My name is magdalena soul. I am with KMSF-DB> i WOULD love to convert your media into audio and air it live on my radio station. My website is
My name is magdalena soul. I am with KMSF-DB> i WOULD love to convert your media into audio and air it live on my radio station. My website is
You can reach me directly at 310-619-3055. However, ALL of my work has always been and always will be absolutely free for absolutely everyone to use however they see fit with no restrictions. I would be honored if you used any of my work.
"Thanks to Reagan's National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the financial liability for vaccine injuries was transferred to US Government." (Thanks to 'Concerned Grammy')
It was a TEMPORARY RULE brought in as EMERGENCY for Swine Flu!!
The experiment was a disaster!
After 50+ US deaths following the EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION the 'trial' was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS".
Big Pharma assumed the TEMPORARY release from LIABILITY was PERMANENT and nobody has the balls to tell them their SUPER-WEALTH must cover all LIABILITY for damage done by their poisons.
Vax DEATHS are now in the MILLIONS, but still, they keep pushing the poisonous crap as "SAFE".
Somehow this ridiculous, inexplicable 'Government LIABILITY' rule now applies to ALL GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE?
How can we be so gullible and stupid to continue this liberty which is no more than Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL'?
Mick from Hooe, UK. (Unjabbed and ready to meet up with Adolf Schwab!)
My name is magdalena soul. I am with KMSF-DB> i WOULD love to convert your media into audio and air it live on my radio station. My website is
You can reach me directly at 310-619-3055. However, ALL of my work has always been and always will be absolutely free for absolutely everyone to use however they see fit with no restrictions. I would be honored if you used any of my work.
I did call you this morning if you want me to do an intro let me know, if not I will just use the radio intro thanks
My apologies. I have been doing interviews all morning. I will return your call ASAP
no worries whenever you want. would need an email address to send you an intro anyway
Thanks I sent you an email with information. I look forward to working with you. magdalena soul
James who are the 34 countries and is this document making it into main stream media worldwide? Fantastic document to share.
Keep spreading the truth Magdalena!
"Thanks to Reagan's National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, the financial liability for vaccine injuries was transferred to US Government." (Thanks to 'Concerned Grammy')
It was a TEMPORARY RULE brought in as EMERGENCY for Swine Flu!!
The experiment was a disaster!
After 50+ US deaths following the EXPERIMENTAL INJECTION the 'trial' was abandoned for being "TOO DANGEROUS".
Big Pharma assumed the TEMPORARY release from LIABILITY was PERMANENT and nobody has the balls to tell them their SUPER-WEALTH must cover all LIABILITY for damage done by their poisons.
Vax DEATHS are now in the MILLIONS, but still, they keep pushing the poisonous crap as "SAFE".
Somehow this ridiculous, inexplicable 'Government LIABILITY' rule now applies to ALL GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE?
How can we be so gullible and stupid to continue this liberty which is no more than Big Pharma's 'LICENCE TO KILL'?
Mick from Hooe, UK. (Unjabbed and ready to meet up with Adolf Schwab!)