Don't Fall For The Decoy
The World Health Organization's Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be meeting from Monday, February 27 to Friday, March 3, 2023 to discuss the "Zero Draft" of the proposed WHO CA+.
Please watch the video below…
The WHO published the “Zero Draft” of their proposed “Pandemic Treaty” on February 1, 2023
In my humble opinion, the “Zero Draft” of the WHO CA+ is a skillfully crafted decoy that is designed to take attention away from the proposed amendments to the IHR.
The proposed “Pandemic Treaty” is a real thing, but I have been saying for nearly a year that it is also designed to function as a decoy.
Please realize that the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations are a clear and present danger.
I will offer an analysis of the “Zero Draft” in this article, but then I will immediately refocus my attention on efforts to raise the world’s awareness of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the need to #ExitTheWHO.
I encourage you to do the same.
The changes included in the “Zero Draft” are so egregiously bad, it should certainly cause a firestorm of outrage, but I fear that such outrage against the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” will divert attention away from the proposed amendments to the IHR and the need to #ExitTheWHO.
Don’t fall for the decoy and allow the discussion to be diverted.
Direct your outrage wisely.
Click on the hashtags below for additional information:
Below are the two latest versions of the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” which the World Health Organization refers to as the “WHO CA+.” The newest version (February 1, 2023) is referred to as the “Zero Draft.”
The older version of the WHO CA+ (November 25, 2022) is referred to as the “Conceptual Zero Draft.”
CURRENT IHR (84 pages):
The WHO still wants to be placed in complete control (first example):
5. Recognizing the central role of WHO, as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work, in pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, and in convening and generating scientific evidence, and, more generally, fostering multilateral cooperation in global health governance.
The “Zero Draft” now provides definitions for a total of 4 terms:
Article 1. Definitions and use of terms
1. For the purposes of this WHO CA+:
(a) “genomic sequences” means the order of nucleotides identified in a molecule of DNA or RNA. They contain the full genetic information that determines the biological characteristics of an organism or a virus;
(b) “pandemic” means the global spread of a pathogen or variant that infects human populations with limited or no immunity through sustained and high transmissibility from person to person, overwhelming health systems with severe morbidity and high mortality, and causing social and economic disruptions, all of which require effective national and global collaboration and coordination for its control;1
(c) “pandemic-related products” means products that may be needed for pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and/or recovery, and which may include, without limitation, diagnostics, therapeutics, medicines, vaccines, personal protective equipment, syringes and oxygen;
(d) “persons in vulnerable situations” includes indigenous peoples, persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities, refugees, migrants, asylum seekers, stateless persons, persons in humanitarian settings and fragile contexts, marginalized communities, older people, persons with disabilities, persons with health conditions, pregnant women, infants, children and adolescents, and those living in fragile areas, such as Small Island Developing States;
But they neglected to define the following terms, and many, many others…
(e) “pathogen with pandemic potential” means...;
(f) “One Health approach” means...;
(g) “One Health surveillance” means...;
(h) “infodemic” means...;
(i) “inter-pandemic” means...;
(j) “current health expenditure” means...;
(k) “universal health coverage” means...; and
(l) “recovery” means...
Of particular interest is the undefined term: “inter-pandemic.”
Some additional (updated) definitions are provided in Article 4:
4. Equity – The absence of unfair, avoidable or remediable differences, including in their capacities, among and within countries, including between groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically, geographically or by other dimensions of inequality, is central to equity. Effective pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery cannot be achieved without political will and commitments in addressing the structural challenges in inequitable access to fair, equitable and timely access to affordable, safe and efficacious pandemic-related products and services, essential health services, information and social support, as well as tackling the inequities in terms of technology, health workforce, infrastructure and financing, among other aspects.
5. Solidarity – The effective prevention of, preparedness for and response to pandemics requires national, international, multilateral, bilateral and multisectoral collaboration, coordination and cooperation, through global unity, to achieve the common interest of a fairer, more equitable and better prepared world.
6. Transparency – The effective prevention of, preparedness for and response to pandemics depends on transparent, open and timely sharing, access to and disclosure of accurate information, data and other relevant elements that may come to light (including biological samples, genomic sequence data and clinical trial results), for risk assessment and control measures, and development of pandemic- related products and services, notably through a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach, based on, and guided by, the best-available scientific evidence, consistent with national, regional and international privacy and data protection rules, regulations and laws.
7. Accountability – States are accountable for strengthening and sustaining their health systems’ capacities and public health functions to provide adequate health and social measures by adopting and implementing legislative, executive, administrative and other measures for fair, equitable, effective and timely pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems. All Parties shall cooperate with other States and relevant international organizations, in order to collectively strengthen, support and sustain capacities for global prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems.
8. Common but differentiated responsibilities and capabilities in pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems – All States are responsible for the health of their people, including pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery, and previous pandemics have demonstrated that no one is safe until everyone is safe. Given that the health of all peoples is dependent on the fullest cooperation of individuals and States, all Parties are bound by the obligations of the WHO CA+. States that hold more resources relevant to pandemics, including pandemic-related products and manufacturing capacity, should bear, where appropriate, a commensurate degree of differentiated responsibility with regard to global pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. With the aim of supporting every Party to achieve the highest level of proven and sustained capacity, full consideration and prioritization are required of the specific needs and special circumstances of developing country Parties, especially those that (i) are particularly vulnerable to adverse effects of pandemics; (ii) do not have adequate capacities to respond to pandemics; and (iii) potentially bear a disproportionately high burden.
9. Inclusiveness – The active engagement with, and participation of, all relevant stakeholders and partners across all levels, consistent with relevant and applicable international and national guidelines, rules and regulations (including those relating to conflicts of interest), is fundamental for mobilizing resources and capacities to support pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery.
The WHO still wants to be placed in control (a second time):
17. Central role of WHO – As the directing and coordinating authority on global health, and the leader of multilateral cooperation in global health governance, WHO is fundamental to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems.
The WHO wants to create and be placed in control of the means of production in the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex not only during pandemics, but during INTER-PANDEMIC TIMES!
Article 6. Predictable global supply chain and logistics network
1. The Parties, recognizing the shortcomings of the preparedness for and response to the COVID-19 pandemic, agree on the need for an adequate, equitable, transparent, robust, agile, effective and diverse global supply chain and logistics network for pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
2. The WHO Global Pandemic Supply Chain and Logistics Network (the “Network”) is hereby established.
3. The Parties shall support the Network’s development and operationalization, and participate in the Network, within the framework of WHO, including through sustaining it in inter-pandemic times as well as appropriate scale-up in the event of a pandemic. In that regard, the Parties shall:
(a) determine the types and size of products needed for robust pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, including costs and logistics for establishing and maintaining strategic stockpiles of such products, by working with relevant stakeholders and experts, guided by scientific evidence and regular epidemiological risk assessments;
(b) assess anticipated demand for, and map sources of, manufacturers and suppliers, including raw materials and other necessary inputs, for sustainable production of pandemic-related products (especially active pharmaceutical ingredients), including manufacturing capacities, and identify the most efficient multilateral and regional purchasing mechanisms, including pooled mechanisms and in-kind contributions, as well as promoting transparency in cost and pricing of all elements along the supply chain;
(c) develop a mechanism to ensure the fair and equitable allocation of pandemic-related products based on public health risks and needs;
(d) map existing delivery and distribution options, and establish or operationalize, as appropriate, international consolidation hubs, as well as regional staging areas, to ensure that transport of supplies is streamlined and uses the most appropriate means for the products concerned; and
(e) develop a dashboard for pandemic-related product supply capacity and availability, with regular reporting, and conduct regular tabletop exercises to test the functioning of the Network.
4. The Parties commit not to impose regulations that unduly interfere with the trade in, or of, pharmaceutical raw materials and ingredients, mindful of the need for unhindered access to pandemic-related products.
5. The Parties commit to safeguard the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, and to facilitate the unimpeded access of humanitarian staff and cargo. The commitment to facilitate such access is understood to be legally binding and to apply in all circumstances, consistent with humanitarian principles.
6. The Parties, working through the Governing Body for the WHO CA+, shall take all appropriate measures to establish and start functioning of the Network no later than XX. It is understood that giving effect to this Article immediately upon adoption of the WHO CA+ shall be considered pursuant to, and within the meaning of, Article 35 of the WHO CA+.
The WHO wants to speed up the approval of experimental drugs.
Article 8:
2. Each Party shall build and strengthen its country regulatory capacities and performance for timely approval of pandemic-related products and, in the event of a pandemic, accelerate the process of approving and licensing pandemic-related products for emergency use in a timely manner, including the sharing of regulatory dossiers with other institutions.
The WHO appears to be very supportive of gain-of-function research:
Article 9
4. Each Party should encourage non-State actors to participate in and accelerate innovative research and development for addressing novel pathogens, pathogens resistant to antimicrobial agents and emerging and re-emerging diseases with pandemic potential.
8. Each Party shall, as applicable, implement and apply international standards for, oversight of and reporting on laboratories and research facilities that carry out work to genetically alter organisms to increase their pathogenicity and transmissibility, in order to prevent accidental release of these pathogens, while ensuring that these measures do not create any unnecessary administrative hurdles for research.
The WHO wants “real-time access to 20% of the production of pandemic-related products.”
Article 10. WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System
The need for a multilateral, fair, equitable and timely system for sharing of, on an equal footing, pathogens with pandemic potential and genomic sequences, and benefits arising therefrom, that applies and operates in both inter-pandemic and pandemic times, is hereby recognized. In pursuit thereof, it is agreed to establish the WHO Pathogen Access and Benefit-Sharing System (the “PABS System”) under this WHO CA+. The Parties are mindful that the PABS System, or parts thereof, could be adopted under Article 21 of the WHO Constitution, should such an approach be agreed. The terms of the PABS System shall be developed no later than XX with a view to their provisional application consistent with Article 35 hereof.
2. The PABS System shall cover all pathogens with pandemic potential, including their genomic sequences, as well as access to benefits arising therefrom, and ensure that it operates synergistically with other relevant access and benefit-sharing instruments.
3. The PABS System shall include the following elements and shall be regulated as follows:
Access to pathogens with pandemic potential
(a) Each Party, through its relevant and authorized laboratories, shall, in a rapid, systematic and timely manner: (i) provide pathogens with pandemic potential from early infections due to pathogens with pandemic potential or subsequent variants to a laboratory recognized or designated as part of an established WHO coordinated laboratory network; and (ii) upload the genomic sequence of such pathogens with pandemic potential to one or more publicly accessible databases of its choice. For purposes hereof, “rapid” shall be understood to mean within XX hours from the time of identification of a pathogen with pandemic potential;
(b) The PABS System will be consistent with international legal frameworks, notably those for collection of patient specimens, material and data, and will promote effective, standardized, real-time global and regional platforms that promote findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable data available to all Parties;
(c) Access shall be accorded expeditiously by the laboratory recognized or designated as part of an established WHO coordinated laboratory network, subject to conclusion of a Standard Material Transfer Agreement, developed for the purposes of the PABS System, with the recipient in accordance with subsection (i) below. Any such access shall be subject to applicable biosafety and biosecurity rules and standards, and free of charge, or, when a fee is charged, it shall not exceed the minimal cost involved;
(d) Recipients of materials shall not claim any intellectual property or other rights that limit the facilitated access to pathogens with pandemic potential, or their genomic sequences or components, in the form received; and
(e) Access to pathogens with pandemic potential protected by intellectual and other property rights shall be consistent with relevant international agreements and with relevant national laws.
Fair and equitable benefit-sharing
(f) The Parties agree that benefits arising from facilitating access to pathogens with pandemic potential shall be shared fairly and equitably in accordance with the provisions of the PABS System. Accordingly, it is understood that production of pandemic vaccines or other pandemic- related products, irrespective of the technology, information or material used, implies use of pathogens with pandemic potential, including the genomic sequence;
(g) Facilitated access shall be provided pursuant to a Standard Material Transfer Agreement, the form of which shall be set out in the PABS System and that shall contain the benefit-sharing options available to entities accessing pathogens with pandemic potential; and
(h) Such options shall include, but not be limited to: (i) real-time access by WHO to 20% of the production of safe, efficacious and effective pandemic-related products, including diagnostics, vaccines, personal protective equipment and therapeutics, to enable equitable distribution, in particular to developing countries, according to public health risk and need and national plans that identify priority populations. The pandemic-related products shall be provided to WHO on the following basis: 10% as a donation and 10% at affordable prices to WHO; (ii) commitments by the countries where manufacturing facilities are located that they will facilitate the shipment to WHO of these pandemic-related products by the manufacturers within their jurisdiction, according to schedules to be agreed between WHO and manufacturers.
Recognition of the PABS System as a specialized international instrument
(i) The PABS System, adopted under the WHO Constitution, is established with a view to its recognition as a specialized international access and benefit-sharing instrument within the meaning of the Nagoya Protocol;
(j) Upon adoption, each Party shall, in accordance with its national law, adopt and implement effective legislative, executive, administrative or other measures to give effect to such recognition at the domestic level and/or with respect to its relations with all other States and regional economic integration organizations, as appropriate; and
(k) The Parties shall support the further development and operationalization of the PABS System, including appropriate governance mechanisms, and participate in its operation, including through sustaining it in inter-pandemic times as well as appropriate scale-up in the event of a pandemic.
4. The Parties, working through the Governing Body for the WHO CA+, shall develop and finalize additional elements and tools necessary to fully implement, operationalize and sustain the PABS System, no later than XX.
I must simply comment that this section, in particular, really, really, really pissed me off.
To insert language that assumes that limitations on human rights are acceptable into an Article entitled “Protection of human Rights” is the absolute epitome of hypocrisy.
The audacity of the WHO to assume that “limitations on human rights” could EVER be “necessary to achieve the public health goal” and that “people living under any restrictions on the freedom of movement, such as quarantines and isolations” should or could be placated by “sufficient access to medications” is ABSOLUTELY ABOMINABLE.
Article 14:
Towards this end, each Party shall:
(a) incorporate into its laws and policies human rights protections during public health emergencies, including, but not limited to, requirements that any limitations on human rights are aligned with international law, including by ensuring that:
(i) any restrictions are non-discriminatory, necessary to achieve the public health goal and the least restrictive necessary to protect the health of people;
(ii) all protections of rights, including but not limited to, provision of health services and social protection programmes, are non-discriminatory and take into account the needs of people at high risk and persons in vulnerable situations; and
(iii) people living under any restrictions on the freedom of movement, such as quarantines and isolations, have sufficient access to medication, health services and other necessities and rights;
The WHO still wants to be placed in control (a third time):
In addition to declaring a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, “the WHO Director-General shall… declare pandemics.”
Article 15. Global coordination, collaboration and cooperation
2. Recognizing the central role of WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work, and mindful of the need for coordination with regional organizations, entities in the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations, the WHO Director-General shall, in accordance with terms set out herein, declare pandemics.
I do not agree to, nor do I accept this fallacy:
Article 18. One Health
1. The Parties, recognizing that the majority of emerging infectious diseases and pandemics are caused by zoonotic pathogens.
The WHO wants money. Lots, and lots of money!
Article 19. Sustainable and predictable financing
Each Party shall:
(c) commit to prioritize and increase or maintain, including through greater collaboration between the health, finance and private sectors, as appropriate, domestic funding by allocating in its annual budgets not lower than 5% of its current health expenditure to pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, notably for improving and sustaining relevant capacities and working to achieve universal health coverage; and
(d) commit to allocate, in accordance with its respective capacities, XX% of its gross domestic product for international cooperation and assistance on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, particularly for developing countries, including through international organizations and existing and new mechanisms.
This simply has astonishing implications:
Article 35. Provisional application by the Parties, and actions to give effect to the provisions of the WHO CA+ by the World Health Assembly
3. Provisions of the WHO CA+ may be given effect as recommendations for all Member States of the World Health Organization under Article 23 of the WHO Constitution, and given effect as policies of the World Health Organization, understood as authoritative with respect to the Director-General, under Articles 18(a), 28(a) and 31 of the WHO Constitution.
For additional information:
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
Why is Biden Administration ending the ''Emergency'' on May 11th? Is that because by then the WHO will be in charge of our ''health'' policy?? Coincidence?
Red alert!
James, someone is impersonating you. I hope, at least they are not mirroring your site or lock it and and write articles in your name... There have been a few suspicions on my end that started a couple of weeks ago with Celia Farber, but here are my last two finds: