Determine for yourself what you think, and then share your analyses, opinions and comments about the amendments to the IHR that were "adopted" by the 77th World Health Assembly on June 1, 2024.
As a logical thinker, I am suggesting that you keep an open mind. The 3 leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer & medical intervention. Medical "practitioners" do just that-- they practice on you. When you are a patient of a physician, his fees are paid, often with insurance coverage. He has a staff, office space, and other overhead. If he were to "heal" you, the result would be that he would lose you as a patient, and the revenue you bring. This may seem bizarre, but it is true. They follow the rules of the AMA & the WHO. Doctors are not in the profession of healing -- they are in the business of maintaining their practice and keeping you a patient for as long as they can. Do some research and think outside the box.
The opinion of the people is not taken into consideration and WHO have outlined what they consitute a risk - which may be a risk for our economic future and the health of our immune systems; there is no choice but to force Pharmaceautical products and gene therepies; which are not the only things suitable for everyone. It is a debatable, authoritative and dictorial policy.
My issue is with Washington DC, both party’s, equally treasonous in their display over the last 7 years conspiring against Trump, doing nothing about a hostile invasion at the border, in fact incentivizing it, which is treason. But the real kicker is entertaining the idea that a non elected foreign bureaucracy would be given authority over United States freedoms and sovereignty. It blows my mind that the citizens of America have not screamed in one unified voice, “not even a chance in hell we comply” with this atrocity of nonsense. It way past time to exit the WHO, WEF and more than anything the United Nations at once!
You don't know the mentality of politicians now and past. If you did you would know by now that what you read in the papers and see in the movies is pure propaganda and where if you think Trump is the father of the vaccine you have a screw loose or a few. He was the US president when this nefarious bioweapon was released on the up a little more and get out more is my advice. He is like all US presidents including Biden clueless about science and you give Trump the title of the father of the vaccine, you clearly are rearranged as he has no knowledge or the in-depth nature or science of so-called vaccines. But people like yourself have not an appreciation of logic have you... read up on and from one if not the world's leading expert on Bioweapons his take on the Covid-19 so-called vaccine, as he drafted and wrote the rules - the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act. -
Thee are a lot more people stating tis also who are also eminent scientists of note...but people like you will never believe the truth, now will you, as you are blind to the basic truth.
On Sept 18, 2019, Trump signed a bill stating that humans could be used in experimental vaccines with Spike protein, dot technology etc.
on Sept 19,2019, Gates announced that a universal global vaccine platform was coming. Coincidence? Idk. But looks bad to me & the fact that Trump still says that the vaccine was his greatest accomplishment as president. Did I vote Trump, yes, will I again, most likely but facts are facts. We can not ignore the reality, we must look at everything from all angles. Trump still says some things that make me question as it should anyone listening. He praises people sometimes who are proven Rinos like Speaker Johnson. Trump did a lot of good but he also did some bad as they all do. Operation warp speed that Trump used for the vaccine was part of the UN . Have we ever heard Trump denounce the UN, WHO, etc ? No. Only hear people say he has but I have yet to hear the words come out of his mouth.
Trump pulled out of the WHO...STOPPED FUNDING IN the future...All US Presidents again are not experts in vaccinations or their potions, they have not a clue...that's why they have so-called advisers and take that advice...the penny or dim as still not sunk in. Trump is not Gates's friend by any means as firstly he has stated that he is against the Globalists in Davos and has told them so on stage and why they hate Trump as he is a direct threat to their mindset to take over the world order with their one world government (OWG) by 2030. Biden on the other side of the coin is all for the Davos Globalists and he is adopting all the machinations of Davos. UN and WHO, where these three are all in financial bed together and where Biden agrees with everything that they state and enacts the means so that they can do their evil ways on the up a great deal more and then you will know the real truth and what's really going on...
just a few, but last but possibly the most devastating for the American people and these insane democrats will use this with their backs up against the wall I am sure with their in-bed relations with the WHO where Gates controls the WHO with his near combined 1 billion annually, the US presidential elections will be stopped by another fake pandemic...
I never said Trump and Gates was friends. I simply stated the dates to which Trump signed us up to be experimented on with vaccines and Gates announcement. If Trump did not understand what he was signing, shame on him for not asking.that was poor leadership My opinion what right does anyone have to sign others up to be used for testing? Again, if he did not understand he should not have signed. I’ve read the bill that he signed, it’s pretty clear to what it says. He still claims the vaccine was his greatest accomplishment as president. Is he really so proud that he can’t admit he made a mistake? A mistake that was /is killing people? You may love Trump so much that you can’t see his faults or may be one who did not already see the corruption before Trump . I know Trump started Operation Warp Speed who is OWS? The UN. So maybe the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird or both sides of the coin are the same. Another thing, why do Americans think one man is going to save us from this evil that WE have allowed ? He is just one man when there are millions of us. Almost every country around the globe has United and stood up against this while begging America to do the same, all we do is chant 2024. Where are the backbones Americans should have? We want to hide behind one man. Lol what a joke. Trump is not going to stop them from poisoning our air, water and food. He would have the first time. It’s past time for Americans to grow some balls like our ancestors had and do something instead of expecting one man to do it . Look at Canada they are taking their country back one town at a time at the local levels which is what we should be doing but are we? No we think one man is going to save us all . That man told us before that he can not save us , we must save ourselves. Maybe if we had as much faith in our creator as most do in a man things might turn around. But people think he was a god sent . May YAHWEH bless America!
You are clearly Bwashed...and have not a clue what is going on..are you a don't even understand clear logic when it is stated to you clearly about US Presidents' competencies and why they have advisers and you don't have the intelligence apparently to do this...period...goodbye... and don't bother me again with stupid answers when you don't understand how leaders operate and where your logic is that, they don't need any experts as they know it all...what is the use in dealing with you basically as you have no understanding why leaders use Advisers to advise them as they have not the technical knowledge to challenge them and I am sure that Biden has the same intellect...
I personally do not get into calling people names or down grading people but if the shoe fits wear it, you are an idiot. You claim to be a Doctor? I bet you killed a lot of your patients with the covid vaccine and thats why you are responding the way you are. You need to pray for forgiveness and ask for knowledge. You as a doctor, definitely are lacking knowledge.
I know what & why they have advisors, common sense. The point is if he did not know or understand what he was signing he should have researched it. Nobody forced him to sign then and there. My opinion a true leader would have gathered my info if they did not understand. After all millions of peoples lives were at stake. For you to be a Dr you would think you would understand that. You must of been one who pushed their patents to get the bioweapon. Also for a professional , to name call people and to down grade people really shows your lack of integrity. You clearly are someone who I would not recommend anyone to go to. No matter how much you love Trump or any other politician one must look at their faults and question everything, after all by not doing this for the past decade look where it has got us. Common sense. People used to protest urban renewal, smart meters, animal rights, whatever they believed in , now we just usher it in, say nothing to our leaders, and expect someone else to fight for us. The truth is we must save ourselves
Please get lost and don't bother me again, as clearly you don't understand how things work when you are a US president and whoever they are not just Trump and especially when there is a so-called appear to consider Trump differently here and he looks through all the evidence personally himself before he signs..again he is like all of them do he relies on so-called advisers...cannot you get that into your head as that's how things work...If you write again I shall ignore you as clearly you have not the understanding how presidents/things work in the real world and not your imaginary world where presidents can look through reams of documents themselves when they are running a nation (can Biden do this super feat that you have him as well elevated into to a super human) and where presidents dispense with all their so-called expert advisers as they don't need them according to your thinking (and a president can do everything and run a nation at the same time..what stupid foolishness that is) ..goodbye...and pick on someone else with your stupid birdbrain thinking that lacks totally commonsense and knowledge how thinks tick and work at the top...but no you know better of course and US presidents do everything....idiot
And having this site for all the people who want to come and learn and watch and voice, by the way even when especially, we're in this Who crisis and what would you call it the thick the middle the never ending! Shoooo it is SOMETHING that ... it's they're anti-LIFE.
governments or the who, (I shall not deem them worthy of a capital letter, the low down scoundrels they appear to be!!!) could declare a cold as being an 'emergency of international concern' as it is highly communicable.
Article 44: Wealthier countries to give more funding to buy the health products for developing countries so that the legal drugs cartel can profit from a truly global market.
Article 45: Regulatory body to police the countries’ compliance and hit them up for more money. However, they can’t “punish” anyone.
Annex 1: ongoing surveillance to find more pandemic emergencies => more products, more profits.
Annex 6: ensure vaccine certificates signed to prevent fakes (get all your travel done now before they get too organized).
As James already mentioned a while back, the amendments and treaty have nothing to do with peoples health, it is a trade agreement to profit from peoples illnesses as much as it is possible to do so. They are obviously totally nuts.
It’s a shame that more people here in America will not open their eyes to this. If you put the word Trump somewhere in the headline they will read it, even then they think Trump and Trump alone will save us. They seem to think that we the citizens of this country need to make no type of an effort to save our country or ourselves. It really shows the level of indoctrination in this country.
I see that Australia is now rationing food at the dictates of the 'elites' and on the pretence of a bird flu so-called virus...
But this will just be the start of what they have up their sleeve for us all...more will follow...many more and many more lies that will harm and kill the people of the world...
I have thought long and hard about how we can stop these insane creatures, as they certainly are not humans with any feelings for their fellow man or fact they hate us as we should all clearly see now and to the extent of mass culling us all and if we allow it to happen, we are the insane. Indeed, the globalists could not do what they are doing now before, as the technology was not previously ready in totality up to it is and has been since that year, they could not make a move then, as TRUMP' came in and was their temporary stumbling block and we should all be grateful that it actually did happened, for as we know even Rockefeller filed a patent in 2015 for Covid testing and where the globalists had their MSM to cover it up with lies with their so-called fact-checkers who lie continually as we know through their teeth for their masters and do whatever they ask.
Therefore as I see it and although primitive, I can only see us rising up on all our governments as they are mere servants of these quite insane elites, but where we have to think long and hard how we can accomplish this with the least bloodshed and therefore I see only the recoil of technology that can do this. For we have to destroy their heart and that heart is the technology that is now in their hands and that they are using against us. A bit like the luddites, but with brains this time. For these people will not take any notice of politicians in the West, as they completely own them now and why we have now this situation through compliant 2030 brainwashed western political leaders, who are as mad and insane as they are.
Another point is that all revolutions have a history of taking in despots who end up being in control when it/this is all over, so this time we have to go back to finding the equivalent people first of the founding fathers of the USA, as this is a war now, just like the Indi war was, when the British were kicked difference in my mind between an imperial power and these insane ideologs and just a different time. For they had at the founding of the USA, insight and knew, what could happen over time and where the American people and the majority of people in the West have now allowed to happen, and if they did not save the people through the constitution, it would happen and it has even with a constitution in place, but also just like what happened in Germany in the 30s and early 40s, were Hitler did exactly the same thing, by taking away freedoms bit-by-bit so it was not noticeable to the masses. But again once this is all over, we have to make sure, that this time we do learn from history and make sure things like allowing the MIC, who are in reality turning all the screws under totally false pretences WHICH has sent 100s of millions to their deaths since the end of WW2 , does not take over again through some future insane elites wanting to take over the world....never again must it ever happen once it is sorted..
That's the only way we shall also see justice DONE this time to these people and WHERE we don't want another episode as we had after WW2 where the us military got their way and employed sadistic Nazis for there work, BUT where they should have been shot...the lot of them for what they had done...through slave labour and the human experiments that they had done to the people of Europe.
Therefore planning is essential now to bring into being the second coming of the equivalent USA in 1776, as all others will follow I am sure in the they simply have no real choice basically, or be enslaved by the elite's controlling technology...possibly for 100s of years or even more as technology advances...
That is my humble 6-penneth anyway and back to basics...!
"CIA 'Heavily Involved' in Creation of Covid mRNA Shots"
DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening
Trump 'the Father of the Vaccine' is the enemy of humanity, he is the biggest shabbos goy there is. Hitler did not take power 'bit-by-bit', he and the NSDAP were voted in by a landslide to do something about the Bolshevik/Communist insurgency plaguing Europe. The 'Brownshirts', WW1 vets, had ousted a 50,000 man jewish led Communist insurgency that had taken over Bavaria and installed a number of Communist jews as the new Government. The NSDAP was the natural response to the Jewish backed (bankers from London, New York and Berlin) and led Communism spreading across Europe. Today it is the same enemy with a different cloak.
Thank you James, for breaking down the mind-numbingly boring (as planned, no doubt) revised WHA document into manageable pieces. At first blush, my immediate reaction: the fact that the Pandemic Agreement wasn't accepted and therefore put on the back-burner, pro tem, is neither here nor there. This is the Big One. That said, I will need to go through it again a couple of times. It's a lot to take in. but it feels as if the WHO has put the declaration of a suspected epidemic (or similar) directly into the hands of the health departments of Member Sates (that's basically 99% of the globe). It's s stroke of genius, but we should expect nothing less than this from an industry that can afford the finest, sharpest strategists in the world. Thank you for so diligently following the money.
The WHO and the Public need some Authority to refer to.
2/ pandemic emergency:
the key words here are high risk, possible spread to other States, exceeding capacity of health systems to respond, disruption to people and trade.
3/ relevant health products:
opportunity to use cell-based and gene-based therapies, use health technologies to a much greater extent than with COVID-19, can be updated at any time.
Article 3:
Can equity and solidarity be any different than what's in the Dictionary ?
Article 4:
National IHR Authority and a National IHR Focal Point, for implementation and coordination of the whole process, and adjust National Laws to do it.
Article 5:
It says, each State Party shall develop, strengthen and maintain, the core capacities.
The Word "and" should be replaced with the word "or", as State Parties will either have none, need to enhance the ones they have, or maintain the existing ones.
That would apply throughout the IHR.
Article 10:
Why would a State Party not collaborate with the WHO ?
Then again why is that an option ? I'm surprised it's not Mandatory.
Article 12:
The State Party gives the data of an event to the Director-General, if both agree, it goes to the Emergency Committee for their recommendations.
It's good that the Director-General doesn't make a decision on his own.
However, the Director-General can still determine to call it a "pandemic emergency".
Article 13:
Guidelines issued by the WHO that a State Party will use to determine a "high risk" event.
The WHO will assist the State Party, but can the WHO twist it to their satisfaction ?
Article 15:
The Director-General will communicate the relevant health products and the mechanisms thereon on the basis of a temporary recommendation.
Article 16:
This is the same as Article 15, but on the basis of a standing recommendation.
Article 17:
The Director-General will terminate standing or temporary recommendations in line with the status of relevant health products. For example, supply.
Article 18:
There will not be any restrictions to health workers travelling into and out of a "high risk" State.
There will not be any restrictions on relevant health products moving into and out of a "high risk" State. Can't stop the flow of Vaccine to and from States Parties !!!!
Article 24:
This applies from the time you set foot on transportation to the time you step off that same transportation.
The question is, will the Transportation Company advise the Passengers of the Health measures in place ?
Article 27:
Further condition where a form of transport can be quarantined.
Article 31:
Further condition where the Authority of the State can detain the traveller for examination and possibly give a Vaccination, quarantine, and all this in the name of stopping the spread.
Article 35:
Guidelines issued by the WHO to ascertain authenticity of health documents, both in digital format and non-digital format.
Article 43:
Sharing information between the States Parties and the WHO, but why kept confidential ?
To quote the WHO, everything should be open and transparent.
Article 44:
This is where poorer States are financed by wealthier States.
Article 44bis:
Financial matters have to be coordinated.
Article 54bis:
It's to ensure there is a policy and procedure when financing poorer States.
Basically, where the State Party looks after the Core Capacities at a Local Level to hopefully prevent an emergency.
This is to narrow or pinpoint that an event is of international concern, otherwise State Parties may decide, at every drop of a hat, that an event is of international concern.
Operators of transport will need to know the IHR and implement accordingly.
Will Operators bother to read the IHR and then implement ?
This is an impact of the IHR on businesses.
The validation of Certificates with a Signature.
With COVID, there were a few of the Public that claimed a Certificate was Valid when it wasn't.
Yes, the IHR is a litany of atrocity though the most terrifying parts, such as Articles 18 and 36, and Annexes 6 and 7, were already in place before the latest round of conspiracy.
''Humanity is about to be tested.......
As a logical thinker, I am suggesting that you keep an open mind. The 3 leading causes of death are heart disease, cancer & medical intervention. Medical "practitioners" do just that-- they practice on you. When you are a patient of a physician, his fees are paid, often with insurance coverage. He has a staff, office space, and other overhead. If he were to "heal" you, the result would be that he would lose you as a patient, and the revenue you bring. This may seem bizarre, but it is true. They follow the rules of the AMA & the WHO. Doctors are not in the profession of healing -- they are in the business of maintaining their practice and keeping you a patient for as long as they can. Do some research and think outside the box.
The opinion of the people is not taken into consideration and WHO have outlined what they consitute a risk - which may be a risk for our economic future and the health of our immune systems; there is no choice but to force Pharmaceautical products and gene therepies; which are not the only things suitable for everyone. It is a debatable, authoritative and dictorial policy.
My issue is with Washington DC, both party’s, equally treasonous in their display over the last 7 years conspiring against Trump, doing nothing about a hostile invasion at the border, in fact incentivizing it, which is treason. But the real kicker is entertaining the idea that a non elected foreign bureaucracy would be given authority over United States freedoms and sovereignty. It blows my mind that the citizens of America have not screamed in one unified voice, “not even a chance in hell we comply” with this atrocity of nonsense. It way past time to exit the WHO, WEF and more than anything the United Nations at once!
You don't know the mentality of politicians now and past. If you did you would know by now that what you read in the papers and see in the movies is pure propaganda and where if you think Trump is the father of the vaccine you have a screw loose or a few. He was the US president when this nefarious bioweapon was released on the up a little more and get out more is my advice. He is like all US presidents including Biden clueless about science and you give Trump the title of the father of the vaccine, you clearly are rearranged as he has no knowledge or the in-depth nature or science of so-called vaccines. But people like yourself have not an appreciation of logic have you... read up on and from one if not the world's leading expert on Bioweapons his take on the Covid-19 so-called vaccine, as he drafted and wrote the rules - the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act. -
Thee are a lot more people stating tis also who are also eminent scientists of note...but people like you will never believe the truth, now will you, as you are blind to the basic truth.
On Sept 18, 2019, Trump signed a bill stating that humans could be used in experimental vaccines with Spike protein, dot technology etc.
on Sept 19,2019, Gates announced that a universal global vaccine platform was coming. Coincidence? Idk. But looks bad to me & the fact that Trump still says that the vaccine was his greatest accomplishment as president. Did I vote Trump, yes, will I again, most likely but facts are facts. We can not ignore the reality, we must look at everything from all angles. Trump still says some things that make me question as it should anyone listening. He praises people sometimes who are proven Rinos like Speaker Johnson. Trump did a lot of good but he also did some bad as they all do. Operation warp speed that Trump used for the vaccine was part of the UN . Have we ever heard Trump denounce the UN, WHO, etc ? No. Only hear people say he has but I have yet to hear the words come out of his mouth.
Trump pulled out of the WHO...STOPPED FUNDING IN the future...All US Presidents again are not experts in vaccinations or their potions, they have not a clue...that's why they have so-called advisers and take that advice...the penny or dim as still not sunk in. Trump is not Gates's friend by any means as firstly he has stated that he is against the Globalists in Davos and has told them so on stage and why they hate Trump as he is a direct threat to their mindset to take over the world order with their one world government (OWG) by 2030. Biden on the other side of the coin is all for the Davos Globalists and he is adopting all the machinations of Davos. UN and WHO, where these three are all in financial bed together and where Biden agrees with everything that they state and enacts the means so that they can do their evil ways on the up a great deal more and then you will know the real truth and what's really going on...
just a few, but last but possibly the most devastating for the American people and these insane democrats will use this with their backs up against the wall I am sure with their in-bed relations with the WHO where Gates controls the WHO with his near combined 1 billion annually, the US presidential elections will be stopped by another fake pandemic...
Gates controls the WHO insider states...
Keep telling yourself that!
I never said Trump and Gates was friends. I simply stated the dates to which Trump signed us up to be experimented on with vaccines and Gates announcement. If Trump did not understand what he was signing, shame on him for not asking.that was poor leadership My opinion what right does anyone have to sign others up to be used for testing? Again, if he did not understand he should not have signed. I’ve read the bill that he signed, it’s pretty clear to what it says. He still claims the vaccine was his greatest accomplishment as president. Is he really so proud that he can’t admit he made a mistake? A mistake that was /is killing people? You may love Trump so much that you can’t see his faults or may be one who did not already see the corruption before Trump . I know Trump started Operation Warp Speed who is OWS? The UN. So maybe the left wing and the right wing belong to the same bird or both sides of the coin are the same. Another thing, why do Americans think one man is going to save us from this evil that WE have allowed ? He is just one man when there are millions of us. Almost every country around the globe has United and stood up against this while begging America to do the same, all we do is chant 2024. Where are the backbones Americans should have? We want to hide behind one man. Lol what a joke. Trump is not going to stop them from poisoning our air, water and food. He would have the first time. It’s past time for Americans to grow some balls like our ancestors had and do something instead of expecting one man to do it . Look at Canada they are taking their country back one town at a time at the local levels which is what we should be doing but are we? No we think one man is going to save us all . That man told us before that he can not save us , we must save ourselves. Maybe if we had as much faith in our creator as most do in a man things might turn around. But people think he was a god sent . May YAHWEH bless America!
You are clearly Bwashed...and have not a clue what is going on..are you a don't even understand clear logic when it is stated to you clearly about US Presidents' competencies and why they have advisers and you don't have the intelligence apparently to do this...period...goodbye... and don't bother me again with stupid answers when you don't understand how leaders operate and where your logic is that, they don't need any experts as they know it all...what is the use in dealing with you basically as you have no understanding why leaders use Advisers to advise them as they have not the technical knowledge to challenge them and I am sure that Biden has the same intellect...
I personally do not get into calling people names or down grading people but if the shoe fits wear it, you are an idiot. You claim to be a Doctor? I bet you killed a lot of your patients with the covid vaccine and thats why you are responding the way you are. You need to pray for forgiveness and ask for knowledge. You as a doctor, definitely are lacking knowledge.
I know what & why they have advisors, common sense. The point is if he did not know or understand what he was signing he should have researched it. Nobody forced him to sign then and there. My opinion a true leader would have gathered my info if they did not understand. After all millions of peoples lives were at stake. For you to be a Dr you would think you would understand that. You must of been one who pushed their patents to get the bioweapon. Also for a professional , to name call people and to down grade people really shows your lack of integrity. You clearly are someone who I would not recommend anyone to go to. No matter how much you love Trump or any other politician one must look at their faults and question everything, after all by not doing this for the past decade look where it has got us. Common sense. People used to protest urban renewal, smart meters, animal rights, whatever they believed in , now we just usher it in, say nothing to our leaders, and expect someone else to fight for us. The truth is we must save ourselves
Please get lost and don't bother me again, as clearly you don't understand how things work when you are a US president and whoever they are not just Trump and especially when there is a so-called appear to consider Trump differently here and he looks through all the evidence personally himself before he signs..again he is like all of them do he relies on so-called advisers...cannot you get that into your head as that's how things work...If you write again I shall ignore you as clearly you have not the understanding how presidents/things work in the real world and not your imaginary world where presidents can look through reams of documents themselves when they are running a nation (can Biden do this super feat that you have him as well elevated into to a super human) and where presidents dispense with all their so-called expert advisers as they don't need them according to your thinking (and a president can do everything and run a nation at the same time..what stupid foolishness that is) ..goodbye...and pick on someone else with your stupid birdbrain thinking that lacks totally commonsense and knowledge how thinks tick and work at the top...but no you know better of course and US presidents do everything....idiot
And having this site for all the people who want to come and learn and watch and voice, by the way even when especially, we're in this Who crisis and what would you call it the thick the middle the never ending! Shoooo it is SOMETHING that ... it's they're anti-LIFE.
governments or the who, (I shall not deem them worthy of a capital letter, the low down scoundrels they appear to be!!!) could declare a cold as being an 'emergency of international concern' as it is highly communicable.
"National IHR authority" = the WHO’s local office in your country.
"Pandemic Emergency" = creating the demand/obligation for health products as frequently as possible. Anything the DG considers risky.
"Relevant Health Products" = all the products they would like to sell to Governments at the expense of the taxpayer.
"Equity & Solidarity" = expanding the market for health products as widely as possible.
Surveillance for "Prevention" = buy the products now for prevention so that we can make money faster.
"Verification": If a country denies that it has a pandemic risk, override them and tell everyone that they have to have a pandemic anyway.
Article 13-17: WHO will facilitate trade of health products
Article 18: maintenance of supply chains
Article 24: test & treat even before and during travel
Article 27 & 31: introduce Australian-style bio-security & passenger quarantine
Article 35: vaccine passports
Article 44: Wealthier countries to give more funding to buy the health products for developing countries so that the legal drugs cartel can profit from a truly global market.
Article 45: Regulatory body to police the countries’ compliance and hit them up for more money. However, they can’t “punish” anyone.
Annex 1: ongoing surveillance to find more pandemic emergencies => more products, more profits.
Annex 6: ensure vaccine certificates signed to prevent fakes (get all your travel done now before they get too organized).
As James already mentioned a while back, the amendments and treaty have nothing to do with peoples health, it is a trade agreement to profit from peoples illnesses as much as it is possible to do so. They are obviously totally nuts.
It’s a shame that more people here in America will not open their eyes to this. If you put the word Trump somewhere in the headline they will read it, even then they think Trump and Trump alone will save us. They seem to think that we the citizens of this country need to make no type of an effort to save our country or ourselves. It really shows the level of indoctrination in this country.
I see that Australia is now rationing food at the dictates of the 'elites' and on the pretence of a bird flu so-called virus...
But this will just be the start of what they have up their sleeve for us all...more will follow...many more and many more lies that will harm and kill the people of the world...
I have thought long and hard about how we can stop these insane creatures, as they certainly are not humans with any feelings for their fellow man or fact they hate us as we should all clearly see now and to the extent of mass culling us all and if we allow it to happen, we are the insane. Indeed, the globalists could not do what they are doing now before, as the technology was not previously ready in totality up to it is and has been since that year, they could not make a move then, as TRUMP' came in and was their temporary stumbling block and we should all be grateful that it actually did happened, for as we know even Rockefeller filed a patent in 2015 for Covid testing and where the globalists had their MSM to cover it up with lies with their so-called fact-checkers who lie continually as we know through their teeth for their masters and do whatever they ask.
Therefore as I see it and although primitive, I can only see us rising up on all our governments as they are mere servants of these quite insane elites, but where we have to think long and hard how we can accomplish this with the least bloodshed and therefore I see only the recoil of technology that can do this. For we have to destroy their heart and that heart is the technology that is now in their hands and that they are using against us. A bit like the luddites, but with brains this time. For these people will not take any notice of politicians in the West, as they completely own them now and why we have now this situation through compliant 2030 brainwashed western political leaders, who are as mad and insane as they are.
Another point is that all revolutions have a history of taking in despots who end up being in control when it/this is all over, so this time we have to go back to finding the equivalent people first of the founding fathers of the USA, as this is a war now, just like the Indi war was, when the British were kicked difference in my mind between an imperial power and these insane ideologs and just a different time. For they had at the founding of the USA, insight and knew, what could happen over time and where the American people and the majority of people in the West have now allowed to happen, and if they did not save the people through the constitution, it would happen and it has even with a constitution in place, but also just like what happened in Germany in the 30s and early 40s, were Hitler did exactly the same thing, by taking away freedoms bit-by-bit so it was not noticeable to the masses. But again once this is all over, we have to make sure, that this time we do learn from history and make sure things like allowing the MIC, who are in reality turning all the screws under totally false pretences WHICH has sent 100s of millions to their deaths since the end of WW2 , does not take over again through some future insane elites wanting to take over the world....never again must it ever happen once it is sorted..
That's the only way we shall also see justice DONE this time to these people and WHERE we don't want another episode as we had after WW2 where the us military got their way and employed sadistic Nazis for there work, BUT where they should have been shot...the lot of them for what they had done...through slave labour and the human experiments that they had done to the people of Europe.
Therefore planning is essential now to bring into being the second coming of the equivalent USA in 1776, as all others will follow I am sure in the they simply have no real choice basically, or be enslaved by the elite's controlling technology...possibly for 100s of years or even more as technology advances...
That is my humble 6-penneth anyway and back to basics...!
"CIA 'Heavily Involved' in Creation of Covid mRNA Shots"
DEAGEL the Shadowy and Secretive CIA Intelligence Agency that Predicts the Future by Creating it so that it Always happens to and you will be fully enlightened to what is 'Really' Actually Happening
What Hitler's thinking was to take power..."bit-by-bit"...
Trump 'the Father of the Vaccine' is the enemy of humanity, he is the biggest shabbos goy there is. Hitler did not take power 'bit-by-bit', he and the NSDAP were voted in by a landslide to do something about the Bolshevik/Communist insurgency plaguing Europe. The 'Brownshirts', WW1 vets, had ousted a 50,000 man jewish led Communist insurgency that had taken over Bavaria and installed a number of Communist jews as the new Government. The NSDAP was the natural response to the Jewish backed (bankers from London, New York and Berlin) and led Communism spreading across Europe. Today it is the same enemy with a different cloak.
Thank you James, for breaking down the mind-numbingly boring (as planned, no doubt) revised WHA document into manageable pieces. At first blush, my immediate reaction: the fact that the Pandemic Agreement wasn't accepted and therefore put on the back-burner, pro tem, is neither here nor there. This is the Big One. That said, I will need to go through it again a couple of times. It's a lot to take in. but it feels as if the WHO has put the declaration of a suspected epidemic (or similar) directly into the hands of the health departments of Member Sates (that's basically 99% of the globe). It's s stroke of genius, but we should expect nothing less than this from an industry that can afford the finest, sharpest strategists in the world. Thank you for so diligently following the money.
1/ National IHR Authority:
The WHO and the Public need some Authority to refer to.
2/ pandemic emergency:
the key words here are high risk, possible spread to other States, exceeding capacity of health systems to respond, disruption to people and trade.
3/ relevant health products:
opportunity to use cell-based and gene-based therapies, use health technologies to a much greater extent than with COVID-19, can be updated at any time.
Article 3:
Can equity and solidarity be any different than what's in the Dictionary ?
Article 4:
National IHR Authority and a National IHR Focal Point, for implementation and coordination of the whole process, and adjust National Laws to do it.
Article 5:
It says, each State Party shall develop, strengthen and maintain, the core capacities.
The Word "and" should be replaced with the word "or", as State Parties will either have none, need to enhance the ones they have, or maintain the existing ones.
That would apply throughout the IHR.
Article 10:
Why would a State Party not collaborate with the WHO ?
Then again why is that an option ? I'm surprised it's not Mandatory.
Article 12:
The State Party gives the data of an event to the Director-General, if both agree, it goes to the Emergency Committee for their recommendations.
It's good that the Director-General doesn't make a decision on his own.
However, the Director-General can still determine to call it a "pandemic emergency".
Article 13:
Guidelines issued by the WHO that a State Party will use to determine a "high risk" event.
The WHO will assist the State Party, but can the WHO twist it to their satisfaction ?
Article 15:
The Director-General will communicate the relevant health products and the mechanisms thereon on the basis of a temporary recommendation.
Article 16:
This is the same as Article 15, but on the basis of a standing recommendation.
Article 17:
The Director-General will terminate standing or temporary recommendations in line with the status of relevant health products. For example, supply.
Article 18:
There will not be any restrictions to health workers travelling into and out of a "high risk" State.
There will not be any restrictions on relevant health products moving into and out of a "high risk" State. Can't stop the flow of Vaccine to and from States Parties !!!!
Article 24:
This applies from the time you set foot on transportation to the time you step off that same transportation.
The question is, will the Transportation Company advise the Passengers of the Health measures in place ?
Article 27:
Further condition where a form of transport can be quarantined.
Article 31:
Further condition where the Authority of the State can detain the traveller for examination and possibly give a Vaccination, quarantine, and all this in the name of stopping the spread.
Article 35:
Guidelines issued by the WHO to ascertain authenticity of health documents, both in digital format and non-digital format.
Article 43:
Sharing information between the States Parties and the WHO, but why kept confidential ?
To quote the WHO, everything should be open and transparent.
Article 44:
This is where poorer States are financed by wealthier States.
Article 44bis:
Financial matters have to be coordinated.
Article 54bis:
It's to ensure there is a policy and procedure when financing poorer States.
Basically, where the State Party looks after the Core Capacities at a Local Level to hopefully prevent an emergency.
This is to narrow or pinpoint that an event is of international concern, otherwise State Parties may decide, at every drop of a hat, that an event is of international concern.
Operators of transport will need to know the IHR and implement accordingly.
Will Operators bother to read the IHR and then implement ?
This is an impact of the IHR on businesses.
The validation of Certificates with a Signature.
With COVID, there were a few of the Public that claimed a Certificate was Valid when it wasn't.
Yes, the IHR is a litany of atrocity though the most terrifying parts, such as Articles 18 and 36, and Annexes 6 and 7, were already in place before the latest round of conspiracy.
My extremely detailed analysis: The WHO. UN and WEF are terrorist groups and we should have nothing to do with them.
George Orwell's book "Animal Farm" was bought by CIA in 1974 to push for Environmentalism for Population Control ushering in the Covid Plannedemic to ban fishing & hunting; then Bird Flu to ban farms.
Do not negotiate with cannibles,
They will consume you over time, and take everything: