6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

When talking about Trump... it's essential to recall that: < https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/senate-russia-report-proves-trump-was-wrong-mueller-was-right-ncna1237743 > So you want to re-elect Putin's 'Butt Boy', Putin's 'Stooge' once again ? Pretty sad...

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James, I don't know why you would post this. I hate kamala as much as anybody out there but my beef with this whole post is the anti-semitism these videos promote. You surely don't think after the attack of Oct. 7 that the Jewish people don't have a right to defend themselves. They have to wipe out the terrorists. Otherwise they'll never have peace or safety in their own land.

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Why do you keep forgetting to mention a really interesting candidate here who has the ability to break up this old system that is destabilizing for people - it's time to change direction!!!


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I feel sorry for you people, when I see the choices you have.

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What a bunch of bull…..so sad and disgusting. Racists and traitors and gigantic liars.

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JAMES !! Did you see this? Finally getting attention -

'We Cannot Let This Go': House Republicans Rail Against The UN And World Health Organization


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House "republicans" , are great at " railing". However they never seriously PUSH BACK. ( ever).

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Thanks for sharing this information. I had not heard of this group before but what a great idea! Every vote for Trump that can be garnered is important because we stand at the precipice of the abyss and a Harris win, should we even have an election, will be the vault over the edge. About 6 weeks to Election Day and that’s a vast amount of time for many nefarious things to happen.

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Right now, there is only 1 choice. That is why we have to vote for Trump, no other choice. COMULA will take us completely down. At least Trump is saying all the right things and definitely the economy was in much, much better shape while he is in office. Robert Kennedy Jr. is endorsing Trump because of all the nuclear bombs that may fly. The Demoncrats are after Robert Kennedy Jr. as well. It will be up to US to scrutinize these candidates. Remember, no one is perfect. Heard there are now 5 assassination teams against Trump. He and Robert are standing up against the WEF/UN. Bottomline! If Muslims are here legally, and not destroying our national statues and saying, "Death to America," they will be just fine.

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I can't abandon something I don't know exists.

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This is repulsive.

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Regardless of country, all candidates should be scrutinized.

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Do you have any idea what's at stake? Anything like this is automatically pro trump

How do you think that'll work out? For Muslims?

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The previous gormless, ignorant, corrupt incompetent moron was enough! Give us a break! Unjabbed Mick (UK) We live longer,

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Ditto Bull Dog!!

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