Hi James, I deeply appreciate your hard work and dedication to your purpose! Just to let you know that you are recognised and truly appreciated. Your work is invaluable. I would love to connect and be able to help you on your mission to spread the awareness in the UK. Yet, we have to be vigilant and on our toes as the 'devil is in the details.' Critical thinking and evaluation is a must. Not everyone who seems as a 'rescuer' is on the side of truth and sincerity in the best interest of humanity. We should not be surprised by my statement taking into consideration the events of the recent years. The exposure of the truth and its host needs to be also questioned before is submitted to the public. As difficult as it is to accept, that is a must. Sending love and wishes of strength and perseverance from London. 💗

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@James Roguski

Many of the hhs.gov e-mail addresses don't work. They must have deleted/changed them. I copied and pasted all the addresses starting with a, then b, c and d. The second one came back like a boomerang.

Just thought I'd let you know.

...., or maybe they simply block us one by one.

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I also thank James for rising the alarm and for keeping us up-to-date on what the world hell organisation does. Brilliant work! but I also thank all of you for your sophisticated in depth comments and views! reading them make me feel better, much better than before - the people all around me talk all the time of other things and on another level, have nothing to say to that level. you are the best think tank I ever heard of, you are brilliant, thank you!

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Bud: You can’t come in here!

Lou: Why not?

Bud: Because you’re unvaccinated.

Lou: Well, why do these people get to go in?

Bud: Because they’re vaccinated.

Lou: Who told them to get vaccinated?

Bud: Yes.

Lou: That’s what I’m asking.

Bud: W.H.O. recommended it.

Lou: That's what I want to find out.

Bud: Yes, W.H.O.

Lou: I mean the organization's name.

Bud: W.H.O.

Lou: I'm asking YOU who recommended it.

Bud: That's the organization’s name.

Lou: That's who's name?

Bud: Yes.


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then 1 out of 5000 die.

1 out of 500 have life long health problems.

Teenagers get turbo cancer or heart attacks

Not funny a-hole

We are in war. I don't see the joke.

They murdered over 10 million

and still the covid shots are being given in every US state and almost every country.

go shove your jokes somewhere else.

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517 USA’s in this document. It might as well be in Martian since it is such a horrid mess.

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Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

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This document is a FIASCO. What sort of fools would give The WHO control over all matters pertaining to "health"? It just boggles the mind.

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Thank you, James. I will relish sending her a piece of my mind.

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Magnitude 12 Earthquake with tsunami planned for August 16, 2024.

Plans to murder 5 billions in one day


vessels carryng Uranium from Russia were held in Germany

Russian ship carrying nuclear fuel for US nuclear power plant detained in German port


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Thank you so much James and Helpers!

In the end tweaking this filth is not going to work. We must refuse it and the WHO completely!

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what a load of crap. lets leave doctors the right to practice and throw out this rubbish. USA 512, uk 278, can 219 rus 178 chn 269 The USA has the most edits. Why? Does BMG factor into this crapola for input? What has centralization ever brought but tyranny to the people. Decentralization is more competition, innovation and freedom of choice, that benefits the people. The WHO have got it wrong for so long, they are racketeering. Making money from fleecing third world countries with IMF loans to take the top class health solution that BMG and Welcome Trust provides with their charitable donations to benefit the stocks they own.

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To summarize that document is to simple say they are indeed doing racketeering but the money is coming from taxpayers of every nation we force this down their throats as safe and effective by manipulation of the narrative. Hamamoto, what is her connection to the BMG, welcome trust, Hopkins et al.? I would love to see a deep dive investigation of her financially.

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Apr 6Edited

Will dive in when I have the time. Thank you. Expecting the worst.

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Thanks James, but I haven't time to scroll 110 pages to find the UK was, at best, impotent, in contesting this thinly veiled (WEF - New World Order) Enslavement Contract.

Incredibly, some suckers fell for Covid & the CURE that became, almost immediately, (and magically) available.

Some blindly accepted the experimental injections 'hook, line and sinker'!

Some didn't enquire of the injections side effects (giving their informed consent) as was there right.

Some still believe that the medical profession is honest and not motivated by fear or profit.

Some even still believe Covid was natural.

Some never bothered to establish whether the 'new experimental' injections were 'SAFE & EFFECTIVE' and save lives.

Some still think Big Pharma, governments, medics, the authorities, the media, are honest.

Some became ill as a result of their unquestioning TRUST of authority. Some - maybe permanently.

Some still accept the (DEADLY) SAFE and EFFECTIVE injection which carries NO LIABILITY!

Many died as a result of their stupidity. Can you believe it?

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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On page 14 I noticed the wording in the amended version. I edited two words to upper case. Imagine them still using these two words together. They did put affordable in between, I'll give them that.

(m) “universal health coverage” means that all people have access to the full range of

quality health services they need, when and where they need them [at all times and in

all circumstances (PSE)], without financial hardship. It covers the full continuum of

essential health services, from health promotion to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation

and palliative care [essential, SAFE, affordable, EFFECTIVE and quality health products with

a special emphasis on the poor, vulnerable and marginalized segments of the population


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Notice that they REALLY want those poor, vulnerable and marginalized people to have access to all this safety and effectiveness they have in store for us...

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That's only half the story. The oligarchs in the "shit-hole countries" want their equitable share of the global pie.

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