Thank you for sharing. I downloaded the PDF the first one every letter & number are a box with an X through it, must be the X version.

I see that they claimed attacks on healthcare

"Health care has also been under attack, with 1486 attacks on health facilities and workers verified by WHO in 2023, resulting in 745 deaths and 1239 injuries in 19 countries."

Imo they are total liars. So much money being funneled to them Is there anything specific you concluded from their "Audited Financial Statements For The Year Ended 31 December 2023" this can we really trust them, who did the audit James Roguski.

I only know got that we really need they gone and that they're in Switzerland but they hardly pay as much as other nations do, then again Swissyland and UK now are not even part of the EU.

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I found this video today from a channel called LF A TV, and this is so valid and solid of exact details as to the plan to destroy the entire west and I hope you'll have a look and it's stuff we've heard and thought about I'm sure, but have a look for some deeper investigation analysis, if you will and this woman brings it all about that party doing it!


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I recall that after Trump stopped funding the WHO, China was one of the top 4 contributors. Was I misinformed?

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He funded Gavi. Same difference.

And Mr. Trump signed this on Dec 11th.


And he signed Executive Order on " Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health HEALTHCARE Issued on: September 19, 2019

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Probably not, however you may or may not also be aware that Trump didn't really stop funding the WHO back in mid 2020.

Well, I guess you could say 'technically' he did... Instead of funding the WHO he redirected all the funds plus $MILLIONS more to Bill Gates's GAVI enterprise! The most blatant LIE he ever told. It was at that moment that I finally woke up to what a treasonous dirt-bag LIAR and WEF/UN puppet the POS really is. Prior to that I was probably one of his most devout, (yet totally hoodwinked) fans outside of the US (I'm Australian).

And soon after that lie and blatant act of betrayal, he announced his genocidal 'Operation Warp Speed' agenda, which he still proudly boasts about today, patting himself on the back, while calling himself 'The Father of The Vaccine'.

While millions of deluded fools still worship him, believing that him and his imaginary (nonexistent) army of 'White Hats' and 'Q' are gonna save them...

Mind bogglingly PATHETIC.

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I agree with you, but let's not forget Biden, because he has continued and is therefore also a traitor and a mass murderer!!!

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I’ve been apolitical since Pierre Trudeau was in office. Never fell for his charm and eloquence. I do stil vote but only to nullify my vote. Yes, I live in Chinada!

I never had any respect for Trump and almost none for politicians in general. A lot of Canadians are favouring Poilievre but he’s also a self serving seasoned politician. And, I’m not one to choose the lesser of two evils. Frankly, we should eliminate all federal politicians!

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Well that is what AI will be for if we're run under the UN.

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With US and UN support it seems to operate like a too big to fail bank. Profit driven, entitled, arrogant.

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It is pretty disgusting that the US and Gates foundation are tipping the scales for giving the most. Also how the hell can they justify over $100,000 a year salaries for each and every one of their 9,000 + "employees?" This is so ludicrous, defund, lose, screw the WHO and throw in jail each and every one of them.

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Easily see the vaccine influence there!

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What do the symbols of the WHO and the AMA have in common? What is the historical & biblical symbolism of the snake? Give it some careful thought. We are dealing with demonic forces. I don't need to say anymore.

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If you pay 131,000 per year + early and munificent retirement, nobody will contradict you, and even less if you recruit your minions from countries where workers earn perhaps 100$ or 200$ per month.

They will do what they are told, no matter other considerations.

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Reallllllllllllly stating to wonder if we have been given yet another decoy by CCP or Fed or...

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The thief held Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at gunpoint and asked him to give his wallet away. Tedros replied that he was the Director-General of the World Wealth Organization — a charitable organization. Okay, replied the man, then give me my money!😊

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Stop the WHO. We must go back to smaller scale everything. Bigger is mostly not better.

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Not sure if I'm missing something, but, if the B&M GATES Foundation gave $356mil & GAVI Foundstion, also a B Gates organization gave $250 mil., I think Billy comes in as Top Dog, "donator" aka, ruler. Given he is an American, perhaps one can lump all the Gates $$ w/the USA $$, thus the USA is biggest. But I think Gates rules. Also, how the h**l does China get to have Tedros sit @ the helm if they only anteed up a paltry amount, relative to the big ger players?

I think it's great the W.H.O. is operating @ a loss, but they want to portray themselves as being the world's Savior, really!?

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" think Billy comes in as Top Dog, "donator"..."

You're dead right. See my reply to Tina above.

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The average pay the employees receive is unacceptable.

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We as a nation should not be handing out the hard earned tax dollars to the WHO. We have many needs here in this country that the money should be spent on. I am 100% against this plan.

Beverly Anderson

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This is super interesting. Thank you for posting.

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