This is long but you'll want to read: I have an idea regarding this matter

While we're dealing with two issues

1. The Amendments to the IHR's

2. The Pandemic Agreement

The former is a modification of a congressional-executive agreement that got us into the WHO back in 1948; the second one is a framework convention that effectively gives them the ability to do what they did before but with more power and money (something I think we all can conclude they don't need and we don't want).

In both cases we need to contact our legislators

For the former we need them to pass H.R.79 which withdraws all funding to the WHO, and we should also apply pressure to Senators to pass companion legislation since the House and Senate are both required to get a bill passed

For the latter we need to contact our Senators only and provide them solid reasons to reject this (many reasons are provided here). Use arguments that are hard to fact-check away since the use of social media will be vital.

Because Twitter not only allows us to easily get a hold of legislators (as well as all the others), but also put them on the spot where others can see our message: I suggest we do that since that has historically been a way to force responces. While we should focus on all legislators, I'd probably more heavily weight my message towards conservatives (particularly those who have endorsed HR.79) and Senators with similar attitudes.

With text limitations being a major problem on Twitter, one do simple things like make a text-message; then screen-cap it (I've done this and it works) or use one of Mr. Roguski's infographics to get around said limitations. I would focus on things that cannot be easily fact-checked away since even Twitter does this, and it's election season (and fact-checkers tend to be on high-alert during this time period).

Tagging people is important as well as that applies additional pressure: You'll want to do the following.

1. Find every libertarian party for the legislator you're messaging (so, if they're from Georgia, look up Libertarian Party of Georgia, there's also LP Mises groups as well): They tend to be sensitive to things that infringe upon their individual liberties and it woudl stand to reason many would be opposed to this on principle.

2. Look at the replies to the legislator on messages he's made. You'll find some people who are quite pleased with him, others who are angry at various things he/she's said/done. Generally you can tell that certain people would be receptive and you want to tag them.

You can contact me at


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Don't Give In to These Illegal Psychopaths!

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The pea will never be under the shell you think it’s under.

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this is all BS Panto - they are going to go ahead anyway, there is no discussion of leaving the WHO, just work on the amendments. Criminals, this is nothing to do with health !!

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Ashley Bloomfield is now known in NZ as a mass murderer who belongs in jail.

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By the WHO organisation not sticking to their own rules of producing the Treaty document 4 months in advance so the people of the world can consider its contents proves that they are not an organisation that can be trusted or will keep their word. They are nothing but a bullying Mafia group that will not follow even their own rules, once they are put in place. This organisation should be dismantled as they only have their rich members interests.

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I've just seen a vote on the who hold by the World Council of Health. all their agents out of 24 countries voted in favour of the exit of the who. the host said: I really believe in the democracy and in the power of our voices.

it was powerful, it looked like this. I don't believe the democracy has the power to solve any problem but a spoken word has, if only spoken by a human heart.

previous to this vote there was an expert hearing. Astrid Stuckelberger, a Swiss expert and a former who-consultant told that she'd spoken at the who trying to persuade them and it was, citation "a voiceless speaking, like they had no ears. I don't see just one strategy, I see us travelling on a road where many things can happen. our movement will prove stronger than their. we have to think about different scenarios that are in front of us". she meant that documents are hidden from us by our governments. she looked very concerned as if she would start to cry the next moment. don't forget that she was a who-consultant for many years. concluding she said: "let's see what happens".

this 'let' s see what happens next' I hear so many people say recently and it sounds to me like 'we've done all we could, now's their turn'. it's like in chess, as if they'd be sat against us. how then should they listen or hear being sat on the opposit side of the chessboard? maybe it's too late for them. we'd never have become so strong but because of them, we'd never have gone so far but because of them, we'd never win without their help. it's about us, not about them and this is an encouraging thought.

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Sick specimens of humanity who know nothing about health are out to set themselves up as "authorities?". May the plague they have brought on others...be on their heads!!!!

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UNITE WITH GOD, HE WONT LET YOU DOWN.... https://bbn1.bbnradio.org/english/home/categories/

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for those who lose their nerves the closer the end of May draws, try this: go to a meeting where you'd be given the possibility to vote on the who and their doings. I've chanced on one such event. it was designed as a talk by one favoured and battle-tried lawyer followed by comments of 2 guests who are on our side and then a discussion including the audience and our local politicians. the latter didn't show up of course and we had all the fun for ourselves. finally we've unanimously voted in favour of our exiting the who and abolishing the whole crew. I'd never believe how strengthening it works on the feelings, now I know it. why give this strength up to them?! every human being has a voice and the right to be heard! I've voted for me and for all my loved ones and it made me smile and my heart cheer.

they probably feel the same voting on the pandemic age FOR US, at least those of them who earnestly believe in what they do. be it a millstone hanged around their necks. and why not name the things properly? there are no pandemics in the nature, they should call it pandemonium. this is how satan's temple in the hell is called and there they will land THEMSELVES if they continue in the same manner.

but try to get under the like-minded and vote together with them. you'll feel like have seen the light or have felt the warmth.

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Are there going to be mass worldwide protests on this? All I see so far is from Japan.

Last week, I checked the WHO website on the IHR and Pandemic treaty FAQ. They are countering our concerns as misinformation. One of the items said they are complying in the spirit and intent to article 55 as the list of changes was provided last November and that met the conditions. I can provide a link later. They don't give a damn for their own rules and are pressing ahead with this agenda anyway. This is what I see happening locally and nationally in the US. You can call them out or express your concerns, as I did with my US senators. I've yet to receive a response from one and I got a BS response about the importance of this treaty and IHR from the other.

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Beware the Noahide laws.

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They are not the only problem. And here we thought the WHO was the only problem. WHO wants pandemic treaty signed May, 27th too have our sovereignty etc. But the UN wants takeover power this September,2024. U.N. To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support


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Please shorten up your address. It gives away to much info. You can test the link with a much shorter line. The Canadian Govt tabled a response to Petition e-4623 on "Exit the WHO". Scroll down to read it here - https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4623

Here is my take on all of this - all of these BS wishy washy answers are being sent out because they know that when the "Final Draft" arrives, it will be heavily scrutinized. So the wishy washy is an attempt to play the same game again expecting the same response as before - large scale compliance and roll over. The problem is that the unwashed masses have just seen the movie and they remember it. Also, they know of lots of adverse reactions and they have experienced it themselves. So there is now a cavernous disconnect.

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May 19Edited

Here is Dr. Pierre Kory's latest article on the shift going on at the ground level -

"Breaking Down The New York Times' Disgusting Plea for Vaccine Amnesty". Korry is now treating a large number of vaccine injured. Here is a key line in the article -"I think it will be impossible to keep suppressing knowledge of widespread vaccine injuries once the 2024 election happens." Here is the full article - https://pierrekorymedicalmusings.com/p/breaking-down-the-new-york-times?utm_campaign

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The notion that people have "just seen the movie" implies that they are becoming increasingly vigilant and critical of attempts to manipulate or deceive them again. This aligns with the idea that trust is fragile and can be easily undermined by perceived inconsistencies or breaches of integrity.

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I get it.

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