The evil powers behind the Covid and DEADLY VAX farce were desperate to kill as many humans as possible and to pretend that every death was somehow related to the (not so deadly - Man-enhanced disease) Covid. Even gunshot victims, road traffic accident victims were added to the false list of Covid related deaths.
The evil powers behind the Covid and DEADLY VAX farce were desperate to kill as many humans as possible and to pretend that every death was somehow related to the (not so deadly - Man-enhanced disease) Covid. Even gunshot victims, road traffic accident victims were added to the false list of Covid related deaths.
My guess is that there were a few naturally occurring Covid Deaths - after all, that's what they invented Covid to do = KILL PEOPLE to justify highly profitable but 'DEADLY VAX' SALES!
Hospitals rushed millions of supposed Covid victims and systematically murdered them by using inappropriate procedures, deadly medicines (Remdesiver. Etc,) and other surreptitious methods like 'Nil by Mouth' to finish them off! Mass pre-meditated MURDER was rife.
I'm inclined to agree they WHO simply sidestepped reality by forcing through part of their evil desires. Thereby easing the next phases to be forced through in the coming months as they enjoy revealing how naive and incompetent much of the public and our Governments can really be.
We must not lower our guards, nor must we celebrate a Victory and we must prepare for the next phase of sub-humanism and further deception towards Slavery and Control.
The tide is turning! Many are now saying they don't trust the 'Science', Big Pharma, Doctors and all connected to the medical profession. These people have decided they will not take the next batch of injections for the next round of deliberately created diseases.
My suspicion is that inexplicable 'EXCESS DEATHS' will continue, long after the Pfizer and Moderna deadly jabs are withdrawn, because of previous damage inflicted through previous applications of DEADLY or dangerous injections they pretended were 'VACCINES'.
Those who thought themselves 'lucky' because they experienced little or no side effects following the mRNA Gene Editing injections. Little do they know that every jab they believed was Safe & Effective had an adverse reaction which they might not yet be aware of - until one day in the future, they suddenly realise they have inexplicably become infected with deadly illnesses like the 'Turbo-Cancers' and a myriad of other Deadly diseases.
The sudden Tsunami of heart related diseases that became apparent with the first wave of Covid Injections, has created new words in our everyday vocabulary. Examples; Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Turbo-Cancers, etc. All gullible Death Shot recipients will already have incurred permanent damage, but these unsuspecting stooges will have, now and unwittingly, had their normal Life Expectancy curtailed.
In my opinion, each extra jab will have reduced the recipients' natural resistance. Each extra jab or 'Booster' (whatever that really means?) will have reduced life expectancy by around 5 years. Do the maths and we can discuss my unqualifiable suggestion every five years thereafter.
And still Pfizer, Moderna, etc still get away with ZERO LIABILITY which is an afront to normal humans intellect. It's absolutely insulting to reality that this farcical 'Get out of Jail Free' reasoning can continue to be justifiable.
The evil powers behind the Covid and DEADLY VAX farce were desperate to kill as many humans as possible and to pretend that every death was somehow related to the (not so deadly - Man-enhanced disease) Covid. Even gunshot victims, road traffic accident victims were added to the false list of Covid related deaths.
My guess is that there were a few naturally occurring Covid Deaths - after all, that's what they invented Covid to do = KILL PEOPLE to justify highly profitable but 'DEADLY VAX' SALES!
Hospitals rushed millions of supposed Covid victims and systematically murdered them by using inappropriate procedures, deadly medicines (Remdesiver. Etc,) and other surreptitious methods like 'Nil by Mouth' to finish them off! Mass pre-meditated MURDER was rife.
I'm inclined to agree they WHO simply sidestepped reality by forcing through part of their evil desires. Thereby easing the next phases to be forced through in the coming months as they enjoy revealing how naive and incompetent much of the public and our Governments can really be.
We must not lower our guards, nor must we celebrate a Victory and we must prepare for the next phase of sub-humanism and further deception towards Slavery and Control.
The tide is turning! Many are now saying they don't trust the 'Science', Big Pharma, Doctors and all connected to the medical profession. These people have decided they will not take the next batch of injections for the next round of deliberately created diseases.
My suspicion is that inexplicable 'EXCESS DEATHS' will continue, long after the Pfizer and Moderna deadly jabs are withdrawn, because of previous damage inflicted through previous applications of DEADLY or dangerous injections they pretended were 'VACCINES'.
Those who thought themselves 'lucky' because they experienced little or no side effects following the mRNA Gene Editing injections. Little do they know that every jab they believed was Safe & Effective had an adverse reaction which they might not yet be aware of - until one day in the future, they suddenly realise they have inexplicably become infected with deadly illnesses like the 'Turbo-Cancers' and a myriad of other Deadly diseases.
The sudden Tsunami of heart related diseases that became apparent with the first wave of Covid Injections, has created new words in our everyday vocabulary. Examples; Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Turbo-Cancers, etc. All gullible Death Shot recipients will already have incurred permanent damage, but these unsuspecting stooges will have, now and unwittingly, had their normal Life Expectancy curtailed.
In my opinion, each extra jab will have reduced the recipients' natural resistance. Each extra jab or 'Booster' (whatever that really means?) will have reduced life expectancy by around 5 years. Do the maths and we can discuss my unqualifiable suggestion every five years thereafter.
And still Pfizer, Moderna, etc still get away with ZERO LIABILITY which is an afront to normal humans intellect. It's absolutely insulting to reality that this farcical 'Get out of Jail Free' reasoning can continue to be justifiable.
Unjabbed Mick (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!
I completely agree. But what is you opinion on Rogulski's statement. I think he is dangerously wrong.
"It (the WHO Pandemic Treaty) was not an attack on national sovereignty." Rogulski