America is an idiocracy. Each generation dumber and sicker than the one before. The competent worker is becoming a rare commodity. With the downward trajectory modern civilization finds itself on, how much longer before it burns out? Young people won't likely be able to see the decline, but many of my generation do, in hindsight. When you're young you can't see the bigger picture. But this decline was carefully engineered. Little did we know it when we were in the thick of the sex and drugs and rock 'n roll revolution. Pretty soon there won't be the skilled labor and professionals who are able to fix the crumbling infrastructure that makes up modern civilization. What will the "elites" who brought this upon us do then? "Build back better"? with what? When the population has been greatly reduced and the survivors too sick, too ignorant, too intellectually insufficient to maintain civilization?

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"A Short Journey Through Time - The Western Aesthetic" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpexd9GA7RA

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It matters, but not the way we've been trained to think it does.

I LOVE this video, this guy, he tells the TRUTH. Thanks, James!

Will we listen? Will we change it? WE MUST. So saith the dog.

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Term Limits. That's what Congress needs. Regardless of all the various theories, conspiracy or not, The problem is that politicians look at Congressional seats (I also mean the Senate as well) as career choices. They have occasional challenges to them, but none of them should last more than 6 terms for House seats, and 2 terms for the Senate. Same number of years, 12 years is almost too much, but I'm being generous today. Add to this same law that no elected official of the U.S. Federal Government can ever be employed as a lobbyist to the Federal or state Governments. Hopefully this will help discourage the crooked ones and those looking for a way to get rich. While elected officials should already have integrity (yeah, right), it doesn't hurt to make serving in Congress less lucrative than it is now. Then it may just matter who wins control of the House and Senate.

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Israel and we all know it . America need to be the deoccupied Shiva4president com write in him in some state tell the establishment f up

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Annavonreitz.com does so many masterful jobs in her "INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC NOTICE" works and she spends a pretty people in snailmail to all of them too. Check her work.

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It matters not, satan controls them all.

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I get tired of telling people that the WEF (World Economic Forum) is in complete control of our government! They regulate Congress as well. We need to vet every single person in these positions and look at backgrounds. Here in CO our election may be stopped. Gina Griswald our Secretary of State, had election passwords online over the last few months. She is going to investigate via her own department. She's working with the Federal Government as well. Both are very corrupt. Pay close attention to your own states. CO is actually Conservative. Unfortunately, the swamp Dems have or are starting to take over. Why do these people move to beautiful Conservative states from failing states like CA and NY? Don't mind if they come but DON'T BRING YOUR POLITICS WITH YOU!!! Gavin Newscum is a WEF Young Leader/WEF. Nothing will change unless we get out from under the UN-WEF regimes! Remember China, is the Model Country! Again, vet who you vote for!

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Oct 30Edited

Very disappointed in you James.

I started listening to this bolsen guy as I looked up who he is, then quickly stopped listening. I'm not going to invest my time exploring his claims. Some of them sound reasonable and some sound far fetched yet intellectually well camouflaged just as any good nazi propagandist protégé would do: utilize some facts with propaganda to give credence to the propaganda and promote an agenda.

I did find this video where because he's a muslim, he's rewriting facts that are far, far from true to benefit his version of history to favor muslims. Arabs were the founders of the international African slave trade and the most atrocious slave owners/traders, yet in his view, they barely were slave owners at all and practically touts slavery as a good thing: https://www.instagram.com/themuslimreaders/reel/DARTUBXtuNh/ And I believe there are many arab/muslim slave owners to this day.

Discernment and knowing who you are effectively endorsing is very crucial James. With this guy you completely missed it.

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If course it matters! Jeffries is a complete disaster to Congress.

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Did you ever put a defective coin in a slot and the vending machine returns it back to you? No matter which side you enter into the slot, it still returns your coin. Well, that's what we have in Congress... a defective coin.....each side will follow the mandates of their leaders because if each chooses to do the right thing, banishment could be the ultimate outcome. Banishment is death to the politician!! Basically we need a new coin and was we all clearly know, this coin doesn't work!! We also new a new machine while we are at it!

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That one's easy: big pharma, the globalists, gates, WHO, WEF, UN, China, A/I or the DoD. It all depends on the highest bidder and how scardy-cat congress is, which is 99% of the time.

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Simply fielding an opponent in the uncontested races would drain resources from the opposition even if there was no hope or expectation of a win.

Putting pressure in all the regions would obviously gain a few extra sets.

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"Who Will Control Congress?" The usual suspects. ISrahell and/or Swiss bank authority as always.

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Good news is people are waking up in masses

NOW stand up rise up

Fight Fight Fight

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Tom. Voting is not part of the “fight”. In this former Republic the nature of the changing political, cultural and economic terrain requires we wait until the fight is brought to our neighborhoods, until we take a few rounds. Then we return fire. Arm go. Ugly is coming.

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Buy Guns. Stockpile ammo. Mainly 5.56mm /.223 and 9mm, and 12 ga. Even if you can't shoot them all at once, there will usually be someone ready and able and willing to fight that just needs to be armed. You can build an AR15 for less than $500 if you shop around for parts, and have basic mechanical skills (can change a tire). It's very easy to build out of parts, and there are endless videos and articles online telling you how to do it. Socialism/Communism can not be voted out of office, once they get in. Look at the recent elections in Venezuela. The "B" word that get's rid of Socialism is not Ballot.

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Gene. Precisely.

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Valid Point...

Yea it's all rigged..


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The way things are going…Satan.

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