I dont believe ANY of their data. Confirmed by who?

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The data is like that because it's alllllllll .... BOLLOCKS!

(lively circus music begins, and dancing elephants, 40,000 clowns get out of a car...)

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Det blir lätt för Bill Gates och andra störda individer att låta aerosoler dala ner över oss i hälsans och klimatkrisen s namn.

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PHEIC, pronounced FAKE, HA-HA! We are a joke! We are tickling the evil bastards...

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It's called the cult rap e ture (rapture)!

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Current science does not support the lab leak or lab made virus theory. This is most likely promoted by the globalist combine itself to maintain the virus and germ theory paradigm. The accepted definition of a virus is a proteinaceous particle with a bit of DNA inside that is replication competent in a host cell. This is purely a model of course, as no such thing has ever been found in human fluid or tissue. They cannot be made in a lab. Yes, as far as I know, they can make toxic genetic sequences that are locally poisonous, but these are not contagious and cannot cause widespread illness. So- called pandemics have been shown to be the result of widespread toxicity and not contagious particles. The spanish flu was the result of WW1 poisonous gas. The plague, contaminated water. HIV, poppers and substance abuse. Polio DDT poisoning. If anyone is interested, Sam Bailey and her huband Mark have done rigorous research in exposing the fallicies of germ theory and allopathic medicine in general. drsambailey.com

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Git 'em.

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Spanish Flu probably lab made; HIV lab made; Lyme, lab made, covid, lab made, Omicron, lab made; monkey pox appeared in 1958 found on lab monkeys; zika, lab made; Ebola lab made. Look for the outburst, you'll find the lab nearby. And then they put their bouillon in the shots and we become brewers of multiple retro-virus.

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Not only is the constitution not being enforced, it is being legally side-stepped. Over the last 20 plus years the American govt has introduced a whole raft of spurious legislation, including the PHE, the EUA and the PREP act which allows them to kill people legally. Dennis Rancourt and his team of researchers have estimated the excess death rate in the world at 30.9 million people. This excess they associate with the roll out of the jabs. Nobody has been brought to book for this unspeakabke act of barbarity. The jabs haven't even been recalled. The reasin for this is that it is all l'egal'. Some pepple think that these laws can be rescinded at the State level. I hope it's true. If anyone is interested in learning more about the legal aspects of all this, check out the work of Sasha Latypova and Catherine Watt on Substack. They have done trojan work in unearthing the whole legal framework that allows the govt to murder people with impunity.

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We have at least worldwide one billion injured or that have developped a severe health condition.

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Accurate information is a necessity for any important decision to be made by. But I think we're all missing the point of the exercise. The WHO is adamant that we all continue to worry about being sick, about getting sick, about staying in the attitude of fear and/or response to a subject which shouldn't even be newsworthy in a free, peaceful America. This is all a distraction to pull our attention away from the fact that our Constitution is not being enforced. All of the problems America is currently facing, including threats from piratical political criminals like the WHO, the UN, WEF, etc.. Enforcing our Constitution according to the intentions of our Founding Fathers will eliminate 95% of this country's woes. Don't be distracted. Insist that your representatives honor their Oath of Office to protect and defend the Constitution or be relieved of their position in leu of someone who is honest and will vote Constitutionally 100% on the time.

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In response to Grandpa, 'the actual dangers of the diseases that humanity could get', this is a highly questionable if not completely incorrect concept. There are no studies that prove that bacteria or fungi cause disease or that viruses exist, or that sick people make well people sick. Anyone interested in learning more about this should look into the work of Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Mark and Sam Bailey and Christine Massey. With regard to contagion Daniel Roytas's new book 'Can You Catch a Cold?' is an eye-opener. 200 plus studies, 70 papers and zilch, no proof of contagion.

These facts are as astonishing as they are liberating. The globalist 'combine' has given us a gift in choosing germ theory as a stick to beat us with. None of it is true.

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Those who want to control information are the disease. The virus-hunting is a distraction. They want us to shut up and die. Freedom of speech should be the issue to focus on, then their operation will die of that ultimate vaccine of tyranny which is free-flowing discussion.

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We only need to look at past history to find truth. The Covid fiasco should be bold in everyone's face. Never, I mean NEVER again trust the 3-letter mafia-controlled organizations! We have enough proof with the death statistics.

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What the world needs is an accurate source of information that includes the actual dangers of the diseases that humanity could get as we continue to have the homogeneous society mingling about the world. With each new, or not so new disease we encounter brings new opportunity for a crisis of just government proportions. while each remains as a new and under reported they are a prime target for gov. to use to once again push the miracle drug to cure all. How quickly they now produce the jab that will save us all. (cough cough) Depending upon the weak minded and uninformed that are scared to die run to the nearest clinic for another jab or booster. Not realizing just how much power and control we hand to government. As well as enriching the drug companies with a guaranteed income. I know we have people that could make "we the ignorant" a chart to quickly reference the most common and infectious diseases. Where they come from, how they are spread, and how dangerous are they. lastly is treatment available and what is it. An informed public would stop all the panic from the people that dont have the time and resources to find these answers. Government must have victims to have power. dont hand it to them by being misinformed.------- I, Grampa

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Aug 19Liked by James Roguski

The world deserves access to accurate, up-to-date, coherent and complete data regarding the "moneypox" PHEIC. When in the last four years has this happened?? If the world spelled it like you do...it would erase 100% of the fear mongering!

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Not just monkeypox but all the infectious diseases from around the world. include the fatalities of the last decade would tell us just how much we should panic. Gov.. loves ignorance. it gives them victims to protect and become dependant. Government becomes the crutch that can,t be set aside. Hand a man a crutch and they become a cripple.--------- I, Grampa

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they would only fudge the figures to suit there agenda so it would be all lies anyway ,just like this one is and the bird flu one will be and the sloth virus will be

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Yes- Here is all you need to know about the Chinese-controlled World Health Organization's declaration of a health emergency because of an outbreak of Monkeypox in Africa- an election in the United States is right around the corner!

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This has been around for decades. how infectious is it? how is it spread? is it ever Fatale? what are the treatments for it? do we need shots? If Gov. has its way we are kept in the dark so they can demand we keep our distance and cover our faces. they have the control they desire.----------------I, Grampa

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As with the corona virus, we need one study, yes even just one study, that demonstrates the isolation of the moneypox virus in purified form. Without this, no test or so called vaccine production can proceed. Genomic sequencing is complete nonsense without first isolating the said virus from anything else. The truth is no virus has ever been isolated from human tissue. All resistance to the next pandemic hoax should proceed from this fact. Virology is fraudulent science and must be called out persistently and vociferously. We need to stand our ground here, truth is in our favour.

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Agreed, once one is cognizant of the fundamental pseudoscience of virology the blather about “cases” can be dismissed as just that.

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