
Regarding your post here titled Senator's Letter to President Biden, I need to request some clarification, if you will please.


Your post features a letter to Usurper Biden sponsored by 49 Republican Senators which calls for him to, '...shift your administration's focus to comprehensive WHO reforms that address its persistent failures without expanding its authority...'.

First let me say, I refuse to dignify the most egregious political fraud in American history by calling Biden 'President'. Next...

Understand, this letter calls for REFORM of the W.H.O. instead of a FULL WITHDRAWAL. Thus, this letter is bogus and should not be represented as anything other than BOGUS: Bullshit window-dressing might be a more clear description? And, as you rightly noted, 'we need them to do MORE'. We need their demand on our behalf for a FULL WITHDRAWAL... and nothing less!

Also, in this post, you offer a sample letter that you suggest subscribers send to their Senators. However, your sample letter also fails to call for a FULL WITHDRAWAL of the W.H.O. instead demanding they provide some sort of demonstration of good faith dealing! In your own words..

"The United States government must officially demand evidence from the World Health Organization countering the WHO's fraudulent claims regarding the purported adoption of the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations. Evidence of a properly conducted vote is requested. I request that you take the above action immediately."

This is a clear example of how you are, as I've said, 'dancing with the devil'. And as I've said now, ad nauseam, you can't do it! You simply cannot redeem, rehabilitate or negotiate with the Devil and that's exactly what the paragraph above is calling for.


Again, as I've said, the solution here is way simpler than most folks seem to be able to grasp.

The Louisiana state senate has now passed a bill affirming independence from all international organizations like the W.H.O., U.N. and the W.E.F. declaring that no international organizations shall have jurisdiction or power within the state of Louisiana.


Additionally, TENNESSEE, OKLAHOMA AND 22 STATES' ATTORNEY'S GENERAL have now effectively, legislatively shot Usurper Biden a great-big upper, middle finger, NEUTERING the W.H.O. at the state level.

James, please tell your subscribers the W.H.O. is nothing more than a paper tiger. The only power they have is the power we give them. Tell your subscribers if their state hasn't yet gotten on board with this strategy, then THAT'S where they need to get busy.

Simply neuter the bastards at the state level... End of story!

As the Scriptures command: Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17)

Refuse to dance with the devil. Don't even think you can. Just come out!

Pastor William Raymond:



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May 18·edited May 18

And as for reading any so-called documents from the W.H.O., I'd no more give them the time of day than I would to Anton LaVey's requesting me to read his Satanic Bible.

William Raymond:

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When a majority of people will have comprehended that whatever the political party in whatever country is nothing else than a lobbying group then maybe people will comprehend that the only way to have representatives that really represent them is to select them for their PROVEN honesty, dedication, empathy and caring to their fellow citizens.

The only way to get rid of the corrupted who, for too long, hold the reins of countries is simply to begin a lasting enough, but completely peaceful, civil disobedience to have all those ennemies from within to leave .

Everyone with a functional brain must comprehend that no power nor authority of any kind exist but those who are conceded by the governed.

At the very moment that authority is no more allowed and that people stop blowing and obeying, that supposed power vanishes and the house of cards that it inhabits crumble at once.

Simply and peacefully stop abiding and you will be free.

The only other option is willing slavery in cowardice.

Your life.

Your choice.


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Negotiations don't work with these Globalist Monsters. They are single-minded psychopaths hell-bent on murdering the masses of "deplorable-s." So what's left if they don't care or think about our human plight? What else...."their depopulation." We the deplorable-s know what this means. Get ready for the biggest fight of our lives! The FORCE will be with us!

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Yes, Anna. I believe you're right! See my post to see why.

William Raymond:

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Here is only one of hundreds of documents that I've downloaded from the WHO, WEF and UN. I also have many of their videos (meetings). All you need to do, is read the title in order to understand that what I've said from the very beginning of this PsyOps that "This will never end!", is indeed a FACT. I know the game well; and have known since long before "covid".


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This is a noble effort; however, I predict, that letter won't even see the light of day!

BTW: Creepy Joe Biden probably won't even see that letter. Can he even read?

Here's a little something for people to think about: Just as we know much about the plans of the WHO, WEF and UN, they also know the people who are fighting back. They know of our organizations, meetings and other efforts to stop this evil. They will do all they can to continue this evil!

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Why NOdemocrats signed on? Are they that anti American now? Biden and the whole obiden cabal are all for giving away our sovereignty. The letter is a good step for patriotic law abiding government but that’s not what has been installed in our administrative system since 2020. Now what James?

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When you look at whose signatures are on this letter, it seems very confusing to me. Enemy or ally. Friend or foe.

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My thoughts exactly.

What's the motive behind?

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In my opinion 49 Republicans couldn't put together a basketball team.

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These politicians need to stop pandering to the UN and the WEF. Wonder what kind of money is being given to the rotten ones. I say term limits and KICKTHEMALLOUT if they don't change their ways, and quickly!

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This despotic organisation needs to be consigned to the scrap heap of history. It is nothing but an entity that is garnering centralised power to itself, enriching a cabal which together with the WEF is planning a global takeover of control over individual sovereignties, under a guise of mankind’s betterment.

It must be rejected out of hand!

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All the government does is make bad decisions leave us alone

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What concerns me is that the letter talks about the covid pandemic as if it existed - it didn't, it was a scam, made up by WEF,WHO and pharma, to scare and then poison people who queued up for injections!!

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Plus; they continue to call the mRNA gene editing bioweapon injections "vaccines"! What really gets me, is that the zombie masses seem to have very short memories (and a short attention span). I lived for 70 years before ConVid and guess what...nobody even heard of any "pandemic" in all those decades. Now, we're supposed to believe that we are going to be stalked by one pandemic after another - ad infinitum! Is the majority of humanity on Stupid Pills?! Oh; and there's this little FACT that neither I, nor anyone I know, or have seen, were sick at all, in the past four years (unless they were conned into taking the nanobot shot).

The talking heads continue to spout their BS that millions have died from "covid". Nobody has "died from covid". They may have died because they were already very sick and they caught a cold from the "coronavirus" family of colds - or it could have been one of many other types of colds or the flu. This is a major deflection from the FACT that millions of people have already died from the bioweapon injection! Everything about "covid" is a LIE; but that won't stop them from continuing to push their Global Agenda.

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Astonishing that so many fell for the bs. And the lingo is changing, pandemic is something that phony governments decide is of concern to humans, if they make it sound scary people will obey, democracy is actually tyranny but tell people we have democracy they will obey.

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May 4·edited May 4

I always try to think "outside the box". Most people aren't capable of doing that. Here's an obvious (to me) question for all those people who believe we can win this war: In 2020, the WHO announced a PHEIC. They rolled it out globally and the zombie masses just went along with it. Our governments had no say in this PsyOps, our "health agencies" had no say in it - they simply "obeyed"! So...what's to stop them from doing exactly the same thing again - before the rollout of the "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty"?

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Of course it was and still is a pandemic of terror by terrorists ..The covid is innocent .My dogs name is covid ,and he did not nor is he now running a scamdemic .Lets not dry to find non existing whyrusses harming us .All we have to fear and avoid is our own governments that are controlled by big pharma ,WHO, WEF. UN. and the devil himself .

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Seems to me there are folks that believe that "We The People", are incapable of governing our own Sovereign soils borders and Republic via a constitution they themselves took an oath to uphold.

These folks hold some of the highest paid jobs with everlasting benefits in the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the current 3 letter moniker designed U.S. government.

Is it laziness or lack of understanding that the systems of checks and unbalance had a shelf life?

1984 was fiction. Not the absolute guidebook for .GOV .com and crew. Darker days ahead???

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why do people choose between a bunch of 'parties' to tell us how to live our lives??? We do not need these systems of governments and WHO and WEF and UN - they are ALL criminal in their dealings and drain societies worldwide of money and quality of life.

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Governing is obsolete if done by voting . The new way is to simply buy politicians including their countries .Bill Gates from Hell is in the process of buying the entire planet .

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yep, and the masses are sleep walking into it.

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Fears and hypnosis runs our nation.

Not exactly the tools for immense impeccable educational probability is it?

At over 70 some accumulations of the overviews become way too obvious.

A downhill black diamond run is dead ahead on the slopes. Learn to Traverse them.

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49 Senators out of 100 US Congresspersons. Interesting that...

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all too latenow, t theeconomyisinthe toiletand weved shifted to total war and net zero oh what suuckerswe are, we shouldhhave rioted 1st locdown but the tv has us scaredof abadcold

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