This web post provides a significant shortlist of “whistleblowers who have stepped up to the plate and made a significant dent in the fraudulent pandemic narrative.”
I typed out a lengthy comments and then it magickly disappeared. Stating about your post where you commented about the lock downs, forced jabs , face masks. The person I posted here name and where to find her info and not the link. (I've posted direct links and have been blocked for life for doing so on chats). back to my comments. She read our constitution and found some very interesting laws. She when after the school board and country members challenging there oath of office. She then served them with could have been jail time and monitory if they continued to violate there rights. The Boards walked out and a few days later they came back and dropped the mask, jabs and lock downs in Arizona. Right after the boards realized the scope of there crimes not only did Arizona drop the rules so did Biden. If you want the direct link then I will do so.
Her name is Kimberly and she lives in Mesa AZ. She has a twitter account @Kimmbo_SLLice. She served them notice and was going to file a claim with their bonds for not following their oath. That's when they dropped all the covid crap in Mesa AZ school district.
lanka, Cowan lectures, free of varIous books Contagion Myth and Can You Really catch a,Cold? Easy mini flyers to print 10 per sheet, put on cars tape to gas pump screens slip into diaper boxes etc. We need activists!!
I would speak of personal experiences. My grand daughter was jabbed with the three in one vax and spent nearly twenty hours screaming afterwards, her poor arm swelled up like a balloon. She ended up having dyspraxia and a 'leaky gut'. None of these run in the family. This was back in '94. Same year a friends child, a perfectly happy smiling baby, was jabbed with one of the 'usuals' for kids, and ended up in a wheelchair, unable to walk,, speak, or feed himself. He was perfectly healthy before being 'vaccinated'.
Now they want to introduce genetic modifications to baby jabs, school kid jabs etc. Are they insane?! What on earth could go wrong?
James, I have just surveyed all the comments here. 1)60% of people couldn't even follow your basic request. 2)Only one Dr, tried to describe the facts on how mrna harms. She was complelty wrong.
3) most common names mentioned were Dr David Martin, Robert Malone, Dr Peter muculloch and Dr Brain ardis. And Dr Yeadon.
Dr Brain Ardis is the snake venom guy not one other sensible doctor would ever agree with on his claims. So avoid that.
The others have all been of use, but all still dangerously misleading on the specific facts of why jab harms and kills.
Dr Arne bukrharts pathology work was linked to twice. And once to his "histology atlas". This is the "smoking gun" pathology evidence no doctor can logically deny, if confronted. Dr Burkhart was directed by Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi. 2 people in this entire thread correctly recommended his work. Dr Bhakdi was the earliest and most vocal to be correct, his theory based on basic medical immunology, and then provided pathology evidence. His and burkharts work above ALL other specualtive theories, is correct.
Bhakdis theory (it's actually mine) is the right one. AND his theory has been repeated by most other prominent doctors now, by about 30 in "vague" terms. And by 10 with specific correct details.
The correct answer is actually obvious basic immunology that all doctors should have known. Instead, it's 5 years later and everyone here is still clearly in a mess of confusion, incapable of doing that simple science.
The correct answers, are elusive to almost everyone, and trigger unexplainable denial and avoidance tactics. That is why this whole thing has been such a confusing divisive mess.
I'm writing this because I see you've given yourself a huge task. And who to believe, if everyone STILL can't agree with evidence, on this one critical topic that shattered society ?
The answer had been told to everyone over and over, by various prominent figures. Everytime, 99.99% of people ignore.
Dr Yeadon was just right, on his latest new video, however 99% of his audience, ignored, and still didn't learn. He never gave specifics or details, and no evidence or back it up. Nor did he reference other scientists who agree .
I am the only scientist, who references all of the others who have got it right, when they said it, and why they are correct. They all individually think it's "their" view. They can't even hear each other!!
I'll email you, and write a substack article to give main links. I could also compile all my clips of all the doctors saying the correct mechanism of harm .
If it is not too much trouble...please list major scientists and doctors who "got it right"...This is very important for the public because we really have no idea who to put our trust in any more. My husband was "vaccinated" by MD members of my family. Even though he is quite ill now these "enablers" of the horrifying "elitist agenda"....still will not take the next step and help him detoxify. He sleeps 2O hours a day and has Guillaine Barre syndrome that prevents him from eating etc.
Most people are thinkingi you can do some "detoxifying" of a speculative poison or toxin. However the jab caused cellular damage. Damage.. this leads to a lesions/scars, or times time to heal.
Your doctors are literally clueless and mistified to what's happened. 99% genuinely can't comprehend it. Their ego and willingness to hide their ignorance has made so many callous and disingenuous. It's all really sad and biblical.
Really sorry to hear about your husband.
Gillian barre suggests nerve damage.
The ongoing long term exhaustion on top of that is beyond my knowledge. As I think it is most of the experts investigating too.
Prof Clancy found immediate temporary benefits from ivermectin. Others talk of nitokinase, NAC...
Sorry to hear that. I tried everything everyday from 5 years to warn of the truth.
The most correct scientist is me. Technically I'm the ONLY scientist because the others are all not engaging in open scientific debate, and still haven't learned critical basics yet. We are dealing with some sort of paranormal global event, sorry that sounds weird, but even you can see all experts couldn't get anything right, and still can't agree. When the answers all all basic established immunology.
The most correct doctors who were right and knew enough to keep repeating themselves (to no avail) were:
Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi +Dr Arne Burkhart with patjolgy proof.
Dr John Campbell. The last 2 years he got it right.
Marc GIRARDOT . Got it right on Dr John's show "a credible explanation behind adverse events." Write his book "the needles secret".
Bret Weinstein , darkhorse podcasts. Has been repeating himself for 2 years wondering why nobody is learning.
Others who have got it vaguely right, once or twice, but are mostly misleading (by accident) ..include:
Dr Ryan Cole
Dr Robert Malone
Dr Jessica Rose.
Dr Ian McDermott
Prof Robert Clancy.
Dr Phil Macmillan
Dr Mark Trozzi
The simple way to know is this:. If they are talking about T cells. They are correct. If they NEVER mention T cells, they don't have a clue what they are talking about, and haven't been the whole time.
Every time any of these "experts" get the answer right, 99.999% of the audience ignore them, and never repeat what they say.
If you can explain to me why or how this could be happening, I'd love to hear theories. It is happening, but I can't work out how. It's been going on the entire time.
Thanks very helpful....I am still "truthering" to a dwindling audience---so many dead in my age group and my family has disowned me because at the very beginning of the pandemic I stood our in a prominent location on sidewalk with a large banner that read "Shots Kill"....listing anyone who even vaguely warned us in smaller letters and on handout. Reiner Fuellmich was writ BIG on my list. Let's invade Germany and overrun the jail cell where he is being chained up like a murderer....while the real murderers wear long white coats and are still at it.
We all do what we can. I think your substack is reading many and providing us all with more ideas and evidence.
I like your idea about jailbreaking Reiner feullmich. Fell bad for the guy. I ended up in a psychiatric ward trying to prove my stuff, for three weeks. Nobody came .. I got myself out on a tribunal with truth and evidence. Was able to run circles round the delusional doctors who still hadn't learned basic immunology or jab facts.
So glad you escaped! I am sure there are many like you who were jailed for saying what is true! I bet you woke a few of "the silent majority" up and alerted them to the terrible scam and murderous attack on humanity...
Sadly no. When you get the answers right it triggers weird behaviour in everyone so they can't respect you anymore. They ignore, deny lie avoid. Become condescending and toxic. There is no getting the facts into pekels heads. That's why the planet still can't find the answers. Everybody is doing it and they don't even realise it.
Which is why only 2 people in these 800 comments recommended Dr bhadki. Nobody ever repeated anything he ever told them. Everyone is stuck in an endless pantomime show unable to agree on the obvious facts. To hide their confusion they pretend they know better. It keeps the show going, but it's obvious to everyone, something is very very wrong.
I like your idea about jailbreaking Reiner feullmich. Fell bad for the guy. I ended up in a psychiatric ward trying to prove my stuff, for three weeks. Nobody came .. I got myself out on a tribunal with truth and evidence. Was able to run circles round the delusional doctors who still hadn't learned basic immunology or jab facts.
I wrote stuff on a government building in 2020. Made no difference. Still teething? Yeah. Me too. Trying to bring actual science back to planet earth. Something. SOMETHING is doing this to us.
I've lost everybody too. Family. Friends.
I don't think my sybstack articles are reaching many, and it doesn't matter if they do, nobody can speak back to me with urgency and respect. Nobody share or cares. No experts will debate me on public. They all hide, doing their presentations, refusing to engage in proper debate.
Spending time in a "mental institution" can be interesting....there's an old book about a similar experience...ONE FLEW OVER THE COO-COO'S NET... Was that Kesey....I can't remember
Anyway.....cowards all...colluding in genocidal murder. I guess they figure they won't be prosecuted...they are only "following orders"....I think I heard that excuse from a different group of doctors in a well known trial NUREMBURG....Doctors are educated and paid to know these things...why don't they?
They don't know because of the Darkforce phenomeon retarding everybody. They are all incapable of comprehending the exact same subjects. Everybody is. Almost. Could be the devil doing it.
They made a film out of it too! Starring Jack Nicholson of the GREATS in my book of actors anyway....I never met him of course-- but loved his acting...Peter O'Tool another great who covers similar themes in the movies he has been in...He was a director too, I think...37. The Stunt Man and another one THE LAST EMPERER. Both great.
I Have just watched the video with Mike Yeadon scientist and toxicology expert on the site "Interest of Justice" Everyone needs to watch this. He explains about the Vaccines in relation to how this has affected the whole human race and how we have all been hoodwinked into thinking that the people that we thought we could trust was all lies and deception.
"Ethically Unjustifiable" - Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus
Flaws In The Coronavirus Pandemic Theory published March/June 2020. Pay special attention to the explanation of PCR technology/testing and the conclusion regarding hastily produced “vaccines”.
This open letter of concern, just sent: Notice of extreme concern regarding the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. On 25th November 2024 an international group of politicians and leading medical and other professionals wrote to the heads of state of 10 European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) calling for a suspension of all modified mRNA vaccines citing serious health concerns.
I put a few more links in an appendix to an article I published on my own substack if you are interested. I thought it would be too much to put them all in the comments section here, but you can find it at this link if you are interested:
I suspect EFFECTIVE CONVINCING needs to complement the recipient's perspective--what matters most to them:
Documented side effects? Death data? Vaccine history?Ingredients? Confessions? If just ONE NAME attached to documentation is discounted by a quick Google search, the recipient will not look at any of it. I began keeping my own "database" 2 years ago. Sadly, having sent many links to close family, I have not been able to convince them. However, I will be with them this week and will ask them in person what matters most to them. Hopefully, I have the links they need.
My first question about the mRNA ‘vaccines’ is why would making the chain of events longer to get your body immune be a more efficient process than the old format vaccines? It just doesn’t make sense.
Ask your doctor – or whoever is about to inject you – is there an ingredients list you can read first. McDonalds can provide an ingredients list for their Big Macs – at least if something is amiss your body can expel it if it is only in your digestive tract.
But then, germ theory – Read Bechamp or Pasteur? by Ethel Hume. There is a lot of other data and parliamentary quotes about the ineffectiveness of vaccinations too.
Don’t forget Koch’s postulates to determine the microbe that is causative of disease. Sensible postulates they are, but no microbial disease has ever fulfilled the criteria.
Another book – Dissolving Illusions. It includes telling about mandating of smallpox vaccines in the UK and how Leicester revolted against it. Guess who had less issues with smallpox when they stopped and addressed things like sanitation? I live near Leicester and very few people know this, but then the protest was in 1872, the UK law was repealed in 1946. That’s right, nearly 100 years of forced vaccination – parents went to jail for not jabbing their kids.
Contagious disease theory is dealt a blow by the research described in ‘What Really Makes You Ill and Why Everything you Thought you knew About Disease is Wrong’ if not also in Dissolving Illusions.
Mike Yeadon, an ex-Pfizer CEO, talks eloquently about the whole Convid affair and the vaccines.
Then go through Katherine Watts Bailiwick News substack, and Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence in Art substack. In particular, the Warp Speed military operation, that the emergency use authorisation medical countermeasures are not pharmaceuticals therefore not subject to pharmaceutical regulations, the anaphylaxis Nobel prize, and so much more.
And if you go through James Corbett documentaries How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World you will get a good deal of background about how the medical world got to where it is and how our education system has failed us when it came to this scam.
Please post specific link(s).
"Final Days"... FULL Documentary
James, good question.
I’d refer them to: Profiles in Courage: The Covid Era Whistleblowers.
This web post provides a significant shortlist of “whistleblowers who have stepped up to the plate and made a significant dent in the fraudulent pandemic narrative.”
James, you’re quite welcome.
And thank YOU, brother, for your courage and incredible work.
mRNA effects the Dna which are nucleotides ie proteins. Cook the food it denatures any Frankenstein proteins created making them inert.
I would refer to Mike tradingverksamheten dr Fuellmich Grand jury dockors appeal in Sweden a lot of channels on telegram there are so many
Please help narrow the search by posting a direct link to the information you feel is valuable for others to see.
Mean Mike yeadon!!!
I typed out a lengthy comments and then it magickly disappeared. Stating about your post where you commented about the lock downs, forced jabs , face masks. The person I posted here name and where to find her info and not the link. (I've posted direct links and have been blocked for life for doing so on chats). back to my comments. She read our constitution and found some very interesting laws. She when after the school board and country members challenging there oath of office. She then served them with could have been jail time and monitory if they continued to violate there rights. The Boards walked out and a few days later they came back and dropped the mask, jabs and lock downs in Arizona. Right after the boards realized the scope of there crimes not only did Arizona drop the rules so did Biden. If you want the direct link then I will do so.
Please forward the info to me via email
I gave up.Because alot of people think I can't read and think critically.
Her name is Kimberly and she lives in Mesa AZ. She has a twitter account @Kimmbo_SLLice. She served them notice and was going to file a claim with their bonds for not following their oath. That's when they dropped all the covid crap in Mesa AZ school district.
And send to your email contacts!
Send this website around www.VirusTruth.NET
lanka, Cowan lectures, free of varIous books Contagion Myth and Can You Really catch a,Cold? Easy mini flyers to print 10 per sheet, put on cars tape to gas pump screens slip into diaper boxes etc. We need activists!!
Please do Mike.👍🇦🇺
I would like the direct link. Will you please message me, and also place here. Thank you, Mr. Mike.
I would speak of personal experiences. My grand daughter was jabbed with the three in one vax and spent nearly twenty hours screaming afterwards, her poor arm swelled up like a balloon. She ended up having dyspraxia and a 'leaky gut'. None of these run in the family. This was back in '94. Same year a friends child, a perfectly happy smiling baby, was jabbed with one of the 'usuals' for kids, and ended up in a wheelchair, unable to walk,, speak, or feed himself. He was perfectly healthy before being 'vaccinated'.
Now they want to introduce genetic modifications to baby jabs, school kid jabs etc. Are they insane?! What on earth could go wrong?
James, I have just surveyed all the comments here. 1)60% of people couldn't even follow your basic request. 2)Only one Dr, tried to describe the facts on how mrna harms. She was complelty wrong.
3) most common names mentioned were Dr David Martin, Robert Malone, Dr Peter muculloch and Dr Brain ardis. And Dr Yeadon.
Dr Brain Ardis is the snake venom guy not one other sensible doctor would ever agree with on his claims. So avoid that.
The others have all been of use, but all still dangerously misleading on the specific facts of why jab harms and kills.
Dr Arne bukrharts pathology work was linked to twice. And once to his "histology atlas". This is the "smoking gun" pathology evidence no doctor can logically deny, if confronted. Dr Burkhart was directed by Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi. 2 people in this entire thread correctly recommended his work. Dr Bhakdi was the earliest and most vocal to be correct, his theory based on basic medical immunology, and then provided pathology evidence. His and burkharts work above ALL other specualtive theories, is correct.
Bhakdis theory (it's actually mine) is the right one. AND his theory has been repeated by most other prominent doctors now, by about 30 in "vague" terms. And by 10 with specific correct details.
The correct answer is actually obvious basic immunology that all doctors should have known. Instead, it's 5 years later and everyone here is still clearly in a mess of confusion, incapable of doing that simple science.
The correct answers, are elusive to almost everyone, and trigger unexplainable denial and avoidance tactics. That is why this whole thing has been such a confusing divisive mess.
I'm writing this because I see you've given yourself a huge task. And who to believe, if everyone STILL can't agree with evidence, on this one critical topic that shattered society ?
The answer had been told to everyone over and over, by various prominent figures. Everytime, 99.99% of people ignore.
Dr Yeadon was just right, on his latest new video, however 99% of his audience, ignored, and still didn't learn. He never gave specifics or details, and no evidence or back it up. Nor did he reference other scientists who agree .
I am the only scientist, who references all of the others who have got it right, when they said it, and why they are correct. They all individually think it's "their" view. They can't even hear each other!!
I'll email you, and write a substack article to give main links. I could also compile all my clips of all the doctors saying the correct mechanism of harm .
"The immune system, attacks".
If it is not too much trouble...please list major scientists and doctors who "got it right"...This is very important for the public because we really have no idea who to put our trust in any more. My husband was "vaccinated" by MD members of my family. Even though he is quite ill now these "enablers" of the horrifying "elitist agenda"....still will not take the next step and help him detoxify. He sleeps 2O hours a day and has Guillaine Barre syndrome that prevents him from eating etc.
Most people are thinkingi you can do some "detoxifying" of a speculative poison or toxin. However the jab caused cellular damage. Damage.. this leads to a lesions/scars, or times time to heal.
Your doctors are literally clueless and mistified to what's happened. 99% genuinely can't comprehend it. Their ego and willingness to hide their ignorance has made so many callous and disingenuous. It's all really sad and biblical.
Really sorry to hear about your husband.
Gillian barre suggests nerve damage.
The ongoing long term exhaustion on top of that is beyond my knowledge. As I think it is most of the experts investigating too.
Prof Clancy found immediate temporary benefits from ivermectin. Others talk of nitokinase, NAC...
Sorry to hear that. I tried everything everyday from 5 years to warn of the truth.
The most correct scientist is me. Technically I'm the ONLY scientist because the others are all not engaging in open scientific debate, and still haven't learned critical basics yet. We are dealing with some sort of paranormal global event, sorry that sounds weird, but even you can see all experts couldn't get anything right, and still can't agree. When the answers all all basic established immunology.
The most correct doctors who were right and knew enough to keep repeating themselves (to no avail) were:
Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi +Dr Arne Burkhart with patjolgy proof.
Dr John Campbell. The last 2 years he got it right.
Marc GIRARDOT . Got it right on Dr John's show "a credible explanation behind adverse events." Write his book "the needles secret".
Bret Weinstein , darkhorse podcasts. Has been repeating himself for 2 years wondering why nobody is learning.
Others who have got it vaguely right, once or twice, but are mostly misleading (by accident) ..include:
Dr Ryan Cole
Dr Robert Malone
Dr Jessica Rose.
Dr Ian McDermott
Prof Robert Clancy.
Dr Phil Macmillan
Dr Mark Trozzi
The simple way to know is this:. If they are talking about T cells. They are correct. If they NEVER mention T cells, they don't have a clue what they are talking about, and haven't been the whole time.
Every time any of these "experts" get the answer right, 99.999% of the audience ignore them, and never repeat what they say.
If you can explain to me why or how this could be happening, I'd love to hear theories. It is happening, but I can't work out how. It's been going on the entire time.
Thanks very helpful....I am still "truthering" to a dwindling audience---so many dead in my age group and my family has disowned me because at the very beginning of the pandemic I stood our in a prominent location on sidewalk with a large banner that read "Shots Kill"....listing anyone who even vaguely warned us in smaller letters and on handout. Reiner Fuellmich was writ BIG on my list. Let's invade Germany and overrun the jail cell where he is being chained up like a murderer....while the real murderers wear long white coats and are still at it.
We all do what we can. I think your substack is reading many and providing us all with more ideas and evidence.
I like your idea about jailbreaking Reiner feullmich. Fell bad for the guy. I ended up in a psychiatric ward trying to prove my stuff, for three weeks. Nobody came .. I got myself out on a tribunal with truth and evidence. Was able to run circles round the delusional doctors who still hadn't learned basic immunology or jab facts.
So glad you escaped! I am sure there are many like you who were jailed for saying what is true! I bet you woke a few of "the silent majority" up and alerted them to the terrible scam and murderous attack on humanity...
Sadly no. When you get the answers right it triggers weird behaviour in everyone so they can't respect you anymore. They ignore, deny lie avoid. Become condescending and toxic. There is no getting the facts into pekels heads. That's why the planet still can't find the answers. Everybody is doing it and they don't even realise it.
Which is why only 2 people in these 800 comments recommended Dr bhadki. Nobody ever repeated anything he ever told them. Everyone is stuck in an endless pantomime show unable to agree on the obvious facts. To hide their confusion they pretend they know better. It keeps the show going, but it's obvious to everyone, something is very very wrong.
I like your idea about jailbreaking Reiner feullmich. Fell bad for the guy. I ended up in a psychiatric ward trying to prove my stuff, for three weeks. Nobody came .. I got myself out on a tribunal with truth and evidence. Was able to run circles round the delusional doctors who still hadn't learned basic immunology or jab facts.
I wrote stuff on a government building in 2020. Made no difference. Still teething? Yeah. Me too. Trying to bring actual science back to planet earth. Something. SOMETHING is doing this to us.
I've lost everybody too. Family. Friends.
I don't think my sybstack articles are reaching many, and it doesn't matter if they do, nobody can speak back to me with urgency and respect. Nobody share or cares. No experts will debate me on public. They all hide, doing their presentations, refusing to engage in proper debate.
Spending time in a "mental institution" can be interesting....there's an old book about a similar experience...ONE FLEW OVER THE COO-COO'S NET... Was that Kesey....I can't remember
Anyway.....cowards all...colluding in genocidal murder. I guess they figure they won't be prosecuted...they are only "following orders"....I think I heard that excuse from a different group of doctors in a well known trial NUREMBURG....Doctors are educated and paid to know these things...why don't they?
They don't know because of the Darkforce phenomeon retarding everybody. They are all incapable of comprehending the exact same subjects. Everybody is. Almost. Could be the devil doing it.
They made a film out of it too! Starring Jack Nicholson of the GREATS in my book of actors anyway....I never met him of course-- but loved his acting...Peter O'Tool another great who covers similar themes in the movies he has been in...He was a director too, I think...37. The Stunt Man and another one THE LAST EMPERER. Both great.
I Have just watched the video with Mike Yeadon scientist and toxicology expert on the site "Interest of Justice" Everyone needs to watch this. He explains about the Vaccines in relation to how this has affected the whole human race and how we have all been hoodwinked into thinking that the people that we thought we could trust was all lies and deception.
"Ethically Unjustifiable" - Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus
Flaws In The Coronavirus Pandemic Theory published March/June 2020. Pay special attention to the explanation of PCR technology/testing and the conclusion regarding hastily produced “vaccines”.
I would point them to the Highwire, peer-reviewed journals and substack articles like yours.
Dr David Martin - European Parliament - International COVID Summit III 5-3-23
This open letter of concern, just sent: Notice of extreme concern regarding the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. On 25th November 2024 an international group of politicians and leading medical and other professionals wrote to the heads of state of 10 European countries (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) calling for a suspension of all modified mRNA vaccines citing serious health concerns.
There is so much to choose from. This is a tiny selection:
Naomi Wolf's Viral Hillsdale College Speech: "What Is In The Pfizer Documents?"
I put a few more links in an appendix to an article I published on my own substack if you are interested. I thought it would be too much to put them all in the comments section here, but you can find it at this link if you are interested:
It is the tip of the iceberg though. There is a ton of information out there if people are just willing to look.
I have followed numerous people about the scamdemic.
Some examples include:
Dr. David Martin
Dr. Naomi Wolff
Rainer Fuellmich
( I believe he is in prison in Frankfurt for telling the truth about the scamdemic without having been charged)
Dr. Micheal Yeadon
Dr. Peter McCulloch
The National Citizens Inquiry
Kid Carson
Anita Krishna
I suspect EFFECTIVE CONVINCING needs to complement the recipient's perspective--what matters most to them:
Documented side effects? Death data? Vaccine history?Ingredients? Confessions? If just ONE NAME attached to documentation is discounted by a quick Google search, the recipient will not look at any of it. I began keeping my own "database" 2 years ago. Sadly, having sent many links to close family, I have not been able to convince them. However, I will be with them this week and will ask them in person what matters most to them. Hopefully, I have the links they need.
Please email all the links that you have collected to
Hello James. I would share a video like this from Dr. Mike Yeadon.
Thank you
My first question about the mRNA ‘vaccines’ is why would making the chain of events longer to get your body immune be a more efficient process than the old format vaccines? It just doesn’t make sense.
Ask your doctor – or whoever is about to inject you – is there an ingredients list you can read first. McDonalds can provide an ingredients list for their Big Macs – at least if something is amiss your body can expel it if it is only in your digestive tract.
But then, germ theory – Read Bechamp or Pasteur? by Ethel Hume. There is a lot of other data and parliamentary quotes about the ineffectiveness of vaccinations too.
Don’t forget Koch’s postulates to determine the microbe that is causative of disease. Sensible postulates they are, but no microbial disease has ever fulfilled the criteria.
Another book – Dissolving Illusions. It includes telling about mandating of smallpox vaccines in the UK and how Leicester revolted against it. Guess who had less issues with smallpox when they stopped and addressed things like sanitation? I live near Leicester and very few people know this, but then the protest was in 1872, the UK law was repealed in 1946. That’s right, nearly 100 years of forced vaccination – parents went to jail for not jabbing their kids.
Contagious disease theory is dealt a blow by the research described in ‘What Really Makes You Ill and Why Everything you Thought you knew About Disease is Wrong’ if not also in Dissolving Illusions.
Mike Yeadon, an ex-Pfizer CEO, talks eloquently about the whole Convid affair and the vaccines.
Then go through Katherine Watts Bailiwick News substack, and Sasha Latypova, Due Diligence in Art substack. In particular, the Warp Speed military operation, that the emergency use authorisation medical countermeasures are not pharmaceuticals therefore not subject to pharmaceutical regulations, the anaphylaxis Nobel prize, and so much more.
Oh, and the word virus means poison.
Listen to Cheryl Grainger on UK Column last Friday talk about the effects upon pregnancy. UK Column also made a searchable database of the yellow card data
And if you go through James Corbett documentaries How and Why Big Oil Conquered the World you will get a good deal of background about how the medical world got to where it is and how our education system has failed us when it came to this scam.
You ust see this epic interview by Stew Peters of Karen Kingston:
Unfortunately I can not find the earlier interviews where she explained the patents. But this interview explain the big pharma hoax in a nutshell