Absolutely true exactly what I have been saying thank you for your very hard work that you are doing

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thank you James for your "out of the who and on with the NEW", it´s very well said. it´s actually this short phrase that I´ll take along with me after have read and heard all about their doings. I had the opportunity to talk to many people in my town, mostly the natives, the locals - all tell the same: our delegation will sign up under all the who bids to sign. it looks like the people have no doubt... I agree with them. but the people are not afraid, yet not afraid perhaps, but it´s the huge advantage that they know now what is to come. got unawares would have stricken them with terror, but now there will be no second 2020 again. I can´t imagine any delegate say no, no matter what nation he represents. one knows what´s going on, the other is too dumb or too ignorant or unable to recognise, but no one of them will say no because they are to say yes. it´s how all goes nowadays, no matter to whom you look, it´s what we have become. maybe that´s the way they have to go to their own undoing, just because there is no other way, no other possibility. one cannot only regard the who apart from other corrupt and evil things that happen and all that corrupt national and international bodies or local authorities. they´ve become absurd altogether, greed is absurdly bloated, there has to be some sort of an unloading event at the end, and what we see now is maybe the dead end. there are many theories about the cause of wars, I mean real or "classic" wars as we know them from the past, not staged "wars" as they are today. maybe there used to be a war as soon as many social structures just became absurd and got stuck at the dead end so there had to be a war to upload this thundercloud just to enable things to continue somehow. it IS war all around us but not as it was in the past, no war as we know it. a former politician said: it´s the war the rich and the government make against the poor and the populace. and since it´s war, one has to fight. people realise it, the clever ones do, and they become silent for a moment and look worried but not afraid as in 2020. then they say hey, we´ve ignored their monkeypox and it never happened. we´ll cut them off from our energy and they´ll deflate. seems like these people are out of the who already :-) but no one knows how "into the NEW", I guess the who will show us the way :-)

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NO W.H.O. I DON'T TRUST W.H.O & I DONT WANT TO NO W.H.O. There are Human beings that care for another Human Being 💙 ❤️ ♥️. & There is W.H.O. BEINGS $$$.& WANT TO CONTROL .Human beings. LIGHT WINS OVER DARKNESS

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no worries, this is a public forum

The fake news is the fake news, they are the echo chamber

I realize the slavery.

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Inaccurate Assessment. Whenever a sentence begins with "the only way" it already in trouble. Fear not Ray, we are not convincing rulers of anything, we are insuring their destruction.

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Yes and by spreading the word, we are cross pollinating the truth for the countless who have not heard of him!

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we the people who are paying for all this crap and governments are being completely scammed left right and centre. The system is rigged against the civilians, governments are criminal corporations, as is WHO, UN etc. Time to change the systems and stop accepting the few psychopaths ruling us.

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you are the first person that found that term quizical.

I invented the word, as it fits perfectly and separates the Vaxs for the mRNA Quaks.

Quacks are fraudulent persons in healthcare, ines is the end (suffix) of the word vaccine...

it is meant to be sadly eye catching

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Please check out my blog on this topic.

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W.H.O WHAT IS. A WHOEVER WERE IS W.H.O. SOUNDS LIKE A VERY SPOOKY MOVIE. To get rid of DARKNESS. Turn on the light so that you can see more clearer. To get rid of the Bugs 🐛

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Screw the WHO.

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I just saw more to show the lefties are getting scared! Now they have a "dementia specialist" saying it is Trump that has dementia. Lie, cheat, steal, deflect, PROJECT...

If Trump feels a little woosie after all the warfare used against him, that would be completely understandable. The job was to confuse trump to knock him out of the race.s Good thing we know what they are up to.

Who the hello cares if someone fully understands every single thing you throw at this man, a business man who was able to bring sanity to this country, even while attacked from vicious people who claim to be working for the people of the United States.

Yet, oh my! Biden is fine?! Oh for goodness sakes!

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Bill Gates owns the WHO. Everything Tedros says is from Gates.

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The jew owns Gates, Everything Gstes says is from the jew.

There. I corrected it for you.

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Thanks thickie.

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Wonderful information and action!

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