly contagious."
"How about getting rid of all biolabs in the world considering that is where this debacle originated. Stop messing around with Nature, you will always lose."
"If he was my Minister for Health, I would be looking very closely at his every move. He gives his usual standard glib answer, and does NOT address very meaningful statements/questions especially from his own side of the Bench, One statement he totally ignored was removing the UK from The WHO, and the reasons given by the Politician speaking, was valid and still are as the World suffers from the inadequate decisions, measures, etc., by The WHO and its governing body and donors directions, and Members of ParliamentS. The WHO and its principals have not been brought before a legitimate body to answer for their gross errors in administrating The WHO. (The WHO presence in other countries and the safety of women from WHO staff?). Especially when one considers that Tedros is to be given total decision making in vital areas in this proposed Treaty or as its now written as an AGREEMENT. (AGREEMENT has a different legal meaning to TREATY. Agreement means that POTUS can sign of on this AGREEMENT without placing it before Congress for their vote/Approval. USA very recently passed a Bill that gives it International Health "interference" powers. Also the ONE HEALTH terminology is involved in this. No reaction to the fact that this Minister states clearly of The WHO not having allowed the 4 months for perusal and discussions by the many interested bodys' IF THE CANNOT be organised to do that and treat Countries with such contempt, does this Minister shows himself in a questionable light."
"Let me get this right. Whilst the last 'pandemic' was in progress every country fell in lockstep and did the exact same thing (apart from Sweden). So as I see it there is no need for a new 'agreement' as the majority of countries will once again fall inline with whatever they are told to do by a supernational body of elitists. The truth about the true danger of the experiment concoctions is slowly being divulged and the true damage caused to people across the globe is only now starting to be made clear. Also we were told a Pandemic is a once in a lifetime event, it seems that has changed to whenever there is a wish to subjugate and dominate the people. Weasel words from sly narcissists and proven liars. Scrap the UN and all these supernational organisations as they are the creators of discord, lies and fear propagation."
"Anybody in Britain who takes any comfort from this 'debate' and any of the 'assurances' given by the government minister is supremely deluded. We in Britain have seen and heard all of these meaningless theatrical performances before and when it comes to reality, when push comes to shove, you can be absolutely sure that whatever UK administration is in power will go along with whatever the WHO (whose chief scientist is establishment Big Pharma figure Jeremy Farrar) dictates. It will not be about sovereignty or biosecurity or the safety of the British people but the reaping of profits by GAVI (to which the UK is a major donor) and the mRNA vaccine and genomics industry in which Britain has invested so much. Most of the 'disputes' and negotiations taking place before this month's WHA are really about the leaders of some of the smaller countries assuring their cut in the profits masquerading as 'ensuring equity'..."
"They're all singing from the same song sheet and any one of these representatives still going along with this corrupt organisation are an example of the ignorant people that have got into power. Hidden in the speech of the minister is the fact that this country continues to push it's so called research programmes on the third world countries. The continuing use of 'disinformation' conspiracy etc is the mantra for anyone who has anything to say that isn't following the script dictated by 4 years of brainwashing and social media response. It's the new normal."
"Politicians in the house are either stupid and disinterested, or this whole WEF initiative was a set-up. Perhaps they all now realise how unpopular the WHO and WEF are amongst the people they are supposed to serve. For sure, most MP's would have read nothing - you could tell that during their previous watery debate. James, you are doing incredible work, thank you."
"The fact that the minister cannot guarantee a vote in the UK Houses of Parliament before signing and ratifying, seemingly deferring UK's parliamentary procedures to the WHA (in extremely time-pressured negotiations at the 11th hour, no less), tells us all we need to know. So too his absolute 'No' to deferring a decision to allow for the legal (never mind lawful) 4-month period of scrutiny written into WHO's own statute. If he and the WHO/WHA, are willing to override legal obligations now, thereby avoiding democratic scrutiny and a national parliamentary vote, he has already ceded sovereignty and adherence to the rule of law - and what regard for the law and parliamentary process will national pandemic measures take in the future? Apparently this is to capture a 'window of opportunity' (to coin the WHO DG's well-worn phrase) as if this justifies illegality. Clearly he is corrupted already and therefore not fit to negotiate on our behalf. And WHERE were Labour MPs? With an upcoming general election, Labour has also shown its true colours - not even bothered to defend national sovereignty!"
"When vaccines are spoken of I immediately think of a lack of #access to social justice. People don’t need vaccines as much as they need living soils-viable nutrition, organized water, mental exercises in critical thinking-education, play, homes, right livelihood, sunlight, healthy relationships and a balanced work/life ratio. Vaccines are the cause of broken people. Vaccines are class warfare. Vaccines are propaganda used to control and destroy life."
"Nothing the WHO does is in the interest of the people, they are a money maker for Big Pharma"
"How about stop the vaccine talk and get the more natural therapeutic studies going fully funded. A lot of people don’t want to be injected with anything, especially something experimental."
"The British government reminds me of a very confident and very inexperienced and gullible tourist marching off to the most chaotic crime ridden third world countries. I am NOT reassured by the responses."
"Under no circumstances sign any agreement and do away with the WHO. It was a nice idea. But egos and money got in the way and now can’t ever be trusted"
"The WH0 is looking for another "Lockstep" kind of obedience from all the governments of the world. How else could they take global kontrol, as they would like? Any government who goes along with the WH0 has no interest in we-the-people. So many of us simply don't comply and our governments would do well to listen to our concerns. Petitions have been signed all over the world now, plus protests of thousands of people in multiple lands. I figure the c0v1d fiasco has awakened many people to the criminality of the WH0 borg and they need to disband."
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Most people I know no nothing about this.
This should be put to a referendum ONLY.
Watching this makes my blood boil that a hand full of paid corrupt idiots have our health and freedom in their hands,