Completely Criminal, we don't need their control and enforced enslavement. They should all be in prison, including every politician who supports it. Covid 19 the greatest Global Genocide, the impacts will never fully go away for 100's of years. We need to create the largest movement on a global scale. It must be supported by all forms of law enforcement and the military. Let's go Canada and globally. I have a case right now sitting at the King of Courts Bench level silenced by the use of fraud and tampering with evidence. The Justice Department is in there, the Canadian Gov. is in there, 13 judges, 23 lawyers, 5 crown prosecutors and I did serve this to the top authorities in the world. The united Nations and the International Criminal Court are both in breach of policy. All of these organizations that I could reach have been notified of their Crimes against Humanity. I will not stop until it is heard like the others pushing to receive justice for the innocent.

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Plannedemic 3.0: Bird Flu Summit 2024 & Covid Panel Subpoenas NIH ‘FOIA Lady’ for Deleting Emails https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/plannedemic-30-bird-flu-summit-2024

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Strange that you didn't suggest any action by us.

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go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find a petition..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalise the pandemic treaty ..be sure to read it carefully to understand just how serious its implications are....you can guarantee that now the pact for the future has passed the pandemic treaty will be next on the hitlist...the petition can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world that said dont waste your time using you tube.twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor/suppress it..that said there are many other outlets that can and must be used and a good place to start will be substack...it currently has over 256000 signatures it URGENTLY needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and then by resharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same....a tip about the petition..if you go to the top of the citizengo.org petition page and click on the second column /heading on the right and scroll down you will find the petition is also in other languages which will be an added string to our bow

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not sure how to share a screen shot here - perhaps can not - but I was just informed - un.org that the W H O turned over our soverienty and its actual memorandum is 100 pages ? looking into this further - James could you provide us with up to date and current details of such thank you!! Much Love

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the pact for the future has passed WILL THE PANDEMIC TREATY BE NEXT???

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Non-elected Genocidal Criminals 🤮

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Health minister Fleur Agema subpoenaed to prevent WHO 'coup';

The National Union Against Government Affairs has gone to court to prevent the Dutch government from signing the WHO pandemic treaty.

Former Minister of Medical Care Pia Dijkstra resigned a few days after being summoned by the Bond. On Thursday, the Bond subpoenaed current Health Minister Fleur Agema at her home address. The first roll call hearing is on Oct. 1 in The Hague.

A majority in the House of Representatives earlier passed a motion instructing the government not to sign the pandemic treaty. Through the subpoena, the Union wants to prevent a WHO coup.


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Ban project 2030

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hi folks im back banging on about the pandemic treaty petition....go to citizengo.org and scroll through till you find it..stop the who,s accelerated push to finalize the pandemic treaty,,its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including yours but when resharing it keep it well away from the censorship gestapo on you tube/twitter/gestapo book who you can be sure will censor and suppress it..it currently has a fraction under 250000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and most importantly by resharing it widely with all your like minded contacts and groups and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked you warning them to keep it well away from the censorship gestapo....a little tip ive come across if you go to the main petition page at citizengo.org at the top of the page second column from the right you will find it has been translated into various languages of the world simply scroll down and they are united states/deutsch austria/ deutsch schweitz/english africa/ australia/ canada/ ireland/ english other countries/ espanol argentina/ espanol america latina/ espanol spain/ espanol mexico/ espanol united states/ france/ francais canada/ hrvatski/ italy/ hungary/holland/phillipines/ poland/ portugues brazil/portugal

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His voice doesn’t sound very convincing … 🤣🤣

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What about the UN's Pact for the Future? Do we have any more news on that?

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They probably want a PANDEMIC to occur in 2025

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They don't 'occur'. They are created by the film and PR lackies.

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Just like local politics. Here in CO where I live, my city council passes the most important stuff during the Holiday Season. Thanksgiving and Christmas work beautifully together. They'll have a meeting before one of these Holidays, mark my words! Remember the new 'DFC - International Development Finance Corporation' that got off the ground in 2020. Trust me.... we'll be paying for all. What a scam the WHO is!

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The UN started as all government plans do as a way to protect the nations from wars that would eliminate many nations completely. At the time, its intent was a good concept that protected small countries that had little resources to protect themselves.

These small countries would enjoy the protection of a force larger than the country's that threaten. Ending a threat because to go any farther would result in their own destruction. Ending a conflict before it begins. It soon was used by the warmongers to provide arms to provide the "teeth" behind the rules that bind all in agreement..

As all rules do with unavoidable conclusion, evolve from rules all agree to follow to mandates that must be followed. dictating not just what the rules are, but how they must be followed. Because they are a treaty, they have the power over the nations that signed the treaty.

Should any care to look at it, we have it contained within our constitution. We now have a power that supersedes our constitution. Each year, the controls grow, as does the power that backs it. We have agreed for a group that we have not elected or have any power or control over their decisions.

As all the government's goals have become, the power to rule is clear.

How to gain this power becomes their problem of advancement without causing the objection and rejection of the rules they can apply. The answer is simple cause the control to be demanded as a solution that comes from the people. This is where they use the ignorance of people to their advantage.

Enter the pandemic. With the little knowledge we have been taught in school, we remember the many deaths from the plague that happened within the lifetime of many. Or from grandparents that survived them. Fear is a powerful tool. Used with imagination provides the problem that government will solve. After all, isn't that what they do?

With careful and "logical" advice, they show us the solution. Telling us all what is needed to save ourselves and our family from death. Who would object from actions necessary to save us? before they can finish explaining the demands, start demanding action. Then comes the plan to defeat the disease that threatens us all.

The problem is that the solution was untested and dangerous but has shown us that it "should" protect us. The problem is that they need approval from the people who protect us from dangerous drugs. With unified cries from the people demanding gov. do something. Vaccines, untested are rushed into production.

Pressure put upon the president to authorize and set aside testing that would also protect the people weighing the advantages and upon the advice of the "experts" he signs the authorization that will save lives. Very quickly, what is presented as choice has become a mandate. Because it is unconstitutional for the government to force medical treatment for any citizen.

We see corporations demand that employees shall be vaccinated to keep their jobs. This started within the medical community to protect everyone around. Government used this "opportunity" to see just how far they could push their control under the guise of safety and keep the spreading the disease.

Because of the ignorance of the general population, the force used by the government was accepted. We all know that any powers granted to government are never relinquished. They are only expanded once given. What starts as protection for the citizens evolve to criminal action that is prosecuted.

As with any criminal conviction has side effects. The one they most desire is gun control. A convicted felon can't own a firearm or reside in the home where they are available. Back to the use of the pandemics as controlled by the UN that provides them with a power that will lead to world control.

Not for the safety and protection of people, but will lead to one world government. Ah yes the old conspirator postulate of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Which is easer, take the world by force or comply with people's demands? Even the lowly animals fight to keep from becoming someone's dinner. It would be impossible to defeat 8 billion people, armed or not. Use that number to demand action, and people go with dossal compliance to demands they made. I do hope I have made my point without the word salad made popular by our infamous VP. thanks for reading my rant-----I, Grampa

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