Rant any time! You give great rant! Are you familiar with the South Afrikan rappers Die Antwoord? One of their friends, Wanga had come of age. He was upset, sad, scared, that he was to be taken into the jungle and ‘made a man’ with a machete! So Ninja and Yolandi made this video with him to scare off his tribesmen!!
Rant any time! You give great rant! Are you familiar with the South Afrikan rappers Die Antwoord? One of their friends, Wanga had come of age. He was upset, sad, scared, that he was to be taken into the jungle and ‘made a man’ with a machete! So Ninja and Yolandi made this video with him to scare off his tribesmen!!
I actually did have someone mention this song to me a while back, I think on the Foregen (https://www.foregen.org/) Discord server someone mentioned this to me.
I almost forgot about it.
I'm glad that artists like them are bringing light to this when so many stay silent.
Thanks for the reminder - I think I'll add the song to the "Intactivist" folder on my phone :)
Day by day, we will overturn all of these wrongdoings.
Their description of the incident has been taken down, at least in America. Too bad, it was very sweet and SUPER EFFECTIVE! It’s on a Brit show - ‘Zoom zoom’ or ‘boom boom’, I forget.
I changed my VPN location to the UK and then to Norway - the description for the music video on YouTube stays the same - perhaps, you were referring to the description being taken down in America on a different platform?
Or maybe my test was a failure for unforeseen reasons - although, it did show my location change on the YouTube website in my settings at the top right.
Either way, I'm not surprised that Americans would want to hide and suppress this topic - they know it's wrong. You don't hide what you're proud of and you know is moral.
If you only knew the spins my mind has made in order to recall ‘BOING BOING’ for you. Maybe reach out to Die Antwoord? Ninja is quite proudly intact and very much a man. They devoted a great deal of their talent, time, money and energy to save just one foreskin! I think it would be lovely for them to allow its use formally in the fight to end forced genital mutilation of any sort!
(I’m from what I understand, not always ‘proper’ and have a different sense of humor… honesty it seems can be offensive and genuine self expression easily twisted into something else. Please, don’t get me wrong and thank you for asking me to clarify that which previously, I did not make clear!)
Yes, that's a great idea - I have made attempts to contact celebrities, public figures, etc. - and in some cases, it has been successful.
I, like many other intactivists have a running list of people, groups, etc., that would be good candidates to approach to speak out on this issue, either because they have already done so, themselves - or for other salient reasons.
You mean the YouTube description section of the music video you linked to me is blank only in America - but, it is there for other countries?
What's on a Brit show? The song was featured on a British TV show?
Thanks for the info.
I'm going to access the music video on YouTube using a VPN from a different country - to see if the description shows up or not. IF - I'm interpreting what you're saying correctly, that is!
BOING BOING!!! That’s the name of the show no longer available in America (at least for free?) I knew it would come to me! ‘Boing Boing’, possibly, ‘Jenny does Boing Boing’. It
Is a ‘green room’ type ‘evening with’ show which interviews musicians. On it, Ninja and Yolandi Vissar tell their story as well as the details regarding each one of their videos in chronological order.
When they got to ‘Evil Boy’ it shed… darkness and light all over MGM, especially for young men in South Africa. Years ago I heard of the ritual inflicted on teenaged boys in order to become ‘men’. At the time, as any compassionate person would, I thought “Oh that’s just awful!” But back then I did not know Wanga. Of course, we have never been introduced but the narration of the event and subsequent victorious video feat. Wanga! has firmly secured his place in my heart. You know, know a couple of rather clever content providers on Odysee. I believe I’ll see if I can’t find a way to share that broadcast with you. The Zef crowd may be rather wild, unorthodox and down right pure white trash, but hearts of gold shine through every veneer untarnished.
Rant any time! You give great rant! Are you familiar with the South Afrikan rappers Die Antwoord? One of their friends, Wanga had come of age. He was upset, sad, scared, that he was to be taken into the jungle and ‘made a man’ with a machete! So Ninja and Yolandi made this video with him to scare off his tribesmen!!
Ah, thank you.
I actually did have someone mention this song to me a while back, I think on the Foregen (https://www.foregen.org/) Discord server someone mentioned this to me.
I almost forgot about it.
I'm glad that artists like them are bringing light to this when so many stay silent.
Thanks for the reminder - I think I'll add the song to the "Intactivist" folder on my phone :)
Day by day, we will overturn all of these wrongdoings.
Please, do have a great day!
May the Wind Be at Your Back.
Their description of the incident has been taken down, at least in America. Too bad, it was very sweet and SUPER EFFECTIVE! It’s on a Brit show - ‘Zoom zoom’ or ‘boom boom’, I forget.
I changed my VPN location to the UK and then to Norway - the description for the music video on YouTube stays the same - perhaps, you were referring to the description being taken down in America on a different platform?
Or maybe my test was a failure for unforeseen reasons - although, it did show my location change on the YouTube website in my settings at the top right.
Either way, I'm not surprised that Americans would want to hide and suppress this topic - they know it's wrong. You don't hide what you're proud of and you know is moral.
Thanks for the input.
If you only knew the spins my mind has made in order to recall ‘BOING BOING’ for you. Maybe reach out to Die Antwoord? Ninja is quite proudly intact and very much a man. They devoted a great deal of their talent, time, money and energy to save just one foreskin! I think it would be lovely for them to allow its use formally in the fight to end forced genital mutilation of any sort!
(I’m from what I understand, not always ‘proper’ and have a different sense of humor… honesty it seems can be offensive and genuine self expression easily twisted into something else. Please, don’t get me wrong and thank you for asking me to clarify that which previously, I did not make clear!)
Ah, that makes sense.
Yes, that's a great idea - I have made attempts to contact celebrities, public figures, etc. - and in some cases, it has been successful.
I, like many other intactivists have a running list of people, groups, etc., that would be good candidates to approach to speak out on this issue, either because they have already done so, themselves - or for other salient reasons.
Yes, I'll add them to my list.
Thank you for the information! :)
Woah, wait what?
You mean the YouTube description section of the music video you linked to me is blank only in America - but, it is there for other countries?
What's on a Brit show? The song was featured on a British TV show?
Thanks for the info.
I'm going to access the music video on YouTube using a VPN from a different country - to see if the description shows up or not. IF - I'm interpreting what you're saying correctly, that is!
Thank you!
BOING BOING!!! That’s the name of the show no longer available in America (at least for free?) I knew it would come to me! ‘Boing Boing’, possibly, ‘Jenny does Boing Boing’. It
Is a ‘green room’ type ‘evening with’ show which interviews musicians. On it, Ninja and Yolandi Vissar tell their story as well as the details regarding each one of their videos in chronological order.
When they got to ‘Evil Boy’ it shed… darkness and light all over MGM, especially for young men in South Africa. Years ago I heard of the ritual inflicted on teenaged boys in order to become ‘men’. At the time, as any compassionate person would, I thought “Oh that’s just awful!” But back then I did not know Wanga. Of course, we have never been introduced but the narration of the event and subsequent victorious video feat. Wanga! has firmly secured his place in my heart. You know, know a couple of rather clever content providers on Odysee. I believe I’ll see if I can’t find a way to share that broadcast with you. The Zef crowd may be rather wild, unorthodox and down right pure white trash, but hearts of gold shine through every veneer untarnished.
Thank you for the clarification.
I imagine the video segment is somewhere on the internet.
I'll make it a point to find it.
I mean, I imagine that they have interviews about this music video with Die Antwoord in the States - they couldn't possibly try to censor all of it?
Since this TV show you mention is British, it somewhat makes sense that folks in the USA are unaware of this particular show.
You're getting the gears in my head turning.
Thank you!
Lookie what I found!!! Fast forward to 35:22 (or 36:22?/!)
Ah, thank you!
I'm not sure I would have been able to find it in this long video - or otherwise.
I downloaded a copy to take a note of this.
I appreciate the help! It's at 36:22 they start talking about it.
I hope you have a great day (or night)! :)