What a Mess
This article contains a leaked version of the negotiating text of the proposed Pandemic Agreement from March 27, 2024.
The March 27, 2024 Version of the "Pandemic Agreement"
During the most recent secret meetings (March 18-28, 2024), thousands of text edits were proposed to the “Pandemic Treaty” by the member nations. The result is a 110 page document that is, in my opinion, an absolute mess!
The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body has stated that they hope to clean up this mess and circulate a new version of the "Pandemic Agreement" (in English) by April 18, 2024.
I invite everyone to search the document for the three letter abbreviation of their country’s name (such as USA) and post your opinion of the suggested edits that were proposed by your country.
Please review all the proposed amendments proposed by the USA so that we can compliment our delegates on their fine efforts, or criticize them for their failures, as appropriate.
Thanks Sheila!
If you have not yet done so, please watch the videos below…
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
I’ve pointed out repeatedly that the very idea of a central authority to cope with a NOVEL circumstance is the very WORST possible model.
By definition, a “pandemic of a novel pathogen” is new.
This means with absolute certainty that NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IS BEST TO DO.
Not even WHO. Ha ha, they are arguably the worst single authority to opine of what hundreds of countries should do in response.
So to outcomes.
1. The central authority will issue orders which no one knows is even reasonable, let alone optimal.
2. Assuming a new crisis was ever out behind us, we’d have learned nothing. This because we’d stil not know if what had been imposed by suboptimal or not. Furthermore, we would not have learned what worked better & what worse. It guarantees we’re left in a worse position than if they didn’t exist.
3. Humans are very good at solving novel problems like this. Local groups (regional, national etc) do their expert best, and they will be the equal of WHO from a theoretical perspective and automatically superior from a national perspective because they have local knowledge. The large number of individual responses yields the huge benefit of differing results. This plus excellent communication is the pinnacle. It’s not even theoretically possible to do better.
I must add a CRUCIAL rider. I do not believe global pandemics are even possible immunologically. If it was, we’d have been wiped out numerous times. Yet this hasn’t ever happened.
The bubonic plagues were not pandemics. They were the same pathogens as kill tiny numbers of people today. They were new back then, either.
The dreadful happenings flowed from large numbers of people who were malnourished after a series of poor crop yields and crop failures. Some evidence suggests this was secondary to solar minima.
Only TESTDEMICS. The planned misuse of tests based on PCR, deliberately misattribution of illness and deaths, is what enables the appearance of infectious disease events, which are not real.
These have occurred repeatedly because as Cary Mullis often explained, you cannot apply his method to clinical diagnostics.
I believe genuine mistakes in the past were the model for intentional deception in the “covid pandemic” and it is the intended centralisation of power at WHO that the evil elites plan to use to install digital, totalitarian control systems.
Nothing could be higher stages than this awful “treaty”, which is OBVIOUSLY & UNDOUBTEDLY FAKE & SUPERFLUOUS.
I regret to opine that I believe if they succeed, they will use it to impose a control system which will enable massive scale global depopulation.
There is no other reason for the huge build up of manufacturing capacity for “mRNA vaccines”. Every example of this technology WILL BE HARMFUL.
In parallel, all our governments are negotiating acquisition of an amount that enables injecting every citizen A FURTHER TEN TIMES OVER.
This will kill most people.
Affidavits available.
Best wishes
Dr Mike Yeadon
Reading more of this it is bureaucracy gone mad, they are a remote global authority that we have no control over and I suspect this is just beginning. The words they use scare me eg. control measures, containment of public health events at source, spread equity - which means dragging people down to the one level, it is not about elevating anyone. Much of the authoritarian language is mixed in with the softer, feel good language. They are bamboozling the public, we as humans are lumped together with all animals, domesticated and wild, plants and the environment and of course we are all equal.