The WHO is primarily funded by foundations that (1) primarily promote vaccines over all other medical treatments for infectious diseases and (2) are in bed with Pharma, where profit and not health is the motive. Therefore, given the extensive conflict of interest of the WHO, I do not want them in charge of any international health issues, let alone pandemics, and certainly do not want them to usurp the sovereignty of the United States, where States rightfully have power over health issues, since health is not mentioned in the Constitution.

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(my email to oga.rsvp@hhs.gov ~ also BCC'd to your email James) - this format doesn't allow me to share what I wrote for some reason (too long?), but I sent it with the headings:




In anticipation and solidarity,


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My written comment to OGA.RSVP@HHS.gov Please note James that I sent a condensed paraphrase of KRUSE LAW with links as I found his objective simplicity very appealing to myself. I simply condensed it down further with additional links and definitions of mine own!





NOTE: Definition: “Vaccines” means:

• mRNA (instruction codes to reprogram cells to create protein, specifically spike protein chimeras),

• containing an on-switch (pseudo-uridine) with no known off-switch, therefore indeterminate life span,

• gene-editing (reprogram cells) nanoparticle (itself a programable software), e.g., targeted tissue modification/death & found throughout organ tissues

• operating system biotechnology (organic/inorganic) hydrogel/graphene functioning as a parasite, and licensed as a device,

• most recently found to have an excessive (~35%) amount of DNA plasmids, “COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive quantities of bacterial DNA: evidence and implications Michael Palmer, MD and Jonathan Gilthorpe, PhD April 5, 2023

• Gain-of-function or Directed Evolution goes back to the mid 60’s (Dr. David Martin, global patent/copywrite intellectual property). Rumble.com StewPeters.com https://stewpeters.com/video/2023/05/covid-intentionally-mutated-from-common-cold-covid-19-timeline-reveals-bioengineering-from-1960s/ May 8th 2023

• See The Kingston Report. karenkingston.substack.com (all articles)

Please NOTE: The following is a condensed paraphrase of KRUSE LAW video and article – JamesRoguski.substack.com https://tube.childrenshealthdefense.eu/w/sUz7dFMVR4FjqXEoLuBhNg?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

(1) Deaths

• caused directly by the “vaccines”

o & caused by:

o Midazolam and related drugs

o Ventilators

o remdesivir, paxlovid, molnupiravir, etc.

o refusal of early treatment &

 repurposed FDA approved drugs &

 treatment for non-vaccinated people

• Deaths due to suicide

(2) Disability, Damage and Disease

• “Vaccine” injury caused:

o Permanent disability &

o immune dysfunction

o Infertility &

o Miscarriages

o Plethora of Diseases (Myocarditis, Bells Palsy, etc.) &

o Disease caused by:

 lack of early treatment

 lack (or delay) of proper medical care &

 “approved” medical care.

 immune damage caused by “vaccines” &

 emotional stress

• Diseases caused by forced masking.

(3) Direct Abuse

• Physical harm caused by law enforcement personnel.

• nasal swab/”test”

(4) Emotional Distress

• Loss of loved ones, including

 while hospitalized & while in long term care

• Inability to properly grieve due to lockdowns/restrictions.

• Loss of friendships & Damage to familial relationships

• Stress due to the constant barrage of fear-mongering media

• Emotional trauma caused by forced isolation.

• Loss of life experiences due to various restrictions

• Emotional trauma caused by nasal swab/”test.

(5) Financial Harm/Hardship

• Loss of employment due to economic downturn

o “vaccine” mandates, injury

o disease caused by poor medical care.

o loss of medical license

• Failure of business &

• Reduction in business due to lockdowns and restrictions

• Excess costs due to requirements to remain in business.

• De-platforming of alternative media

• Homelessness due to financial hardship

(6) Lost Educational Opportunities

• Loss of access to education due to closed schools & to “vaccine” mandates

• Delayed achievement of normal growth and development landmarks in children

• Damage to social and emotional intelligence due to isolation and masking

(7) Loss of Rights and Freedoms

• Government and media collusion to censor information & to misinform the public.

• Rejection of freedom of religion (denial of religious exemption)

• Prevention of travel due to lockdowns and vaccine mandates

• Denial of the freedom to assemble.

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The ”WHO WILL BLESS AND HEAL THE WOMEN OF THE WORLD AND THEIR CHILDREN” poster contrasts Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System data for COVID 19 vaccines versus that of all previous vaccines. This poster includes a visual image of the Canadian Mohawk Indian woman who was trampled by horse-mounted police during the Canadian Freedom Convoy Ottawa protests. Her simple words are pretty symbolic of the plight of most of the world’s peoples. They want simply to live out their lives in peace, in love and in community, yet they have been beset and trampled by a coerced stampede of vaccine mandates, forced lockdowns and unemployment, inflation, supply chain disruptions, and various other forms of asymmetric warfare against common people to bring about more quickly the Fourth Industrial Revolution, which has been designed to permanently cripple common people’s health, agency, fertility, movement, resource use, food access, social community, and information access, so much so common people will be totally controlled by a tyrannical technocracy controlled by elites. As Yuval Hurari notes, the “useless class” will have nothing to do but drugs and play video games, yet they will be happy while owning nothing and having no privacy, as has been stated by the World Economic Forum. This woman proclaimed by her words more things than blood move through the human heart, as Louise Bogan would say, and may the love of money never sear the human heart from shedding and counting tears. There is also a graphic on this poster from the Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reporting System (VAERS) data contrasting the impact of COVID 19 vaccines compared to all other vaccines on issues of women’s health.

In the “TIME TO HALT THE MRNA VACCINES” poster, there are graphs based on the VAERS data, in particular the increases in vascular medical disorders. Though the resulting graphs are quite indicative that the COVID 19 vaccination programs should be stopped, the reported data is low compared to what is actually going on due to cumbersome reporting procedures for medical personnel, professional and administrative restrictions placed on medical personnel, terminations of some reporting requirements, a lack of universal state reporting of adverse events, and perhaps other factors. All-cause mortality is spiking after COVID 19 vaccine administration, as has been noted in insurance actuarial data, and vaccine injuries and death seems to be increasing with dose administration. There is little doubt, I think, a causal relationship has been established using the Bradford Hill causality criteria just as Dr. Rose has found.

The highlights on vaccine induced subararachnoidal hemorraghage and skin inflammation are are from Dr. Josef Thoma’s presentation on the physical damage of the COVID 19 vaccines to the human vascular systems (https://doctors4covidethics.org/vaccine-induced-damage-to-our-vascular-system/ ). The remarks by Bill Gates are from an interview he did at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Vaccine induced immune disfunction is increasingly occupying more and more space in the clinical literature, and we know from Pfizer’s own documents they were aware of the bodily distribution patterns of the poisonous spike protein, apparently causing all kinds of bodily maladies (https://doctors4covidethics.org/blog/). Ignoring all the safety signals seemingly growing in number every day seems quite perilous, especially with a likely shift in political control of the House and Senate in November. Dr. Francis Boyle gave a good road map on resisting medical tyranny in his book of the same title, and the work is likely to influence litigation with state attorneys general and insurance companies in the coming months.

These problems with the COVID 19 vaccines make me extremely concerned about rolling them out, even to infants and toddlers, so the whole age range is covered and corporate liability protections are preserved for “Big Pharma.” I can tell you I am concerned as a school psychologist about the horrific neurological effects the vaccines can have on children, and these effects shall eventually swell the number of students requiring special education.

Please consider all of these remarks and data in your decision making.

I thank you for your consideration of my letter.


Dr. Gerald W. Smith, Psy.D.

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Dear Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs:

I am writing you to state the most prudent steps that can be taken is to exit membership in the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations (UN). I believe it is in the best interest for the United States and all member states to immediately withdraw from the WHO and not adopt any further negotiations towards IHR amendments, the pandemic treaty, Agenda 2023 SDG, strategic dialogue or otherwise.

The WHO destroyed its own credibility by its own actions. They supported massive vaccination programs that resulted in harmful outcomes after being unduly influenced by benefactor contributions from Bill Gates or Gavi (previously known as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), or nongovernmental organizations. This led to a disastrous reliance on vaccines, something even Bill Gates himself and Anthony Fauci have critiqued.

WHO has pursued disastrous policies such as masking, the shut down of businesses, censorship (a direct violation of the United States Constitution), and the promotion of vaccine passports and digital identities, both of which are all about social control and the isolation of dissident voices. All of these things are antithetical to freedom and a representative republic, while at the same time WHO has sought massive increases in its own power including forms of world taxation, the abrogation of national constitutions of member states, and even the ability to form military forces.

There is also a problem with secrecy since the WHO has discussed amendments out of public view, then adopted amendments on the basis of no objections being raised in public forums. This is merely a technique to hide what they are up to and keep coming changes out of public view so citizens around the world cannot object to the changes with their national representatives.

The catastrophic failures of the COVID 19 vaccination programs need to be halted and not included in future pandemic response plans. Amongst the 300 or so International Health Regulations are provisions that would give WHO total autonomy over the health care of humans, as well as animals, and even the genetic makeup of plants in the WHO scam concept of “One Health.” Nations and even local governments would lose their control over pandemic response, and economies could be shut down to mitigate climate change. WHO would have total authority for such things, and citizens around the world would lose their bodily autonomy for health care decisions, especially when confronted with vaccine mandates, some of which are still in effect. There have already been proposals to share the medical and social data of citizens amongst nation states or unions of nation states. WHO could take such actions on the basis of their authority alone without any significant and peer-reviewed scientific data. This is horrific.

Vaccine injury testimony websites are always worth looking at:

COVID Vaccine Injuries: https://www.covidvaccineinjuries.org/

COVID Vaccine Injuries—Telegram: https://t.me/s/covidvaccineinjuries

The COVID World: https://thecovidworld.com/

Real Not Rare: https:www.realnotrare.com

The Testimonies Project: https://brjm.org/2021/09/the-testimonies-project-vaccine-injury-survivors/

The White Rose: https://thewhiterose.uk/

A concise summary of innumerable COVID 19 missteps was delivered by Dr. Ryan Cole during an interview with Bright Light News (https://brightlightnews.com/a-lipid-nanoparticle-2/). Dr. Cole’s succinct words even captured the beauty of the human spirit as a “songbird,” which is a stark contrast to transhumanist guru Dr. Yuval Harrari’s statements that humans are merely “hackable animals” that have no soul or freewill (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV0CtZga7qM).

Please also reference the brilliant work by Dr. Jessica Rose expressed in this referenced interview (https://www.rebelnews.com/dr_jessica_rose_vaers_myocarditis_to_womens_reproductive_health). There are obvious connections between the COVID vaccines and all the vaccine injuries and deaths, and she points this out in her interview. Diverse data considerations always make for the best decisions on the part of anyone anywhere anytime. Both of these interviews are extremely worthwhile and ones you should necessarily review. There are also a lot of emerging data on vaccine dosage variations found through analyses of different vaccine lot numbers.

The attached computer graphic posters are ones I developed in lobbying efforts with elected officials. I call your attention to the “WHO WILL SAVE OUR SOLDIERS?” poster. As you can see, some of the imagery is from The People’s Convoy, “American Truckers and Allies,” the protest group that circled the Washington, DC Beltway in March in protesting for medical freedom and the preservation of civil/human rights and the United States Constitution. The most striking image in my mind is the truck with a large mural depicting the Marines, Navy, Air Force, Army, and Coast Guard Armed Forces of the United States. Next to the symbols of the armed services is some imagery of children praying in essence symbolizing the dedication of common people “to God and country.”

These “deplorables” or “useless eaters,” as they would be defined by Hillary Clinton or Henry Kissinger, love their country, their United States Constitution that supposedly guarantees their human rights, and their families. These people are all the kinds of people we grew up with; they serve others selflessly, yet they are exactly the kinds of people that are most impacted by the vaccine mandates. We therefore have to look closely at the outcomes of the COVID 19 vaccination programs since there is so much at stake in terms of real-world outcomes. Other imagery includes an excerpt from a Rolling Stone story on all the Fort Bragg special forces soldiers dying in their bunks, so much so they are more likely to die post vaccination at Ft. Bragg than they would on a combat deployment to Afghanistan. There have been so many dead soldiers the body count has been stopped. The other graphic highlights the data from military whistleblowers as reported by their attorney Tom Renz. How tragic and appalling there is so much war mongering for war with China and/or with Russia under these circumstances. The reports of soldiers dying in their bunks at Ft. Bragg is very concerning, as is the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) data from military whistleblowers who contacted attorney Tom Renz regarding medical incidents involving armed services personnel after COVID 19 vaccinations. Here is a link to Senator Ron Johnson’s panel on this topic: https://rumble.com/vt8gcv-vaxx-whistleblowers-miscarriages-increase-279-cancer-increases-296.html.

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We will not become slaves of the New World Order, tolerate future lockdowns or mandates, or simply be cannon fodder to your toxic shots for genocidal depopulation agenda. I advocate, with millions of others, that our country and all others EXIT the WHO immediately and will research nullification of edicts that contradict our constitution along with hundreds of others. All eyes of the world are on you right now. Do the right thing. Stop the power grab.

Email sent today to oga.rsvp@hhs.gov

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May 10, 2023

To Susan Kim, Chief of Staff, Office of Global Affairs (Department of Health and Human Services),

I understand my following comments will be shared with the 76th World Health Assembly.

Thank you.

These comments are in regards to the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

It has been stunning to learn of the secrecy underway regarding the IHR Amendments,

the planning meetings in secret, and only brief summaries being shared with the public.

This is all quite appalling. Especially given the WHO is meant simply to be an advisory resource for individual states and countries.

This turn towards a huge power grab of nations and individuals sovereignty is stunning, horrifying, and frankly must be stopped.

Given the secrecy underway, the lack of transparency, I would outright call for the United States to withdraw, EXIT the WHO, which I request to be done IMMEDIATELY.

The implications of what could happen if the WHO, (Tedros) is given reign to make decisions for individual countries is obscene. To be able to declare a Health Emergency at their whim, without full justification, is what is at stake here.

Do not think for a moment, that the WHO could get away with trying to force vaccinate the world's peoples. Especially given the proven harm the Covid-19 vaccines are doing to people. Deaths have accelerated since the vaccine rollouts, vaccine injuries are off the charts in ever mounting numbers, and peoples immunity are being destroyed.

The people know now that the real bioweapon is the vaccine. And it has been planned for a long time. The planning of your pandemic is well documented now and it is an outright war against humanity.

We the people are onto you. You have tried to silence us in your secret proceedings. And silence no more! And we do not consent to this power grab and over ride of our medical and sovereign freedoms.

I DO NOT CONSENT, AND GO ON RECORD NOW AS PROCLAIMING THIS. You have no right to override my own management of my well being. I do not consent to my freedoms being taken from me.

I also want to address the issue of ONE HEALTH and how this is not about health at all, but instead just another way these international bodies are trying to greenwash and look benevolent (when it is not), when really it is another way to do their power grabs and control of the people and even nature itself.

And in general, let this be put in the record.

The issuance of directives from one central authority over best practices and treatments conflicts with the spirit of collaboration among doctors and scientists in each country and around the world, where each country knows its own solutions best through public collaboration.

This is not about public health. Instead it is about global control and governance by an unelected body that does not represent the people of the world in good faith. The past three years have proven indisputably that the WHO most definitely does not have the best interests of humanity as its priority and the very best thing to do is dismantle it immediately before it does any more harm.

I therefore reject any power granted to the WHO over sovereign nations and the health and well-being of their citizens as not about public health, but rather an overreach of power far beyond its expressed founding purposes.

Thank you,

Shema Satya

California, United States

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May 10, 2023

Dear DHHS, Office of Global Affairs:

I ask you to follow your oath as a servant of federal office to protect and prioritize the US Constitutional laws first and foremost, particularly in reference to the right to Sovereignty and free choices over the Life, Liberty, and Happiness of every American citizen.

These rights were endowed within us by the Creator, and from these rights we vote to form a perfect government whose primary purpose is to protect our rights which are identified in the US Constitution, as these Truths are held self-evident.

I am noticing DHHS and its Office of Global Affairs and any of its unelected representative(s) to the World Health Organization (WHO) that you do not have the right to negotiate away one iota of my Constitutional rights endowed to me by my Creator. You are all unelected participants in WHO meetings from which I am excluded as a decision-maker, and in this way my Constitutional rights to sovereignty and my rights as endowed to me by my Creator can not be separated from me. Yet, this separation from my human rights, respect, dignity, and sovereignty over all my choices of Life, Liberty, and Happiness is precisely what the WHO has decided it will not honor into the future. I did not transfer any of my power to represent myself and make my own choices in terms of my rights to Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

Moreover, I’ve observed that the WHO belies its name which suggests it addresses world health. The WHO’s primary purpose was to serve as an advisory agency to make the nations of the world healthier, not to become a vaccine business that poisons, injures, and kills the global populations. The WHO’s formative purpose was not to bind sovereigns into forced slavery with dictatorial orders, for example, in declaring a monkey-pox global epidemic at whim of Mr. Tedros who is not even a medical doctor, who is controlled by Mr. Bill Gates who also is not even a medical doctor. As Mr. Bill Gates has stated in many ways, in effect, that his family’s long term goal has been global depopulation and eugenics. These characteristics that WHO has adopted in the last 2 decades do not improve but harm world health.

The WHO has ignored the science that all public health requires. SARS-CoV-2 was never isolated and never proven to be an infectious agent, and the disease that SARS-CoV-2 caused which is called COVID-19 was never replicated as an infectious agent, as no nation and no public health organization globally followed this scientific requirement to identify anything as an infectious agent using the rules of Koch’s Postulates. In the absence of any proven infection, then scientific thinking requires analysis for poisoning, but that has been ignored as the potential cause of SARS-CoV-2, while Electromagnetic Fields and 5G activation, envenomation, and graphene oxide/hydroxide require serious followup. These are indicators that scientific rules have been discarded for a profit-motive of a vaccine company, as similar evidence is compelling interest in a similar case at the US CDC, and vice versa. Public health agencies that do not strictly follow all scientific rules lose any credibility for such public health orders.

The amendments to the International Health Regulations and the WHO Pandemic Treaty are a power grab by the WHO to override the sovereignty of member nations. They also give the WHO the authority to dictate repressive measures, and we may expect this to promote a global vaccine distribution platform for profits at any cost and any harm that also benefits his eugenics goals of depopulation. Everything Mr. Gates' touches cause great human suffering and injuries that he does not acknowledge. The only possible role for the WHO that might be appropriate would be to return to the original agreement to serve completely as an advisory body to assist sovereign nations in making decisions for their own citizens without involving vaccine fraud and reckless injuries while participating in the complete breakdown of scientific guiding principles.

The world varies widely in geography, climate, and culture. Therefore, a 'one size fits all' approach to public health cannot be ethically and morally appropriate nor effective, as each people’s uniqueness in culture, traditional foods, social norms, traditional clothing, and religious values must drive their own unique solutions.

The issuance of directives from one central authority over best practices and treatments conflicts with the spirit of collaboration among doctors and scientists in each country and around the world, where each country knows its own solutions best through public collaboration.

This is not about public health. Instead it is about global control and governance by an unelected body that does not represent the people of the world in good faith. The past three years have proven indisputably that the WHO most definitely does not have the best interests of humanity as its priority and the very best thing to do is dismantle it immediately before it does any more harm.

I therefore reject any power granted to the WHO over sovereign nations and the health and well-being of their citizens as not about public health, but rather an overreach of power far beyond its expressed founding purposes.


Susan Michetti

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No way . that's totally undemocratic

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To: Office of Global Affairs

Per the the United States of America, the Republic sovereignty ... no individuals or entities will interfere with American "Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness."

Based on the World Health Organization's track record of historical ignorance, abuses, usurpations and recently COVID tyranny, it is time to defund and disband W.H.O. Nor will W.H.O. ever have jurisdiction over my inalienable rights, life choices and bodily autonomy. The proposed International Health Regulation Amendments and the Treaty should never come to fruition.


Annie Konkol

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Dear Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs,Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Xavier Beccera, Kenneth Piercy, WHA, HHS OGA, All Delegates, Ministry of Foreign Affairs CR, Comptroller of Costa Rica,

I am sending you this attached letter to the petition submitted to you by the Interest of Justice petition. I support their recommendations to you. First and foremost is the dire need for the United States to withdraw from the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO). The sordid history of WHO, as noted to you by the organization Interest of Justice, is certainly a sufficient rationale for such an action. I believe it is in the best interest for the United States and all member states to immediately withdraw from the WHO and not adopt any further negotiations towards IHR amendments, pandemic treaty, Agenda 2023 SDG, strategic dialogue or otherwise.

As was stated by the Interest for Justice organization, I oppose the collaborations within the UN system with other intergovernmental organizations, such as the Covid Action Platform (which was comprised of the World Health Organization, World Economic Forum, and Welcome Trust).

The power to enter into such agreements, as are stipulated in all versions of proposed International Health Regulations, are strictly prohibited by the United States Constitution in the Tenth Amendment, which prohibits the federal government from assuming powers not specifically delegated to it by the Constitution. There is no doubt the WHO seeks to end the sovereignty of the United States and the human rights of the American people guaranteed to us by the Constitution. It is unbecoming of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to be in direct violation of the United States Constitution during the 2024 election year since the changes in International Health Regulations would be implemented within that time frame. Let us recall the 10th Amendment here: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” There is no doubt legal redress of such folly will be pursued, and such actions on the part of HHS will be harmful to the reelection bid of the Biden administration.

I implore the HHS Office of Global Affairs to heed these concerns expressed to them by the American people. It is easy to overlook such concerns, when busy schedules and involvement in one’s own personal sources of information constrain attention and knowledge base. The so far disregarded American people do not have these limitations. The folk expression, “the gig is up,” along with the folk tale of “the king has no clothes,” especially come to mind. Saying things over and over again in big lies, as championed by Hitler’s Goebbels and other propagandists of the Nazi ilk, obviously does not work, when we have heard recently even Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci admit the vaccines do not work and do not stop the spread of the COVID 19 virus, admissions which have gotten other people banned from social media. “Things Have Changed,” as Bob Dylan would say.

There are some pretty dark things that have happened with the COVID 19 “vaccines,”; let us review pertinent considerations so you do not support International Health Regulations that will amplify and sustain horrific programs.

I note there are many interesting findings related to women’s health and wellness from Naomi Wolf’s group dailyclout.io from Pfizer’s own documents. Here are the essential findings:

Pfizer concluded there were no serious effects, even though all the following was evident in documentation:

• Pregnant women were excluded from the Pfizer trials

• Safe and effective in pregnancy is based on a study in only 44 rats for a duration of only 42 days

• All of the US EUA’s excluded pregnant women

• Pg 12-13 of Pfizer doc post-marketing experience – 28% of 270 mothers & 4 foetus/babies had serious adverse events i.e. miscarriage, death, pre-term delivery, premature membrane rupture & foetal growth restrictions in womb. and the babies suffered vomiting, fever, rash, agitation & allergies to the vaccine. Nursing mothers experienced partial paralysis, suppressed lactation, breast milk discolouration (4 reported blue-green milk)

• Breastfeeding is defined by Pfizer as exposure to the vaccine. 238 out of 270 missing women who got pregnant during the trials and then left, of its 36 known outcomes 28 babies died before or at birth.

• 3 countries reporting disproportionate increase of babies dying from vaccinated mothers – Canada, Scotland and Israel. Pfizer concluded there were no serious effects, even though all the following was evident in documentation:

• Pregnant women were excluded from the Pfizer trials

• Safe and effective in pregnancy is based on a study in only 44 rats for a duration of only 42 days

• All of the US EUA’s excluded pregnant women

• Pg 12-13 of Pfizer doc post-marketing experience – 28% of 270 mothers & 4 foetus/babies had serious adverse events i.e. miscarriage, death, pre-term delivery, premature membrane rupture & foetal growth restrictions in womb. and the babies suffered vomiting, fever, rash, agitation & allergies to the vaccine. Nursing mothers experienced partial paralysis, suppressed lactation, breast milk discolouration (4 reported blue-green milk)

• Breastfeeding is defined by Pfizer as exposure to the vaccine. 238 out of 270 missing women who got pregnant during the trials and then left, of its 36 known outcomes 28 babies died before or at birth.

• 3 countries reporting disproportionate increase of babies dying from vaccinated mothers – Canada, Scotland and Israel,

These bullet points document vile misogyny made even worse when it is considered the spike proteins attack male testes as well. So much for choice for both men and women, and informed consent (https://totalityofevidence.com/naomi-wolf-on-pfizer-foia-documents/ ) .

Pay attention to Edward Dowd’s best-selling book Cause Unknown. This former Wallstreet trader helped to build BlackRock by being able to spot trends and make money for himself and his investors before everyone else saw the trends. His book details trends in excess deaths from around the world and the connections to the COVID 19 vaccinations. Take time to review the sad stories of people maimed or killed after taking such vaccines (https://www.realnotrare.com/). More things than blood move through the human heart, as Louise Bogan would say, and those things so move in the human heart there is no forgetting or forgiving without justice.

Please do not underestimate the power of the Internet of Word of Mouth and its AI. It has a way of mocking and screaming swear words at obvious lies, regardless of how repeated those lies are, especially when children pass out or die on playing fields, or special ops soldiers at Ft. Bragg are found dead in their bunks. This Internet is always electrified and distributed without censorship, even against the will of Pfizer, who has put their misogyny in writing as we see in the above paragraphs. The life of Joseph Goebbels did not end well, and the facts seem to be saying some people are cavorting around butt naked. Remember what old Joe said about repeating lies so much so the people would believe it, then yourself, but keep in mind obviously the people are not believing it.

I entreat the HHS Office of Global Affairs staff to do the right things; do not do things that will shame your children and bring tears to their eyes. We are all the women and men of history; let us live up to the dictum “never forget!” about Hitler’s final solution of the Nazi death concentration camps. The mandates were a violation of the Nuremberg Code and UNESCO’s Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights in the Article 6 Consent section:

1. Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.

2. Scientific research should only be carried out with the prior, free, express and informed consent of the person concerned. The information should be adequate, provided in a comprehensible form and should include modalities for withdrawal of consent. Consent may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without any disadvantage or prejudice. Exceptions to this principle should be made only in accordance with ethical and legal standards adopted by States, consistent with the principles and provisions set out in this Declaration, in particular in Article 27, and international human rights law.

3. In appropriate cases of research carried out on a group of persons or a community, additional agreement of the legal representatives of the group or community concerned may be sought. In no case should a collective community agreement or the consent of a community leader or other authority substitute for an individual’s informed consent.

You might want to look at what is going on in politics, and ask yourself if any ship you are familiar with is taking on water.

Thank you for your consideration of my letter.


Dr. Gerald W. Smith, Psy.D.

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Dear HHS:

The amendments to the International Health Regulations and WHO Pandemic Treaty are clearly a power grab by the WHO that would override the sovereignty of member nations and give the WHO the authority to impose whatever repressive measures it chooses. The only appropriate role for the WHO, if there is such a thing under its present leadership and influencers is as an advisory body to assist sovereign nations in making decisions for their own citizens.

The world varies widely in geography, culture, and climate and a 'one size fits all' approach to public health is therefore not appropriate or effective and neither is the issuance of directives from one central authority over best practices and treatments derived from collaboration among doctors and scientists in each country and around the world.

This is not about public health; it is about global control and governance by an unelected body that does not represent the people of the world in good faith. The past three years have proven indisputably that the WHO most definitely does not have the best interests of humanity as its priority and the very best thing to do is dismantle it immediately before it does any more harm.

I therefore reject any power granted to the WHO over sovereign nations and the health and well-being of their citizens.

Yours truly,

Leilani Riddle

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Office of Global Affairs

Department of Health and Human Services

To whom it may concern:

Since its beginnings, the WHO has been an advisory body.

The past three years have shown us beyond doubt that however it began, this is no longer a trustworthy organization. At minimum, it has been captured and corrupted by the entities which have come to provide most of its funding: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI, Big Pharma, and the Chinese government (ie., Chinese Communist Party (CCP)).

In its present form, the WHO is a corrupted, captured, dysfunctional and malign organization.

Throughout the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’, the scope of which we now understand to have been greatly exaggerated through the use of PCR testing (easily manipulated to generate high rates of false positives and useless for diagnostic purposes), the WHO has lied about the nature, origins, and effective responses to the virus. It endorsed and promoted the totalitarian and profoundly unscientific Chinese “zero COVID” model of lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates. It approved and promoted the use of expensive, inadequately tested gene therapies as “vaccinations” and supressed the standard medical practice of exploring existing, readily available and safe theraputics first. Thanks to such abuse, the pandemic has resulted in the needless deaths of millions of people around the world.

Now, through the proposed changes to International Health Regulations, and the Pandemic Treaty, it aims to claim the sovereign authority of every nation to make its own decisions regarding health care, for itself, in the name of “global governance”.

This is not about health on any level. This is a power grab, in pursuit of a massive enabling of global totalitarianism.

Through secretive negotiations by its mostly anonymous “Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).” the WHO currently aims to implement changes to the IHR which will grant the WHO Director-General the authority to dictate countermeasures the world will be allowed to utilize during a pandemic.

If adopted, these amendments will change the IHR from non-binding to legally binding, forcing every one of the 194 WHO member countries to implement them. (p. 2, Article 1.1)

Proposed changes include the transfer of public health emergency powers from our elected leaders to the WHO, as well as the authority to declare an emergency at will and set aside all the human rights protections that up to now have always been included in the IHR.

The amended regulations would effectively give the WHO Director General the authority to dictate what constitutes an actual or potential Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). This unelected, unaccountable official may deem, for example, gun violence, climate change, problems affecting plants or animals, and even “disinformation” to be so-called public health emergencies.

Thee amendments propose to:

Remove the existing IHR language granting “full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons.” (p. 3, Article 3.1) replacing it with a vastly inferior and vacuous commitment to DEI “inclusion” principles.

Create requirements for “Global Digital Health Certificates” in effect, digital vaccine passports, and passenger locator forms for all international travellers. In the name of contract tracing these will include itineraries and incorporate QR linkage to records of all of individuals’ tests, ‘vaccinations’, prophylaxis, and recovery status. In effect, a clear attack on privacy and health freedom: a suite of controls effectively capable of enslaving humanity in digital prison, whenever the Director General sees fit. (p. 19-20, Article 23, Article 24, Article 27, Article 35)

Allow the WHO Director-General to declare emergencies (actual and “potential”) at will. (p. 9, Article 12.1, 12.2)

Require nations to use promoted medications, while prohibiting the use of others during emergencies. (p. 20 Article 35.2)

Require extreme lockdown measures to address any declared emergency (again, actual or “potential”), including the creation of “quarantine of suspect travelers, preferably in facilities away from the point of entry,”. Ie., quarantine camps, such as those seen during the COVID-19 pandemic in China and Australia. (p. 41, section (d))

Allow the WHO to commandeer medical supplies in any country, transfer them to other countries, and over-ride laws on intellectual property. (p.13, Article 13A)

Require surveillance of online information and suppression of information deemed misinformation and disinformation. (p. 21 Countering misinformation and disinformation)

Giving the WHO these powers will undoubtedly result in more emergency declarations and a reoccurrence of the many abusive failures witnessed during its management of COVID-19.

All of these amendments promise to be accepted through the WHO’s “consensus process”, through the silent consent of a group of 194 unelected, unaccountable, and mostly anonymous functionaries.

It is appalling and frankly terrifying, that the Biden administration is working to give the WHO and its Director-General more power over sovereign nations, including the United States. Yet, it is clear U.S. government officials are actively and secretly negotiating both these amendments to the existing IHRs, and the new Pandemic Treaty.

They are bent on empowering the WHO, handing over our freedom to a centralized group of unelected tyrannical leaders who we have already seen put power, financial interests, and profit over the independence of sovereign nations and the health and well-being of people.

This must be stopped.

As a means of institutionalizing such certificates and accessing the data they contain, the WHO and its masters are working towards universal adoption of digital health IDs. Americans and others around the world have already faced such “vax passports” as means of coercing “jab” mandates and controlling individuals’ movements, activities and access to food, employment, education, health services, finances, and places of worship. The Chinese Communist Party has combined such techniques into an enslaving “Social Credit System” inside the PRC and is now promoting it as a global solution.

Once combined with global Central Bank Digital Currencies, the WHO could enforce medical tyranny simply by cutting off anyone who resists it from their bank accounts and credit cards: in short, digitally “unpersoning” them unless and until they comply with whatever protocol the WHO is directed to promote, by its corrupt backers.

For all these reasons, the United States should end its membership in, cease funding of and not accept any further collaborations involving the World Health Organization. This needs to happen before the WHO is granted the authority effectively to compel compliance with the public health dictates of Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus or any other unelected, unaccountable bureaucrat.

Thank you for this opportunity to comment on this issue.

DJ Wight (Ms)

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The WHO have comprehensively failed to act according to their said role in the world. Their recommendations have been deadly. Millions around the world have being killed or seriously injured. For now they should be immediately stripped of all their existing powers and then demolished as an organization. Next they should be tried for crimes against humanity. And be known to the world for the destructive force they have shown themselves to be.

I reject the Word Health Organization, all it’s recommendations and all its powers.

We are human beings with individual sovereignty and are under no other laws but Natural God given laws.

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Dear HHS,

Even considering affording more legitimacy to the pharma-medical complex only amplifies the fact that you do not have the public's interest at heart.

I demand that you cease and desist and I am uninterested in any more gaslighting going forward.

The IHR amendments are attempting to make WHO "recommendations" into mandates in three places (Articles 1, 13A, and 42)

The WHO CA+ uses mandatory language ("shall") to call for accelerated approval of drugs, empirically one of the dangerous phenomena in medicine.

No one in their right mind would even humor these proposals, which are clearly designed to give the WHO a slush fund and make it a power broker as never before, and with no mechanisms to reign in the excesses of the last three years, which indubitably cost more life-years than were saved, after millions were plunged into poverty and the greatest wealth transfer from the poor to the fabulously (and now even more fabulously) rich in history was surreptitiously enforced.

No one wants these mechanisms. No one wants more power to medical gaslighting bureaucrats. The WHO quietly put out a public comment session with a question prompt that asked what their new international instrument should have, and despite phrasing designed to cajole commenters to implicitly buy into it, virtually all of the 33,884 comments were against any instrument whatsoever.

Do us all a favor and stop masquerading as public servants until you actually care about the public's will.

Above all: Find God yesterday.


Michael Briskin

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My letter:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Firstly, any official body, set up to protect the citizens of the world, that is actively removing its commitment to "full respect for the dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons" should not be funded, partnered with or supported in any way by the governments and elected representatives of those citizens.

Secondly, any national government elected by the citizens of that nation should retain its autonomy; to accede the right to make decisions on the health and wellbeing of a nation, or to exchange information, research and knowledge with other nations leaves the citizens of all nations with no accountable elected representatives.

No unelected body should be in a position to dictate to a nation state without consulting or taking into account the views of that state.

No unelected body should be allowed to "facilitate the exchange of information between states only where it sees fit".

The WHO should facilitate sharing of all data, including genetic sequence data whenever consenting states see fit.

The WHO should be in a position to advise only, on matters of health only, and to facilitate preparedness for worldwide events at the behest of national elected governments.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Minchin


Sent from Outlook for Android

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