On a side note--Now the FDA has made it legal to not inform when there is supposedly low risk(how do they know?) about a drug trial. I guess that is so they can put vaccines in our food and big pharma will not be liable. "Who decides what constitutes “minimal risk”? Researchers and IRBs. This prevents human subjects from deciding for themselves whether to participate in research studies.

How can they know if a product has “minimal risk”? They cannot; It is disingenuously presumptuous to claim to know a pharmaceutical product or procedure comes with “minimal risk” prior to long-term outcomes determination. This rule obfuscates the detection and discovery of adverse events." https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/the-defender-fda-makes-it-official SO WE NEED TO STOP THEM.

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Notice of withdrawal of Consent did not work. Maybe this will. Worth a try.

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Under the UN and WHO charters humanity is in a project where samples have been collected for decades. According to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK110047/ “(1) contemporary genetic technology permits a detailed analysis of small tissue samples.” (2) there are mutations causing serious health problems (3) there is genetic discrimination in insurance and employment and (4) sample collections without consent.

After the COVIDAI rollout are we now trackable UN/WHO token experiments? Look at the truth and see it for yourself. WE DID NOT CONSENT TO THIS

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James, I am British, live in Spain and have residence here. Your form to sign the European Citizens Initiative will not accept either my passport number or my residency number. Please advise.

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Signatures can only be accepted from those who are nationals/citizens of any one of the 27 EU nations. It seems like you are not eligible to sign. Please share this info with your Spanish and other EU FRIENDS.


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I am English, live in Spain but don’t speak the language. I have no idea what is happening here. I do not know any of the government officials. It really is a very vulnerable position to be in. I would welcome contact with like minded people here in Spain who could provide a support group.

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Feel free to join our daily zoom meeting

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Does anybody know the email address of James?

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Thanks for your great work James. I will answer your question about the Swedish political party "Partiet MoD" claiming to be in favor of exiting the WHO and claiming to be in favor of Human rights and democracy, claiming to be non-partisan (not left or right).

Consciously or not... "Partiet MoD" https://partietmod.se/ collect people's money by digital transfers and thus register them for the bank mafia... just like you plan to do in the middle of global fascism, James. This is normal behavior since people still believe we have democracy. I would not distrust anyone for that. Who does not want to believe in a decent democracy, and who does not need money to survive? I am unemployed and get no money from the government. Zero.

Consciously or not... "Partiet MoD" is totally ignored by the media, and still won't talk to the people, like we do, and you do, James. I do not trust politicians who do not speak to the people and refuse debate with other politicians. Why would people even consider voting for a political party not answering people's or other politician's questions? Being blacked out by the media, owned by the global fascists, is however a sign of being great.

The election result of "Partiet MoD" 2022 was 0,09% (Still they refuse to cooperate against the 4% limit) I do not trust politicians, nor small parties, who do not cooperate broadly. That is insane, unless you are a controlled opposition. Only then it makes sense.

I guess "Partiet MoD" were part of the campaign "No vaccine passports - Yes to Freedom" in Stockholm, which was indirectly ridiculed in the media with a movie framing the freedom movement "Frihetsrörelsen" as hippie, mumbo jumbo, young flamboyant party trolls, and not caring about the sick and the old.

We, the real opposition, reacted to that controlled opposition together with an excellent outspoken nurse, Sarah Delin-Ekstrand and the excellent Dr Mikael Nordfors (probably murdered by a fake Mossad eye doctor for exposing one of their favorite trick, ketamin, a truth serum, probably used by agents like Epstein and Maxwell.): https://odysee.com/@DigiDemo:/L%C3%A4ngre-samtal-om-Frihetsr%C3%B6relsen (in Swedish)

I made an English translation of a great speech from the Stockholm event from Dr Nils Littorin https://peacecompassionunderstanding.wordpress.com/2022/01/23/dr-nils-littorin-in-a-peaceful-demonstration-stockholm-2022-01-22/ ... even if I am an antivaxxer today, since I see no reason to trust mass murderers who murder indiscriminately with intent.

Dr Nils Littorin seems to be a great man. Active politically locally in Malmö https://www.malmolistan.se/ However, like many doctors, he is not standing for election to the European Parliament, nor the Swedish Parliament, in a broad election cooperation ... yet. He could however be really clever, aiming locally. Do not believe he is part of "Partiet MoD", but I do not know.

Consciously or not... "Partiet MoD" lead people into Facebook, Google and Youtube, the very same platforms censoring the ones they claim to stand behind. No alternative platforms. No comments from "Partiet MoD" on this embarrassing fact. I would not be surprised if they use Zoom either. This is normal behavior, but it is not very clever, in my opinion, to use known culprits. I use Linux Mint on my computer, and https://chitchatter.im or Jami for communication. I broadcast with OBS Studio on Odysee.

"Partiet MoD" recently had a conflict within their party involving the leader, and his friend, taking out salary, and people in the board suggesting a change of leadership in favor of Elsa Widding, a Swedish outspoken independent MP, also on YouTube... but not speaking to the people, not answering questions... not being part of a broader coalition...

Is Elsa a controlled opposition? Consciously or not? I am not sure. We will see. She is invited. I invite all, from communists to people believing Hitler was misunderstood. I believe Hitler was a British/Sionist agent and probably lived his last days in Argentina, as "Spitting Image hints at Hitler escaping to Argentina". A controlled opposition, just like Hamas, and "Tim Osman". A Bogeyman to hunt, while the military industrial complex profits.

As being in favor of equality, ecological sustainability, health and freedom, I see myself as a left-wing patriotic democratic green socialist for peace and neutrality. The Election Coalition I am in is, however, much broader and accepts people with all kinds of beliefs. https://valsamverkanspartiet.wordpress.com/

At the moment we have not agreed to any program, but with the people inside now I guess it will be a clear Exit the WHO, since we all are aware of the mass murder going on.

Hope I helped you with that, and that it was a great experience for you, James.

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Astrid Stuckleburger suggests to keep the 2004 WHO IHRs. Institutions stopped training the trainers about it. Agent characterization. pCRs were not designed as a diagnosis tool and for 3 other reasons in the handbook should not have been used to rack up cases. Diagnosis of the virus was not substantiated accoding to the standards. The scientists and specialists didn't weigh in on the response decisions. The WHO wanted to establish the constitution as One Health Article 13-92 they can change the definitions. According to article 19 and 20 if 2/3s of the member states agree ALL member states will have to submit. IFFFI was planning to roll down money from the IMF through gavi to Sepi. WATCH FROM 27 MINUTES EVERYONE. Who consents? https://rumble.com/v26tmhq-w.h.o.-whistleblower-exposes-globalist-agenda.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

We can't accept lies OR Action Trigger Response Orders.

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Carol, this article/effort is not directly about the WHO. Please review the information in detail and consider participation. Your statement: "According to article 19 and 20 if 2/3s of the member states agree ALL member states will have to submit." is not correct.

Most people have been misrepresenting the details of the documents being negotiated.

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I agree my transcript was a bit sketchy. Thanks for your reply and encouragement.

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Thanks James! As you will know better than me, there are only so many hours in a day in which to try to read, understand and digest the reams of info, from both sides of the issues that bother those who think they understand what has been going on since before Covid was released and the planned cull by injection was rolled out in late 2020.

I'm already regarded as obsessed with the issues we both try to battle with, so extra time is not justifiable in our schedules.

I'm a healthy 78-year-old and I do what I can to notify those around me of my (our) fears and observations. I have my list of 'Covid & DEADLY Vax HEROES' as well as the well-known list of 'Vax VILLAINS'!

Some of my 'contacts' have no idea and deliberately reject any/all suggestions that anything is going on that could be regarded as sinister, dangerous or untoward. It's unbelievable!

I'll carry on in my 'small way' by trying to notify as many as possible what I believe they should be wary of by word of mouth (if they can even hear me) and by 'commenting' on relevant topics raised by others (both Heroes and Villains).

Thanks for your interest in responding to one of my comments. As previously suggested, I'm available to assist you (and other like-minded heroes) if there is anything specific I can do locally (England South east) to help spread the truth.

Petitions are supposedly aimed at uncovering some of the skulduggeries that have been going on, most notably since 2020, and are a method of highlighting indiscretions and sinister plans that will impact us all. For example; By signing the UK Government Petition requests, MP's can be alerted to increasing vax-related injuries and deaths. This should justify consideration and action from within the UK Parliament - if sufficient signatures are submitted. When these justifiable topics are then ignored and deliberately side-stepped, it helps more people realise how the corrupt system is, and how it is being manipulated.

Kind regards.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and trying to keep an open mind whilst joining dots!

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The thing is - in reality - we are all sovereign. We have been trained to believe someone has authority over us. We are enmeshed in a profusion of law. It is cumbersome to say all the things that are allowed and not allowed. Rather life would be much simpler if we just agreed that every person is sovereign and we built a new foundation on that. But first we have to talk about it and familiarize ourselves with it. We have an opportunity here to do something different and better. To continue to add laws - which haven't worked because laws are being broken all the time. We can establish a system where we don't need laws but we have a database where we broadcast those who violate our sovereignty. I hope we can discuss this. It is very doable and it will change the trajectory forever and do away with the fallacious idea that anybody has jurisdiction over anybody else. I am happy to illustrate how this can work.

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Where it can be established that the entity (-ies), i.e., Health Professional, Health Facility, Health Conglomerate, Health Insurance Provider, etc. has or will benefit (financially or otherwise), e.g., through "incentive" payments based on issuing a prescription or promoting a particular treatment, achieving a quota of such treatments, but not limited to such vehicles as incentive payments (i.e., anything broadly falling under "Conflict of Interest"), the entity recommending, prescribing, coaxing or coercing treatment shall be subject to additional penalties in the event of adverse effects suffered by the patient(s). These penalties are neither limited in scope nor extent. Thus, the entity recommending or providing the treatment MUST carry adequate insurance to cover the full extent of said additional penalties when and where such conflicts of interest may exist.

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Thanks Deborah!

The EU Petition does not allow non-EU residents (= Brits) to access the signature part of this petition. Unless you know differently? if so, please let the rest of us know how we can sign such important Petitions that curtail the WHO Takeover of our liberties.


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Mick, this is not about signing petitions. This is a worldwide effort. Please take the time to review the information and realize that everyone on earth can participate in the larger effort behind the EU Citizens' Initiative. Join our daily Zoom any day of the week.

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Hi James! I'm sorry I have not had the opportunity to get back to you as recently invited!

The European Citizen's Rights Petition is not available to UK residents. I just tried to sign the Petition but the UK is obviously not an available option since we, using Brexit, resigned from the unelected dictatorship called the European Union!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Thanks for all your work opposing the WHO Pandemic Treaty.

WE THE PEOPLE, of planet Earth, need to immediately unite behind our own complex agenda in order to stop this globalist coup. To that end I've put together what I call the "Put People First" agenda, which has developed over the past 5 years. I'm encouraging everyone to endorse this agenda and cite your support at City Council, School Board meetings as well as during protests. As Benjamin Franklin once said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence: "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." Here is the PPF agenda as it currently exists:

* No Lockdowns EVER again

* No forced masking ANYWHERE

* No forced vaccinations under ANY circumstance

* Absolutely no vaccine passports or digital currency

* Reinstate all of those that lost jobs for refusing to get the mRNA injection, including all of our Healthcare workers

* Universal non-coercive choice: Wearing a mask or getting a mRNA injection will be up to each individual and there will be ABSOLUTELY no penalty for not complying in or out of the workplace.

* No more censorship of ANYONE whether that be on social media, corporate media or at the workplace. No one should ever be censored or punished for exercising their First Amendment Right to Free Speech.

* Impeach Biden/Harris and reinstate Trump as our president.

* Stop the LGBTQ and CRT indoctrination in our schools and corporations

* Stop the Climate Agenda and make Energy Independence Priority Number One.

* Send every Illegal Alien, that Biden has brought in through Open Borders, back home.

* Stop the illegal mass imigration invasion worldwide

* Legalize the personal cultivation of Cannabis, Psilocybin.

* Legalize the right to take Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other anti-viral herbs and drugs

* Legalize the right to choose when it comes to vaccines, abortion, drugs etc.

* Eliminate Genetically modified vaccines, plants, animals (fish, cattle etc.) and the use of Glyphosate.

* Eliminate the use of Geoengineering: Chemtrails, HAARP etc.* Eliminate the fluoridation of our water supply.

* Stop allowing Blackrock, and other financial institutions from buying up residential properties which will make it impossible for future families to own a home and build up equity.

* Demand your government defund and exit the UN, WHO and WEF


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We are on the same wavelength. Please consider attending our daily zoom meeting any day of the week.

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James, is it possible to record these zoom meetings, for those of us who possibly wouldn’t be able to attend?

And, you are SO appreciated! Blissings to yoUs!

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Thank you James!

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