Here in Canada, our health chief delegate is from china... (with no prejudice) it was so scary to watch her during the plandemic... we have no choice but to follow her rules...
Here in Canada, our health chief delegate is from china... (with no prejudice) it was so scary to watch her during the plandemic... we have no choice but to follow her rules...
Chef de délégation - Chief Delegate
Dr T. Tam
Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency
Chef adjoint de la délégation - Deputy Chief Delegate
Mr E.M. Costen
Deputy Minister, Health Canada
Délégué(s) - Delegate(s)
Ms L.E. Norton
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Suppléant(s) - Alternate(s)
Ms C. Harmston
Director General, Office of International Affairs, Health Portfolio, Public
Here in Canada, our health chief delegate is from china... (with no prejudice) it was so scary to watch her during the plandemic... we have no choice but to follow her rules...
Chef de délégation - Chief Delegate
Dr T. Tam
Chief Public Health Officer, Public Health Agency
Chef adjoint de la délégation - Deputy Chief Delegate
Mr E.M. Costen
Deputy Minister, Health Canada
Délégué(s) - Delegate(s)
Ms L.E. Norton
Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva
Suppléant(s) - Alternate(s)
Ms C. Harmston
Director General, Office of International Affairs, Health Portfolio, Public