The World Health Organization's Intergovernmental Negotiating Body will be meeting from Monday, February 27 to Friday, March 3, 2023 to discuss the "Zero Draft" of the proposed WHO CA+.
Why is Biden Administration ending the ''Emergency'' on May 11th? Is that because by then the WHO will be in charge of our ''health'' policy?? Coincidence?
James, someone is impersonating you. I hope, at least they are not mirroring your site or lock it and and write articles in your name... There have been a few suspicions on my end that started a couple of weeks ago with Celia Farber, but here are my last two finds:
Something to consider: See: Tenth Amendment Center Article by KrisAnne Hall, "WHO Treaty Panic Propaganda and a Real Solution" The writer states that according to the Constitution, Biden does NOT have the power to force the agreement upon the people. The real solution lies with State and County government. See:
Do you think any people, reading your substack, occasionally or all the time, and simultaneously think that WHO, FDA and whatever organisations that 'work' with these 'institutes', are
- good for us instead for themselfes
-save people and
-not killing them on purpose,
-is/are reliable?
-not an enormous threat to the health and or lives of all humans living on this planet?
Because I cannot possibly imagine that to be honest...
But it is really very neat and decent of you to take those deadly imposters somehow seriously on their claims because I could never do that!
So please keep up the good work, we all need you, especially the ones who still think one or more of above statements are really correct!
I received from Stand For Health Freedom action committee two Bills from Rep. Chip Roy's HR 343-No Taxpayer Funding For The WHO ACT as well as Rep. Andy Harris' HR79-WHO Withdrawal ACT. It is a start and you gotta start somewhere.
This is all such an incredibly insane global power grab. To read the controls over the humans of the world that they expect to have is jaw dropping.
I try to share all of these articles and documents with friends and family but I get the same sheeple reaction, that I'm over reacting, and that I'm a conspiracy theorist/alarmist.
But everything is all out there for everyone to read!
They have to shift their eyes from flippant TikTok viral videos and wake up!
In Canada, the only political party that ever talks against the WHO is the People's Party of Canada.
They want Canada to stop funding them and be a country that is independent of all the global control groups.
But sadly, too many people are afraid of that they will be looking like: un-woke, selfish, hateful, climate destroying, disease spreading, grandma killing, misogynistic, discriminatory, racist, Nazi's, etc if they ever decided to choose a political party focused solely on taking care of the Country they are voted in to run/protect in the first place.
There are too many hurtful/violent words thrown at anyone who dares to speak with patriotism/self sufficiency of Canada.
Trudeau is so deep into the WHO, rumours and articles are written about his desire to get into a power position with the WHO.
The destruction to our Canada and people feels irreversible and plummeting more and more each day:
The new and approved "Medical Assistance In Dying" -allowing easier access to suicide help, instead of prevention.
The very recent decriminalization of "personal use quantities" of street drugs(cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, meth, etc) in British Columbia, is the lastest assault on our society. Don't help humans become free of addiction, enable them greater access to the possibility of overdosing. (A documentary about the Vancouver downtown Eastside, "Vancouver dying", I think, shows the problems, which will now only increase)
If awake people thought the last 3 years were tough....the global control has only just started.
As long as people believe in authority and law, and use their money system, then I'm sorry but that gives these criminals all the power they need. Get off, off, off, everything. Close bank accounts and credit union accounts and learn to live on the cash/barter/gifting economy before they close your bank accounts and take everything from you. Give them a kick in the pants before they do it to you. Nobody gets hurt but you will go forward instead of being like an ant under their shoe.
How do you close the bank account if the payments for pensions and salaries and business transactions are made just through the bank, not cash and what bartering if people do not produce anything. Bartering what for energy, for gas, water etc? Easy to say. Nobody would get hurt giving up at their cell phones too, the best tool for being controlled, yet that will never happen.
You're not going to like the answer but here it is all the same. We need to get off ALL their systems. I'm just saying it like it is. As long as we are tethered to their systems, we will forever be at their mercy. And they have no mercy. We can be using cash, and sure not for everything but we can use it for many things still and we MUST (if we want freedom) We start with something, we can't start with everything. This will have the effect of making us more independent and that will spawn more ideas and creative ways to do it. You are right about cell phones, yes, give them up. I have no bank accounts and no cell phones because I saw this coming and I got out years ago and have made different arrangements even with these strict requirements. It will only get harder as they make our imprisonment tighter and tighter. We can all start using cash and progressing to cutting up credit cards, using another exchange system such as Cannacoin, which isn't crypto, bartering, gifting, etc. We need to start thinking differently and now the need is here which we can actually put into practice.
I understand perfectly what you are saying, denise and I appreciate people thinking plans and future, if you will do it, enter in a paralel system in US at a bigger scale, maybe the rest of the countries will try to do it just for some things, because while all the resources, utilities, taxes, loans, health care, jobs etc are centralized, connected to the system, i don't think that too many will be able to do it in real life. It is a solution, that people with some money and expertise, land etc, who understand where we are going to, can try together to build a different system, yet there is no coalition. We, here and there are too small and too divided, a new system needs more than some new coins and a yard sale ( which we don't have :) .... people will not change over night, but some when it will be too late. It wasn't even posibile a massive NO when it was needed.
I hear you and I often feel yes we have a long way to go. However I keep reminding myself that it only takes the few. I'm ready to do it - are you? And the few who are ready to bring one other in, and that other brings in another, etc. We need to record these things because we can't create anything new without it being recorded, we cannot replicate anything without records, and besides, the data is needed. A website has just been completed to declare our sovereignty. There is no need to be totally united - we just need to say we'll do it and work at bringing in one more and they do the same. That way it's easy for everyone. Here's the directory of sovereigns which is available for anyone to put their name to. There is no obligation, it is merely a declaration and the first step to anchoring those who stand in their individual sovereignty:
What they're doing is creating a World Constitution that we will be forced to follow while doing away with our own. Or what? Concentration camps when we refuse or spread "disinformation"? There is no longer We the People.
Carol did you know the Climate conference summit held on sinai was signed by all the world leaders who attended. That was their world constitution the Popes new 10 commandments a climate based inclusive system that recognizes all faiths as long as they nod their head and kiss the ring. Which you would be surprised at those protestant and others who already did that long ago.
Hi Scott, no, I was paying attention to the WEF meetings and missed that. I just saw someone on Twitter say to watch the Pope and we'll be shocked at what is coming. I'll be watching, thanks. I left the Catholic church when I woke up at age 13 wondering why they're kissing a man's ring and praying to anyone other than the Lord. So, I get what you're saying Thanks for the information on the Amish too. I doubt I'll find any in L.A, (lol) but good to know there are options. Be safe.
We'd better start practicing now how to be autonomous individuals. It is us who must stop using their services and their systems. As long as we are using their money, as long as we have bank accounts, they are sitting pretty and you won't stop anything. You are actually contributing. It's a courageous thing to do to close bank accounts but they're going to do it so you might as well take charge. This will enable you to figure out how to connect with others and when everything collapses, you won't feel anywhere near the pain those still on the system will feel. We can only do this if we collaborate with others.
I concur Denise a wise canadian native and amish encouraged reaching out to any amish communities near you. Organize set up networks, I think we should prepare to geographically congregate into one or two established areas I propose the KY/TN as large enough to hold a great multitude* already has a core of freedom loving independent mtn types. Was talking with Bekah Lyons of Right Wire Report pal talk chat room and web page that posts submitted articles. She was saying the price of land has rose 4X in her area in the past year or two. But just increased numbers of freedom loving saints support your local sherrif we have 90 county sherrifs in illinois formally declared that they will not allow any state or fed officials to enforce Gov Pritzkers unconstitutional ban on firearms. that surprised me. I expected my district and countys would and maybe half of the rest that is a good 3/4 of all Illinois county's defying Pritzkers law. I'm in the largest district that is the least populated no big city in our entire district. Every other district the rural Illini are outvoted by that one big city in thier district and is blue. Not that Im Red or Blue I think It is a puppet show to make usthink we had a say in our government. but they have selected who wins from the beginning. Only recently did they want toget caught* cheating soas to stir up resentment and injustice they want the red and blue to be more and more at odds. Until they can launch a massive false flag attrocitie and lay all the blame on the left, with a cry fromthe rights most trusted leader to rise up and take back their nation. Which is just wanting the two enemies and most hated groups of our true enemy tricked into combat by mutual destruction then they declare martial law and arrest whoever is left standing either side. Then comes the fake invasion and destruction of the USA they are all really already on the WEF payroll. These conflicts are for show and to steal money. And kill as many of thier true enemys as they can under fog of war. type missions.
That is so spot on! That's exactly what they're doing - brewing hate amongst the Dems/Republicans so that it will escalate and then they'll have the people at each other's throats. And don't you just hear it, so often I do, each side saying how bad the other side is. People really are like that meme where someone puts black ants and red ants into a jar and lets them fight it out. We are reduced to a semblance of ants if we get into that trap. The right way to see it is to have no government and that means we need to start building new structures now. And we can do that. We need to talk about them first. I can refer you to one called The Egalitarian Proposal System:
It starts by taking out money a bit at a time and cleaning out your bank account. Everyone should be using cash by now but one can always start. Cut up the credit cards and live within one's means. Use an alternative exchange as much as possible - barter/gifting/alternative currency such as Cannacoin in local work you do or get from others. It all starts with us.
As long as our eyes are on them, then that's where we send our electricity, our power. Why aren't we putting our attention on starting our own systems?
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Demonic Davos Despots Deliberately Designed Drug Delivering Diabolical Destruction
Spent way to much time working on that alliteration. Commendable compilation of criminal elements. Likewise feel free to use any of my writings. Sasha Latypova has some excellent research into the HHS Phizer Bio weapon countermeasure. My opinion on our best response is to encourage everyone unwilling to bow to these beast riding whores. Is that we all form a separate economy. "Come out from her my people" Corruption cannot be healed it must be amputated. "The land set aside for the time of trouble" literal translation of Kane Tuck Khee into English, or Ha Kadesh (set apart) Holy. That would approximately be the the Kentucky Tennessee lands. Although they defined it as South of the Ohio River East of the Mississippi North of the Tennessee and West of the Appalachians. Establish our own food water health defense currency. From my research Nikao Williams Walter Weith Brother Theo Jackson David Carrico on religious history prophecy. Dr. Paul Alexander, Karen Witt, Whitney Webb, Celia Farber, Naomi Wolf, Dr Margaret Ferrante, many others. Data Analysts, Historians, Scripture I hear Separate economy. Recently re-read Matthew 10 and was struck by how the Saviors instructions to his disciples as the time of Judea's judgement drew near. Read as a prophetic blueprint for his servants who are nearing the time of Samaria and the gentiles judgement. Parallels are consistently reliable. He is no respecter of persons. What befell those who were to attached to the world then will befall those who will not walk away from the world now. The wicked rulers have waged war on his saints. Beheading the most righteous of his children for 49 years. "After 49 shekinah (a judgement) I think they will seek to destroy the USA before the end of 2024. Of course it like most wars is a production they control both sides of every major was since 1650 Culloden. To hide the destruction of their true enemies under color of war. And to steal the wealth of nations under fog of war crimes. Prior to the full invasion they will orchestrate some false flag atrocities with an increase of unjust unfair punishing laws of conservative (protestants) The fall guy for the atrocities will be some faction or all Liberals. Someone the right trusts and considers their President will call for help to end the Illegal liberal rioting. When the right ends the threat of a Liberal uprising. Martial law and the guard is sent to round up the vigilante's. Their trusted leader set them up. After that will come the invasion and we fall in one day with every nation arrayed against us, and enemies from within assisting in our destruction. Color of war they already rule our leaders and our enemies leaders. To justify our destruction they will have proof of the USA's guilt in designing the virus and the vax as bio weapons and theft of the worlds money etc. with the aid of the Muslims, the iron and clay mix in the feet is the Catholic/Muslim alliance that rules the final empire. They also control all the secret societies, CIA MI6 FBI Mossad and have from their beginnings. They established Zionism, Evangelicals, Dispensationalists, Rapture theory all to confuse the interpretation of prophecy to point anywhere but Rome. Which the two headed phoenix is now the three headed Eagle. City of London, Vatican of Rome, Washington DC. all capitol cities of the beast's empire. Rome (Religion) London (Finance) DC (Military) just like the old fascist Roman Triumvirate. It is not our duty to destroy them or convert them. Or seek vengance justice reparations from the atrocities that will continue to inflame resentment anger and culminate in an apparent call to arms to preserve the nation from a Liberal insurrection. Jesuits have two main hated enemies. Liberals and Protestants keeping us in constant scripted rivalry and contempt for each other leading to eventually being having their two most hated groups in a war of annihilations against each other. In prayer as to what my duty is I received a word from the lord in the form of a phrase. Harvest as much of his wheat from the field as time and courage allows set them in the barn then protect them until properly relieved by our lord. The evil will destroy the wicked. They will be allowed to bring about their One world rule for a short time. I can't narrow down the time of that best guess final stand for a short time. in 2027 could be sooner can't see their reckoning begin pushed back much farther than that. Very soon laws already signed and on the books to establish digital currency. Also the Zion climate change agreement was ratified by all participants giving Rome full authority to establish Eco laws to fight ecoterrorist with ecojustice enforced by can't make this up Eco Jesuits. smh. One of those laws will be sabbath law no buying allowed which will be the mark of the beast establishing man (the pope) as our authority from which the new commandments are established. from a trusted leader. None of their food, or medicine media waves will be safe to partake of. Even if you could obtain it with no chip implant (Mark) Most should focus on food production establishing shelters securing weapons. For as long as the wheat harvest continues and open hostilities are not declared some should secure as much area that can be held to keep open routes for the flock to escape the wolves. then it will be time to pick up our swords or sell our cloak to buy one. and Stand. Secrets or Lawbreakers will be outside of our fathers will and protection which will put them on the men of the Prowling Lion to devour. My people perish for lack of knowledge, be wise as serpent's and innocent as doves. Haven't yet submitted an article for my substack account have one edited waiting on a friend to proofread and suggest a title hopefully tonight or tomorrow. look forward to finishing up all these new sites and sharing them to pal talk twitter and Facebook accounts. very encouraging to know people are diligently seeking to uncover and speak against this multiheaded Hydra they seek to put on the throne with their Asclepius wielding NIH WHO HHS MDA and CDC and Pharma. Sorcerer's. Be Blessed with faith love and hope Eden tov. Shalom.
We might also quit allowing them to divide and conquer us. We need to drop the race/sex/religion/class thing and come together. We are the many. They are the few.
Why is Biden Administration ending the ''Emergency'' on May 11th? Is that because by then the WHO will be in charge of our ''health'' policy?? Coincidence?
Red alert!
James, someone is impersonating you. I hope, at least they are not mirroring your site or lock it and and write articles in your name... There have been a few suspicions on my end that started a couple of weeks ago with Celia Farber, but here are my last two finds:
Something to consider: See: Tenth Amendment Center Article by KrisAnne Hall, "WHO Treaty Panic Propaganda and a Real Solution" The writer states that according to the Constitution, Biden does NOT have the power to force the agreement upon the people. The real solution lies with State and County government. See:
I don't see any way to exit the WHO. The same people running that, the WEF and UN are in control of our governments.
Get out of the cities. Now. There's still time.
Dear James,
Do you think any people, reading your substack, occasionally or all the time, and simultaneously think that WHO, FDA and whatever organisations that 'work' with these 'institutes', are
- good for us instead for themselfes
-save people and
-not killing them on purpose,
-is/are reliable?
-not an enormous threat to the health and or lives of all humans living on this planet?
Because I cannot possibly imagine that to be honest...
But it is really very neat and decent of you to take those deadly imposters somehow seriously on their claims because I could never do that!
So please keep up the good work, we all need you, especially the ones who still think one or more of above statements are really correct!
I received from Stand For Health Freedom action committee two Bills from Rep. Chip Roy's HR 343-No Taxpayer Funding For The WHO ACT as well as Rep. Andy Harris' HR79-WHO Withdrawal ACT. It is a start and you gotta start somewhere.
Chip Roy one of the few reps I have any faith in these days. I sure hope he has diligent angels watching his back in that nest of vipers. called DC
I agree, I was hoping that Rep Roy would become the next speaker of the house. I hope that my, Rep. Lawler, will support those amendments.
I thought the same thing suggested Him and Larry Elder or Kari Lake but obviously party Republicans hate her.
Thank you for putting this all together!!
I can't continue to say "unbelievable" anymore!
This is all such an incredibly insane global power grab. To read the controls over the humans of the world that they expect to have is jaw dropping.
I try to share all of these articles and documents with friends and family but I get the same sheeple reaction, that I'm over reacting, and that I'm a conspiracy theorist/alarmist.
But everything is all out there for everyone to read!
They have to shift their eyes from flippant TikTok viral videos and wake up!
In Canada, the only political party that ever talks against the WHO is the People's Party of Canada.
They want Canada to stop funding them and be a country that is independent of all the global control groups.
But sadly, too many people are afraid of that they will be looking like: un-woke, selfish, hateful, climate destroying, disease spreading, grandma killing, misogynistic, discriminatory, racist, Nazi's, etc if they ever decided to choose a political party focused solely on taking care of the Country they are voted in to run/protect in the first place.
There are too many hurtful/violent words thrown at anyone who dares to speak with patriotism/self sufficiency of Canada.
Trudeau is so deep into the WHO, rumours and articles are written about his desire to get into a power position with the WHO.
The destruction to our Canada and people feels irreversible and plummeting more and more each day:
The new and approved "Medical Assistance In Dying" -allowing easier access to suicide help, instead of prevention.
The very recent decriminalization of "personal use quantities" of street drugs(cocaine, heroin, fentanyl, meth, etc) in British Columbia, is the lastest assault on our society. Don't help humans become free of addiction, enable them greater access to the possibility of overdosing. (A documentary about the Vancouver downtown Eastside, "Vancouver dying", I think, shows the problems, which will now only increase)
If awake people thought the last 3 years were tough....the global control has only just started.
God help us all🙏🏻
Thank you for letting me rant.
Dr Astrid Stuckelburger agrees with you - here is an interview in which she expresses her concerns about WHO and those manipulating it.
The WHO doesn't matter; the politicians who are usurping the power of signing the document do.
Tyranny under "public health" is only part of the globalist scheme:
WHO is a big fat ZERO. Exactly who am I accountable to? Did I sign any "accountability" documents?
Lets remove their fuel; which is funding and our fear of contagion
Thank you James.
As long as people believe in authority and law, and use their money system, then I'm sorry but that gives these criminals all the power they need. Get off, off, off, everything. Close bank accounts and credit union accounts and learn to live on the cash/barter/gifting economy before they close your bank accounts and take everything from you. Give them a kick in the pants before they do it to you. Nobody gets hurt but you will go forward instead of being like an ant under their shoe.
How do you close the bank account if the payments for pensions and salaries and business transactions are made just through the bank, not cash and what bartering if people do not produce anything. Bartering what for energy, for gas, water etc? Easy to say. Nobody would get hurt giving up at their cell phones too, the best tool for being controlled, yet that will never happen.
You're not going to like the answer but here it is all the same. We need to get off ALL their systems. I'm just saying it like it is. As long as we are tethered to their systems, we will forever be at their mercy. And they have no mercy. We can be using cash, and sure not for everything but we can use it for many things still and we MUST (if we want freedom) We start with something, we can't start with everything. This will have the effect of making us more independent and that will spawn more ideas and creative ways to do it. You are right about cell phones, yes, give them up. I have no bank accounts and no cell phones because I saw this coming and I got out years ago and have made different arrangements even with these strict requirements. It will only get harder as they make our imprisonment tighter and tighter. We can all start using cash and progressing to cutting up credit cards, using another exchange system such as Cannacoin, which isn't crypto, bartering, gifting, etc. We need to start thinking differently and now the need is here which we can actually put into practice.
I understand perfectly what you are saying, denise and I appreciate people thinking plans and future, if you will do it, enter in a paralel system in US at a bigger scale, maybe the rest of the countries will try to do it just for some things, because while all the resources, utilities, taxes, loans, health care, jobs etc are centralized, connected to the system, i don't think that too many will be able to do it in real life. It is a solution, that people with some money and expertise, land etc, who understand where we are going to, can try together to build a different system, yet there is no coalition. We, here and there are too small and too divided, a new system needs more than some new coins and a yard sale ( which we don't have :) .... people will not change over night, but some when it will be too late. It wasn't even posibile a massive NO when it was needed.
I hear you and I often feel yes we have a long way to go. However I keep reminding myself that it only takes the few. I'm ready to do it - are you? And the few who are ready to bring one other in, and that other brings in another, etc. We need to record these things because we can't create anything new without it being recorded, we cannot replicate anything without records, and besides, the data is needed. A website has just been completed to declare our sovereignty. There is no need to be totally united - we just need to say we'll do it and work at bringing in one more and they do the same. That way it's easy for everyone. Here's the directory of sovereigns which is available for anyone to put their name to. There is no obligation, it is merely a declaration and the first step to anchoring those who stand in their individual sovereignty:
Thank you for all you do, James.
What they're doing is creating a World Constitution that we will be forced to follow while doing away with our own. Or what? Concentration camps when we refuse or spread "disinformation"? There is no longer We the People.
It must be stopped now!
Carol did you know the Climate conference summit held on sinai was signed by all the world leaders who attended. That was their world constitution the Popes new 10 commandments a climate based inclusive system that recognizes all faiths as long as they nod their head and kiss the ring. Which you would be surprised at those protestant and others who already did that long ago.
Hi Scott, no, I was paying attention to the WEF meetings and missed that. I just saw someone on Twitter say to watch the Pope and we'll be shocked at what is coming. I'll be watching, thanks. I left the Catholic church when I woke up at age 13 wondering why they're kissing a man's ring and praying to anyone other than the Lord. So, I get what you're saying Thanks for the information on the Amish too. I doubt I'll find any in L.A, (lol) but good to know there are options. Be safe.
We'd better start practicing now how to be autonomous individuals. It is us who must stop using their services and their systems. As long as we are using their money, as long as we have bank accounts, they are sitting pretty and you won't stop anything. You are actually contributing. It's a courageous thing to do to close bank accounts but they're going to do it so you might as well take charge. This will enable you to figure out how to connect with others and when everything collapses, you won't feel anywhere near the pain those still on the system will feel. We can only do this if we collaborate with others.
I concur Denise a wise canadian native and amish encouraged reaching out to any amish communities near you. Organize set up networks, I think we should prepare to geographically congregate into one or two established areas I propose the KY/TN as large enough to hold a great multitude* already has a core of freedom loving independent mtn types. Was talking with Bekah Lyons of Right Wire Report pal talk chat room and web page that posts submitted articles. She was saying the price of land has rose 4X in her area in the past year or two. But just increased numbers of freedom loving saints support your local sherrif we have 90 county sherrifs in illinois formally declared that they will not allow any state or fed officials to enforce Gov Pritzkers unconstitutional ban on firearms. that surprised me. I expected my district and countys would and maybe half of the rest that is a good 3/4 of all Illinois county's defying Pritzkers law. I'm in the largest district that is the least populated no big city in our entire district. Every other district the rural Illini are outvoted by that one big city in thier district and is blue. Not that Im Red or Blue I think It is a puppet show to make usthink we had a say in our government. but they have selected who wins from the beginning. Only recently did they want toget caught* cheating soas to stir up resentment and injustice they want the red and blue to be more and more at odds. Until they can launch a massive false flag attrocitie and lay all the blame on the left, with a cry fromthe rights most trusted leader to rise up and take back their nation. Which is just wanting the two enemies and most hated groups of our true enemy tricked into combat by mutual destruction then they declare martial law and arrest whoever is left standing either side. Then comes the fake invasion and destruction of the USA they are all really already on the WEF payroll. These conflicts are for show and to steal money. And kill as many of thier true enemys as they can under fog of war. type missions.
That is so spot on! That's exactly what they're doing - brewing hate amongst the Dems/Republicans so that it will escalate and then they'll have the people at each other's throats. And don't you just hear it, so often I do, each side saying how bad the other side is. People really are like that meme where someone puts black ants and red ants into a jar and lets them fight it out. We are reduced to a semblance of ants if we get into that trap. The right way to see it is to have no government and that means we need to start building new structures now. And we can do that. We need to talk about them first. I can refer you to one called The Egalitarian Proposal System:
You're so right, Denise. Trying to figure out how to do that.
It starts by taking out money a bit at a time and cleaning out your bank account. Everyone should be using cash by now but one can always start. Cut up the credit cards and live within one's means. Use an alternative exchange as much as possible - barter/gifting/alternative currency such as Cannacoin in local work you do or get from others. It all starts with us.
Thank you. I'll check your substack. 👍
As long as our eyes are on them, then that's where we send our electricity, our power. Why aren't we putting our attention on starting our own systems?
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf:
Demonic Davos Despots Deliberately Designed Drug Delivering Diabolical Destruction
Spent way to much time working on that alliteration. Commendable compilation of criminal elements. Likewise feel free to use any of my writings. Sasha Latypova has some excellent research into the HHS Phizer Bio weapon countermeasure. My opinion on our best response is to encourage everyone unwilling to bow to these beast riding whores. Is that we all form a separate economy. "Come out from her my people" Corruption cannot be healed it must be amputated. "The land set aside for the time of trouble" literal translation of Kane Tuck Khee into English, or Ha Kadesh (set apart) Holy. That would approximately be the the Kentucky Tennessee lands. Although they defined it as South of the Ohio River East of the Mississippi North of the Tennessee and West of the Appalachians. Establish our own food water health defense currency. From my research Nikao Williams Walter Weith Brother Theo Jackson David Carrico on religious history prophecy. Dr. Paul Alexander, Karen Witt, Whitney Webb, Celia Farber, Naomi Wolf, Dr Margaret Ferrante, many others. Data Analysts, Historians, Scripture I hear Separate economy. Recently re-read Matthew 10 and was struck by how the Saviors instructions to his disciples as the time of Judea's judgement drew near. Read as a prophetic blueprint for his servants who are nearing the time of Samaria and the gentiles judgement. Parallels are consistently reliable. He is no respecter of persons. What befell those who were to attached to the world then will befall those who will not walk away from the world now. The wicked rulers have waged war on his saints. Beheading the most righteous of his children for 49 years. "After 49 shekinah (a judgement) I think they will seek to destroy the USA before the end of 2024. Of course it like most wars is a production they control both sides of every major was since 1650 Culloden. To hide the destruction of their true enemies under color of war. And to steal the wealth of nations under fog of war crimes. Prior to the full invasion they will orchestrate some false flag atrocities with an increase of unjust unfair punishing laws of conservative (protestants) The fall guy for the atrocities will be some faction or all Liberals. Someone the right trusts and considers their President will call for help to end the Illegal liberal rioting. When the right ends the threat of a Liberal uprising. Martial law and the guard is sent to round up the vigilante's. Their trusted leader set them up. After that will come the invasion and we fall in one day with every nation arrayed against us, and enemies from within assisting in our destruction. Color of war they already rule our leaders and our enemies leaders. To justify our destruction they will have proof of the USA's guilt in designing the virus and the vax as bio weapons and theft of the worlds money etc. with the aid of the Muslims, the iron and clay mix in the feet is the Catholic/Muslim alliance that rules the final empire. They also control all the secret societies, CIA MI6 FBI Mossad and have from their beginnings. They established Zionism, Evangelicals, Dispensationalists, Rapture theory all to confuse the interpretation of prophecy to point anywhere but Rome. Which the two headed phoenix is now the three headed Eagle. City of London, Vatican of Rome, Washington DC. all capitol cities of the beast's empire. Rome (Religion) London (Finance) DC (Military) just like the old fascist Roman Triumvirate. It is not our duty to destroy them or convert them. Or seek vengance justice reparations from the atrocities that will continue to inflame resentment anger and culminate in an apparent call to arms to preserve the nation from a Liberal insurrection. Jesuits have two main hated enemies. Liberals and Protestants keeping us in constant scripted rivalry and contempt for each other leading to eventually being having their two most hated groups in a war of annihilations against each other. In prayer as to what my duty is I received a word from the lord in the form of a phrase. Harvest as much of his wheat from the field as time and courage allows set them in the barn then protect them until properly relieved by our lord. The evil will destroy the wicked. They will be allowed to bring about their One world rule for a short time. I can't narrow down the time of that best guess final stand for a short time. in 2027 could be sooner can't see their reckoning begin pushed back much farther than that. Very soon laws already signed and on the books to establish digital currency. Also the Zion climate change agreement was ratified by all participants giving Rome full authority to establish Eco laws to fight ecoterrorist with ecojustice enforced by can't make this up Eco Jesuits. smh. One of those laws will be sabbath law no buying allowed which will be the mark of the beast establishing man (the pope) as our authority from which the new commandments are established. from a trusted leader. None of their food, or medicine media waves will be safe to partake of. Even if you could obtain it with no chip implant (Mark) Most should focus on food production establishing shelters securing weapons. For as long as the wheat harvest continues and open hostilities are not declared some should secure as much area that can be held to keep open routes for the flock to escape the wolves. then it will be time to pick up our swords or sell our cloak to buy one. and Stand. Secrets or Lawbreakers will be outside of our fathers will and protection which will put them on the men of the Prowling Lion to devour. My people perish for lack of knowledge, be wise as serpent's and innocent as doves. Haven't yet submitted an article for my substack account have one edited waiting on a friend to proofread and suggest a title hopefully tonight or tomorrow. look forward to finishing up all these new sites and sharing them to pal talk twitter and Facebook accounts. very encouraging to know people are diligently seeking to uncover and speak against this multiheaded Hydra they seek to put on the throne with their Asclepius wielding NIH WHO HHS MDA and CDC and Pharma. Sorcerer's. Be Blessed with faith love and hope Eden tov. Shalom.
don't forget Wellcome Trust
We might also quit allowing them to divide and conquer us. We need to drop the race/sex/religion/class thing and come together. We are the many. They are the few.
What do you suggest we come together and do?
Organize, Agitate, Educate
Yes that's right. I'm doing those things and it would be good if more and more would.