Trump has a BIG ego and will not admit to being wrong. He is a globalist in different garb than Klaus Schwab but the same brain. He wants to rule North America and interfere with the rest of the world. I think he is doing some things that look good in order to direct our attention away from his dark agenda. If he doesn't ban mRNA bioweapons the rest of what he does won't matter. Someone should make him watch the National Citizen's Inquiry interviews.

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He needs to stop working for Israel but of course if he foes that he won't be around for long.

But that us what he needs to do, I doubt that Farage will help to persuade him because if he does that will be the end of him.

We all need to stop being afraid to do the right thing, when enough box us say NO, its over.

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The link above takes you to a peer-reviewed article of which I am the first author. Based on evidence sourced from Pfizer's original documents, the article demonstrates that Pfizer misrepresented the evidence that their mRNA vaccine was safe and saved lives. We suggest that the FDA was lax in their role as regulators of safety when they approved EUA of the vaccine and when they allowed Pfizer to unblind and vaccinate the placebo subject groups. We also uncover 2 subject deaths that occurred prior to the submission of Pfizer's application for the EUA that were NOT reported. We refer to these as "Hidden Deaths" in other reports and letters.

In summary, the clinical trial that lead to the approval of Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is seriously flawed and should never have been approved by the FDA.

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James, It is not about the mRNA product.. If people knew the truth America would be in far better health. The last 70 years the Medical Industry has helped to destroy the health of every American....The entire Medical Industry exists to sell its toxic drugs, hazardous vaccines and expensive treatments. It was never designed to heal anyone. It is soulless and exists to serve itself.... POISOn KILLS! It needs to go!

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My husband has 50 yrs experience as virologist/immunologist and used to help develop jabs back in 1970s until he found out there were cancer cells and mercury (among other dangerous substances) put into them. Neither of these things is good in any amount. He studied mRNA process for jabs and says this is NOT a good thing. mRNA is dangerous. My husband worked at Public Health Dept. of PA for many years, advising the public/doctors/govt on how to manage disease and he also worked with a Nobel prize winning scientist at her invitation. He knows virology, immunology and vaccines.

Vaccines are a HUGE part of the problem of why Americans are no longer healthy. I've watched the downfall of health in America for a very long time, I'm 70 y.o. I remember going to England back in 1969 and my English host saying to me "You Americans are all so healthy looking!" Sadly we are among the least healthy population in the world and the jabs have killed off LOTS of people, including babies in the womb. NO child under 6 should EVER be jabbed - this used to be very well-known among most people back in 1950s/60s. They knew it could cause huge problems for health and also for the brain, as part of immune system is in the brain; hence, autism rates have grown tremendously. Back in 1972 autism rates were 1 in 100,000. Now they are 1 in 32 because we jab unborn infants and kids under 6 are given approximately 70 jabs before age 6. This is a recipe for holocaust of children. There are cancer cells and mercury, also aluminum in all jabs these days. So, YES, jabs are a huge part of the problem. Not all of it, but a big part.

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The elphant in the room is people's inability to understand what Trump is doing due to pre-conceived notions of his actions. Some resort to a superficial rhetoric that claims he is evil, just like the satanic elites. That makes no sense, as Trump is systematically dismantling the entire worldwide system of satanism, corruption, tyranny and perversion. We must, therefore, seek a more mature approach, and learn insights that help us see beyond the surface, and discern the deeper strategies.

In the post below you will find answers to the following questions:

Why is President Trump supporting the state of Israel, that is murdering thousands of children in Gaza?

Why is President Trump funding a 500 billion dollar project to develop AI all across America?

Why is President Trump giving the floor to people who suggest using AI mRNA vaccines, to combat cancer?

The Christian Alliance That is Saving the World https://stopworldcontrol.com/key-insights/

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RE: YOUR INVITATION, "I invite input from my readers regarding your ideas about how to convince President Donald Trump"

HERE IS MY IDEA - APOLOGIES for all caps, was concerned it'd be lost among 251 other posts:

Do not address 'operation warp speed' as any sort of 'mistake' on Trump's part, rather have as many of his coterie as possible begin villainizing all 'former players' of that time - Fauci, Walensky, Birxs, Redfield, etc. - continually expressing various iterations of:

1. those manipulative S.O.B's 'used' Trump's ('extremely, very brilliant') idea to pull the wool over the world's eyes, perpetrating a "bait & switch" in order to,

2. implement their 'horrible money-making scheme' involving 'previously engineered' (and horrendously destructive) mRNA vaccines, which...

3. 'They' gleefully promoted as "safe and effective", while 'hiding' the downsides & ensuing damage, so that,

4. Trump's reputation would be utterly tarnished and the incoming Biden Administration would not be held accountable for the fallout!!

All of the above must begin a.s.a.p., and I suggest that experts in the science of psychological manipulation be (with uttermost discretion) consulted as to the ideal methodology for implementing the plan.


RE: point #1 - the most pertinent of the negative research on the dangers/damage effected by the 'vaccines' should be put into easily comprehensible forms best suited to Trump's 'particular' cognitive/info assimilating 'styles' -

- and presented in the most opportune timeframe for the most effective commencement of "Operation Outrage" (i.e. the plan outlined above) by Trump's nearest, dearest, and/or most influential allies.

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we must inspire those who think that trump is their friend, to look more deeply!

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I think everyone needs to get out of this medical system they have created. Vaccines should have stringent testing for safety. IF they (gov) cannot provide the proof that these are 'Safe' than the public needs to be notified. The CDC should provide the ingredients of ALL vaccines and the problems that can occur. Believe me, no one would risk themselves, or their children on these vaccines. Trump will stop them when he gets enough backlash from all of us! Quit protecting Pfizer and all the others!

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RFK Jr wrote a section in "Virus Mania" starting at pg 261 with subtitles

-CDC, FDA, WHO: Under Big Pharma's Spell and Dishonest for a Long Time

-No Safety Testing, Missing Placebo Trials

-Autism and Vaccines

-We Are Killing Children

-Media Malpractice

This is a book about the fact that viruses were never proven to exist and that these plandemics are based on a fraudulent PCR procedure.

Or would you rather have Bill Gates running the HHS?

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We need to go through RFK Jr.

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RE: YOUR INVITATION, "I invite input from my readers regarding your ideas about how to convince President Donald Trump"

HERE IS MY IDEA - APOLOGIES for all caps, was concerned it'd be lost among 251 other posts:

Do not address 'operation warp speed' as any sort of 'mistake' on Trump's part, rather have as many of his coterie as possible begin villainizing all 'former players' of that time - Fauci, Walensky, Birxs, Redfield, etc. - continually expressing various iterations of:

1. those manipulative S.O.B's 'used' Trump's ('extremely, very brilliant') idea to pull the wool over the world's eyes, perpetrating a "bait & switch" in order to,

2. implement their 'horrible money-making scheme' involving 'previously engineered' (and horrendously destructive) mRNA vaccines, which...

3. 'They' gleefully promoted as "safe and effective", while 'hiding' the downsides & ensuing damage, so that,

4. Trump's reputation would be utterly tarnished and the incoming Biden Administration would not be held accountable for the fallout!!

All of the above must begin a.s.a.p., and I suggest that experts in the science of psychological manipulation be (with uttermost discretion) consulted as to the ideal methodology for implementing the plan.


RE: point #1 - the most pertinent of the negative research on the dangers/damage effected by the 'vaccines' should be put into easily comprehensible forms best suited to Trump's 'particular' cognitive/info assimilating 'styles' -

- and presented in the most opportune timeframe for the most effective commencement of "Operation Outrage" (i.e. the plan outlined above) by Trump's nearest, dearest, and/or most influential allies.

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Does he or close associates read Truth Social posts? Could we make a post titled "STOP MRNA vaccines" have links to The recent Nikolas Hulscher posts and also have people write about their own or loved ones experience w the vaccine? I know three people that have literally dropped dead. All had the jab. None of these deaths were attributed to it.

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The original paper (Fan Wu) about genetic sequencing of the SARS2 virus was designed from the start to look like they had found an unnatural "virus" so that people would say it was man-made. An error was deliberately inserted hoping nobody would spot it. Then the "Health Freedom Movement" could plant the story into the zeitgeist that "this is what the media aren't telling us". "The Chinese are out to get us". Nobody bothered to check for 4 years until a statistician looked at the original "reads" (genetic pieces) and said there is no way their final "sequence" could have been compiled from their raw data reads. Like saying you found pieces of A, T and G, let the computer sort it out, but then publish a contig ("sequence") that spells EAT with no mention of how a computer could possibly add E and remove G. The E means it's man made! All meaningless because nobody has ever found any damn virus! This was all planned and rehearsed and run by NATO and branches of the US military.

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I am chocked that Trump has expressed such kind of madness or stupidity. It is not in harmony with his general attitude. As a Dane I'm more and more supprised about his unpredictability.

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Mr. Roguski: I am concerned about President Trump's stated position on the jabs and the use of mRNA as a platform for other jabs going forward. He must be aware of the opposition by his MAGA base, as we have made it clear with actually booing him when he claims a "victory" has been achieved by him through these jabs. Maybe if all those who have been injured by the jabs, all those who have lost loved ones to the jabs, all embalmers who have autopsied these loved ones and all doctors who are treating jab-injured people write detailed letters or e-mail or make phone calls to the White House in droves, President Trump will be feel a major thump up side his head and change his mind. DOMA was being presented to President Clinton for him to enact into law, which he was hesitant about doing, but so many phone calls and faxes (e-mail was very new) were made to the White House and Congress in support of the bill that the switchboard crashed a few times that day due to overload. It worked and he signed DOMA. I don't know how else President Trump can be made wiser but through input and data from all the afore-mentioned sources. As well, all letters should be carbon-copy sent or calls made to RFK Jr. He has the president's ear and the power to make the necessary regulations. Then we all need to 🙏🏻 🙏🏻 🙏🏻.

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