Wicked tiring reading the endless reiterations of whatever the WHO is trying to ram down our throats. The redundancy of the word salad and catch phrases is like third graders pretending to be important grownups. Utter nonsense ! They can't wear us down. The answer is NO. You will not take our sovereignty. We will be free. We ARE free.

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I just watched an interview with Pascal Najadi, son of co-founder of the WEF, with Klaus Schwab. His father cut ties with Schwab bc of his growing disgust with his growing megalomania. Najadi inherited this disgust. He's dying due to vaccine damage and believes they should all be tried for treason and crimes against humanity. He's very optimistic, actually very sure, about the failure of "The Agenda" or "The Great Reset". In fact, he seems to be affirming things have already been put into place and enacted to stop the globalists. He says there's nothing to fear from these elitist monsters. They're human and they're already being dismantled, along with all the strife they are responsible for: transgenderism, violent protests, climate change, geoengineering, wars, racism, pandemics, authoritarian mandates, f**king with the food chain, removing our liberties, free speech etc. He gave me more than hope.

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What is kept in secret will eat into the souls, minds and hearts of all who push this Pandemic Treaty on humanity and what is left of it. All who push for this will feel instantaneous karma for any future results that have not yet happened and we know very what these will be. Cults don't want you to be properly informed.

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CONTROL WHAT CAN GO INTO AND WHAT CAN BE DONE TO YOUR BODY.! Nothing is more basic to freedom than. Health. This treaty involves manipulation of genes and thereby control of all humans. The implications of slavery are enormous. EVERYONE needs to respond. & demand sovereignty. Over your person..

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Secret. This is where Dems do all their obvious destruction to this nation .talk of hate it’s so apparent .why hasn't this behavior, not taken serious by every day government workers. The founders would be appalled.

It doesn't matter the Century.

A sellout is a sell out.

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If they have to keep it secret then it must be bad and they know people will not be happy. So wrong, so evil, I really despise this kind of stuff.

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If something has to be secret, I see only evil there. Even the Arcurian council.

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Yes, Making plans about our health in secrecy. They fear that letting people know about the progress will ruin for them. They are really determined to make the regulations effective

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The World Counsel for Health headed by Tess Lawery is a great place to start as a replacement for the WHO

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I’m trying to get the word out to everybody I know.. but seeing so much apathy.. What’s wrong with folks? We should not even belong to this horrible organization.

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Most choose to remain ignorant because it is too hard to face,they cannot accept the evil goings on. Also they are more worried about money because we have been brainwashed to believe that is the answer to our happiness (don't get me wrong, I know money helps but we need to keep our communities strong, unite and help each other).

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People are more concerned about their Twitter feed, FB, etc. Regards belonging to the WHO; the country was out of it until a senile old idiot made ceratin, otherwise.

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Thanks James.

This 100% proves there is no such thing as Democracy.

In a true Democracy nothing is kept from the citizens.

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This is F'ing OUTRAGEOUS!!!! WE are already living in a communist dictatorship in Canada and other parts of the "democratic world". Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see this happening in the US. EVIL, TRUE DEMONIC EVIL!

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If something has to be secret, I see only evil there. Even the Arcurian council.

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I know this is pointless but...what does reading the Bible have to do with Higher level Consciousness, White Lights, Chakras and chakra colors (American spelling), Quntuum[sic] Energies and Astrology? Isn't there already enough craziness and confusion about? Now this? Yes, by all means read the Bible. Yes. God IS in control. But satan is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. Don't assist him.

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Substack mass walkout next week, no posts. Devalue the company as it is being sold.

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Important news. But what is your source? Where are the links? This is the first I have heard of this, though it wouldn't surprise me that fasco-Marxist Soros would have his cronies buy this out

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Because it’s always about taking away our rights

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