In response to Grandpa, 'the actual dangers of the diseases that humanity could get', this is a highly questionable if not completely incorrect concept. There are no studies that prove that bacteria or fungi cause disease or that viruses exist, or that sick people make well people sick. Anyone interested in learning more about this shoul…
In response to Grandpa, 'the actual dangers of the diseases that humanity could get', this is a highly questionable if not completely incorrect concept. There are no studies that prove that bacteria or fungi cause disease or that viruses exist, or that sick people make well people sick. Anyone interested in learning more about this should look into the work of Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Mark and Sam Bailey and Christine Massey. With regard to contagion Daniel Roytas's new book 'Can You Catch a Cold?' is an eye-opener. 200 plus studies, 70 papers and zilch, no proof of contagion.
These facts are as astonishing as they are liberating. The globalist 'combine' has given us a gift in choosing germ theory as a stick to beat us with. None of it is true.
In response to Grandpa, 'the actual dangers of the diseases that humanity could get', this is a highly questionable if not completely incorrect concept. There are no studies that prove that bacteria or fungi cause disease or that viruses exist, or that sick people make well people sick. Anyone interested in learning more about this should look into the work of Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Mark and Sam Bailey and Christine Massey. With regard to contagion Daniel Roytas's new book 'Can You Catch a Cold?' is an eye-opener. 200 plus studies, 70 papers and zilch, no proof of contagion.
These facts are as astonishing as they are liberating. The globalist 'combine' has given us a gift in choosing germ theory as a stick to beat us with. None of it is true.