Bless you, James, for your tireless endeavours. But could you possibly get together with fellow crusader Meryl Nass and provide an explainer (text, video or preferably both) as why one of you sees what has happened as a victory and the other as a defeat. Otherwise, us footsoldiers will end up being confused about what we are fighting for and not be able to give of our best on the battlefield.
Bless you, James, for your tireless endeavours. But could you possibly get together with fellow crusader Meryl Nass and provide an explainer (text, video or preferably both) as why one of you sees what has happened as a victory and the other as a defeat. Otherwise, us footsoldiers will end up being confused about what we are fighting for and not be able to give of our best on the battlefield.
Bless you, James, for your tireless endeavours. But could you possibly get together with fellow crusader Meryl Nass and provide an explainer (text, video or preferably both) as why one of you sees what has happened as a victory and the other as a defeat. Otherwise, us footsoldiers will end up being confused about what we are fighting for and not be able to give of our best on the battlefield.
Give me a call anytime tomorrow.