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Sep 10, 2022
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Understand your concerns. I am a doctor and I am speaking out. You may find this article helpful to educate and inspire those "on the fence"

"Losing My (Vaccine) Religion: A Doctor's Journey From Hope to Despair"


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Sep 10, 2022
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Sep 10, 2022
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Outstanding comments, Sue.!! And I read many, many comments each day. I really can't add anything , but there may be one significant error. I'm pretty certain that Pfizer has paid out Billions in fines. Thanks for really telling it like it is. It's so hard to imagine, and really tragic, that telling the truth and giving solid advice, made you a ''thorn in everyones' side.'' They should be genuflecting in your presence, and honoring your service, knowledge and experience.

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Good to see. Shared on twitter.

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The alphabet soup of predator globalist criminal organizations and their gov't accomplices that pushed this SCAMDEMIC CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY are a system that must be dismantled and the perpetrators of these crimes must be tried and jailed for life.


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With one exception, I totally agree. Their crimes against humanity warrant the death penalty, many times over. Public executions would help show other would-be tyrants that a day of reckoning is justified.

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Unfortunately the people don't have their own army and power to do that. The entire system is held by corrupt, criminal people, including the courts.

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I don’t disagree that all those complicit in these crimes must be stopped, tried and punished. We did just that, including public executions for many after ww2 & it has happened again, at an entirely new level... so they’re betting on getting away with it this time. Regardless, if they live long enough to suffer true justice on earth, I have faith that God knows their hearts.

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"Regardless, if they live long enough to suffer true justice on earth"

But the evil ones at the very top of the 'food chain' (U.S. politicians, for example) usually live to very old age then die a natural death. Being the most powerful means they can get away with it.

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Shared and shared alike...

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My name is magdalena soul. I am with KMSF-DB> i WOULD love to convert your media into audio and air it live on my radio station. My website is kcsf.caster.fm.

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You can reach me directly at 310-619-3055. However, ALL of my work has always been and always will be absolutely free for absolutely everyone to use however they see fit with no restrictions. I would be honored if you used any of my work.

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I did call you this morning if you want me to do an intro let me know, if not I will just use the radio intro thanks

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My apologies. I have been doing interviews all morning. I will return your call ASAP

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no worries whenever you want. would need an email address to send you an intro anyway

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Thanks I sent you an email with information. I look forward to working with you. magdalena soul

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James who are the 34 countries and is this document making it into main stream media worldwide? Fantastic document to share.

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Keep spreading the truth Magdalena!

"Thanks to Reagan's National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the financial liability for vaccine injuries was transferred to US Government." (Thanks to 'Concerned Grammy')

It was a TEMPORARY RULE brought in as EMERGENCY for Swine Flu!!

The experiment was a disaster!

After 50+ US deaths following the EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION the 'trial' was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS".

Big Pharma assumed the TEMPORARY release from LIABILITY was PERMANENT and nobody has the balls to tell them their SUPER-WEALTH must cover all LIABILITY for damage done by their poisons.

Vax DEATHS are now in the MILLIONS, but still, they keep pushing the poisonous crap as "SAFE".

Somehow this ridiculous, inexplicable 'Government LIABILITY' rule now applies to ALL GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE?

How can we be so gullible and stupid to continue this liberty which is no more than Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL'?

Mick from Hooe, UK. (Unjabbed and ready to meet up with Adolf Schwab!)

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Shared. Let's hope it stays up. We will win this War.

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I hope it’s available in better video quality than what was in your substack! It won’t get much coverage if not.

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NB: you don’t need to be a doctor or scientist to sign: there’s a drop-down box if you are a “citizen”.

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Shared! and will provide the italian version within today

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WOW! Thanks! I definitely added your version to mine. It is awesome that you did that.

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We are all "called" to do something, that's what I can do. It was a pleasure for me 🙏 Thank You

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This is an excellent signal. I'll share. Thank you.

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Vee haf your IP an Vee haf your social credit under inspecziun.

Vee vill Wemember ziss

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No hope for me then! I've been highlighting IMMUNITY from LIABILITY for vax injuries & vax deaths for nearly 2 years and I ain't gonna stop! Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to fight the WEF!

"Thanks to Reagan's National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the financial liability for vaccine injuries was transferred to US Government." (Thanks to 'Concerned Grammy')

It was a TEMPORARY RULE brought in as EMERGENCY for Swine Flu!!

The experiment was a disaster!

After 50+ US deaths following the EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION the 'trial' was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS".

Big Pharma assumed the TEMPORARY release from LIABILITY was PERMANENT and nobody has the balls to tell them their SUPER-WEALTH must cover all LIABILITY for damage done by their poisons.

Vax DEATHS are now in the MILLIONS, but still, they keep pushing the poisonous crap as "SAFE".

Somehow this ridiculous, inexplicable 'Government LIABILITY' rule now applies to ALL GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE?

How can we be so gullible and stupid to continue this liberty which is no more than Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL'?

Mick from Hooe, UK. (Unjabbed and ready to meet up with Adolf Schwab!)

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Hey man, I'm on your team.

This NeoStasi empire of data files needs busting .

Dossiers on everyone needs to be transparently held shared and used.

No more hiding.

Any reset has to be mutually benevolent and by agreement.

Not by plutocratic diktat nor suggestion.

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And I saw heaven opened, and Behold! A WHITE HORSE, And HE WHO Sat upon it Is Called FAITHFUL AND TRUE, And in RIGHTEOUSNESS HE JUDGES AND WAGES WAR. HIS EYES ARE A FLAME OF FIRE, AND ON HIS HEAD ARE MANY DIADEMS, AND HE HAS A NAME WRITTEN WHICH Noone knows But HIMSELF. HE IS CLOTHED WITH A ROBE OF BLOOD, AND HIS NAME IS CALLED THE WORD OF GOD. And The Armies Which ARE IN Heaven, CLOTHED IN Fine Linen, White And Clean, Were Following HIM On WHITE HORSES. FROM HIS MOUTH COMES A SHARP SWORD, SO THAT WITH IT HE MAY STRIKE DOWN the nations, AND HE WILL RULE them WITH A ROD OF IRON; And HE TREADS THE WINEPRESS OF THE FIERCE WRATH OF GOD THE ALMIGHTY. And ON HIS ROBE AND ON HIS THIGH HE HAS A NAME WRITTEN, " KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS." Then I Saw An Angel Standing In The Sun, and HE Cried Out In A LOUD VOICE, Saying TO ALL THE Birds which Fly In Midheaven," COME ASSEMBLE FOR THE GREAT SUPPER OF GOD!!" SO THAT You May EAT The flesh of Commanders and The flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and all those who sit upon them and the flesh of all men, both Free and Slaves, And Small and Great." And I Saw The Beast and The Kings of the earth and their Armies Assembled to make war Against HIM WHO SAT ON THE HORSE, AND AGAINST HIS ARMY. And The Beast Was Seized! And WITH him The False Prophet who Performed The Signs in his presence BY WHICH HE Deceived Those Who Had Received The Mark of The Beast and Those Who Worshiped his image; THESE TWO WERE THROWN INTO THE LAKE THAT BURNS WITH BRIMSTONE!! AND THE REST WERE KILLED WITH THE SWORD WHICH CAME OUT OF THE MOUTH OF HIM WHO SAT ON THE HORSE, And All The Birds Were Filled With Their Flesh."( Revelation 19:11-21

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The first measure to stop the tyrannical medical mafia:


No virus = no plandemic

No virus = no pharma (AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, GAVI, WHO)

No virus = no inoculations

See What The World Would Look Like Without Viruses, Dr Tom Cowan on rumble.


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Great point of view! "Thanks to Reagan's National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the financial liability for vaccine injuries was transferred to US Government." (Thanks to 'Concerned Grammy')

It was a TEMPORARY RULE brought in as EMERGENCY for Swine Flu!!

The experiment was a disaster!

After 50+ US deaths following the EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION the 'trial' was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS".

Big Pharma assumed the TEMPORARY release from LIABILITY was PERMANENT and nobody has the balls to tell them their SUPER-WEALTH must cover all LIABILITY for damage done by their poisons.

Vax DEATHS are now in the MILLIONS, but still, they keep pushing the poisonous crap as "SAFE".

Somehow this ridiculous, inexplicable 'Government LIABILITY' rule now applies to ALL GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE?

How can we be so gullible and stupid to continue this liberty which is no more than Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL'?

Mick from Hooe, UK. (Unjabbed and ready to meet up with Adolf Schwab!)

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James - it looks as tho we can sign the declaration as a citizen. What is a civil ID #?

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I put my phone number

Make one up....

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I believe that it is an unfortunate fact of life in India in which they seem to be accepting of always providing their "civil id." Unfortunately it will dramatically slow down signature collection. I will try to get them to comprehend that this is a problem.

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Signed. I just entered 9s. Thank you James.

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2 min ago

·edited just now

IMPORTANT : This Article is Proof Positive that Something is being done at the Judicial Level


"A lawsuit against the federal government – Anthony Fauci in particular – from the Attorneys General of Missouri and Louisiana has been brewing for a good part of the summer of 2022. ... We know for sure that this censorship began early in the pandemic response and included exchanges between Fauci and then head of NIH Francis Collins, who called for a “quick and devastating takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. .. .On September 6, U.S. District Judge Terry Doughty released a decision that orders the government to give up information relevant to the case and do so in 21 days. "

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It seems all litigation can "brew" for years in the USA! Look at Biden's kid!

"Thanks to Reagan's National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the financial liability for vaccine injuries was transferred to US Government." (Thanks to 'Concerned Grammy')

It was a TEMPORARY RULE brought in as EMERGENCY for Swine Flu!!

The experiment was a disaster!

After 50+ US deaths following the EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION the 'trial' was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS".

Big Pharma assumed the TEMPORARY release from LIABILITY was PERMANENT and nobody has the balls to tell them their SUPER-WEALTH must cover all LIABILITY for damage done by their poisons.

Vax DEATHS are now in the MILLIONS, but still, they keep pushing the poisonous crap as "SAFE".

Somehow this ridiculous, inexplicable 'Government LIABILITY' rule now applies to ALL GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE?

How can we be so gullible and stupid to continue this liberty which is no more than Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL'?

Mick from Hooe, UK. (Unjabbed and ready to meet up with Adolf Schwab!)

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Thanks for your response. But we do not have the luxury to do nothing. The Problem is the same as what happened during the Vietnam War. That War did not end until 1979. It was Morley Safer https://theworld.org/stories/2016-05-20/morley-safers-coverage-vietnam-war-changed-everything

from 60 Minutes who brought back direct footage from the Front. This changed everything and the Govt Narrative crumbled. Muhammed Ali the famous boxer, also spoke out.


Body bags kept coming Home but no one did anything for years. The Song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone" is loosely based on that War. There is a Tipping Point. We will be there within the next 6 months. The Timetable is set by the Heavens. Pluto leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius on March 24, 2023. https://www.jessicaadams.com/2022/06/11/blog/astrology-and-covid-in-2023-2024-2025-2026/


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Don't worry, I'm on my own mission to get LIABIILTY to be the responsibility of Pfizer et al. It must be a basic requirement for new meds & 'experimental Jabs'. Not expect stupid Governments top pick up the tab - when Big Pharma rakes in a fortune (DAILY). Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed and ready to bump into Adolf Schwab!

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