The amendments aren't needed and also the WHO is also NOT needed to guide or direct any future health crisis in any country or state. Stay out of our business, WHO and UN!

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Thanks so much James , I sent my email , I hope it is not too late

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To the United Office of Global Affairs,

I urge you very strongly not to submit to the dictates of the World Health Organization. The United States should be making independent decisions about health regarding declaring pandemics and/or other health related events. The U.S. is an independent country and it should remain so. We should cancel our membership to the World Health Organization.

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The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations were supposed to have been submitted for approval by 27 January 2024 at the latest. However, the WHO missed this deadline. This means they are in breach of their own rules.

I am deeply alarmed at proposals to give the Director-General of the WHO the sole right to declare a public health emergency of international concern ('PHEIC'), which would not require the Director-General to provide any proof that such a health threat even existed. The WHO has apparently declared recently that it wants to vaccinate everyone, everywhere. This would be an outrageous violation of individual sovereignty and bodily autonomy. The WHO has no right to make such a proposal. We the people are not the property of the WHO, neither are we the property of our governments. The pharmaceutical companies who have pushed their hastily developed and inadequately tested vaccines on the public in response to the declared covid-19 pandemic have made billions of dollars from them, yet they have a deeply worrying safety profile. The pharmaceutical companies have been granted immunity from liability for harm caused by their products. Why then should we trust that their aim is to protect public health, rather than to profit from so-called 'health emergencies'? There have been clear attempts by governments to refuse to engage in proper robust discussion, let alone appropriate action, in response to the harms - some of which have been life-changing and even fatal - suffered by some recipients. I believe the WHO intend to act as a public health dictatorship. Any decisions made by our governments in respect of public health should be taken openly, with all discussions and negotiations conducted in a manner that allows full scrutiny by the public. Anything less than this is a betrayal of the responsibility of governments, who are supposed to be answerable to their citizens. If we allow the WHO to take control of public health, I believe this would be a disaster. Given the amount of censorship now evident when members of the public, or even medical professionals have attempted to raise concerns about the response to the covid pandemic, and particularly relating to the covid vaccines, it seems all too clear that if further harm were to result from WHO instructions regarding public health, every effort would be made to obfuscate the truth.

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Pharmaceutical based, current modern medicine is already an expensive disaster doing more harm than good. To wit: ~ 800,000 deaths a year due to properly prescribed medicines already, based on the simplified one-size-fits-all medical approach of 1) assess symptoms, 2) assign diagnosis 3) give matching drug assigned to diagnosis. Whereas a century ago, people died of pneumonia, tuberculosis, other infectious diseases, or accidents, most deaths now are from degenerative disease (neuromuscular decline from arthritis thru ALS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers), autoimmune issues, cardiovascular ailments including stroke, various cancers), it should be obvious that drug based medicine doesn't have the answers. Thus there is absolutely no basis to turn decisions over to an overseeing agency steeped in pharmaceutical mentality, or any other narrow and exclusive approach which then also claims authority to declare problems then magically come up with the only allowed solutions. The WHO has already shown its incompetence and lack of concern for human well-being. The WHO is controlled by financial interests totally out of touch with real human needs and concerns. To grant the WHO authority to make decisions affecting millions whom it doesn't even know, on situations which the WHO has the liberty to declare as pandemics -- at its convenience, or is it whim based on when BMGF gets upset that its profits aren't on schedule? -- is beyond stupidity. It's a variation of AI with more arrogant fallibility. It's malice and corruption. Absolutely NO acceptance of any WHO proposal or authority over individual autonomy or determination of medical needs or treatments. Get the US out of WHO, get the US out of the UN. As the saying goes, you be the boss of you; I'll be the boss of me. Human autonomy, with informed consent in participation in any health affecting endeavor is the only way to live.

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I am a retired doctor of internal medicine and have spent my life caring for patients and promoting public health. I have closely followed the entire Covid-19 development and evolution and the worldwide public health response. Clearly, the public health response recommended worldwide by the WHO was ineffective and also harmful. WHO declared a catastrophic “Public health emergency”

when the outbreak was questionably more severe than the usual outbreaks of influenza. It recommended widespread use of a novel never adequately tested MRNA platform “vaccines” which have proved to be weakly effective and highly deleterious, substantially raising the worldwide death rate. The WHO did not recommend safe effective inexpensive therapies that increase natural immunity such as vitamin D, hydroxychloroquin, and

Presently the WHO is again violating its own procedural rules and threatening to take over worldwide

control of not just medical health but the health of our environment and entire animal kiingdom and

eliminate national sovereignty. This is outrageous and totally unacceptable.

As a sovereign nation we have only one choice. Vote NO. Exit the WHO.

Respectfully, Robert L Fies, MD

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The UK Parliament aka Cabinet Office aka City of London aka Rotschilds are hellbent on consenting on our behalf. If they only knew that just the thought of them makes us want to vomit!

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Yes, the UK government has been in bed with the WHO, #GatesOfHell , GAVI etc since at least 2010. MP Andrew Mitchell is the devil's advocate and Gates' BFF. Most UK politics is a Uniparty now. They have sold us all out to the WHO and refused to even debate the petition to leave the WHO, that reached 100K signatures in January! Penny Mordaunt's response to Andrew Bridge's Question in the House a month or so ago on this was that it was the decision of the Petitions Committee - so nothing to do with her!!!! What a witch!

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I've been in the park and handed out WHO warning leaflets to passersby in Norwich today. Just about 3 out of 10 wanted to know. One man demonstratively took the leaflet, crunched it in his hand and threw it aside. Other ones insisted that "we need the WHO". "They are benign". No point arguing there!

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May 5Edited

Wow, well done! But the verbal response you got is typical of those who only get their news from MSM and/or don't think; the matrix-bound sheep, basically. They are clearly only aware of the current , "Advisory" function of the WHO .

But even some partially-awake sheep recognize that the WHO did a fairly crap job during the PLANdemic, so that's a start. This was pointed out at the petition debate in Parliament on 18 Dec last year. Some great speeches and questions asked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAs1cmIPXoc But the same-old garbage response came from the Labour MP present (Preet Gill), who clearly had not read the amendments. Many answers given by Andrew Stephenson (Minister of State for Health and Secondary Care) were vague. (He did mention Mitchell , when asked who was handling UK interests). They just don't see - or *pretend* not to see - how the WHO will have so much more power, they keep *saying* no sovereignty will be lost (Just like Ted Dross does!)

Don't stop handing out leaflets. The response is often demoralising, I know, but we have to keep speaking out! What's needed, perhaps, is somebody speaking in public. Are you a member of #Together? (https://togetherdeclaration.org/) It is apolitical and pretty good at making a noise in public. Together is very focussed on ULEZ, NetZero and a few other campaigns right now, but they are aware of the WHO issue; we need them to push publicity on it now.

Last year we had a zoom call with Francis Hoar to discuss the WHO and the IHR amendments (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2r1jJ4WNMo)

But at the time we didn't know as much as we do now (thanks to James ) about the more global ramifications, and it was looked at from a purely UK angle. I was mostly concerned about vaxx mandates, Francis said that WHO could not force them on us over UK law, but agreed that the UK gov *might* be pressurized to comply. It did not occur to me at the time that the UK might even change the law (once the WHO Treaty was in place and a PHEIC had been "called") - nor did I realize how badly the UK gov was already in bed with the WHO. A lot has happened since June 2023.

Also we need more MPs like Andrew Bridgen, who speaks in public on the issues he is dealing with in Parliament. He has a growing following of MPs but most are not activists like he is. Also, Tories like Andrew Mitchell have actively worked against him , which is why he speaks to a mostly empty house - but a full public gallery! There are many members of the public who see the danger far more clearly than their MPs do; what do they get paid for? (rhetorical question!)

See https://merylnass.substack.com/p/who-treaties-get-another-gut-punch? for her up to date assessment

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Yes I'm a member of Together. And member of a group in Norwich that contacted Together last autumn to join them as an East Anglia section. But strangely we never heard from the Together leadership, even despite their invitation to organise new regional groups!

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Hmm, that's a shame. If I were you , I follow it up with them. Not making excuses, but I know they do seem to be fairly hammered right now. Having your own regional group is a great idea. Good luck.

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I think they are very busy, but it still is weird that they didn't respond to our follow-up attempts either. No good! We could need som help to expand across the region, like they offered in their "invitation". After three attempts, we gave them up....

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Patients should be encouraged to have a "Clinical Reviews" when they're Physician suggests vaccines, new medications or treatments. This allows the patient to make an informed decision for a course of action or treatment.

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To WHO and US Office of Foreign Affairs

Stop misusing your power!

Stop misleading mankind!

Stop centralizing all powers!

Stop any kind of global pandemic treaty!

I want freedom of speech, freedom of health decisions, soverign countries and of course peace!

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Everything that is decided for "US" should be exposed to public debate by the citizens, not just unelected Bureaucrats. The mere fact HHS EMPLOYEES feel that secrecy is required to make decisions which affects all of us is telling. The fact is, no one with any critical thinking skills, is going to accept any decisions made through your machinations. The Who is an irrelavent group and should be disbanded immediately.

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The W-H-O is a disgusting evil regime and is not accepted nor will we comply this goes against everything called America,; begone Satan this is One Nation Under God!

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The W-H-0 has been exposed for violating their original mandate as they have become a tool of global corporatism.

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To the WHO

I do not understand. I do not comply.

You are pure evil and are not wanted in my life.

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I do not think these evil people know what TRUTH is... We will not comply. We demand you evil people to leave this world alone now! Truth is GOD WINS.. LOVE WINS! We the people of the WORLD need to stand as one regardless of what part of the nation we are in, your religion, your beliefs.. This is EVIL at work it affects ALL of us. Please search your hearts and let's stand together to stop these groups!

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This is what I feel that I should write to the W.H.O. and W.E.F.:

I will never consent to those who insist on me following their dictates. I was not brought to Earth to be a subject for experimentation for some ill minded group of people who want everything for themselves. I am here to live my life as I am intended to live my life, not in some computer server or in some 15 minute city of your making, but as a part of nature. Nature can never be tamed, no matter what your nefarious plans may be. You pour a concrete slab and leave it for years: Nature will take it back. You will never succeed in your plans. The Cosmos doesn't value your gold, silver, or Earthly goods NOR your so-called "power". You are just making fools of yourselves. Those of us who are not in your circles are a part of The Cosmos and we won't stand for your nonsense for much longer. All that you believe is just an illusion of your own making within your own mind and by the way: We don't see your delusions as truth. "You will own nothing" but your own regrets.

We will be watching you and WE WILL NOT COMPLY.

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Do not try to reform or negotiate with these evil groups...

Follow what Louisiana has done!!!

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