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"Bill Gates calls circumcision a "surgical vaccine"."

Hmmm, they must be doing something very different in their African circumcisions.

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Nothing effectively different than in the USA.

Urologists from various countries around the world vehemently disagree with the practice.

It's a human rights violation.

It's demeaning, degrading, disgusting and dehumanizing.

But, the foreskin cells are great to test on and to add to skincare products like from companies like Skinmedica.

They make billions a year off foreskin harvesting.

They started the marketing BS that it was "good and beneficial", and fooled people just like they did with the vax.

And so many Americans think this mutilation is ethical or beneficial in some way.

It's not.

If being mutilated we're better and if foreskin was so problematic then men in Europe would be electing to get it done, they're not....they like having their intact genitals....also, 6500+ species of mammals would not have a foreskin if it were so problematic.

Americans have been fooled, then we spread this disgusting practice to Africa, South Korea, etc...

A documented 100 or so baby boys die from bleeding out from a circumcision each year - that's just the reported number....

Others have a part of the head of their penis fall off or their entire penis fall off due to infection and necrosis - there's a boy that happened to, he was raised as a girl, then he killed himself at around age 30, he couldn't take it anymore.

And all men that are cut, never experience full sexual functions and experience, the majority of nerve endings and receptors are in the foreskin. Not to mention, they had their bodies violently violated.

We wouldn't strap a 10 yr old or 16 yr old boy down and mutilate his penis. So why baby boys? Because they can't say no and they won't consciously remember.

When do human rights start?

This needs to end.

Any man that is okay with this has no respect for himself.

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"baby boys die from bleeding out from a circumcision each year:"

"Others have a part of the head of their penis fall off or their entire penis fall off due to infection and necrosis"

I will have to stick with my initial response, and say again "They must do things differently There"

And then there is this Doozy: "all men that are cut, never experience full sexual functions and experience". All I can say about this is, Not To MY Experience !!" Or perhaps my FIVE children do not equal "Full Sexual Functions" in your fanatical fever dreams ??

I suppose being baptized as an infant was also against my free will to choose? But I believe my parents has their reasons for that too.

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I know a woman whose son’s baby-mama felt “icky” sliding the healing tissue down below her infant son’s head of his penis - so she did not. By the time the grandmother was made aware of the ‘problem’ it was too late and the boy is malformed. When something is a profitable norm, the tragedies don’t make the front page.

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Yep, that's called an adhesion.

Not having a foreskin is bad enough, a birth defect called aposthia.

Then the boy gets mutilated and the wound closes unevenly and the penis curves in a painful way.

Lots of cut men have pain and excessive tightness and abnormal curving and bending of the penis.

How tons of people are desensitized to this and uncaring about boys disgusts me.

Sometimes I can only take things a day at a time or a few minutes at a time.

His own mother felt her son was "icky"?

Babies pick up on that. Babies sense the way they're being shamed through tone of voice, facial expression, and more. Source: Somatic Experiencing, Irene Lyon, Dr. Peter Levine, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, and others.

I've been contacting Epoch Times and many other news sources and public figures trying to get them to cover this.


Thank you for your comment.

We can overcome this.

Best of wishes to you.

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Thank you and same to you. You are 100% correct on the emotional and psychological damage inflicted on the boy by his mother’s neglect. I do try not to judge, it’s very possible something happened to her at some point to warp her sense of natural? I am reminded of a couple who, in the foyer of their home had adorable photos of their daughter at bath time. A female guest seeing the images became upset and deemed them pornographic - they were in no way sexual or suggestive… then again, I grew up on a farm with a big claw foot tub and all of the kids were bathed in the same water - us girls first, but the boys always got fed first… sorry I digress. My point is, if a ‘naked baby’ engenders any feelings or thoughts of sex, get help. Please, get help! (Diapers in a swimming pool are disgusting. Nude children are precious. They are in no way whatsoever sexual.)

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Based on the literature I've read of Somatic Experiencing and other body centric stress physiology modalities - and even non Somatic psychology models - "hurt people, hurt people" - Meninger. I got that quote from the book, "Circumcision: The Hidden Trauma", by Dr. Ronald Goldman, who quoted the psychologist, Meninger (I hope I'm spelling their name right, this is from my memory, which may be faulty in this regard).

A healthy person does not abuse others. They were first abused, then go on to abuse others if they keep the behavior unconscious. Even when the behavior becomes conscious it can still be a struggle because a trauma response like avoiding all people and never connecting with them, used to be a good strategy if you were, say, sexually abused as a child, but when you have your own children you need to connect with them - if you never resolved your own trauma by coaxing your body into a state that actually matches the present environmental safety level (regulating the nervous system) - then you will be misattuned to your child, and you won't be able to pass on the good things they need and you will also give them the bad things you yourself were given.

Who you are is the sun of the parenting of your entire lineage - lots of what we think is our personality is actually a bundle of trauma responses that never got to complete and are wreaking having on our physiology, like pressing the gas and the brake pedal down on a vehicle, at once. Lots of inner tension - holding back trapped life force that could be used for constructive and loving purposes....

I'm going off on a huge tangent.

But, yes - I'm learning to see my parents and everyone else as people that also have hurts - unresolved, unaddressed.

It's difficult to reconcile that with how badly I want to communicate how I see certain things, like male genital mutilation, to other people.

This has definitely been a driving force in my maturation.

Contending with what we've been avoiding or what hurts like hell - makes us feel grief, helpless, useless, murderous rage, etc. - that contention tends to spurn growth. Painful growth.

"One day, this pain will be useful to you."

These parents deserve grace, too. The ones that did not know better. The ones that didn't get what they needed (or got something they did not need which damaged them) from their parents and so on.

As for your remark about the female guest and the photos of the children at bath time. Yes, what we say often speaks most about who we are, and our relationship with ourselves which was formed by how our parents treated us. Psychological projection is happening all the time to all of us - it's just not always obvious how to accurately interpret the meaning.

Another way to think of psychological projection is: we're always dreaming, even when we're awake - it's just that the physical objects of the waking world superimpose themselves on top of the dream world that is still their underneath. When you fall asleep, that superimposition gives way to what was still always living on in the background.

As for the feelings of sex when seeing a nude child, it could also be that is being felt because the person themselves has been molested as a child. Those that are very protective of children often project the desire for protection they wish they had as a child onto the current child they see as an adult.

There's more to it than that. There's always more, I suppose.

I mean, if the molested adult mixes the aforementioned feelings with anger and feelings of helplessness, they may recreate the situation by molesting a child. Man or woman. I've heard stories of teenage babysitters taking advantage of young boys or girls - and of course, young men, too. No need to make a gender war out of it. But, those that have been molested have a higher chance of molesting than the general population, but we're not lottery tickets and we can proactively seek help. The danger of stats is not considering them, but also judging everyone by then, as well. Hedge your bets and be a good judge of character, is the best way. Only way to soundly so that is to know yourself, truly. And that's painful.

Okay, I'll keep rambling if I don't stop.

I guess the point is, a lot of this is tricky, unconscious and cyclical, passed on.

Have a good night!

Please excuse any typos.

May the Wind Be at Your Back!

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Rant any time! You give great rant! Are you familiar with the South Afrikan rappers Die Antwoord? One of their friends, Wanga had come of age. He was upset, sad, scared, that he was to be taken into the jungle and ‘made a man’ with a machete! So Ninja and Yolandi made this video with him to scare off his tribesmen!!


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Ah, thank you.

I actually did have someone mention this song to me a while back, I think on the Foregen (https://www.foregen.org/) Discord server someone mentioned this to me.

I almost forgot about it.

I'm glad that artists like them are bringing light to this when so many stay silent.

Thanks for the reminder - I think I'll add the song to the "Intactivist" folder on my phone :)

Day by day, we will overturn all of these wrongdoings.

Please, do have a great day!

May the Wind Be at Your Back.

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Their description of the incident has been taken down, at least in America. Too bad, it was very sweet and SUPER EFFECTIVE! It’s on a Brit show - ‘Zoom zoom’ or ‘boom boom’, I forget.

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I changed my VPN location to the UK and then to Norway - the description for the music video on YouTube stays the same - perhaps, you were referring to the description being taken down in America on a different platform?

Or maybe my test was a failure for unforeseen reasons - although, it did show my location change on the YouTube website in my settings at the top right.

Either way, I'm not surprised that Americans would want to hide and suppress this topic - they know it's wrong. You don't hide what you're proud of and you know is moral.

Thanks for the input.

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Woah, wait what?

You mean the YouTube description section of the music video you linked to me is blank only in America - but, it is there for other countries?

What's on a Brit show? The song was featured on a British TV show?

Thanks for the info.

I'm going to access the music video on YouTube using a VPN from a different country - to see if the description shows up or not. IF - I'm interpreting what you're saying correctly, that is!

Thank you!

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To be blunt - you don't know as much about this as I do.

Explore the sources I posted.

If you refuse, then you are staying willfully ignorant.

The Truth doesn't fear investigation.

If you are uncomfortable about reviewing the sources I posted, you don't want to attempt to falsify your beliefs, instead you want to engage in confirmation bias, only looking for evidence or experiences that justify what you already believe.

Parents should not legally have this right.

Conceiving children is a low bar for measuring sexual function. If you explored my sources I linked in my original post, you'd know that.

They must do things differently there? No. But if you explored my sources you'd know that.

Those circumcision programs were funded by USA money and Bill Gates and Fauci were involved...they're Americans....they had American style male genital mutilation performed on young African kids... understand?

Baptism versus genital mutilation? Lol, good God...one is irreversible and violent and painful removal of healthy erogenous tissue, the other is....bath time....


You know you're fooling yourself, right?

This is immoral.

It needs to be federally banned.

Americans that praise freedom and liberty that think genital mutilation is okay....they're hypocritical.

Realizing this is up to you.

I may or may not respond from here on out.

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" Conceiving children is a low bar for measuring sexual function." That seems contrarian.

But when I consider vaccines in Africa compared to the US,, well traditionally anyway, what they do in Africa always seems heavily botched, and it also seems very intentional, for a purpose, so if Bill Gates and/or Fauci had anything to do with it at all, then I believe that is the reason right there for the heinous issues that have been caused. If babies are bleeding out and dying or their tallywhacker is falling off afterwards, then indeed, they are doing something different over there.

But hey, Everything these globalists do in other countries, ... is based on Eugenics, and all they ever accomplish is pure harm. I am sure that if the U.N. the WHO, Gates etc. etc. were forced out of nations like Africa and India, they would be far better off. They would have their problems, but would be way less than the offered "Solutions", which always cause massive dilemma's.

"I may or (may not) respond from here on out." Same Here.

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Mere conception is a low bar. Sexual experience, connection, pleasure - that all goes out of the window if you only look at, "can I get a woman pregnant"...


The above video series speaks about the sexual function of the foreskin and the intact penis as a whole.

Here are more links on the missing elements of sexual function.




This is what mutilated men and their partners are missing out on.

Do you now see why mere conception is a low bar for measuring sexual function?

This is no contrarianism here at all.


"If babies are bleeding out and dying or their tallywhacker is falling off afterwards, then indeed, they are doing something different over there."

You misread me - that is happening in the USA and also in Africa - they had to stop the procedures on under 15 year olds because the injury rate was so high in Africa - there are different methods of circumcising - and some methods are prone to more medical complications like infection and scarring and formation of necrotic tissue which leads to parts of the penis that are not the foreskin falling off, like the head of the penis...

It happens where ever circumcision mutilation is practiced by quack doctors that betray their conscience and hearts for money and whom defer moral authority to their corporate benefactors.

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