Denounce and condemn their travesty. Israel is sovereign to exit also. I hope the USA did not send a delegation to the 156 executive board this week!

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There is something you either don’t understand or pretend not to. The latter is more likely.

Q. Why would Israel - what I mean by that the prime minister of Israel - agree to vaccinate the entire nation with one brand of “vaccines” first in the world, and not only that, provide full data to Pfizer, which will sealed forever?

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What do you claim I am pretending to not understand?

One can only guess at another person's intent.

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Behind every crime there is always a motive

In light of what we have learned now from Sasha and Debbie, what covid was brought in for and who orchestrated it, try to figure out the motive.

Sasha has her own and Debbie has her own ideas.

What was going on in the world but especially in countries like China, Israel and the West before covid?

Why would China not only allow to take the blame for the “natural” origins of covid but also play along with the narrative and publish doomsday propaganda pictures?

Who really benefited from the fake pandemic but more so from the measures brought in that restricted the public?

If you were in charge of the propaganda, how would you convince 99% of world governments to play along? I’m not sure if you have said this or Debbie but when was the last time in history when almost all influential governments agreed on something and played along? Not only that, they forced the WHO to play along even though initially they had downplayed it because they knew it was no pandemic…

The timing of the many events is the key here…

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we now seem to accept that a few people at the top decide everything about our lives - the people never chose the WHO, WEF, UN etc that all our money goes to.

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The WHO should be crushed it’s part of the illumintati, Masons, WEF, All of the +1% evil taken over our governments who commit treason every day at their behest. I wish we had Trump in the U.K.

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Hi James, to be honest I couldn't care less what Israel does! Israel together with Obama made ISIS! Israel was behind 9/11! Israel is the main reason for all trouble in the middle east! And due to all the films Epstein made of top executives, ceo's, royalties and politicians Trump will agree with Israel no matter what! WHO is a terrorist organization and UN is the "goverment" with Nato as the army-part! And who is the "leaders"? Third world corrupt politicians with no clue on what they are doing! They can't make their own country to be wealthy so how can they sit and decide in the UN? The best for this world humanity is if WHO was charged with the vaccinehoax they demanded we all should take! They are supposed to take care of the world health among humans instead they tried to kill us!

Tedros is not a doctor! He is a corrupt terrorist!

And that's why the put these kind of people in charge because they are easy to manipulate!

Look at Zelensky, Macron and Trudeau! Easy to manipulate due to their "secrets"!

All membercountrys should revoke their memberships from WHO!

That would be the rigth thing to do for the humanity!


Bjørn Leif-oscar Liptovari

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Yes that’s a good idea and only wish the Australian Government would also get out from under all UN powers. We, the people, did not vote the UN to govern us Australian people in our democratic country!

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Israel sold their own people down the river when they mandated the mRNA covid vaxxes. Thousands were seriously injured without recognition from Netanyahu’s gov’t. Israel does what “is best for the Israeli people”. Moving a youth outdoor concert to the edge of Gaza placing them in harms way, giving mRNA covid jabs putting all citizens in harms way. flattening Gaza causing untold horror for Palestinians. Honestly, who worries whether israel leaves or does not leave the who. Why does Trump give them a moment of his time. Now israel insisting Palestinians go to Egypt, the Middle East country with the largest Christian population. Why should they leave their land? Because israel wants them to and israel has the biggest weapons of mass destruction. A very sad state of affairs. The who membership is probably low on Israel’s to do list.

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Leaving the WHO would be quite a turnaround for Israel, in view of BiBi's volunteering his citizens to be lab rats for Pfizer during the plandemic. Does anybody know what Netanyahu's position is on leaving the WHO? Presently, Israel does not need another outside entity (or country) telling it how to conduct their affairs.

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Hopefully RFK is keeping Trump informed on the details because Trump is not big on details.

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Thank you, dear James.

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Headline: Will Israel Exit the WHO?

First thought would be 'NO' however if it is in the agenda they will. This just means there is more regarding what's next on the tyranny schedule?

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The @sshole allowed his own people to be experimented on. Israel was the most MRNA vaxed people on the planet at one time. He doesn't care about them. I am sure he will do whatever is the best for HIM, not his people.

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Btw., Israel was Pfizer's personal test lab on human beings. Something Mengele would be proud of.

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You know as well as I do, that if they do they will follow the way Trump was told to do. That is exiting the WHO and direct even more money directly to the owner of the WHO; Bill Gates. Just like Trump did in his first term.

So, now in the US cancer will be treated with the same mRNA toxics that caused the (turbo) cancer.

Not to mention our livestock being poisoned with, again the same mRNA gene editing bioweapons or Gates' other crap to stop cow farts.

What's wrong with us, why do we accept this lunacy? How much deeper do we need to sink, before we stop this madness?

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That's why you have the second amenment.

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best that israel just go away as the foreign militia state of terrorism that it truly is.

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