Don't attempt to crucify the messenger.

Hear the message.

Spread the good word.

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You didn’t crucify the messenger who informed you of your errors 2+ years ago. You simply dismissed me and launched a terror campaign that netted you lots of $$, but never mind that. You diverted attention away from where I informed you it needed to be. ‘Researcher whose servers ‘crashed’ right before your launch, wiping away your ‘life’s work.’ Mmmm, Mmmm GOOD! Well done, James.

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Yeah I emailed him some stuff too. Oh email me your ideas. The man is clearly a Trojan Horse. Remember Lenin: The best way to control opposition is to lead it. James, YA done. What the hell have you been doing for two years then?

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So, what is the real threat according to you?

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You don't think the WHO is trying to grab national sovereignty, James? There was nothing new in the latest treaty draft, which I have read 3 times. Maybe this will help you to understand it.

The weasel words in the latest treaty draft (which have been in earlier drafts too) claiming no WHO sovereignty grab are in direct contradiction to the rest of the treaty. The 2 authors David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh have among them an MD, law degree and 2 PhDs and they explain the scam the WHO is trying to pull off in great detail.

Their article is titled, " Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty?"


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There is no WHO sovereignty grab if their is no sovereignty to grab.

Almost all the nations fell into lock-step without the proposed "treaty."

The national leaders who resisted are dead.

Sweden was a maverick but still supported the narrative.

Other nations that did not, or could not fully comply, still supported the narrative.

A "treaty" might make compliance "legally binding."

With or without a "treaty" will nations refuse to comply?

Not if the power behind the WHO is a power nations cannot resist.

Not if nations are no longer sovereign nations, that serve their people's interests, but corporations that serve corporate interests.

Not if an international corporate entity controls the finances of almost all nations.

IF the "treaty" is a massive business/trade agreement, aimed at making the rich richer, and the rest poorer, or preferably dead - just a new bloodless war game.

The strategy may be different, but the game is the same.

The stakes might be higher, but the goal is the same.

This may just be about the ruthless, diabolical lust for absolute power, regardless.

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THat's not correct. There is sovereignty to grab or they would not be grabbing it!

It's not any one corporate entity. It's the Rothschild ZIONIST banking syndicate and all of its JEWISH offshoots (and that is saying more than you know) that runs all of these other global things and other governments that are not democratic. That's why Meryl Nass is kind of the face of the official USA civil opposition of this. They always cover both sides.

World Zionist Organization for example is such one powerful org. Do you know our SCOTUS's Louis Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter (and a lot more) were all heads of the WZO during their tenures at SCOTUS? Do you know these two Jews created the standing doctrine, which just denied our legal rights during COVID. This is about world zionists. And Jews should have special responsibility for this.

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I am aware of all this stuff about the evil Jews being responsible for everything, everywhere, all the time - IMHO this does not fit the bigger picture.

Many, if not most governments worldwide, regardless of claimed ideology, have clearly not been sovereign - in the sense of acting independently in accordance with the will and the welfare of the people - for a long time.

Covid proved this with all the "let's play lockstep" games.

Jews? Nazis? Communists? Whoever! Someone was pulling the strings!

So...is it really sovereignty that the WHO is trying to grab?

Trying to give legal teeth to an operationally effective power-grab?

Cementing the OWG power grid?

Certainly one corporate entity is not responsible for everything.

However, as you imply one corporate entity MAY effectively be in control of the finances of most nations - BIS for instance - and using this to compel nations to comply - effectively surrender sovereignty.

This same entity may be trying to force compliance with the WHO too.

Clearly the WHO agenda was not initiated independently by sovereign nations.

No doubt evil Jews are involved, but they are certainly not the only evil players.

None of us are omnipotent, so we do not have all the facts.

We may think we have it all figured out, but we may be mistaken.

Mutual respect is a priceless value, regardless.

Thank you for your input.

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Apr 1
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No mRNA in my food - small savey village!

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Someone might think this was written by a very clever chaos agent, who wasn't saying anything in particular, just trying to sow confusion.

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He always was, darlin, and you hitched your wagon to his lunatic caravan. I spent 6 hours in Mar 22 with James on the phone condensing my 5 course, one semester program at NYU on treaty law, informing him that almost everything he was claiming was false, including providing him with proof that the international legal community had been publishing papers on the 'secret amendments James 'found' - four months before he found them. You assisted in diverting attention away from the real threat and are therefore complicit. Fraud. 'WE ASKED FRANCIS BOYLE!' If I, with 5 courses from NYU in Treaty Law knew enough to debunk 'James Roguski' in 2022, tell me what gig that man's running.

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Francis Boyle is a clown show too. He knows nothing about science. He has no science behind his bioweapons and he is useful idiot for the zioglobalists.

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How can I encourage Australian medical professionals to join the cause of rebuilding?

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Then what it is about then? You are not being clear and you are so much a shill. What a shill. No one is fooled by you.

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James who do we contact to prevent quarantine and other measures? I’ll share this video but need the name and contact info?


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What you need is the people to not comply to any new normal. This was a fake pandemic orchestrated to steal money and devalue countries. If you read the WHO daily news letter in March and April 2020.they stated the economic toll of lockdowns to countries who depend on tourism as their main economic income. The USA did not listen neither did Canada or other 5 eye nations. The USA did not care about the little nations because it was never about health or a virus. It was the vaccines with evil Bill Gates and his 100 to 1 return on vaccines just like these 5 eye nations. Do not comply to being a pin cushion and they can' make money then.

Apparently Canada got a half a trillion loan from the USA in October 2023. . If that is indeed true then Canada is indebted to the USA and will do whatever the USA says.

The WHO pretends but follow the money. We do not need any big savior for viruses. We need protection from the real criminals who play with viruses and vaccines. If people refuse any more vaccines the gig ends like the covid vaccine. People refuse it now. People refuse the new normal therefore many COVID vaccines have gone to the trash where they belong. Wait until the next scam of a virus. They got caught on the kraken variant because the populace refused to listen anymore or have fear and roll up their sleeves. The same characters involved in trying to create fear but majority refused to listen and the kraken variant disappeared. Imagine that. It fizzled out with no more uptake of the vaccines. The scam outed right there as a guiding point for the future.

National Security Acts are being trampled on because national security protects the criminals not the people. Money governs everything.

The poor countries need to see the narrative and learn. These countries can never lock down or shut borders ever again. Their people need a job for health. It can't be about health if you steal their livelihood and the 5 eyes nations stole the 3rd world nations livelihood. Many countries fear the USA and are forced to follow. This WHO pandemic is a guise just like their news letters daily in March April 2020. There was apparently a pandemic ponzi scheme that came due in 2020 and would have garnered billions of dollars with this so called pandemic. It's all about money and control. Not ever about health or safety like they pretend. Refuse vaccines or lockdowns as a majority and you found the key to disabling the elite power hungry turds.

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The WHO set the tone and "standards" and may very well now sidestep out of the way as nations implement their "necessary recommendations"... seem logical. The substacker ExcessDeathsAU posted this yesterday:

While everyone was worried about ‘WHO treaties’ look what just dropped (doc in comments).

Five Eyes countries: see you on the flip side.

There is nothing as dangerous as being a ‘US ally.’


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It shall be implemented with national laws, however the national laws are modified with the WHO requirements to be compatible receptors for external influence/effluence.

"Conclusion and recommendation


The IHRs establish mechanisms for information exchange, joint risk assessment, liaison and coordination between the WHO and States Parties. The Committee recognises that the IHRs will prepare Australia to respond to a public health emergency or to combat a global pandemic.

Recommendation 6

The Committee supports the International Health Regulations (2005) and recommends that binding treaty action be taken.

Dr Andrew Southcott MP

Committee Chair "


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... and that is why transparency, initiative rights and decisive referendums are important for any nation wanting to call themselves a "democracy".

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Apr 1Edited


WHAT IF...The WHO amendments to the IHR and the proposed pandemic treaty are BOTH RED HERRINGS, (but useful to control freaks?) to take peoples minds and EYES OFF WHAT IS GOING ON ABOVE OUR HEADS, IN ALL THE SKIES ABOVE US, over all countries???? Each Day, sometimes ALL DAY, where I live!

Regularly, there descends from somewhere (?) black dust...didn't used to be anywhere near as bad a decade ago.. When this 'Dust' is looked at under a microscope it is seen to be made up of thin black fibres/threads/filaments??? Where do they come from??? And WHAT ARE THEY???

I wrote this on Rumble a few mins ago...

Years ago, in the late 50's and early 60's, I remember talk about corporations getting too big, too powerful. These concerns were squashed by other 'News' and nonsenses, to distract the public from thinking about such an issue.

Now these overly large, uncontrolled, very financially powerful corporations appear to have joined up with the military industrial complex, the pharma industry, and probably a few others I haven't thought about, who all profit from controlling what people buy, materially and metaphorically. They are also affiliated, it appears, with several billionaires and those very wealthy with eugenicist mindsets.

Combined, these idiotic entities, even thought they are by no means in total accord, except about being able to control EVERYTHING via the 'internet of all things', are attacking all life on earth with no other motive than to get what's 'best' for themselves. Their 'power' has obviously driven them insane.

That's my take on things without going into detail, and we all know what is needed to cope with madness...Usually a bit of therapy, but in this case, it's a hornets nest of insanity and we have to, and WILL find a way of dealing with these out of control megalomaniacs before they damage too much life,

So I certainly, don't want to shoot the messenger; what I think is that each of us, who see how wrongly things are going, will have to decide into which 'bit' or area we have the capacity to delve, and be effective. There is a great variety of angles to choose from, to suit all types of characters.

Let us support each other even if we don't agree on each issue, because certainly nearly everyone commenting on this site (and many others) have their eyes open to the fact that big business is destructive, in cahoots with governments, blind and deaf to anything other than the two P's...power and profit. Not good enough1

Seeing that ALL vast corporations are made of of thousands of people 'doing their jobs', THEY are the ones who's eyes need opening.

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'We are in the middle of a misinformation war' so we need a picture of a red herring instead of a red grouper. I would remind you James that trust these days is hard to win but even harder to regain. Whatever or whoever is behind this - its wrong on multiple levels. There is no point in devaluing that.

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Congratulations. You passed the first test: Observe carefully and challenge error.

I do not want anyone to trust. I want people to think.

Blind trust in those who are viewed as "experts," "authorities" or "leaders" IS the problem.

My analysis points out a fundamental flaw in the direction that "trusted leaders" are pursuing.

So far, only seven people have communicated to me that they comprehend the manner in which the WHO is deceiving the masses.

If you comprehend why this is NOT an attack on national sovereignty, but is actually a very dangerous expression of national sovereignty, (or if you just want to discuss it) feel free to contact me anytime: 310-619-3055

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I watched a video of yours where you discussed conveyances like a cruise ship, and how a country the ship wants to dock at will be able to call the shots for who can embark. It seemed you were saying this provision is proposed in either the Treaty or IHR Amendments. Did I understand you correctly?

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This video of Carl Sagan's warning of an impending form of unquestionable technocracy in his last public interview was posted 7 years ago.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.


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One reason why national governments will not challenge the WHO & CO is $$$.

Another is what happened to national leaders who challenged the covid narrative.

Another is national/international corporate entanglements.

Another is the false health narrative.

Another is the Gates money/power/health magnet cloaked in philanthropic eugenics.

Clearly OZ, US, UK, Russia, China, NZ, Canada are all in bed with the WHO.

If "the treaty" is an international business/trade/marketing/profiteering cartel racket - then some national leaders are already in on the deal and stand to profit to various degrees.

Other national leaders want a share in the pie for themselves and their people.

Exactly what is in the pie besides $$$?

The writing is on the wall.


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WOW, What an article James, thank you!

Apologies in advance for posting this! I'm sure most are well aware of "World Council For Health" I found it very interesting:

How do we counter corporate monopoly over health, facilitated by the WHO? What strategies will help us withdraw and move to a Better Way for health, freedom, and sovereignty?

The WHO’s IHR amendments and proposed pandemic treaty or accord demand rigorous scrutiny and engagement from civil society, governments, public health workers, and lawyers. The lack of meaningful national engagement with civil society and marginalized communities undermines the legitimacy and effectiveness of the negotiation process, reinforcing perceptions of top-down decision-making and exclusionary practices within the WHO. It is primarily for this reason, that the WCH is obliged to present a hearing to:

a) Independently appraise the WHO’s conduct and processes

b) Discuss strategies to counter the WHO’s expansion of power

Mirrored from 'World Council for Health':



My video upload on Rumble, International Expert Hearing - The W.H.O. Power Grab - 27th March 2024:


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So the mafia is in bed with the government - what else is new?

Government is organised crime after all.

We still have to figure out how to avoid becoming pincushions, made the ungrateful recipients of an exotic array of undesirable injuries and diseases, and turned prematurely into fertilizer.

We can tie a knot in our trunk so we cannot smell the red herrings, and weigh in to help the squirrel beat the pulp out of the gorilla and his army of mafia thugs!

We may not be the most accomplished, orthodox game players, but chances are we can do an excellent job of clearing the enemy off the playing field, if we put our mind to it!

Game over!

Let's celebrate!

Gotta get this darned knot outa my trunk first!

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