we must exit the WHO right now. tedros is a criminal in his own country of etheopia and a criminal in the WHO as well. stop the globalist movement. they want our money to support their criminal behavior across the globe, don't give it to them. we need our own improvement to the u.s. health system without the government handouts from the parmacopis companies.
we must exit the WHO right now. tedros is a criminal in his own country of etheopia and a criminal in the WHO as well. stop the globalist movement. they want our money to support their criminal behavior across the globe, don't give it to them. we need our own improvement to the u.s. health system without the government handouts from the parmacopis companies.
we must exit the WHO right now. tedros is a criminal in his own country of etheopia and a criminal in the WHO as well. stop the globalist movement. they want our money to support their criminal behavior across the globe, don't give it to them. we need our own improvement to the u.s. health system without the government handouts from the parmacopis companies.
When will the goyim understand? Shaking my head...
Heard and, our old developing Colonial death-camp (continent) over here likewise.
The direct hate now coming out from my Former place is unspeable!