Hi James.

Sad bad news from norway! They accepted the who's ammendments! We are now under who pandemic ammendments! We lost here! I feel totally traited by my own goverment! We are sold out! Help us! We need help! I am sorry i couldn't do better but I am alone appearently! This is just totally failure! So wish me luck into the future cause I will need a lot of it! I am unvaccinated from the first lie and I will not take any next time either! So this was the worst christmasprecent from my goverment we all could get!

Thank you James for all info and good luck onwards. Take care.

Merry christmas to you all from me!!!


Bjørn leif-oscar Liptovari

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I’m sorry for the bad news. But I thought we had time till May to do something. All the countries have to say yes or no… but I fear few will say no.

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James, I wrote it all down for us- this is the result of the most in depth research of my life: https://telestai.substack.com/p/approaching-truth

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To nip this problem at the roots, realize this... is tyranny. In the spirit of Thomas Paine "Common Sense" when America arose to fight tyranny and won, it is time for common sense to rise again against the tyranny of today and win. Taxation without representation is rampant, illegals get $3k to $9k, while homeless veterans beg for money, ukraine gets billions to protect its borders, while ours are wide open. The fbi comprimised our elections. Our soveriegnty is handed to unelected WHO and UN. The fed res prints fake money, and threatens us with cbdc. The cdc and dod released a bioweapon, and forced our military and civilians to take it. Over half our farmland is owned by bill gates and the ccp. Globalist corporations own half our country, while their lobbiest bribe our politicians, to manipulate laws in their favor. This is tyranny. The remedy, the soulution is in our constitution. THE HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT (look it up now) is the peoples power to LEGALLY AND CONSTITUTIONALLY NULLIFY every unconstitutional mandate, law and federal agency. We have the power to end their power via the NULLIFICATION ACT. Make this knowlegde go viral. When the people overwhelming demand our reps to support this Act in all states... we win. In the spirit of Thomas Paine "Common Sense"...rise now...spread, viralize, teach, call your reps...make HB0726 NULLIFICATION ACT HAPPEN WITHOUT FAIL...THIS IS HOW WE TAKE BACK AMERICA. GOD BLESS THE USA AND GOD SPEED.

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Thank you for an excellent video, Mr. Roguski.

📌Analyzing Scott-Heron: Why the revolution will not be televised (Link below).

“Scott-Heron’s revolution is bigger than a movement or march. It is so much bigger than anything that can be captured on film. It is bigger than the trivialities of daily life. It’s an internal change of mind and attitude; something that can only come from a moment of insight. A moment of insight that demands a change to the status quo.”


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I am going with graphene oxide, nanoparticles and gels, and various venoms, given the symptoms post jab. (esp. the skin issues, look just like snakebite)....Oh heck, lets just say all of the above! They really want the people to die, they are no longer human or never were.

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Thank you for bringing this to a wider attention. I would advise Dr. Segalla to publicly document that he is in good health, has no underlying health issues he knows of, and is not and has never entertained thoughts of suicide. What he is presenting documents at best gross criminal negligence and if intent to deceive or worse can be proved, the EUA goes out the window and the personal injury lawyers get their day in the sun. That would be fun to watch.

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Reiner Füllmich is still in prison, in Italy they murder opposants. Hard times!

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Murder and global control for profit.

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To add to my previous comment;

If you think that EVERY VACCINE on the market today DOESN’T contain the same “DELIVERY SYSTEM”, THINK AGAIN.

FLU SHOTS, RSV, HPV vaccines are ALL TAINTED!! Your Doctor is either COMPLICIT or UN INFORMED. Find and read “ ROCKEFELLER LOCKSTEP”.

Ammo up with truth and facts!!

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Ammo up with ammo.

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Yep, that's why I'm so freaking tired of the nonsense DNA adulteration and other sci Fi bullshit being blamed for the adverse events. That's like saying my poison was contaminated with this and that.

So what, it's still poison!

It's like this crap is meant to distract from the issue that the PLATFORM is toxic.


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My pleasure Piki! It's great that people notice my attempts to spread, what I believe is, the truth!

Unjabbed Mick from England!

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Stop.... Just think a while.....use your 'source given' critical thinking skills......We live in an age of high technocracy that is agenda driven.....all this gobble-de-gook, Mrna, Crispr, Spike proteins and all the pharmaceutical crap is just that, crap! It is packaged and given fancy names to make it look like it is beneficial for the health of the human being, but really it is just poison, plain and simple. It is created and the vast funds for all its research is just a giant 'hoodwink' by the globalist agenda. They want you gone or totally controlled. They are the same as spoiled little rich children that have everything and just want more and more and more (for themselves). They are all miserable as living entities and put their source energy toward destruction instead of construction. Science grants are only given if you follow the narrative. Free thinking? "Fa gedda 'bout it!" Can you imagine (and you should) what our world would be like if all that energy went to positive means?

It can happen and will happen because on a very spiritual level; Destruction can only take place as a result of Construction. The agenda today is destruction and eventually that has to end because there is nowhere to go after everything is destroyed. Construction has to take place!

" Sorry, Globalists, but you lose, Even with all you money and power!! You are a dying consciousness! (and PS! You don't scare me either!)"

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Shit: Is this why the rubbery clots? polymerization of proteins and DNA

They are plastic? And they SHED???

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The British Petitions Committee has scheduled a debate on a Petition on the WHO International Health Regulations legislation

Monday 18 December at 4.30pm (London Time). The Department of Health and Social Care will send a Government Minister to respond.

Debates on e-petitions take place in Westminster Hall, the second chamber of the House of Commons. These are ‘general debate' motions expressed in neutral terms. These motions are worded ‘That this House has considered [a specific matter]'. This means that MPs taking part in the debate will not vote on the request of the petition at the end of the debate.

The correct Petition on the IHR Amendments is here - https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/635904

Watch the debate here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAs1cmIPXoc

Read the transcript here - https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2023-12-18

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The time on the You Tube Channel says 11:30 am. I am assuming this is London Time so please adjust accordingly.

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Great information James.

As some of us were saying from the beginning;


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