The Universe. The Galaxy. The Solar System. The Earth. The Moon. The United States of America. The Constition. . . . and the self-proclaimed . . . WHO 👹

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Babel has fallen again.

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We need NUREMBERG trials. We need to get rid of 'Consensus Science' all together.

I want science based in facts! The WHO is such a fraudulent organization. The children all got 'Common Core' and the colleges got "Consensus." The great dumbing down of the American citizens. There is the CCC (Climate Change Committee) and the CCC 'Copenhagen Consensus Center.' https://copenhagenconsensus.com... Know thy enemies!

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As I wrote elsewhere, just reading the Definitions section is enough to void your bowels. (Got to page 16 before I was sidetracked, have to get it finished...🙄) Meanwhile they're having problems reaching consensus? James, what makes you think minor inconveniences like "consensus" is going to slow down, never mind stop, the imposition of this abomination? It represents a power-grab like nothing I've ever read of in history. It will make George Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four" look like anarchy!

Oh, and by the way and curiously enough? Your Substack was the ONLY place I could find an up-to-date copy of this POS to read it! (https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/read-the-treaty)

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Please also read the leaked version of the negotiating text of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. http://RejectTheAmendments.com

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Amended proposal: DEL World Health Organization...

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I like it!

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Good one!

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How about trials in the purported style of Nuremberg, and public executions of its Principals and Chieftains? Their executions must be public and televised, nothing less is adequate. I personally favour "The Guillotine": No ambiguity, no possibility of being faked.

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The "TREATY" proposed is just another way to transfer power to a central government. What is always proposed is "regulations" that hand the power and ability to penalize any nation that doesn't follow its rules. On the surface, it always sounds great. That is what it is supposed to do. If it was implemented as proposed, it may provide some protection.

However, it isn't written to govern the dangers of anything that harms mankind. its language is written in broad glowing terms that promise results in protecting us. Terms that when evaluated cover so much because it can be interpreted to give control to the governing body with absolute and having no ability to object to its enforcement.

Its power is absolute and supported by the many creative damages that go only to the government body. Never to help any that may be damaged by the actions of the nations that caused the problems. Basically, it always comes to the transference of wealth. Once power is transferred is nearly impossible to alter or remove.

As always is done with the protection of people worldwide from the pandemic crisis. or to produce actions that will stop climate change to "save the planet" Two noble causes which the majority of people would agree to. On the surface, both have merit.

Handing any organization power and control of any kind over the lives of the multitude can have only one end, a one world government with terror that is always the controlling method. Government, providing only control and transferring wealth. The history of mankind is littered with the failure of many of these governments.

Why then do people try to make it work? Power! the ability to rule, despite not having the skill to do so. Greed has its place within mankind's formula of life. it provides the average man to live their lives in a productive manner. It is like everything must have balance. The despite to wrench too much profits out at the expense of the population that provides the energy and skills that provide the output, results in the loss of production.

The loss of profits and with too much force upon the ones who produce can and will collapse the company. the same formula applies to a nation. With a nation, it comes with its taxation and using them to spend in places, it has no authority to keep its ability to rule under threat of loss of support from the rulers.

Now I am getting wordy and have gone on far too long. I thank all who have read my explanations and hope you do your own research. I don't ask or beg for your approval or understanding, just your time to prove what will give mankind another failure requiring yet another start of civilization. We still have choices, please use them.-------- I, Grampa

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Remember the SARS scam of 2003? That time it was a variety of flu that jumped species from civets to Humans. 2020 and a quick change of definition of "pandemic" and they trotted out the Covid Scamdemic, only this time it was a variety of cold that jumped species from bats to humans via a bowl of bat soup in Wuhan, China. A variety of cold with a mortality rate of 5% - 10%! 😱

And about 99.5% of humanity swallowed this outrageous, monumental cow flop whole!!! Never mind there has never been an epidemic of any respiratory illness in history, never mind everything they told us about "Covid" was a painfully obvious lie, never mind everything about the Scamdemic stank to high heaven of malfeasance, criminality and fraud...

And here we are now, with this latest piece of shit about to be rammed down humanity's throat, and 99.5% of us will think it's just wonderful, will do all they can to cooperate and force it on the thinking 0.5%, because they're so fucking stupid.

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It is a tough read unless you’re a bureaucrat who gets paid to write this bullshit. I didn’t go to bullshit school so it is painful reading. I’d rather cross out the deleted word mark document in red for replacement over section deleted. My brain would flow better than all the changes in parenthesis. 🤮

I hope Canadian provinces reject every word since the health bucks start & stop there, not with the Feds. Of course most provincial health bureaucrats leaders are running the system in true mafia style including Alberta. So I can only pray for the good Lord to intervene and save us from our own stupidity or indifference.

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Yeah, it was amazing how every paragraph of that treaty seemed to require 2 paragraphs of bafflegab translation...🤔

But they won't reject it "Thinking Mama Bear" because they're all in on it; they're all bought. Every last god-damned politician in this country is a self-serving criminal and a psychopath. And as Arthur Koestler warned many years ago, "God has left the receiver off the hook, and we're running out of time."

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this hellish organisation really make my blood boil. we don't need their friggin 'pandemic products'. we need good living conditions, proper food, clean air and water. then we would not get sick. monsters, and ignorant fools who follow them!

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Recall the function of bulldozers

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dr. Mass explains that it’s been a long time in the planning and we want a treaty so our senators ultimately say no!

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I’d Rather Be

A Conspiracy Theorist

Than A

Coincidence Theorist.


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"conspiracy theory" is a term invented to sabotage and short-circuit any rational discussion of EVIDENCE . We ought to popularize the phrase "conspiracy reality."

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They really just need to DEL the whole thing, no overtime needed.

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thanks for the update James.

trying to get this utopian dream together seems to be like herding cats...

clusterf*ck at best

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I LOVE this video.

Cracks me up every time!

Country bod, but I doubt one has to be to appreciate this video.

Perhaps I just have a strange sense of humour!

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More time to hang themselves more decisively?

Or more time to try to get the noose off their neck?

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Sounds more like a load of road apples.

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Hello CW, Gov Ron DO NOTHING DeSantis has been ignoring mandamus a judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court or ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty:

"a writ of mandamus" to stop the evil who duh weffers

Florida Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo, MD, PhD said recently, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, "The mRNA shots have an evil frequency," He stated that we are in a spiritual war. He said these shots will damage your physical health as well as your spiritual health as well.

The Spike Protein in Covid-19 & the Covid Vaccine can be detected in the blood cells of long COVID patients for up to 15 months post-infection. The spike protein decreases natural killer T cells and inhibits their effectiveness. The result: fast-growing "turbo cancers" have skyrocketed in the past couple of years, showing up at unprecedented rates amongst all ages, especially in the younger generations. IT TIME NOW UNITE WITH GOD AND ALL LIKE MINDED OF OUR CREATOR TO END ALL THESE EVILS

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Comment’s are beautifully comprehensive here….such good company at your place James.

Blessings from Aus.

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