Don't worry, I'm on my own mission to get LIABIILTY to be the responsibility of Pfizer et al. It must be a basic requirement for new meds & 'experimental Jabs'. Not expect stupid Governments top pick up the tab - when Big Pharma rakes in a fortune (DAILY). Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed and ready to bump into Adolf Schwab!
Don't worry, I'm on my own mission to get LIABIILTY to be the responsibility of Pfizer et al. It must be a basic requirement for new meds & 'experimental Jabs'. Not expect stupid Governments top pick up the tab - when Big Pharma rakes in a fortune (DAILY). Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed and ready to bump into Adolf Schwab!
Don't worry, I'm on my own mission to get LIABIILTY to be the responsibility of Pfizer et al. It must be a basic requirement for new meds & 'experimental Jabs'. Not expect stupid Governments top pick up the tab - when Big Pharma rakes in a fortune (DAILY). Mick from Hooe (Unjabbed and ready to bump into Adolf Schwab!