What is kept in secret will eat into the souls, minds and hearts of all who push this Pandemic Treaty on humanity and what is left of it. All who push for this will feel instantaneous karma for any future results that have not yet happened and we know very what these will be. Cults don't want you to be properly informed.
What is kept in secret will eat into the souls, minds and hearts of all who push this Pandemic Treaty on humanity and what is left of it. All who push for this will feel instantaneous karma for any future results that have not yet happened and we know very what these will be. Cults don't want you to be properly informed.
What is kept in secret will eat into the souls, minds and hearts of all who push this Pandemic Treaty on humanity and what is left of it. All who push for this will feel instantaneous karma for any future results that have not yet happened and we know very what these will be. Cults don't want you to be properly informed.