The video was recorded before I reported on some of the latest documents to be made public. I am in somewhat regular communications with Dr. Meryl Nass. I have not been able to connect with James Corbett.

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CHD TV Dec 15 has a video with Meryl Nass, MD and James Corbett, journalist. The weaponization of the WHO, very interested to watch.

Can there be a collaboration between these 2 people and with you James to make a stronger front against the WHO ?

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Saturday, December 24, 2022. You asked people to contact you about forming a holistic alternative to the WHO. There's already an organization called the World Council for Health. It has a robust website. It looks promising, like it really can be the push-back engine that the rest of us need to reclaim our health freedoms. Had you not heard of it? I do not know much about it, but I think Shabnam Palesa Mohamed is a delegate. She's from the Republic of South Africa (RSA), and she has a Substack.

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I am definitely aware of the World Council For Health as I am a member of their Law and Activism Committee. I consider Shabnam to be a great friend and fellow warrior for truth.

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The WHO has lost all credibility. They are incompetent and not reliable. We need to unplug from the matrix and go with some doctors with integrity. Thank you for your reporting!

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The tyrannical leaders of the dystopian Great Reset proclaim to be the sole arbiters of truth. As such, power is evidence for truth. Adern asserts the only viable claim to truth are the absurdities she daily spews; all arguments to the contrary are labelled as terrorist threats and to be met with violence, not debate.

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Totally brilliant! This is what needs amplifying to every corner of the world, to every person who is dedicated to seeing the truth and living in a genuinely free world devoid of crooks, liars and bureaucratic losers. Your work is God's work!! Divine Light shines on you, James Roguski. Have a happy, healthy, and abundant holiday.

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we’re gonna win

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Have a peaceful, restful Christmas, James. Thank you for everything you are doing.

This song says it all - https://youtu.be/m--GpoWrYn4

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Thank you, James. Merry Christmas!

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Thank you and Merry Christmas to you too.

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WHO is a conundrum of lies, fantasy and unbridled arrogance wrapped up in pitiful lunacy.

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👏👏👏👏💯 thank you for your continued dedication and tireless efforts to draw attention to this. I know just truly how bad this is and will get if enough people/countries do not publically object to this attempted coup.

I've seen a lot of good and well meaning individuals over the last 3 years talk about which matter is the most important to draw attention to. The fraudulent data that triggered the Pandemic responses, the iatrogenic deaths, the bioweapons research and release, the mandates, the regulatory capture, the doctored trial results, private entity involved in influencing governments decisions (WEF, Wellcome, etc), the children's mental torture, suicide rates and the massive disabilities and all cause mortality data for working age population, the list goes on.....all horrible, unjustifiable and important issues. However, THIS issue is the "hill to die on" in my opinion. If this gets through, then all of the suffering, deaths and sacrifices occurred and still occurring, will have been for nothing! There will be no accounting and more, millions more, will die as a result of this documentations.

Those that can understand the poli-admin-quasi-legalese speak in these documents, know I'm right, that James is right and that this is the "Hill".

With that, I find it very strange that lawyers are not making noise about this. This is their territory. Why are none challenging this?🤔🤔😐😱

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One word: THANKS!

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Unfortunately, what they have written down is immaterial to what they actually do.

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James, remember the WHO is now just a vehicle to market injections (inappropriately called 'Vaccines').

Since Bill Gates became the biggest benefactor (Influencer) of the, once honest, organisation, Bill can dictate when the WHO can declare the next false Scamdemic, what rules/laws must be applied to every citizen on the planet. They will force deadly injections into everyone of us, by announcing new powers they have assumed and generally force the world's population into slavery by using digital currencies as weapons against any/all that dare to criticise or adversely comment about their Policies which most Governments have already committed to, because their senior politicians have a ling term financial interest in being included in the WEF's list of 'Elite' Controllers.

"Vaccines are the most lucrative investment I ever made"! Bill Gates.

More Vax = more DEATH = It's a CULL of humanity, organised by the New World Order (the WEF).

"You will own nothing but you will be happy". "Let them eat bugs" = Adolf Schwab (WEF's self appointed Fuhrer!)

The WHO is now corrupt and must be terminated.

More Vax = more DEATHS = It's a CULL of humanity, organised by the New World Order (the WEF).

LIABILITY was TEMPORARILY relaxed in 1976 for Swine Flu and the previous DEADLY Vax that only murdered recipients.

When you compare DEATHS BY VAX for the 1976 Swine Flu (estimated between 50 & 55) it is unbelievable nonsense that the Covid Vax DEATH TOLL is now in the millions world wide. Not even a comparison but still they continue to jab with full impunity = they use 'No Liability' as a 'LICENCE to KILL'.

This is absolute nonsense as the Covid Vax Casualties now run into MILLIONS WORLDWIDE!

FDA must reintroduce LIABILITY to Big Pharma NOW! Common Sense!

FDA know what's going on so not to cancelling Big Pharma's Non-liability a 'Licence to Kill' and implicates the FDA as Co-Conspirators to MURDER (Mass Murder).

Be warned Gates is now the largest farmland owner in the USA and now he's investing his fortunes into our DRINKING WASTER and artificial meat because real meat has been discovered to be dangerous to the planet. What a load of bollocks!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I joined the dots!

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You're not wrong. It's hypocrisy. Yes.

But that's how our Luciferian overlords operate. They lie on top of lies. And I've not seen anything that can stop them.

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The end of personal liberty and protected rights as guaranteed by the USA Constitutional Federal Republic is almost at hand. The future will be tyranny and a life of servitude for the vast majority of humanity. The only question left to be answered is who will reign supreme over the masses: the Globalist Fascist Oligarchy of European Royalty, Banksters, Corporate Fascists, and the Vatican, or the Communist Dictators from China, Russia, Muslim Royalty? Based upon the new alliance between Joe Biden and Zelenskyy, and Congress’ commitments for funding and weaponry, it looks like the protocols are in place for the war in Ukraine to escalate into the World War III that the Anglo-American Imperialists/Globalist Fascist Oligarchy have been planning for since the UN failed to bring about a One-World Global Governance. The Anglo-American Imperialists instigated WWI to justify their League of Nations, and when the LON failed, the Anglo-American Imperialists instigated WWII to justify the United Nations.

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