Well, when the government has the power - legitimate or not - to tear you away from your family and lock you in prison simply because you “ignored” them, it becomes less easy to “simply ignore” the growling beast at the door.
I agree that living life and saying “no” to their crazy dictates like masks is great and good, and finding ways to live apart from gov-sponsored things like public schools is a noble calling. However, when that gov seems itself able to come remove my children from my home simply because I “ignored” their public school (happens in Germany) or when the government arrests me and keeps me in prison without a trial simply because I “ignored” their assurances that an election was free and fair (ongoing here in our country), or when the government takes away my dr’s license and ability to feed his family simply because he “ignored” the government mandated medical advice (looming in California; already happens in California for any docs who write medical x-emptions for even routine childhood v🪓), then passive “ignoring” is no longer a meaningful option.
And I am not saying all this to say that you should submit a video. I’m just speaking to the larger notion of “ignoring” as a means of getting this to go away. It’s too big to ignore.
Completely agree with both/ all the views as they all contain a shred of truth. And thereby being straight at the core of it all.
Everyone has to do what he/she has to do. Especially speaking up - even privately - honestly about it.
Hereby the "solution" - outcome - is going to manifest itself as a result of THE TRUTH spoken. Will there be a "price" to be paid - OF COURSE! By everyone being brought into existence by something we call birth. But calling it "price" is already misleading on my part, because it is simply the consequence of our existence, i.e. all existences.
I hear ya. I see our governments are outlaws as well and think we should ignore them too.
But I get your point. On the fence, like I said. Thanks.
Well, when the government has the power - legitimate or not - to tear you away from your family and lock you in prison simply because you “ignored” them, it becomes less easy to “simply ignore” the growling beast at the door.
I agree that living life and saying “no” to their crazy dictates like masks is great and good, and finding ways to live apart from gov-sponsored things like public schools is a noble calling. However, when that gov seems itself able to come remove my children from my home simply because I “ignored” their public school (happens in Germany) or when the government arrests me and keeps me in prison without a trial simply because I “ignored” their assurances that an election was free and fair (ongoing here in our country), or when the government takes away my dr’s license and ability to feed his family simply because he “ignored” the government mandated medical advice (looming in California; already happens in California for any docs who write medical x-emptions for even routine childhood v🪓), then passive “ignoring” is no longer a meaningful option.
They cannot Police and imprison everybody. Everybody has to say No and let the Globalists know how strong the Public are.
And I am not saying all this to say that you should submit a video. I’m just speaking to the larger notion of “ignoring” as a means of getting this to go away. It’s too big to ignore.
Completely agree with both/ all the views as they all contain a shred of truth. And thereby being straight at the core of it all.
Everyone has to do what he/she has to do. Especially speaking up - even privately - honestly about it.
Hereby the "solution" - outcome - is going to manifest itself as a result of THE TRUTH spoken. Will there be a "price" to be paid - OF COURSE! By everyone being brought into existence by something we call birth. But calling it "price" is already misleading on my part, because it is simply the consequence of our existence, i.e. all existences.
Living by THE TRUTH is anyone's best choice.