It's really a blatant attempt to make it easier to continue the use of 'pandemic election stealing methods' used previously in the 2020 US and other countries so called elections/selections!

This is a major pillar of the cheating process.

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Thank you, James. For taking all of this time to present this information to make people aware of whats really going on. I do see this Treaty as a way they are trying to mask and steer us away from the real issue of the Amendments. Even in Article 29 it seems to say that they can vote without everyone being present. Doesn't that sound fishy to you? Thanks, for all your time and hard work and for a job well done! Bonnie in Florida

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Sorry, assumption was that DJT defunded the agency and Bidenista refunded it.

In any case no funds no game. Compliance junkies love to be told what to do and then

whine about it. In any case give these mandarins no authority under any condition.

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Hi James,

I'm not so sure that article 24.1 a) and b) are not ALREADY in place! I fly from Indonesia and Malaysia regularly and they "spray bomb" the entire plane with an "insecticide" that is recommended, and deemed "safe for use" by the W.H.O.

When arriving back in Perth recently when I got off the plane I questioned the quarantine officer about what was in the aerosol. He informed that he didn't know but assured me that, "everything is very transparent. Nobody's trying to hide anything", and that I could find the active ingredient on the Australian Department of Agriculture website.

So I went to that website, and no prize for guessing this, there was no mention of the active ingredient/s anywhere I looked.

However, those Dept of Ag pages assured me that the active ingredients were listed on the W.H.O.'s website and kindly provided a link.

After searching high and low on the linked page and others on the provided W.H.O. website I found no mention of any ingredients in the "insecticide" aerosol being sprayed on everyone without their consent.

Except our silence and submission of course, at 1:30 a.m. after these peanuts have ambushed a plane load of tired, weary passengers.


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Thierry Baudet is the leader of the Dutch political party, Forum for Democracy, which rejects the whole UN 2030 agenda.


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There is no need for the WHO, in any form. All countries must sign an "EXIT THE WHO" agreement/treaty. It sounds like most government representatives are still in favor of jabs and the profits the production and the sale of them will provide.

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Well what do you expect when Tedros the D-G of the WHO is a known Terrorist and why he was chosen for the job..very few people know this and it shows the intent that these people have, to appoint a man who was behind multiply deaths in his own country and now they have given him the green light to do that to the whole world..how sick and evil these people at the top really are...

"The Ethiopian Terrorist in Charge of the World Health Organization — Dr. Tedros Adhanom"

April 14, 2020


And again the CIA got the predictions right in 2014 (and have not changed them in their last update so they must be 100% sure now) about what will be the massive depopulation in the West by the end of 2025 (for they are never wrong, as they orchestrate all the greatest madness in the world and not just all wars and since WW2...but Covid and all the pandemic lab viruses that are now coming to us all shortly and that are on the horizon for humanity) where there will be a more lethal release this next time of these military bioweapons... and unfortunately that's for sure....

"DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to Humanity..read and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening"...and coming...


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Brits have always been extremely compliant peeps loving pagentry

There is nothing new about that. No negotiations. Period.

Watching these stuffed shirt is for those WHO.... like stuffed shirts.

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The Pandemic™ is the replacement for Terrorism™.

It's global racketeering for central bankers with the WHO sanctioning the crimes.

It's worth noting that in the USA, "disease management" pumps about $4 trillion/yr into the economy. "Disease" has replaced war as the world's primary money spinner, the elites need continuing large-scale health crises to keep their Ponzi racketeering going. Pandemics are mammoth business opportunities for the Pharma Cartel and the financiers that control the details and direction of policy.

Covid is a criminal conspiracy- global racketeering- funneled through a manufactured "crisis" in the health management system, currently the world's largest money spinner, to "reset" the social and financial systems of the collapsing Western economies. Anyone who portrays it as a medical emergency is misleading and confusing people as to what happened in 2020-2022 and keeping people disoriented as to what is happening today.

It’s imperative that everyone stop ceding ground to these fascists by reifying the Big Lie that "Covid" is a unique disease and that it is responsible for a global pandemic. "Covid" the disease is pure fiction. All the rest of it (biolabs / batsoup / bioweapons / lableaks) is political theatre and bread and circuses.

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Your assessment of Covidiocy is spot on.

Therefore the simple solution is/// out the the WHO, no negotiations

DJT got the US out of the WHO and will do so again!!!

the rest has become a blatherfest

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But "WHO" was listening? 99% of the time when the slaves...er, ah, the people speak, the masters stuff wads of cotton in their ears and duct tape them shut. For the rest of our lives, as long as the demons like WHO, WEF, gates, big pharma and the UN are in existence, we will have to battle their treachery every single day to stay alive.

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so the solution is to give them NO ear

The criminals have been outed and are in panic mode

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Why the WHO Is a Corrupt, Unhealthy Organization

By Dr. Joseph Mercola

September 6, 2021

“TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, reveals the clandestine influences that are controlling the World Health Organization (WHO) — and that have been since the very beginning. Founded in 1948 by 61 member states whose contributions initially financed the organization, WHO was quickly infiltrated by industry.

From Big Tobacco to the nuclear industry and pharmaceuticals, industry has historically dictated WHO’s global agenda and continues to do so in the present day, putting profits and power ahead of public health.1

Bill Gates Is WHO’s No. 1 Funder

In April 2020, Donald Trump suspended U.S. funding to WHO while the administration conducted a review into its “role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the coronavirus.”2 This clearly propelled the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation into the WHO’s No.1 funder slot. Upon election, President Joe Biden reversed the Trump administration decision, restoring U.S. funding to WHO.3


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Dr. M correctly points out who got the US out of the WHO

That guy, yup, Donald Trump. While other thought leaders were teething...

Credit where it is due. If snowflakes do not like it, then melt.

Once defunded its game over for the WHO and the lackey criminals in support.

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Most people I know no nothing about this.

This should be put to a referendum ONLY.

Watching this makes my blood boil that a hand full of paid corrupt idiots have our health and freedom in their hands,

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No they do not. Compliance junkies think so.

Once the boil becomes a simmer, DO NOT COMPLY

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So some suit or female dog in a dress scribbles lines of rhetoric on a piece of paper. Oooooo! Let's cringe at what their bullshit declares or not. Why should ANYONE pay attention or pledge credence to some scrap of paper written 3000 miles from their own zip code? Have you morons totally reduced yourselves to imbeciles?

I don't give a shit what some English Parliamentarian or any other such agency dictates. If someone tries to quarantine me or jab me with a needle, they'l find themselves in a world of hurt or dead. What a bunch of cow-urds... Chose your personal definition here: https://www.abbreviations.com/URDS

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No one should, and all thinking peeps should dislodge their heads and realize as you do.

Who gives a _hit about the stuffed shirts? As you mention they are compliance idiots.

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British working class are to busy working. For the taxes to go to Ukraine and the other countries They believe the media

Because the media is distracting everyone

When we have no food, no water, being forced medication our properties will be taken away from us.

They will then wake up.

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Yes the lower level of stupid. Let them wilfully stand in line as told.

Can't fix this problem nor excuse it.

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Many Americans are in the same position they are so busy working to pay taxes. They just paid for a $95 BLN package of aid to foreign countries, which is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL...sending taxpayer money to foreign countries! Our country is falling apart...and Congress did this. Americans need to do something and the assets of every member of Congress who voted for this should go into the Social Security fund...and not be given away to illegal immigrants.

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The British working class? I've never seen a Britisher work a day in their lives. I don't consider sitting at a desk or watching BBC documentaries as "working"...

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I am just amazed how fast our civilization and what belongs to it righteousness, truth, consideration and so on could just go up in smoke, in smoke. When you take note what the authorities actually say and then dont say, it is just ice bits running down your back. It is outlandish and outworldly and straight out amazing how the things going on now are allowed and not objected to. OF course mass media bear a thick brunt here, not doing their job, but the governments are even worse not at all doing their jobs but the oppsotie. So, I don´t know! Just us, we are at least protesting!

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"Of course mass media bear a thick brunt here, not doing their job, but the governments are even worse not at all doing their jobs but the oppsite."

They're doing their job, Anita. The problem is that we were lied to in school when we were told what their job REALLY is, and that is to cover up what the global mafia is doing. Yes, they ARE the fourth branch of the government, and none of the four branches serve the people.

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