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What can knowing the truth accomplish, except for being prepared for what's coming?

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Well I have had a response to these by two Congress members offices. They are aware of this. Now if they did what needs to be done? Not sure. But I hope they did.

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Check it out!

It answers some questions.

No matter what they sign, nations are only bound by "good faith".


...so I guess USA can still fund "directed evolution" for future viruses+bioweapons in all kinds of labs all over the world even in Nazi controlled Ukraine... but not in the USA of course... and all in "good faith" in satan probably...

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Well, that is the definition of a bioweapon, and as soon as that criminal regime begins to crumble and fall, they can be tried according to the Nuremberg code, or simply in people's courts, directly in the USA. They have murdered millions in the USA. We do not even need a data leak. There is enough evidence anyway.

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I do hope that this is true: 'Additional Breaking News from a competent source with authority reveals that the WHO Charter has been legally disqualified for some time now. The World Homicide Organization was trying to create another pandemic with the Marburg virus but this will not happen again. We will now stop this madness, this genocide'.

On: https://twitter.com/spartajustice/status/1636806455876517902

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These amendments would wipe out any notion of freedom if not stopped. I just don’t get it why our representatives are remaining silent on this matter! We pray and trust in God but we also have to get action on getting out of this debacle ASAP!

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Just sent you an SMS for meeting tomorrow at http://meet.jit.si/roguski and you responded, but without a suggestion of a time tomorrow. Just double-checking through an alternative media than SMS. I have a meeting 14:00-15:00 CET After that I am free.

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You have PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

I have CET Central European Time.


add +8 hours

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I keep getting your replies by SMS, but without suggestions of any time for Jitsi-meeting tomorrow, and suggesting the wrong time difference. Is that really you or the WHO interfering?

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Yes. Really me. I am available at 11am PDT Tuesday. That is 19:00 CET.

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Tomorrow Friday is the meeting day 19:00 CET 11:00 PET. Would you like to have the same message as everyone else, with the link, then send me your address to mrperfect72 and preferably a free ProtonMail address like mine, a great company encrypting for us, so that the evil ones at WHO can't disturb our meeting!

I did not yet get into contact with Jane Ruby, Steve Kirsch and Astrid Stückelberger, but we might still be successful of course.

I will set up the live anti WHO meeting 19:00 CET 24/3 broadcasted on https://odysee.com/@DigiDemo and begin a countdown about 30 minutes before it starts, so you can already now tell your friends to join at this address.

Lovely also if you yourself record or broadcast it live, for example through OBS Studio, like I do, like this: https://odysee.com/@MrPerfect72:3/How-to-LIVE-stream-video-on-Odysee-using-Jitsi-Meet-and-OBS-Studio:9

The Jitsi Meet address will, after our initial discussion, be shared in the comment field of Odysee, so that more people can join in to ask questions live. Do market it on your blog and with your friends!

I do recommend all to use:

0. introspection/meditation/contemplation before the meeting, so we all radiate awesome energy.

1. Swiss encrypted ProtonMail in your communication, other honest companies and open free platforms.

2. Headset to avoid audio feedback. (empathy for the listeners and in order to reach people well with our messages).

3. A fixed camera in level with your own eyes and appear with chest and head. (and not move camera around)

4. Neutral background (if using an image from Jitsi, then also use a green screen, please)

5. Silent room with less echo from walls, if possible. (Clothes, sofas and carpets help to dampen echo.)

6. balanced light on your face, creating a nice viewer's experience. You might want to use an orange or a pink paper in between the lamp and your face.

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Martin, I am on the jit.si meeting link that you posted here. Is that the correct link?

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The attorney Robert Barnes has stated that no rules or regs pushed by the WHO (even if agreed to by Administration lackeys) can be enforced in the U.S. Our Constitution protects us from any political or administrative overreach propagated by any international organization.

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Barnes doesn't know what he doesn't know. Please feel free to call me directly anytime. 310-619-3055

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All of the recordings from CHD.TV on the Federal Subcommitee Roundtables currently going on on the Covid Govt Response, can be found here -


They are worth viewing. The Truth is Coming Out. The Testimony is Excellent

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I spoke directly with Dr. Joseph Sansone and I very much agree with his ground level efforts.

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Covid Litigation Conference March 25, 2023 -


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You do the most through work I’ve seen on these international proceedings. It is very much appreciated. I really love all the citizen investigators,journalists, researchers and the like, that have arisen out of these dark times. Under Tyranny this is not possible. It is a race right now against Tyranny. I hope humanity wins. 🤞

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James Roguski Why do you waste time on these nonsense matters that do NOT apply to America?

"Panic propaganda is a political tool designed to elicit an emotional response rather than a reasoned and factual one. Panic propaganda doesn’t have to be completely false, as a matter of fact the best propaganda contains a very serious element of truth that is dressed in the most fantastic deceptions causing the people to react in fear rather than analyze in facts. Biden’s Panic Propaganda du jour is the notion that he is about to sign an agreement with the World Health Organization that will “end American sovereignty.” It is true that the countries of the WHO are going to meet on May 22 to sign a health agreement. It is true that the Biden Administration has proposed certain amendments. That is where the element of truth ends, and the rest is panic propaganda and here is why:"


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Is this even necessary, then?

Sen. Ron Johnson’s ‘‘No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act”

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I think that it misses the mark. Most people, including Members of Congress and the Senate are completely unaware of the difference between a proposed treaty and the reality of the amendments to the existing International Health Regulations that were adopted in May 2022. I warned of the deception months ago, but nearly everyone fell for the psy-op anyway...


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All of the recordings from CHD.TV on the "Federal Subcommitee Roundtables" currently going on on the Covid Govt Response, can be found here -


They are worth viewing. The Truth is Coming Out. The Testimony is Excellent

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Did you read KrisAnne's statement? I would say no but you have to remember. Most of those in congress are not familiar with the constitution. If he is doing this I would venture to say he hasn't read the constitution or done any research in an effort to find out that this isn't necessary. This is just theater for his constituents as far as I'm concerned.

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DJ, yes I read Kris Anne Hall's statement.

Did you watch the video at the top of this article?

Have you read the proposed amendments?


Have you read the existing International Health Regulations (2005)?


Did you read Appendix 2 in which the United States agreed to the IHR(2005) - page 61?

Did you read this article and watch the video.


I am NOT discussing the proposed pandemic treaty.

I am discussing something very different.

Call me anytime 310-619-3055

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None of the WHO stuff applies to us. None of the IHR stuff applies to us. So why do we care what they propose?

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If federal and state levels are adhering to existing regulations while leading and driving the proposed amendments which will then also be adhered to and implemented, it has already been applied to 'us' in multiplicity.

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Lol...Show me where this is happening. I don't know about you but I do not comply with unjust rules or laws, especially if they are written by some foreigner with no interest in my personal welfare. What part of "...None of the WHO stuff applies to us. None of the IHR stuff applies to us." are you not grasping? We are American citizens, NOT foreign subjects that are bound by the illegal and unconstitutional whims of some despot who thinks he's a king. We are sovereign and do not answer to the likes of WHO. Trump made that clear when he told them to go pound sand. Biden's corrupt masters prefer to line their pockets instead and could care less about you or me or our country. Quit fretting over BS like this and support the local efforts that apply to the state you live in where it will be more effective.

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The one thing to keep in mind .. do not comply with anything you do not agree with .. "face diaper" or injections .. and speak up whenever you hear something you do not agree with. That's the reason the 1st Amendment exists .. your voice is your first line of defense .. and the "face diaper" was to get you to shut up and keep your opinions to yourself .. and don't talk to others closer than 6 ft. For some perspective .. if you can believe the numbers .. about 20% of the US did not accept one CV-19 injection .. that's roughly 66 million people!!! I'm one of them!

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Hello from Belgium; This vote and adoption in the video concerned the U.S. On the same date, readings were ALSO held for other WHO member states: https://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA75/A75_DIV1-en.pdf

Belgium and the Netherlands are also listed here. The Dutch were represented here by some of their ministers (as cynical as that may be). For Belgium, this was not even the case; we were represented by an ambassador and other unknowns, Almost all LOCATED IN GENEVE and 'ON PERMANENT MISSION' (UN). Then there was the WEF meeting ALSO on May 22. At the same time, you have the meeting of The World Health Assembly from May 22 to 28, 2022 ('The World Health Assembly is the decision-making body of WHO. It is attended by delegations from all WHO Member States and focuses on a specific health agenda prepared by the Executive Board. The main functions of the World Health Assembly are to determine the policies of the Organization, appoint the Director-General, supervise financial policies, and review and approve the proposed program budget. The Health Assembly is held annually in Geneva, Switzerland.'). GAVI is in Geneva. UN is in Geneva. IFPMA, The International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Traders and the voice of the innovative pharmaceutical industry is situated in Geneva.

If James Roguski is right that important decisions have already been made by May 2022 then we are in trouble! Because on THIS list you can follow the topics of WHAT THE WHO IS discussing NOW: https://indico.un.org/category/818/?flat=1.

13 Mar - 15 Mar

Global Convening on COVID-19 Vaccination Monitoring and Related System Strengthening.

23 Mar

Advancing Civilian-Military Collaboration to Strengthen Health Emergency Preparedness Compendium of Practice, Maison de La Paix, Chem. Eugène-Rigot 2, Geneva (protected) (What does 'protected' here mean? That it is ultra secret?)

Belgium and The WHO:

09 Mar (5 days ago)

College of Europe Bruges, Belgium Study Visit to WHO.

The College of Europe is the Post Graduate Institute of European studies.

(Is this an infiltration of the WHO yet again also?)


In the meantime, one can read about the fussy laws concerning EFM radiation implemented  according to the conclusions of the ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection), WHICH IS AN ARM OF THE WHO TOO. (Here we go again...). Government didn’t have a duty of care beyond that of following the guidelines of expert groups such as the ICNIRP. This is an excellent piece about the EFM radiation and the crude implementations and ignorance of health consequences written by Lynne Mc Taggart;


The WHO needs to be legally crushed WORLDWIDE ASAP!

I AM SO VERY worried about ALL of this.

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