Hey James, the petition from Belgium went missing, wondering about it ... With kind regards Benjamin


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Can the link please be reactivated? Big thank you.

0490 19 70 22

Benjamin Vangheluwe

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Stop you evil madness WHO

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There is not petition link 🔗 for Greece... 🇬🇷 What can I do!? Please, someone help me with this!!

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There is not petition link 🔗 for Greece... 🇬🇷 What can I do!? Please, someone help me with this!!

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There is not petition link 🔗 for Greece... 🇬🇷 What can I do!? Please, someone help me with this!!

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From dictating the type of CBDC money we have to use instead of cash to what medical solutions we have to use for our own health, this is just another attempt to control all humans, and force One World Order down our throats. I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees. Let the revolution begin and send the elites to hell where they belong.

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Please repair the link for Belgium.exitthewho.com (says Page not Found now). Thanks! Power to the People!

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Why do I have to enter my email to watch the video

Like Seriously, it’s like these people think harvesting data is ethical. Disgusting

Trying to save the world while making profit this is why the WHO is who it is

Stop it

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Where is the petition to sign!!!!!

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Praise the Lord; but pass the ammunition.

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That's WHY there is FINES FOR HATE SPEECH !!! (As Of 1st JAN by SOCIAL MEDIA)

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Covid injections, which they call VACCINES, do not work!

Ivermectin and Fendendazole as well as other pre-existing safe and proven anti-viral medicines fight Covid, whereas the vax does not and can KILL YOU!!

Covid 'vax' is dangerous and can frequently be DEADLY. Covid 'Vax' is designed for profit - AND to DEPOPULATE the planet.

Covid vaccine makers avoid any/all LIABILITY by Contracting with gullible Governments who are stupid enough to sign such ridiculous documents!

Covid Vax makers are CRIMINALS and know their materials can KILL. They must be charged with premeditated Mass-Murder!

The Covid Plot - immediately followed up with the deadly vax injection was a sinister Plan organised over many years by the evil Elite members of The World Economic Forum. Their eventual intention is to convert all/any that survive the disease and the injections to become SLAVES to the Elite!

Not on my watch mate!

We're aware of your evil plans and are coming after you. There's nowhere to hide!

In November 2023, we, the people of the world, determined that the CORRUPT World Health Organisation can no longer be regarded as honest and no longer functions in the best human health interests. We then decided the WHO is therefore obsolete and is now regarded as terminated.

The WHO No longer exists as we declare it non-existent. The WHO is 'FINISHED'.

We the people have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live a normal life and for longer!

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Thank you James ❤️

Forme Israel -


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We don't want anything to do with the WHO PERIOD!!! WE SAY NO!!!

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