Please help to identify the contact info for the people who are purportedly "representing" your nation at the 77th World Health Assembly. Customize the template email and send it to all of them.
If you are from the United States, I have identified a number of delegates from the United States. The WHO PDF lists delegates from every nation. Everyone is encouraged to help identify as many delegates as possible. The hope is that people can help identify the delegations from their home country and post that information here in the comment section. The document is in French, so the United States is listed as ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE starting on page 18. I have listed all the U.S. delegates that I could identify. The United Kingdom is listed as ROYAUME-UNI DE GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET D'IRLANDE DU NORD starting on page 51.
The Swedish permanent rep. Anna Jardfelt Telefon: +41 22 908 08 00
Here in Canada, our health chief delegate is from china... (with no prejudice) it was so scary to watch her during the plandemic... we have no choice but to follow her rules...
Chef de délégation - Chief Delegate
Dr T. Tam
Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency
Chef adjoint de la délégation - Deputy Chief Delegate
Mr E.M. Costen
Deputy Minister, Health Canada
Délégué(s) - Delegate(s)
Ms L.E. Norton
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Suppléant(s) - Alternate(s)
Ms C. Harmston
Director General, Office of International Affairs, Health Portfolio, Public
If anyone can help me locate the contact details for the Spanish delegates (María García Gómez, Chief Delegate and Aurora Diáz-Rato Revuelta (Deputy Chief Delegate) I would be grateful. Their emails don't seem to appear on any search engine. I previously tried protesting to them by registered snail mail, to their government offices in Madrid, but my letters were returned to me. Nobody in my 'Exit the WHO Spain' group seems to have a clue. Thanks!
If you are from the UK, try contacting Chris Whitty (Chief Delegate) at; Dame Jenny Harries (Deputy Chief Delegate) at and Simon Manley (Delegate) on Twitter: @SimonManleyFCDO or on Instagram: @SimonManleyFCDO, also by this generic email to his attention at
They are completely out of their minds to think we the people want what they demand they are self appointed arrogant evil tyrannical self proclaimed experts on wanting to control life itself and I'm not going for it. Thank you James what can we do to stop all of this nonsense
This is INSANE!! Looking at the list makes me nauseous.
This is a list of our prison officers who are being told how to treat us. HOW has it come to this?? Other equal human beings meeting to agree to how WE have to behave in a situation that WHO state is a pandemic - definition made by THEM!!
And we are going to ASK them not to put us under the control of a known leader of a murderous and torturous regime in ethiopia - has EVERYONE gone MAD, why are we ACCEPTING this?????
In UK Whitty heads up our group who are going to sign us over like cattle - he worked with Fauci and Gates on other experimental projects in africa years ago - this is not new!!
Have we forgotten that governments do NOT decide our fate - well, I suppose they do now because we are letting them. What about governments and global corporations is making our lives better - NOTHING!! Do we accept that we are now giving birth to children that are effectively being born into slavery???
I fear that by the time the masses start thinking, we are beyond the point of no return - but, I do remain hopeful and trying, as are many, to get people who have their head in the sand to pull it out and look after themselves and their family and the future of humanity - promise!!
so, the president of Iran and Slovakia reject the WHO - one is in a helicopter crash and the other is shot!!!!! WTF is happening here, have presidents/Ministers been threatened with death if don't sign???
My name is Carol Levy, I want you to know that I am stuck in a nursing home. I do all I can to protect Canada, where I reside. Would you please help me to find out who it is that is representing my nation so I can email this information to them, please, I need help. My email is
Carol, Teena below found out all our representatives for Canada...bless her. Her list has full contact info, but if you just want their email addresses, I pulled them out so you can just copy and paste them into your email address bar. I'll try sending these to your email address as well. Bless you for doing however much you can. Wishing you good health!
If you are from the United States, I have identified a number of delegates from the United States. The WHO PDF lists delegates from every nation. Everyone is encouraged to help identify as many delegates as possible. The hope is that people can help identify the delegations from their home country and post that information here in the comment section. The document is in French, so the United States is listed as ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE starting on page 18. I have listed all the U.S. delegates that I could identify. The United Kingdom is listed as ROYAUME-UNI DE GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET D'IRLANDE DU NORD starting on page 51.
The Swedish permanent rep. Anna Jardfelt Telefon: +41 22 908 08 00
E-post: and the Swedish minister of health Jacob Forssmed
I found it.
Where do I find your list?
Australia's Chief Delegate is
Mark Butler
Minister for Health and Aged Care
Deputy Chief Delegate
Blair Exell
Deputy Secretary of Health Strategy, First Nations and Sport
Alternative Contact
Professor Paul Kelly
Chief Medical Officer- Federal
Here in Canada, our health chief delegate is from china... (with no prejudice) it was so scary to watch her during the plandemic... we have no choice but to follow her rules...
Chef de délégation - Chief Delegate
Dr T. Tam
Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency
Chef adjoint de la délégation - Deputy Chief Delegate
Mr E.M. Costen
Deputy Minister, Health Canada
Délégué(s) - Delegate(s)
Ms L.E. Norton
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Suppléant(s) - Alternate(s)
Ms C. Harmston
Director General, Office of International Affairs, Health Portfolio, Public
Australian dept Health and aged care contact details: Street addresses:
23 Furzer Street
Phillip ACT 2606
1 Atlantic St
Phillip ACT 2606
Postal addresses:
GPO Box 9848
Australia - Australian federal govt. contact a minister website
Yes .stop the WHO actions immediately to protect all nations
UK Chris Whitty
If anyone can help me locate the contact details for the Spanish delegates (María García Gómez, Chief Delegate and Aurora Diáz-Rato Revuelta (Deputy Chief Delegate) I would be grateful. Their emails don't seem to appear on any search engine. I previously tried protesting to them by registered snail mail, to their government offices in Madrid, but my letters were returned to me. Nobody in my 'Exit the WHO Spain' group seems to have a clue. Thanks!
By the way, the UK equivalent of the Office of Global Affairs is the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.
If you are from the UK, try contacting Chris Whitty (Chief Delegate) at; Dame Jenny Harries (Deputy Chief Delegate) at and Simon Manley (Delegate) on Twitter: @SimonManleyFCDO or on Instagram: @SimonManleyFCDO, also by this generic email to his attention at
They are completely out of their minds to think we the people want what they demand they are self appointed arrogant evil tyrannical self proclaimed experts on wanting to control life itself and I'm not going for it. Thank you James what can we do to stop all of this nonsense
This is INSANE!! Looking at the list makes me nauseous.
This is a list of our prison officers who are being told how to treat us. HOW has it come to this?? Other equal human beings meeting to agree to how WE have to behave in a situation that WHO state is a pandemic - definition made by THEM!!
And we are going to ASK them not to put us under the control of a known leader of a murderous and torturous regime in ethiopia - has EVERYONE gone MAD, why are we ACCEPTING this?????
In UK Whitty heads up our group who are going to sign us over like cattle - he worked with Fauci and Gates on other experimental projects in africa years ago - this is not new!!
Have we forgotten that governments do NOT decide our fate - well, I suppose they do now because we are letting them. What about governments and global corporations is making our lives better - NOTHING!! Do we accept that we are now giving birth to children that are effectively being born into slavery???
I fear that by the time the masses start thinking, we are beyond the point of no return - but, I do remain hopeful and trying, as are many, to get people who have their head in the sand to pull it out and look after themselves and their family and the future of humanity - promise!!
so, the president of Iran and Slovakia reject the WHO - one is in a helicopter crash and the other is shot!!!!! WTF is happening here, have presidents/Ministers been threatened with death if don't sign???
Dr. Mary Denisse Munive Angermüller, Second VicePresident and ViceMinister of Health Ministry;üller-29670baa,,
My name is Carol Levy, I want you to know that I am stuck in a nursing home. I do all I can to protect Canada, where I reside. Would you please help me to find out who it is that is representing my nation so I can email this information to them, please, I need help. My email is
Carol, Teena below found out all our representatives for Canada...bless her. Her list has full contact info, but if you just want their email addresses, I pulled them out so you can just copy and paste them into your email address bar. I'll try sending these to your email address as well. Bless you for doing however much you can. Wishing you good health!
These two come back with address rejected-access denied. But these are for people that have two addresses, so no worries.
Oh goody, the 77th time this idiot show has come into being. With the world sicker than ever, what have these clowns been doing for the last 77 years?
ok, we are working on it for Belgium!