I know this is pointless but...what does reading the Bible have to do with Higher level Consciousness, White Lights, Chakras and chakra colors (American spelling), Quntuum[sic] Energies and Astrology? Isn't there already enough craziness and confusion about? Now this? Yes, by all means read the Bible. Yes. God IS in control. But satan is…
I know this is pointless but...what does reading the Bible have to do with Higher level Consciousness, White Lights, Chakras and chakra colors (American spelling), Quntuum[sic] Energies and Astrology? Isn't there already enough craziness and confusion about? Now this? Yes, by all means read the Bible. Yes. God IS in control. But satan is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. Don't assist him.
I know this is pointless but...what does reading the Bible have to do with Higher level Consciousness, White Lights, Chakras and chakra colors (American spelling), Quntuum[sic] Energies and Astrology? Isn't there already enough craziness and confusion about? Now this? Yes, by all means read the Bible. Yes. God IS in control. But satan is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. Don't assist him.