Wow. I clicked on the first link. Looks pretty disturbing. It is an actual document.

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Thank you so much for all the dates. So critical that we are aware of these. Thank you a zillion times over James!

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Love Maria Zee ♥️

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I just finished watching the recording of the INB session today. I know that I sound like a broken record, but I hate the WHO CA+ and as a matter of fact, even some of the member nations sounded like a broken record with the opening statements by the co-facilitators or co-conspirators. The US delegates of Pamala Hammanota and Colin McIff ( who look like he must be on something) made me angry, when they " We are so committed in their efforts to achieve their goal to get this final proposal done by May, 2024 and they didn't say not one word about all of the public comments that they received tons of rejections of this crimes against humanity (IHR) WHO CA+ draft document. These people are heretics and that is why I keep praying " Arise O LORD, Do not let man prevail, let the Heathen be judged in thy sight. Put Fear on them, nations will know themselves to be but men. Selah. Palms 9:19-20.

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Canada' s NHPPA (Natural Health Product Protection Association) is advocating for a "Charter of Health Freedom - www.charterofhealthfreedom.org

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There are videos explaining each section of the proposed Charter - https://www.charterofhealthfreedom.org/?page_id=886

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I am going to set the record straight regarding how far back the potential for medical tyranny goes and who was the first to clearly identify the threat. Doctor Benjamin Rush was America's first Surgeon General. He was the only doctor to sign the American Declaration of Independence. He is responsible for getting "Freedom of Religion" in the American Constitution. He argued vociferously to get "Medical Freedom" in the American Constitution, but he WAS UNSUCCESSFUL. In other words, he raised the issue of Medical Freedom but was rejected with respect to its inclusion in the American Constitution. He said in 1776 "the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship". He estimated that this would take 60 years going forward. In 1839, the AMA (American Medical Association) was founded. It immediately started to ostracize Homeopathic and Naturopathic doctors from its ranks. Fast forward to today. Homeopathic and Naturopathic Medicine is under threat.

Here is Dr. Rush's full quote - "Unless we put Medical Freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship…to restrict the art of healing to one class of men, and deny equal privilege to others, will be to constitute the Bastille of Medical Science. All such laws are un-American and despotic and have no place in a Republic…. The Constitution of this Republic should make special privilege for Medical Freedom as well as Religious Freedom." - https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Benjamin_Rush

This info. is from "Death by Diet" by Robert R. Barefoot

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Thank you James for, once again, doing all the legwork and sharing everything with the world. You are greatly appreciated. I'm thinking that July 21st and July 24th will be the most important days of the joint meetings? I look forward to watching the recorded videos that you share. God Bless.

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There must be a better faster way to wake people up to what should be obvious by now to everyone with common sense. How can people continue to believe the lies that make no sense still or even in the begining of the plandemic. I would like to see the truth being told over and above this platform, Twitter and face book as I know not everyone has accounts to these platforms or even own a computer or smart phone. Those who watch the news put out by government controlled taxpayer paid media still think they are getting the truth and can't believe what we know is the truth. How do we reach those who refuse to understand or admit they have been lied to? Is denial allowing harm to themselves and their loved ones preferable to admitting they were wrong for following lies or do they actually believe what they are being told?

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There are termites chewing on all that's good. The sparing in the sky is the cause of climate manipulation by fiends. Stop this first. Its the most obvious sign of capitulation to allow it to continue. The sabotage of everything else is an affront to humanity, which must be addressed by local law enforcement. The ruler of the sky dominates the world's air, water, food, health, weather. De-funding UN the ones spraying us is triage for everything else.

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Thanks James for all you do, have done and continue to do.

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Great work...

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YES, We CAN remember three words..SCREW THE WHO!! 1 december 2023 deadline to get out!

I listened a bit to 'The End of Covid'. (Meryl Nass part of this video series?) If I understand it well listening to 'The End of Covid' video series, The WHO hasn't got the right to do all this; what is explained in these series is that we are man or woman, that is our God-given right, and our possessions (land, houses, children, bodies etc) are our God-given right to have. All the rest is 'man-made' laws which basically can not interfere with these two principles, even the notion that we would have 'human rights' is a false set up. I really do hope it is that simple. When you say 'I am a man or I am a woman' and 'my possessions are rightfully mine' they cannot do much to you. I hope I understood this correctly. The personal sovereignty and the sovereignty of countries both of which are not conferred by politicians therefore cannot be given away by them. There are useful discussions that help clarify your human rights which are simply there by virtue of being born. Remember that governments are our (paid) servants, they do not own us and we must protest when they assume powers they do not have.

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Oh, I just noticed you are in it too? Awesome!

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I had thought (because I had read) that opting out of IHR amendments needed to be done by end of October 2023?

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The deadline for REJECTING the amendments that were adopted on May 27, 2023 is December 1, 2023.

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Stop global warming by defunding the UN which will stop the chemtrails the main weapon against humanity.

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You know what Alex? Here in Belgium everybody is getting real fat at the moment and we all have eye infections; conjunctivitis. Yesterday in a MainstreamNewspaper here two big ads: one for a new anti-obesity medicine and one for Eye Infection drops! Guess what we've seen here again the last couple of weeks? Tons of spraying planes!

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Mankind is at a cross roads

Human rights have been


Humanity wake up!!!

otherwise peaceful

freedoms will be lost

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The marines need to call in the cordinance for Geneva, Seal team 6 where are you?

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