Corporate Colonialism
The WHO negotiations are NOT about health or sovereignty. This is a trade dispute between a group of nations that are demanding "equity" versus the corporate colonialism of Big Pharma.
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Today (February 1, 2024) is the one year anniversary of the publication of the WHO’s “Zero Draft.”
Please watch the videos below…
Please listen to my “rant” from mid December…
CORPORATE COLONIALISM occurs when businesses extract raw materials and natural resources from relatively poor nations and then refine those raw materials into value added products that are so highly priced that the people from the nations that provided the natural resources are unable to afford the finished products.
Oil, natural gas, timber, minerals, gemstones and labor are natural resources that have long been exploited by corporate interests.
In the current negotiations, the natural resources that are being exploited are “pathogens with pandemic potential” (and their genetic sequences) and the finished products are pharmaceutical drugs and mRNA gene therapy bioweapons.
A group of at least 70 nations (the 47 nations of the WHO’s African region and the 29+ nations that refer to themselves as the “Group for Equity”) are demanding “equitable access to pandemic-related products.” They are also demanding access to Intellectual Property, manufacturing know-how and investment capital as a counter to the Informational Piracy they are subject to under the current International Health Regulations and many of the amendments that have been proposed by the nations located in the “Global North.”
In the proposed amendments, they have proposed an “allocation mechanism” that would empower the WHO’s Director-General to have near dictatorial control over the means of production and distribution of pandemic-related products.
The latest version of the “Pandemic Agreement” proposes a Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing System with strict obligations for the collection and sharing of pathogens and genomic sequencing information while remaining quite vague on the requirement for corresponding “benefits.”.
No one involved in these negotiations seems to be capable of questioning the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs and gene-altering jabs because that would oppose the pharmaceutical industry’s business model.
I published the video below on November 21, 2022.
“Everyone will have to give something, or no one will get anything.”
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Nearly two years ago, on March 19, 2022, I published the video below as part of a very large article about the proposed “Pandemic Treaty.”
Please note that they called for a “Framework Convention.”
On November 20, 2022, I published the following article:
One year ago, on February 1, 2023, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body released the “Zero Draft” of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and I published the article below…
If you live in the United Kingdom, please read to article below…
Important FACTS:
The FACT that the UK government was one of the nations that illegitimately submitted amendments to the 75th World Health Assembly on May 24, 2022, in violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations which require 4 months advance notice. DETAILS
The FACT the the WHO has fraudulently presented the 2022 amendments as having been voted upon on May 28, 2022, when no such vote ever happened. THEY LITERALLY LIED ABOUT THE VOTE. DETAILS
The FACT that the request put forth in the UK Parliament petition was designed to trigger a debate BEFORE the December 1, 2023 deadline to reject the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations, but this debate was obviously scheduled to occur after that deadline had passed. DETAILS
The FACT that the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office absolutely failed in its duty to submit the 2022 amendments to the UK Parliament for a 21 day review, and their potential rejection, as required by UK law. DETAILS
The FACT that the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations is openly conspiring to violate Article 55 of the International Health Regulations by failing to submit a final package of targeted amendments to the WHO at least 4 months in advance of the 77th World Health Assembly (before January 27, 2024). DETAILS UPDATE
The FACT that the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations are overstepping their authority under Article 21 of the WHO Constitution. DETAILS
The FACT that the WHO is already building and planning to implement the Global Digital Health Certification Network even though the negotiations to amend the International Health Regulations to include such an expansion of control have not yet come to an official agreement. DETAILS
The FACT that there has been no official opportunity whatsoever for the public to submit comments to either the WHO or the UK Government regarding the 2022 amendments or the proposed 2024 amendments to the International Health Regulations.
The FACT that approval by the UK Parliament is NOT NEEDED AND NEITHER THE APPROVAL NOR THE CONSENT OF PARLIAMENT WILL BE SOUGHT in order for the amendments to be accepted by the executive branch of the UK Government. No such approval was soughT or given for the 1969 International Health Regulations, the 2005 amendments or the 2022 amendments.
The FACT that the negotiations have been conducted in secret for over one year and the latest version of the proposed amendments has not been made available to any Member of Parliament (or any legislator anywhere on earth).
The FACT that Parliamentary petitions to discuss the 2022 amendments were signed by thousands of people in Australia (55,697), Canada (18,973) and New Zealand (26,120) and were completely ignored by their governments and NOT A SINGLE LEGISLATIVE BODY ON EARTH EVER DISCUSSED OR VOTED TO APPROVE THE FRAUDULENTLY ADOPTED 2022 AMENDMENTS.
The FACT that for 76+ years, the World Health Assembly has failed to EVER adopt regulations for any of the issues in Article 21, sections b, c, d, and e listed below. Their complete and total failure to set standards in the past, and their complete and total failure to even consider any amendments regarding these issues during the current negotiations is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.
(b) nomenclatures with respect to diseases, causes of death and public health practices;
(c) standards with respect to diagnostic procedures for international use;
(d) standards with respect to the safety, purity and potency of biological, pharmaceutical and similar products moving in international commerce;
(e) advertising and labelling of biological, pharmaceutical and similar products moving in international commerce.
Under Development…
James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
"One-year anniversary" is redundant - anniversaries only occur at intervals of one year (latin, anno, year). Correct expression is "first anniversary."
"No one involved in these negotiations seems to be capable of questioning the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs and gene-altering jabs because that would oppose the pharmaceutical industry’s business model."
After watching hours of a covid "Royal Commission", I must conclude that this is sadly true, which is tragic and extremely alarming.
The abundant red flags raised by covid, are either invisible, or just need to be changed to green.
Many are still, ether blindly or deliberately, heading for treacherous waters.
EXIT THE WHO signs need to be very big, very red and very clear, to overcome the blindness.
If it looks like a snake, slithers like a snake, hisses like a snake, and has a forked tongue like a snake, it is a snake, no matter what colour it is, or what flag it is flying.