We need to give notice to the senators that since how they vote on C-293 will be recorded, the Canadian people will hold them PERSONALLY accountable for aiding and abetting treason against Canadian sovereignty. It may take some time, but the truth will come out and we will hold them responsible for allowing the international criminal cartel to overthrow and control our domestic governments. Voting Aye is an act of treason.

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Anyone know the current status of the Bill?


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For Good work, thanks. I’d suggest that some of us just see broad generalizations about Canadian political groups as being Marxist wins few thoughtful supporters, understanding or a listening ear so much as it distracts from the power of the policies-based writing you’ve done. This is not a name calling game for writers. Rather, if you want to say it like it is, you could more appropriately identify Canadian politicians and administrators as rather autocratic and unthinking dupes of the globalist war hawks in the American regime whose agencies and institutions work to dominate the UN, WHO and world populations through attacks, and proxy wars. Just ask the Blinken GEC…you might know well.

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have uksiningedup ?

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En passant, au cas où vous ne seriez pas au courant, tous les courriels qui ne comportent pas le numéro de téléphone de la ou du signataire sont rejetés… Alors, il y aurait intérêt à ajouter cette information sur le formulaire de pétition. :))))

Dommage que le texte en français ait fait tant pitié et qu’il eut été truffé d’erreurs! J’ai corrigé les pires coquilles et anglicismes rapidement avant son envoi et le voici, pour ceux qui souhaitent le soumettre directement à leur député-e et sénatrice/sénateur :

Le Projet de loi C-293 DOIT ÊTRE REJETÉ, car il représente une menace accrue pour la structure civile du Canada et l’intégrité de nos droits et libertés.

Aucun terme n’est défini et aucun pouvoir n’est limité.

Les pouvoirs accordés sont trop étendus, mal ou non-définis, tel que;

1. L’Approche d’Une Santé couvre tous les secteurs, toutes les disciplines (multisectorial, mutidisciplinaire). Elle couvre la santé animale, humaine et l’écosystème ce qui prétend être tout dans le monde naturel. Elle inclut ‘l’interface sociale’ représentant tous les citoyens, les interactions avec le gouvernement et affirme que tout est ‘centralisé’ afin de prévenir une pandémie future.

2. Il n’y a aucune définition de pandémie.

3. Le plan couvre tout ‘risque’ qui ‘mènerait à une pandémie’, le risque n’est pas défini et n’a pas besoin d’être de cause matérielle ou de proximité.

4. Il [le cadre] est très large géographiquement et juridiquement, causant un impact sur les activités des Canadiens(es) à la maison et à l’étranger. Les activités visées ne sont pas définies.

5. Il contient plusieurs autres questions juridiques. Le Plan demande à tous les secteurs gouvernementaux et aux communautés indigènes de surmonter les ‘défis juridiques’ (ce qui pourrait inclure les juridictions des tribunaux, juridiction des provinces, juridiction territorial et les traités indigènes juridiques). Les défis juridiques ne sont pas définis.

6. Les responsables de ce Plan définissent ‘l’état de recherche’ afin d’établir un système de surveillance interconnecté qui détériore la vie privée.

7. Les Contrôleurs determinent les conditions de travail des employés à travers tous les secteurs; gestion (restreindre l'accès à…) stocker et créer un style d’économie sur commande tel qu’en Union Soviétique où le gouvernement contrôle tous les secteurs de production et de distribution.

8. Les Contrôleurs définissent et gèrent la `communication à risque au publique’ , créent et contrôlent le narratif sans concurrence. Ils mettent en oeuvre ‘l’étendue des communications; l’infrastruture pour les plate-formes électroniques’; prévoient ‘l’élimination ou la réduction de la production et de la consommation de la viande, pour la remplacer par des investissements dans les protéines alternatives’ (ex.: insectes, fausse viande chimique, etc.).

9. Sous le déguisement de la réduction de la déforestation, les Contrôleurs déterminent l’utilisation des terres et la propriété de leur propriétaires.

10. L’équité de ‘Santé globale’ et la ‘Déforestation globale’ (i.e. agriculture) ajoutent un lourd fardeau sur les dépenses des Canadiens(es).

11. C-293 permet au Gouvernement du Canada de conclure des ententes avec des organisations comme l’OMS, NA Programme Environnemental, l’Organisation des Aliments et Agriculture, et ce, sans consultation publique, participation ou consentement.

12. C-293 permet d’établir des mesures aux frontières telles que le passeports vaccinal et la restriction de transport.

13. De plus, C-293 ajoute un pouvoir indéfini, illimité additionnel au ‘coordonnateur’ permettant au Ministère de ‘déléguer des pouvoirs au coordonnateur, des devoirs et des fonctions que le Ministère considère comme appropriés’. Aucun de ces pouvoirs, devoirs ou fonctions ne sont définis dans ce Projet de loi.

Tous les pouvoirs octroyés par ce Projet de loi, sont trop vastes, excessifs et créent des problèmes juridiques, C-293 permettant aux responsables de ce Plan d’intégrer, au nom de la ‘collaboration soutenue’ (non-définie) à tous les niveaux du gouvernement ET les communautés indigènes, au nom de la réduction de ‘risque’ (non-quantifiés) qui ’pourrait causer’ un événement de pandémie non-défini.

14.C-293 donne les pouvoirs à L’Agence de la Santé publique du Canada qui, depuis l’adoption en 2005 des Règlementations Internationales sur la Santé, est devenue un satellite ou un centre de liaison avec l’OMS.

C-293 érigerait une occupation Marxiste dans notre pays. Le Comité de révision est non pertinent et ne représente qu’une distraction décevante du vrai rôle de ce Projet de loi qui représente une violation à grande échelle de nos droits et libertés.

Les Sénatrices et les Sénateurs doivent absolument renverser et annuler ce Projet de loi.

Les Premiers Ministres et Députés provinciaux doivent commander une étude légale immédiatement concernant les assaults juridiques que représente ce Projet de Loi fédérale et déposer une injonction concernant le projet de loi C-293 à la Cour de manière préventive. Les provinces ne pourraient protéger nos droits si un tel Projet de Loi fédérale totalitaire contrôlait son autorité constitutionnelle.

Le Canada tel que nous le connaissons n’existerait plus avec la promulgation de C-293.

Pour plus d’informations :



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Spread THIS far and wide to anyone and everyone by informing them of the threats to our autonomy, sovereignty, rights and freedoms of this dangerous precedent setting bill. Regardless if someone is asleep THIS could wake them up. Litigation....litigation....litigation....that is our past, present and future.

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Conference regarding WHO, EU. There are also subtitles in English and German.


On Telegram


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If Trudeau prorogues parliament all bills no matter where they are, except for those bills that have passed royal ascension are immediately null and void as well as all investigations the various committees are pursuing.

Probably not likely now that Mark Carney Canadian and International banker has agreed to head up the Liberals finance department but many senior Liberals in high important positions are jumping ship now and with Singh’s “ripping up” the Supply and Confidence agreement he made with Trudeau the Liberals are once again a minority government! Things are very volatile now politically speaking anything is possible, but I very much agree writing or emailing any or all of the senators does have an impact.

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the happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story,

no idea how we should manage this mess, but just do not let blind you with fear and you will see the way. it's also foretold that all this horror will be eliminated without the help of a human hand. this option seems the most probable to me, even more so when the time goes on. let them do what they seem to be unable to stop doing, let them play their part, it's their funeral. try to change the way you think and see, try to realise that you can keep nothing forever, it's not yours, it's just lent. even our lives are so if speak out the whole truth. I don't like the sound of it either and I also have got a child. but none can escape the truth. that's why they lie, they can't bear the weight of it, they're horrified and try to swim against the river. we can't switch off the badtimes movie and switch on the how-it-used-to-be movie. try to help the others, it feels good. no one will help you, it's not about that, it's the other way around. it's like it is said: love your next, he's like you. to love means: do to him what you want that people do to you. can I say that a 20 years old girl who tells me about the human made climate change, on the lid of her laptop the rainbowcoloured stickers, sculls and bad-mouth slogans against the party that acts now the bad guys, can I argue that she's not like me? she grows up in this evil times, I had it better. as soon as you talk calmly to her and just tell her the truth, she feels that you're stronger and she shows her frustration at last. she's not happy with all she says. I can understand how she feels, she's like me, we all are human, we must not let each other down! it's not them against us, it's we all together. or those people lying to the whole world on behalf of the who, they think that they and their incomes are secure so, more secure than the ours. they err but they are still human, they are also like me. somehow we must turn the tide in this direction though we're a minority. it feels good, so it will be the right direction. or maybe the tide will turn by itself and we just have to do what can be done, it's not much and not hard, and let the rest go.

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I'm sorry for Canadian people, they are like me. yesterday I've read that Brazilian people will be cut off from rumble, as Russian, French and 2 other nations already are. is it true or just a part of some game, the next act after that with Durow? no doubt at all they can cut us off from rumble, x, whatever, they own all that, so what? is that vital? why lose time on losers, why pursue their play, why not make oneself strong. is it not clear enough that the structure that we all leaned on is dead? the king is dead, long live the king! our opponents must not become king, we must, there's no other choice. though it's foretold that the good will be conquered by the evil, I don't care. what is foretold, will come true, sure, but it does make a difference whether I'll have to feel ashamed for what I did or failed to do at the end. maybe you'd like this, wise words, said by someone who had once lost all but his courage:

people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achiving what they need and want. we are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or our posessions and property. but this fear evaporates when we understand that our life stories and the history of the world were written by the same hand.

it's an exerpt from "The Alchimist" by Coelho. maybe you've already read it as it was quiet outside. read it now, it will sound like a wholy new thing now. it gives strenghts, like a counterspell, let them not weaken you!

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ukn too?

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World Health Assembly, UN-WHO-NATO conferences (MWBAN) - https://www.bitchute.com/video/3dDm7HX65znQ

Start at 4:15

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Thought that you might like to know that this email was constantly shut off as soon as I opened it up. I was lucky and fast to click on the link after several times of trying (I'm in England). Miniature soft does not like this report! It may be happening to more readers. There is another that I shall check up on where the same thing happened.

I fear that we are stuck with these menacing "leaders" as they are such parasites that are just well latched on to the power.

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"Her Majesty", cool.

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Hi Ro Jo;

Thanks so much for the kind words. There are now 17 victims on the SDSU San Diego campus. I think about all of these kids, professors and staff every day. The WHO is filled with industry people, and they are a volunteer organization. We are to put our health and safety in the hands of this criminal organization...I think not! I'll never quit fighting until our children can be safe at home and school. The mainstream media has kept this so quiet. Amazing!



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