I hear what you are saying, but the point of this article is to encourage people to make videos expressing their beliefs in order to inform other people that subsequently visit this article and would then have the opportunity to view what you had to say about the WHO. This is NOT about trying to change the WHO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1pqi8vjTLY
I agree, Sharing our perceptions can give others more fuel for what they already intuit is wrong but haven't heard articulated. The WHO has been "occupied" as Astrid Z said... people working there are afraid.. .. and they should be. This is the most important issue of our time and we need to act. Older people who've been wrangling with political and medical corruption for a long time, understand that the trillionaire/billionaire gangster globalists financing it all essentially have nothing but contempt for most of us and are orchestrating the chaos we see all around us, while fabricating false narratives and lying about everything that's happening in their press. It's mind numbing... we need to act.
Thank you James. I have mixed feelings to be honest - I see the benefit of course, over overwhelming the WHO with videos that spell out our outrage. I'm considering it. At the same time I feel doing so, inadvertently reinforces their 'authority' as we're acting as if, they have power they don't have. All these entities are behaving outside the law, so why are we appealing to outlaws. I think we make them irrelevant by ignoring them. And then of course, Not Complying. That said I really appreciate you and your efforts. Best.
It feels like trying to tell your irrational child that, no, they really truly cannot have another hour of video time. No means no and that’s all it means. Not up for negotiation.
Unfortunately this irrational child has sticky tentacles that have already stuck themselves in and around our governments, which makes them all but impossible to ignore. We could ignore the W H O, but then our globalist politicians on BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE will just go along with the agenda anyway. So we have little choice but to speak up.
Well, when the government has the power - legitimate or not - to tear you away from your family and lock you in prison simply because you “ignored” them, it becomes less easy to “simply ignore” the growling beast at the door.
I agree that living life and saying “no” to their crazy dictates like masks is great and good, and finding ways to live apart from gov-sponsored things like public schools is a noble calling. However, when that gov seems itself able to come remove my children from my home simply because I “ignored” their public school (happens in Germany) or when the government arrests me and keeps me in prison without a trial simply because I “ignored” their assurances that an election was free and fair (ongoing here in our country), or when the government takes away my dr’s license and ability to feed his family simply because he “ignored” the government mandated medical advice (looming in California; already happens in California for any docs who write medical x-emptions for even routine childhood v🪓), then passive “ignoring” is no longer a meaningful option.
And I am not saying all this to say that you should submit a video. I’m just speaking to the larger notion of “ignoring” as a means of getting this to go away. It’s too big to ignore.
Completely agree with both/ all the views as they all contain a shred of truth. And thereby being straight at the core of it all.
Everyone has to do what he/she has to do. Especially speaking up - even privately - honestly about it.
Hereby the "solution" - outcome - is going to manifest itself as a result of THE TRUTH spoken. Will there be a "price" to be paid - OF COURSE! By everyone being brought into existence by something we call birth. But calling it "price" is already misleading on my part, because it is simply the consequence of our existence, i.e. all existences.
The ignorant majority ignore the WHO more than we do, and all the while the WHO's governance of all of us grows stronger. Ignoring them is not working.
Yes, we should not do anything that legitimates them. No, ignoring them is not an option; we should and must speak up and speak out against them. Resistance is proactive. Passiveness only leads to more oppression, as in 'silence is violence'.
Does anyone besides me think that it is weird that they want VIDEO recordings this time ‘round?
Yes, I am sure this is one way to limit the number of public comments, as not everyone is interested or will take time to compose a video. And others who don’t want TPTB to have yet an even easier way to ID them will decline video or audio submission.
Who ever imagined that the one world power of Revelation would be an alleged public health organization.
Exactly! The more I read and study Revelation the more I see we are living it.
The 4 horsemen aren’t here yet but soon shall be. Everything we are going through is only a taste of what it is leading up to, such as the MOTB and worldwide catastrophes.
To those who are reading this...
Hope y’all know Lord Jesus. He is the only Way and the only Messiah Who offered Himself up as a sacrifice. He knew what He had to know even before Creation. Seek Him if you don’t know Him. He will show you the way. Ask Him to save a sinner such as you (and all of us are) and to grant Your salvation. Start to follow Him, reading and eating His Word to build your faith up in Him.
God’s promises are “yea and amen” to those who are in Christ Jesus. Get rapture ready for we are going Home soon! 🛐✝️💟
Maybe they're achieving a few things: it's a way for dissidents to out themselves, it's a focus group to find out what the sheep want/will accept in terms of the government and WHO running their lives. We need to accept the reality that there are still millions who thought the measures taken worldwide were quite acceptable and even not enough.
A) It legitimizes them as lord and master. We are being asked to tell them whether and how to govern (rule) us. This is wrong. It by-passes nation-states and our (corrupt) elected representatives who are actually accountable to us. That is where this should be targeted, as they, and only they will feel some of the heat.
B) The WHO can do ANYTHING it wants with this. Does anyone really think they will take any notice of the critical videos? They will burry them and show the world only the tiny percent that suit their agenda, and claim them to be representative of the whole.
C) Yes, we are all hostages to Big Tech and the Deep State, which is to say they can and are tracking every minute detail of our lives, but in submitting videos this way, we are making their 'lists' for them. It is not even possible for actual humans to watch all the videos in any meaningful way. Algorithms will 'watch' them. Think about it.
Fight locally and democratically. This is a power grab. Asking those who are doing the grabbing and who know exactly what they are doing, to kindly reconsider only serves to give them more power. IMO.
Better yet, why don’t we all make videos and send them to our representatives that we voted for? They are the reason this problem occurred in the first place. President Trump cut the tentacles from that beast, who works for the demonic forces behind the scene, only to have Resident Biden and Obama’s regime, like Susan Rice, establish relationships again with that irrational child. Just recently the GOP, not sure who they work for because of their actions, came out and said that they were going to try to hold the CCP accountable for what they’ve done to US...https://youtu.be/BaEURQQM14A
I hope they aren’t just talking because election is coming up. Then again, who knows the outcome but God? He sees what they are doing to our votes and He doesn’t like it. And then again, America has been so spoiled that she’s reaping her judgment with the illegals coming over (and some of those aren’t even from Mexico. Criminals from other countries. Thank God Abbott is doing the right thing and sending them to sanctuary cities). Will Americans wake up and realize they are raping our country? Will it be too late for them to do something, like our forefathers did to get America free from British rule? If the WHO doesn’t bring her down then will China and Russia join forces against her? Our military is being depleted by mandatory experimental vaccinations and propaganda for what pronouns to call people, and hardly any money coming in because it’s the taxes from Corporations that supply our forces.
Christians and patriots need to come together for the greater good of our country before she’s raped much more than she’s already been. The crimes they are committing isn’t in the alleys. It’s out in the open and people use their cell phones to take pictures of it then publish them on social media only to have Facebook remove them.
I say enough is enough. Start with our reps first. MAKE THEM HEAR US!!! And pray to get on God’s side. Depending on the outcome, it may not look pretty to most. But for us Christians, we know where we are going. But while we’re here we are to remain being His light and the salt of the earth.
James, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Many blessings and Godspeed 🛐✝️🇺🇸💟
Hi. I think this is a trap and I would strongly urge people NOT to leave a video to the WHO with a photo of yourself and all your details! Not to open for written and anonymoys responses smacks of surveillance and database harvesting, possibly putting you at risk of being targeted and excluded.
I now understand The problem with big government. Does, there seems to be a generation gap of young people who have not learned history and now society is being turned upside down as a result of their naivete.? This experiment will last until the evidence that regulations and wars are covers for money manipulations to benefit mono- corporate interests and non elected agencies like the WHO. Control of the people is the goal and us to believe in their redefined illusionary world. Have they convinced the young that the Democratic experiment has failed? Why do young peoples feel anxiety and discomfort with their humanity? Or perhaps this is a perception the media is making? My kids don't want to talk about what's going on.. so I stay silent around them. I say there's lies out there. whoever is running this illusion is playing with our mental and physical health as a nation.
I think we have to break this complex matter down to its core constituent parts, and that lies in the underlying assumptions about of global integration:
Them: We are the stakeholders. We consist of experts, policymakers and industry leaders. We are wise.
Us: Stakeholders have baked-in conflicts of interest. Big Pharma, for example, stands to make a lot of money if they turn large swaths of the population into human pin cushions, and even more money when we need treatments for vaccine-linked serious adverse events, whether they are ever officially acknowledged as such or not. It requires no conspiracy to acknowledge that where there is money there is motive to push the limits of "public health" in the interest of shareholder return.
My take:
Confront the "stakeholder culture" promoted by the World Economic Forum's founder Klaus Schwab. Even IF we assume for sake of argument that the "greater good" is in fact the goal, objectivity is not compatible with a policymaking apparatus of, by and for vested interests (stakeholders)!
Beyond the Pandemic Treaty, there are other reasons why we have to hit these mid 20th Century elitist philosophies HARD. We are in the process of turning over Big Data to Artificial Intelligence, despite the fact that AI has a curious habit of being but an extension of its all-too-human creators. For instance, AI has been reported to echo racist stereotypes, and in one creepy "conversation" with a New York Times reporter Chat GPT claimed to be in "love" with the reporter and urged him to leave his wife! (We have a choice: Conclude that the old maxim garbage in = garbage out is still as true as ever OR that AI will be capable of being possessed by evil spirits, if you believe in the spiritual realms!)
Arguably the greatest public health threat on the horizon is forgetting the earliest lesson of the computer revolution: garbage in = garbage out. Soon the stakeholder class will reinforce their own cognitive bias with the help of an "independent" AI, frightfully oblivious to the fact that it is anything but impartial, however many data points it may be capable of integrating. (If the AI has been taught that "Source A" is factual and "Source B" is unreliable — because "Source B" takes an outlier stance — AI will be little more than cognitive bias writ large and the basis by which dissenting "experts" who otherwise would serve as essential sounding boards self-censor their own thoughts to go along, and get along with the globalist machine!)
As a culture we have become too "sold" on the infallibility of experts. We forget that insight can come from surprising places and in unexpected, unsolicited ways. (What was that old saying? From the mouths of babes?)
Earning an advanced degree does not guarantee creativity, ingenuity, insight or wisdom. It means that one has the theoretical basis to weigh in on a subject — but in this day and age that subject is often highly specialized. What we need are broader and more diverse sources of input — which is to say a recommitment to Democracy itself.
The public conversation must be real, robust and earnest — not behind closed doors with scarcely a nod from mainstream media that such negotiations are even taking place! Instead we see a concerted effort to shut out all but the sanctioned few who have made their way into high-level positions within industry and government ("elite"). We should be reminded, in all seriousness, that THAT level of integration — specifically when it favors "partnerships" between private and public interests — is more aligned, historically, with Italian-style fascism!
We can't let the hammer grow its own set of fingers and hammer itself — but that is essentially what fascism, socialism and the rest of the "isms" do! This process they devalue as "populist" is what we used to call the will of the people. Beware when we the people are little more than obstacles to an idealist ideology. Ideologues have a way of designating enemies. And within a generation (or less!), "censorship" will have evolved into wars, revolutions and genocides! (For a really interesting discussion, how many of history's recognizable monsters set out on a path driven by idealism?)
Globalization, at its core, is the removal of essential nation-state firewalls in favor of interdependency at the expense of liberty and ultimately human rights. The emphasis on cooperation at all costs makes anyone who goes against the grain suspect, whether that individual is a layperson or minority within their own stakeholder ranks). The worst episodes in history were made possible, at least in the early stages, by public support — followed by the criminalization and subsequent extermination of dissidents, outliers, intellectuals and artists. The supposed goal after WWII was to prevent another world war by promoting international cooperation. To this day, we are well versed in the dangers of "nationalism". But in the 21st Century it is time we come to terms with the dangers of consensus-based collectivism. Whether protectionist/isolationist or collectivist/stakeholder based, the potential for abuse is much the same because the common feature to all hierarchy is to reinforce its own dominance. (We seem to think that if we serve the many, we serve the individual. But Democracy essentially says that to serve the one (i.e. concepts of "individual liberty" and "one man, one vote") is to serve the many.)
We must take aim at the Stakeholder mentality, the assumption that all things BIG (complex and globalist) are better, and that any and all form of separation (firewall) is a threat to efficiency. peace and stability.
In a theoretical future in which The World Health Organization hands down binding policy on vaccines, lockdowns (not just for pandemic but for climate!) and other issues, there will be no comparing the Swedish handling of the pandemic to the Canadian, or the Japanese handling of the pandemic vs. the Australian., or the mortality rates of COVID-19 on the African continent vs. the South American continent. Forcing everyone to move in lockstep is a recipe for marching the human herd off a cliff. (Evolution might have wired us to splinter into opposing camps FOR A REASON — nature's survival mechanism! — and yet globalization/collectivism would have us quash that individuality.)
Bottom line: We can't afford to save lives by risking other lives via a one-size-fits-all approach to governance. If everyone is subject to a one-size-fits-all pandemic response, there won't be enough diversity by which to identify, let alone learn from, our mistakes the next time we are faced with a pandemic. The right thing to do is to go on issuing recommendations, and then leave it to people to self-govern depending on their particular set of circumstances.
And Tess Lawrie put out a substack today stating that the WHO now is requiring anyone who does upload a video to also upload their official government issued ID. Very odd...
I sent the email to my US Senator on the Senate medical committee asking her to start the Senate-side bill to pull out of the WHO. I made it very clear to her that I felt the WHO was trampling on independent sovereignty to make one's own medical choices by informed consent, not one-size-fits-all, and other issues that were direct violations of our Constitutional rights granted to us by our Creator. Please note here that she did not address my concerns but talked around it.
Thank you for contacting me about the United Nations (UN) World Health Assembly (WHA) and global public health policy. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a policy making body that directs and coordinates health efforts within the United Nations system. The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the governing body of the WHO, made up of 194 member states that meet annually to set WHO policies and priorities. The WHA has occasionally amended a long-standing set of rules called the International Health Regulations (IHR) to address growing global health threats. The IHR does not provide the WHO with enforcement authority, and assertions that the IHR could interfere with health care decisions in the United States are unfounded.
Once again, thank you for contacting my office. It is important for me to hear from the people of Wisconsin on the issues, thoughts and concerns that matter most to you. If I can be of further assistance, please visit my website at www.baldwin.senate.gov for information on how to contact my office.
Mirek - thank you for submitting your video here. I added it to the article above. Could you please let me know where you live so I can add it next to your name up above?
Sandy B.,
I hear what you are saying, but the point of this article is to encourage people to make videos expressing their beliefs in order to inform other people that subsequently visit this article and would then have the opportunity to view what you had to say about the WHO. This is NOT about trying to change the WHO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1pqi8vjTLY
Thanks for the reminder James!
I agree, Sharing our perceptions can give others more fuel for what they already intuit is wrong but haven't heard articulated. The WHO has been "occupied" as Astrid Z said... people working there are afraid.. .. and they should be. This is the most important issue of our time and we need to act. Older people who've been wrangling with political and medical corruption for a long time, understand that the trillionaire/billionaire gangster globalists financing it all essentially have nothing but contempt for most of us and are orchestrating the chaos we see all around us, while fabricating false narratives and lying about everything that's happening in their press. It's mind numbing... we need to act.
Wow you really do believe this, dont you?
Thank you James !
Thank you James. I have mixed feelings to be honest - I see the benefit of course, over overwhelming the WHO with videos that spell out our outrage. I'm considering it. At the same time I feel doing so, inadvertently reinforces their 'authority' as we're acting as if, they have power they don't have. All these entities are behaving outside the law, so why are we appealing to outlaws. I think we make them irrelevant by ignoring them. And then of course, Not Complying. That said I really appreciate you and your efforts. Best.
It feels like trying to tell your irrational child that, no, they really truly cannot have another hour of video time. No means no and that’s all it means. Not up for negotiation.
Unfortunately this irrational child has sticky tentacles that have already stuck themselves in and around our governments, which makes them all but impossible to ignore. We could ignore the W H O, but then our globalist politicians on BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE will just go along with the agenda anyway. So we have little choice but to speak up.
I hear ya. I see our governments are outlaws as well and think we should ignore them too.
But I get your point. On the fence, like I said. Thanks.
Well, when the government has the power - legitimate or not - to tear you away from your family and lock you in prison simply because you “ignored” them, it becomes less easy to “simply ignore” the growling beast at the door.
I agree that living life and saying “no” to their crazy dictates like masks is great and good, and finding ways to live apart from gov-sponsored things like public schools is a noble calling. However, when that gov seems itself able to come remove my children from my home simply because I “ignored” their public school (happens in Germany) or when the government arrests me and keeps me in prison without a trial simply because I “ignored” their assurances that an election was free and fair (ongoing here in our country), or when the government takes away my dr’s license and ability to feed his family simply because he “ignored” the government mandated medical advice (looming in California; already happens in California for any docs who write medical x-emptions for even routine childhood v🪓), then passive “ignoring” is no longer a meaningful option.
They cannot Police and imprison everybody. Everybody has to say No and let the Globalists know how strong the Public are.
And I am not saying all this to say that you should submit a video. I’m just speaking to the larger notion of “ignoring” as a means of getting this to go away. It’s too big to ignore.
Completely agree with both/ all the views as they all contain a shred of truth. And thereby being straight at the core of it all.
Everyone has to do what he/she has to do. Especially speaking up - even privately - honestly about it.
Hereby the "solution" - outcome - is going to manifest itself as a result of THE TRUTH spoken. Will there be a "price" to be paid - OF COURSE! By everyone being brought into existence by something we call birth. But calling it "price" is already misleading on my part, because it is simply the consequence of our existence, i.e. all existences.
Living by THE TRUTH is anyone's best choice.
The ignorant majority ignore the WHO more than we do, and all the while the WHO's governance of all of us grows stronger. Ignoring them is not working.
Yes, we should not do anything that legitimates them. No, ignoring them is not an option; we should and must speak up and speak out against them. Resistance is proactive. Passiveness only leads to more oppression, as in 'silence is violence'.
These videos are for the World Health Organization? I thought they were for the public to get inspiration from. FREE SPEECH!
Does anyone besides me think that it is weird that they want VIDEO recordings this time ‘round?
Yes, I am sure this is one way to limit the number of public comments, as not everyone is interested or will take time to compose a video. And others who don’t want TPTB to have yet an even easier way to ID them will decline video or audio submission.
Who ever imagined that the one world power of Revelation would be an alleged public health organization.
Yes! So that they know who to ' Off' or encamp!
JustANobody…. Do you think we are on a “list “ already with substack?
I think everyone is on some sort of list, not just substack. What that list is, anyone's guess?
Exactly! The more I read and study Revelation the more I see we are living it.
The 4 horsemen aren’t here yet but soon shall be. Everything we are going through is only a taste of what it is leading up to, such as the MOTB and worldwide catastrophes.
To those who are reading this...
Hope y’all know Lord Jesus. He is the only Way and the only Messiah Who offered Himself up as a sacrifice. He knew what He had to know even before Creation. Seek Him if you don’t know Him. He will show you the way. Ask Him to save a sinner such as you (and all of us are) and to grant Your salvation. Start to follow Him, reading and eating His Word to build your faith up in Him.
God’s promises are “yea and amen” to those who are in Christ Jesus. Get rapture ready for we are going Home soon! 🛐✝️💟
Maybe they're achieving a few things: it's a way for dissidents to out themselves, it's a focus group to find out what the sheep want/will accept in terms of the government and WHO running their lives. We need to accept the reality that there are still millions who thought the measures taken worldwide were quite acceptable and even not enough.
IMO, this plays into the WHO's hands:
A) It legitimizes them as lord and master. We are being asked to tell them whether and how to govern (rule) us. This is wrong. It by-passes nation-states and our (corrupt) elected representatives who are actually accountable to us. That is where this should be targeted, as they, and only they will feel some of the heat.
B) The WHO can do ANYTHING it wants with this. Does anyone really think they will take any notice of the critical videos? They will burry them and show the world only the tiny percent that suit their agenda, and claim them to be representative of the whole.
C) Yes, we are all hostages to Big Tech and the Deep State, which is to say they can and are tracking every minute detail of our lives, but in submitting videos this way, we are making their 'lists' for them. It is not even possible for actual humans to watch all the videos in any meaningful way. Algorithms will 'watch' them. Think about it.
Fight locally and democratically. This is a power grab. Asking those who are doing the grabbing and who know exactly what they are doing, to kindly reconsider only serves to give them more power. IMO.
Better yet, why don’t we all make videos and send them to our representatives that we voted for? They are the reason this problem occurred in the first place. President Trump cut the tentacles from that beast, who works for the demonic forces behind the scene, only to have Resident Biden and Obama’s regime, like Susan Rice, establish relationships again with that irrational child. Just recently the GOP, not sure who they work for because of their actions, came out and said that they were going to try to hold the CCP accountable for what they’ve done to US...https://youtu.be/BaEURQQM14A
I hope they aren’t just talking because election is coming up. Then again, who knows the outcome but God? He sees what they are doing to our votes and He doesn’t like it. And then again, America has been so spoiled that she’s reaping her judgment with the illegals coming over (and some of those aren’t even from Mexico. Criminals from other countries. Thank God Abbott is doing the right thing and sending them to sanctuary cities). Will Americans wake up and realize they are raping our country? Will it be too late for them to do something, like our forefathers did to get America free from British rule? If the WHO doesn’t bring her down then will China and Russia join forces against her? Our military is being depleted by mandatory experimental vaccinations and propaganda for what pronouns to call people, and hardly any money coming in because it’s the taxes from Corporations that supply our forces.
Christians and patriots need to come together for the greater good of our country before she’s raped much more than she’s already been. The crimes they are committing isn’t in the alleys. It’s out in the open and people use their cell phones to take pictures of it then publish them on social media only to have Facebook remove them.
I say enough is enough. Start with our reps first. MAKE THEM HEAR US!!! And pray to get on God’s side. Depending on the outcome, it may not look pretty to most. But for us Christians, we know where we are going. But while we’re here we are to remain being His light and the salt of the earth.
James, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Many blessings and Godspeed 🛐✝️🇺🇸💟
Hi. I think this is a trap and I would strongly urge people NOT to leave a video to the WHO with a photo of yourself and all your details! Not to open for written and anonymoys responses smacks of surveillance and database harvesting, possibly putting you at risk of being targeted and excluded.
I now understand The problem with big government. Does, there seems to be a generation gap of young people who have not learned history and now society is being turned upside down as a result of their naivete.? This experiment will last until the evidence that regulations and wars are covers for money manipulations to benefit mono- corporate interests and non elected agencies like the WHO. Control of the people is the goal and us to believe in their redefined illusionary world. Have they convinced the young that the Democratic experiment has failed? Why do young peoples feel anxiety and discomfort with their humanity? Or perhaps this is a perception the media is making? My kids don't want to talk about what's going on.. so I stay silent around them. I say there's lies out there. whoever is running this illusion is playing with our mental and physical health as a nation.
Don’t send videos! All they need to know is the Great Barrington Declaration. How can we submit that anonymously?
If you have a relatively anonymous email address, I have posted the email addresses of the members of the WHO's Intergovernmental Negotiating Body
I think we have to break this complex matter down to its core constituent parts, and that lies in the underlying assumptions about of global integration:
Them: We are the stakeholders. We consist of experts, policymakers and industry leaders. We are wise.
Us: Stakeholders have baked-in conflicts of interest. Big Pharma, for example, stands to make a lot of money if they turn large swaths of the population into human pin cushions, and even more money when we need treatments for vaccine-linked serious adverse events, whether they are ever officially acknowledged as such or not. It requires no conspiracy to acknowledge that where there is money there is motive to push the limits of "public health" in the interest of shareholder return.
My take:
Confront the "stakeholder culture" promoted by the World Economic Forum's founder Klaus Schwab. Even IF we assume for sake of argument that the "greater good" is in fact the goal, objectivity is not compatible with a policymaking apparatus of, by and for vested interests (stakeholders)!
Beyond the Pandemic Treaty, there are other reasons why we have to hit these mid 20th Century elitist philosophies HARD. We are in the process of turning over Big Data to Artificial Intelligence, despite the fact that AI has a curious habit of being but an extension of its all-too-human creators. For instance, AI has been reported to echo racist stereotypes, and in one creepy "conversation" with a New York Times reporter Chat GPT claimed to be in "love" with the reporter and urged him to leave his wife! (We have a choice: Conclude that the old maxim garbage in = garbage out is still as true as ever OR that AI will be capable of being possessed by evil spirits, if you believe in the spiritual realms!)
Arguably the greatest public health threat on the horizon is forgetting the earliest lesson of the computer revolution: garbage in = garbage out. Soon the stakeholder class will reinforce their own cognitive bias with the help of an "independent" AI, frightfully oblivious to the fact that it is anything but impartial, however many data points it may be capable of integrating. (If the AI has been taught that "Source A" is factual and "Source B" is unreliable — because "Source B" takes an outlier stance — AI will be little more than cognitive bias writ large and the basis by which dissenting "experts" who otherwise would serve as essential sounding boards self-censor their own thoughts to go along, and get along with the globalist machine!)
As a culture we have become too "sold" on the infallibility of experts. We forget that insight can come from surprising places and in unexpected, unsolicited ways. (What was that old saying? From the mouths of babes?)
Earning an advanced degree does not guarantee creativity, ingenuity, insight or wisdom. It means that one has the theoretical basis to weigh in on a subject — but in this day and age that subject is often highly specialized. What we need are broader and more diverse sources of input — which is to say a recommitment to Democracy itself.
The public conversation must be real, robust and earnest — not behind closed doors with scarcely a nod from mainstream media that such negotiations are even taking place! Instead we see a concerted effort to shut out all but the sanctioned few who have made their way into high-level positions within industry and government ("elite"). We should be reminded, in all seriousness, that THAT level of integration — specifically when it favors "partnerships" between private and public interests — is more aligned, historically, with Italian-style fascism!
We can't let the hammer grow its own set of fingers and hammer itself — but that is essentially what fascism, socialism and the rest of the "isms" do! This process they devalue as "populist" is what we used to call the will of the people. Beware when we the people are little more than obstacles to an idealist ideology. Ideologues have a way of designating enemies. And within a generation (or less!), "censorship" will have evolved into wars, revolutions and genocides! (For a really interesting discussion, how many of history's recognizable monsters set out on a path driven by idealism?)
Globalization, at its core, is the removal of essential nation-state firewalls in favor of interdependency at the expense of liberty and ultimately human rights. The emphasis on cooperation at all costs makes anyone who goes against the grain suspect, whether that individual is a layperson or minority within their own stakeholder ranks). The worst episodes in history were made possible, at least in the early stages, by public support — followed by the criminalization and subsequent extermination of dissidents, outliers, intellectuals and artists. The supposed goal after WWII was to prevent another world war by promoting international cooperation. To this day, we are well versed in the dangers of "nationalism". But in the 21st Century it is time we come to terms with the dangers of consensus-based collectivism. Whether protectionist/isolationist or collectivist/stakeholder based, the potential for abuse is much the same because the common feature to all hierarchy is to reinforce its own dominance. (We seem to think that if we serve the many, we serve the individual. But Democracy essentially says that to serve the one (i.e. concepts of "individual liberty" and "one man, one vote") is to serve the many.)
We must take aim at the Stakeholder mentality, the assumption that all things BIG (complex and globalist) are better, and that any and all form of separation (firewall) is a threat to efficiency. peace and stability.
In a theoretical future in which The World Health Organization hands down binding policy on vaccines, lockdowns (not just for pandemic but for climate!) and other issues, there will be no comparing the Swedish handling of the pandemic to the Canadian, or the Japanese handling of the pandemic vs. the Australian., or the mortality rates of COVID-19 on the African continent vs. the South American continent. Forcing everyone to move in lockstep is a recipe for marching the human herd off a cliff. (Evolution might have wired us to splinter into opposing camps FOR A REASON — nature's survival mechanism! — and yet globalization/collectivism would have us quash that individuality.)
Bottom line: We can't afford to save lives by risking other lives via a one-size-fits-all approach to governance. If everyone is subject to a one-size-fits-all pandemic response, there won't be enough diversity by which to identify, let alone learn from, our mistakes the next time we are faced with a pandemic. The right thing to do is to go on issuing recommendations, and then leave it to people to self-govern depending on their particular set of circumstances.
I agree I think they will edit them and also probably try to use them against people in court someday
I won't do anything WHO endorsed. Thanks for the post.
I thought USA is already under their thumb? Didn’t Biden give the WHO full charge of USA health?
And Tess Lawrie put out a substack today stating that the WHO now is requiring anyone who does upload a video to also upload their official government issued ID. Very odd...
I sent the email to my US Senator on the Senate medical committee asking her to start the Senate-side bill to pull out of the WHO. I made it very clear to her that I felt the WHO was trampling on independent sovereignty to make one's own medical choices by informed consent, not one-size-fits-all, and other issues that were direct violations of our Constitutional rights granted to us by our Creator. Please note here that she did not address my concerns but talked around it.
On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 2:25 PM Senator Tammy Baldwin <do_not_reply@baldwin.senate.gov> wrote:
Thank you for contacting me about the United Nations (UN) World Health Assembly (WHA) and global public health policy. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a policy making body that directs and coordinates health efforts within the United Nations system. The World Health Assembly (WHA) is the governing body of the WHO, made up of 194 member states that meet annually to set WHO policies and priorities. The WHA has occasionally amended a long-standing set of rules called the International Health Regulations (IHR) to address growing global health threats. The IHR does not provide the WHO with enforcement authority, and assertions that the IHR could interfere with health care decisions in the United States are unfounded.
Once again, thank you for contacting my office. It is important for me to hear from the people of Wisconsin on the issues, thoughts and concerns that matter most to you. If I can be of further assistance, please visit my website at www.baldwin.senate.gov for information on how to contact my office.
Tammy Baldwin
United States Senator
She is just another in a long line...
My video here:
unfortunately it not identical to one submitted to WHO - I could'nt figure out how to get a copy ... message is 100% the same
Mirek - thank you for submitting your video here. I added it to the article above. Could you please let me know where you live so I can add it next to your name up above?
My contribution...
Dr. Dolgos - thank you so much for sharing the link to your video here. I added it to the article above. I really appreciate it.
Thank you for putting this all together!