Immediate action is needed to help spread the word and raise awareness in advance of a hearing that is scheduled for Wednesday or Thursday, February 12-13, 2025.
Hell with the hypochondria germaphobia fear hysteria monkeyshines driving us all ape! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT BEFORE WE ALL GO BANANAS!
SERIOUSLY FOLKS! KEEP FIGHTING! Can't say this often enough! The WHO/UN/WEF are totally criminal entities that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.
EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.
The world needs a lot more rejections of the UN/WHO's nefarious schemes.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The terrible senators, horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
I got this in my mailbox early this morning (Belgium)
'Voices from the Hub'
“My name is Yasmin Rabiyan, and I work as an Engagement Officer at the WHO Pandemic Hub. My role focuses on building and strengthening the global community behind the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) initiative. Since its inception in 2017, WHO has spearheaded EIOS, which is now the world’s leading effort in leveraging open-source intelligence for public health decision-making.
EIOS complements traditional health surveillance systems by enhancing the early detection of public health threats through publicly available online information in near real-time. The initiative is built on three key pillars: a growing global community of practice, a diverse network of multidisciplinary collaborators, and an advanced and evolving technology-driven system that harnesses open-source data from a multitude of sources, including news reports, social media, and websites that contain public health information.'
(me:) when I click on 'We look forward to hearing from you! If you have feedback or questions, you can contact us here.' that link doesn't work.
While natural diseases attributed to viruses have almost never been a threat to otherwise health, well-nourished people, this is a threat to us all:
'Autonomous' alleged vaccines that spread like viruses, are already in development. They are inhaled.
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published this article on their website at :
"A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the (synthetic modified) RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works.
ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved."
"This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.
(This is essentially an artificial virus.)
Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not."
Quoting another article:
"This next-generation RNA, which we aim to advance at Autonomous Therapeutics Inc., is designed to encode an artificial immune system that can detect and eliminate every variant of a viral family. We have developed encrypted RNA candidates with potential variant-proof efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, from coronaviruses to influenza and RSV. These can be made inhalable and shielded from human immune systems to enable safe and long-term prophylaxis. "
Read that last sentence again.
More info and links to the sources in the article.
In addition... note that these actions by the government in Canada, and the corresponding needles 'culling' of ~1.5 million chickens, ducks, & turkeys in the USA, completely obliterate any property rights. Proof: Threats of severe penalties if the owners attempted to have their ostriches independently tested.
The use of the PCR technique aka NAAT (nucleic acid amplification 'test'), to "diagnosis" an active case of or infection with any disease is fraudulent. The inventor, Kary Mullis, who was awarded the Nobel Prize or developing the technique, stated repeatedly that it was not suited to the purpose of being used as a diagnostic "test".
This documentary reveals more we have not been told about viruses:
Sad to see so that most everyone is still going along with the fake virus and contagion narratives, and the alleged authority of 'government' institutions. Upholding these myths is not a path to health or freedom. CFIA, PHAC, HC, CDC, USDA, FDA, European CDC.... all are on record officially confessing/showing that they have zero scientific evidence of the imaginary virus. There is no scientific evidence in the literature. "Expert" Steve Pelech doesn't have any either and didn't even try to cite valid evidence of virus-existence in his affidavit. Counsel for Universal Ostrich Farms Inc. is arguing for quackcines as an alternative to culling and that "the province" has jurisdiction over property...
Interesting that "Lori" deleted her response to me, after I more than met her challenge to:
"Cite 5 papers please on your stance so we can look up all that "proof" of a fake/imaginary virus/contagion. Cite and provide copies of the "on the record" actual docs from the agencies mentioned so we can do our due diligence."
Before deleting - which caused my detailed response to vanish as well - she responded back with:
"Aren't you a joy-truly insipid. LOL, most of these articles are from you and Nature. Next...."
I gave this woman exactly what she had challenged me to do, but I guess there's no pleasing some people... or they just can't handle being proven wrong.
And yes, some of the links are from my newsletter and website... because I am the one who collected the hundreds of FOI responses that she had asked to see.
And yes, some of the links are from Nature... because she asked for studies and that is where some of them were published. Shocking I know. Lol.
Fortunately I saved our exchange as a pdf. I must have had an inkling that my detailed response might disappear:
Cite 5 papers please on your stance so we can look up all that "proof" of a fake/imaginary virus/contagion. Cite and provide copies of the "on the record" actual docs from the agencies you mentioned so we can do our due diligence.
Myself and others have been doing this continually for the last 5 years, not sure where you've been. Bit late to be starting your due diligence, don't you think? Also you are confused as to how the burden of proof works. Those making the positive claim that something does exist have the burden. So I could throw the demand back onto you.
Nevertheless, in the interest of education for those freedom people who have somehow still not educated themselves on this issue... here is my notarized affidavit regarding the hundreds of official freedom of information confessions and failures from 225 institutions in 40 different countries, showing that none were able to provide or cite a shred of valid scientific evidence:
Here is my substack where I've been publishing said failures on a regular basis (my email newsletter began back in 2020). There you will find links to the key pages on my website where hundreds of FOI responses on SARS-COV-2 have been available all this time, plus FOIs on dozens of other imaginary viruses, contagion, controls, and allegedly pathogenic bacteria:
Here is the infamous foundational study by Fan Wu et al. wherein the fake "SARS-COV-2 reference genome" was fabricated (it's a computer model, nothing more, just like all "viral genomes"):
A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China
A bonus, the infamous Rosenau "Spanish flu" study wherein every imaginable means of attempting to pass the supposedly-highly-contagious illness onto healthy people was tried and completely failed:
And finally, a link to Daniel Roytas' book Can You Catch a Cold?, wherein he reviewed over 200 studies re contagion of colds and found a grand total of zero scientific evidence supporting the contagion narrative:
'Autonomous' alleged vaccines that spread like viruses, are already in development. The are inhaled.
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published this article on their website at :
"A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the (synthetic modified) RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works.
ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved."
"This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.
(This is essentially an artificial virus.)
Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not."
Quoting another article:
"This next-generation RNA, which we aim to advance at Autonomous Therapeutics Inc., is designed to encode an artificial immune system that can detect and eliminate every variant of a viral family. We have developed encrypted RNA candidates with potential variant-proof efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, from coronaviruses to influenza and RSV. These can be made inhalable and shielded from human immune systems to enable safe and long-term prophylaxis. "
Read that last sentence again.
More info and links to the sources in the article.
This nonsense is never ending. Let’s eradicate pharma and pull this evil up from its roots. I think these farms should get a slew of pit bulls to let loose when these crazies come on their properties.
A lovely couple, in person too. Their heavily referenced book is a must read "What Really Makes You Ill Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" by David Parker and Dawn Lester
They are no different than the vile USDA culling everything in sight and with full intent destroying the livelihood of everyday working people. Flexing their so called "power". Both detestable agencies make me sick. All these blessed sentient animals suffering the consequences of immoral, corrupt tyrannists. May Karma bring all wrath down on these entities to pay for what they have done and continue to do. In addition to donating, what else can we do from the US side?
Eggs, meats, and natural dairy products are the most nutrient-dense foods on earth. The only true "superfoods".
In spite of what we have all been told, plants contain zero amounts of some essential nutrients- Vit. B6, heme iron, Vit. A, and the EPA or DHA forms of Omega 3 fatty acids, for example.
Essential amino acids, building blocks of protein, and the 'provisionally essential amino acids, are absent, or available in low amounts and/or the wrong proportions in plants to supply human nutritional needs for optimal human development & health.
Plants all contain anti-nutrients and other toxins, too.
Dr. Bary Groves PhD, nutrition researcher, on 'What we are designed to eat'; references included:
"During COVID-19, the governments in Australia and China rounded up and killed pet dogs and cats under the pretense of public health....Once a government establishes that it has the power to exterminate animals without proof of danger, that power will be expanded. It always is."
Not just Canada, Trump appoints a One Health guy too.
Trump Taps Gerald Parker to Be New Head of Pandemic Office as Bird Flu Threat Grows
"President Trump has selected Gerald Parker, a veterinarian and former top-ranking federal health official, to head the White House’s pandemic office, two U.S. officials tell CBS News. Congress created the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy after the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Parker was previously the associate dean for Global One Health at Texas A&M University. “One Health” refers to the study of how health threats in animals and the environment are closely linked to human health concerns, including how dangerous viruses and bacteria often emerge in animals before spreading to humans.
"Health threats in animals and the environment are closely linked to human health concerns" politically, not organically and not in nature, and they're closely linked by Marxist sociopaths cashing in on decades of Hollywood propaganda that have convinced people that germs can be both deadly and easily spread. They can't.
Appointing Parker proves that Trump either has learned absolutely nothing from "covid" or that he's deliberately advancing the globalist agenda using "health" as a stalking horse. Meanwhile his fans are too busy clapping like seals over paper straw bans to notice that he just put the deepest of deep state operatives in charge of keeping the "pandemic" scam alive.
I don't trust Parker at all. One Health is garbage and the veterinary profession is buying into it too, hook, line and sinker; not only for large animals but for pets too. It is no damn good.
Something maybe Bobby can help in with?
If only every country exited the WHO/UN/WEF!
Hell with the hypochondria germaphobia fear hysteria monkeyshines driving us all ape! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT BEFORE WE ALL GO BANANAS!
SERIOUSLY FOLKS! KEEP FIGHTING! Can't say this often enough! The WHO/UN/WEF are totally criminal entities that must be litigated and dismantled off the face of the earth and its upper level employees tried and jailed. Nothing THE WORLD HELL ORGANIZATION does has any legitimacy.
EQUITY is Orwellian doublespeak for equal ENSLAVEMENT of us proles under the technocratic parasitical malevolent rule by control freak, power-mad psychos. The word EQUITY makes my blood boil whenever I hear it now that I understand its true meaning.
A vast majority of so-called leaders and Public 'Serpents' around the world have been bribed, blackmailed/coerced into serving the interests of their technocratic New World Ordure parasite masters and not We the People.
The world needs a lot more rejections of the UN/WHO's nefarious schemes.
Peddling pure poison! Folks have to wake up to reality: health comes from organic diet, daily exercise and clean living and never from a needle or a pill except in dire, rare traumatic injuries.
Can't say this often enough!
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back! And toxic injections were/are a huge part of their arsenal!
KEEP FIGHTING! All the perps who pushed this greatest crime against humanity, all the way down to the local level, must get their comeuppances!
Proudly ANTI-VAXX! Reiterating for the sake of newbies and to support this post.
Ban all vaccine jabs! There has never been a 'safe and effective' vaccine since Edward Jenner's fraud over 200 years ago as per 'Dissolving Illusions' by Suzanne Humphries and 'Turtles All the Way Down' by Anonymous. Health can never come from a needle or pills, but from healthy eating, healthy exercise and healthy living!
JAB INJURIES: GROSS CALAMARI BLOOD CLOTS/AUTISM TSUNAMI/SADS/TURBO CANCER/BIZARRE TERMINAL ILLNESSES: More tragic victims of the ruling parasite genocidal enslavement agenda, sacrificed on the altar of psychopathic greed and hatred of humanity.
The monsters in human skin suits who rule the world get a sadistic vampiric thrill and boost from perpetrating the vilest most demonic crimes against the most vulnerable (babies and small children) and then corrupting the system to get away with it scot free! We the People must stop them, there are a lot more of us than them!
Divide and rule! Agents provocateurs anyone, FALSE FLAGS, propaganda social engineering psyops? Keeping us proles at each others' throats while the globalist technocrat predators laugh all the way to the BIS and The Bank of Rothschild's!
The terrible senators, horrifying Governor 'Gruesome Newscum', 'Lone Scum', Soros, 'Benedict' Biden and Harris and even Trump, Vance, and 'Ramaswampy' et al are blatant fully owned and operated puppets of their globalist technocrat parasite masters same as other numerous 'PUBLIC SERPENTS' infesting by design from above, the bureaucratic apparatus.
Life everywhere is being assaulted by THE TECHNOCRATIC OMNIWAR! RESIST! DO NOT CONSENT TO ALL THINGS DIGITAL, 'SMART', AI, 5G, NO CASH - ALL OF IT! Technocrat ruling class psychos get a sadistic thrill from their powers over life and death and hurting all who stand in their way and they need the resources worldwide to build their digital total slavery control grids (herd survivors into 15 minute city digital prisons)!
AI is designed to be anti-human/anti-life programmed by technocrat control freak psychos - garbage in = garbage out. Everyone got along just fine without all these absurd and downright satanic electronic gadgets that did not exist until recently. NOBODY NEEDS THIS AI CRAP!
Bless and thank you for doing what you do.
You were right James, it is going very fast now.
I got this in my mailbox early this morning (Belgium)
'Voices from the Hub'
“My name is Yasmin Rabiyan, and I work as an Engagement Officer at the WHO Pandemic Hub. My role focuses on building and strengthening the global community behind the Epidemic Intelligence from Open Sources (EIOS) initiative. Since its inception in 2017, WHO has spearheaded EIOS, which is now the world’s leading effort in leveraging open-source intelligence for public health decision-making.
EIOS complements traditional health surveillance systems by enhancing the early detection of public health threats through publicly available online information in near real-time. The initiative is built on three key pillars: a growing global community of practice, a diverse network of multidisciplinary collaborators, and an advanced and evolving technology-driven system that harnesses open-source data from a multitude of sources, including news reports, social media, and websites that contain public health information.'
(me:) when I click on 'We look forward to hearing from you! If you have feedback or questions, you can contact us here.' that link doesn't work.
The link to their video does work:
Please read this new WHO Substack piece:
'What’s new at the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence?'
Issue 14: February 2025
You were right!
Being right offers no solace.
It is simple; it is going to take a long time and strength to beat this idiotic beast. Keep up the brilliant work! I personally will do it my way,
with an art exhibition.
While natural diseases attributed to viruses have almost never been a threat to otherwise health, well-nourished people, this is a threat to us all:
'Autonomous' alleged vaccines that spread like viruses, are already in development. They are inhaled.
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published this article on their website at :
"A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the (synthetic modified) RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works.
ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved."
"This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.
(This is essentially an artificial virus.)
Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not."
Quoting another article:
"This next-generation RNA, which we aim to advance at Autonomous Therapeutics Inc., is designed to encode an artificial immune system that can detect and eliminate every variant of a viral family. We have developed encrypted RNA candidates with potential variant-proof efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, from coronaviruses to influenza and RSV. These can be made inhalable and shielded from human immune systems to enable safe and long-term prophylaxis. "
Read that last sentence again.
More info and links to the sources in the article.
Utter insanity.
In addition... note that these actions by the government in Canada, and the corresponding needles 'culling' of ~1.5 million chickens, ducks, & turkeys in the USA, completely obliterate any property rights. Proof: Threats of severe penalties if the owners attempted to have their ostriches independently tested.
The use of the PCR technique aka NAAT (nucleic acid amplification 'test'), to "diagnosis" an active case of or infection with any disease is fraudulent. The inventor, Kary Mullis, who was awarded the Nobel Prize or developing the technique, stated repeatedly that it was not suited to the purpose of being used as a diagnostic "test".
This documentary reveals more we have not been told about viruses:
"...needless 'culling'..."
The sensible approach would be to remove and humanely destroy any ill birds, and allow the rest to develop natural immunity.
Is 'natural immunity' forgotten? Have the authorities suddenly decided that "natural selection" is a myth? No more "survival of the fittest"?
Sad to see so that most everyone is still going along with the fake virus and contagion narratives, and the alleged authority of 'government' institutions. Upholding these myths is not a path to health or freedom. CFIA, PHAC, HC, CDC, USDA, FDA, European CDC.... all are on record officially confessing/showing that they have zero scientific evidence of the imaginary virus. There is no scientific evidence in the literature. "Expert" Steve Pelech doesn't have any either and didn't even try to cite valid evidence of virus-existence in his affidavit. Counsel for Universal Ostrich Farms Inc. is arguing for quackcines as an alternative to culling and that "the province" has jurisdiction over property...
Interesting that "Lori" deleted her response to me, after I more than met her challenge to:
"Cite 5 papers please on your stance so we can look up all that "proof" of a fake/imaginary virus/contagion. Cite and provide copies of the "on the record" actual docs from the agencies mentioned so we can do our due diligence."
Before deleting - which caused my detailed response to vanish as well - she responded back with:
"Aren't you a joy-truly insipid. LOL, most of these articles are from you and Nature. Next...."
I gave this woman exactly what she had challenged me to do, but I guess there's no pleasing some people... or they just can't handle being proven wrong.
And yes, some of the links are from my newsletter and website... because I am the one who collected the hundreds of FOI responses that she had asked to see.
And yes, some of the links are from Nature... because she asked for studies and that is where some of them were published. Shocking I know. Lol.
Fortunately I saved our exchange as a pdf. I must have had an inkling that my detailed response might disappear:
Lmao and she has now blocked me... for giving her exactly what she asked for.
Cite 5 papers please on your stance so we can look up all that "proof" of a fake/imaginary virus/contagion. Cite and provide copies of the "on the record" actual docs from the agencies you mentioned so we can do our due diligence.
Myself and others have been doing this continually for the last 5 years, not sure where you've been. Bit late to be starting your due diligence, don't you think? Also you are confused as to how the burden of proof works. Those making the positive claim that something does exist have the burden. So I could throw the demand back onto you.
Nevertheless, in the interest of education for those freedom people who have somehow still not educated themselves on this issue... here is my notarized affidavit regarding the hundreds of official freedom of information confessions and failures from 225 institutions in 40 different countries, showing that none were able to provide or cite a shred of valid scientific evidence:
Here is my substack where I've been publishing said failures on a regular basis (my email newsletter began back in 2020). There you will find links to the key pages on my website where hundreds of FOI responses on SARS-COV-2 have been available all this time, plus FOIs on dozens of other imaginary viruses, contagion, controls, and allegedly pathogenic bacteria:
Here is my collection of FOI responses and other other resources specifically on the imaginary "avian influenza virus":
Here is a page that I no longer bother to update, full of links to educational material about the pseudoscientific methods used by virologists:
Here is the infamous foundational study by Fan Wu et al. wherein the fake "SARS-COV-2 reference genome" was fabricated (it's a computer model, nothing more, just like all "viral genomes"):
A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China
Here is one of the earlier "SARS-COV-2 isolation" studies from China wherein no particles were isolated and no virus was shown to exist:
A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019
And another such Chinese study:
A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin
The CDC's infamous, fraudulent "SARS-COV-2 isolation" study:
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States
The fraudulent Canadian "SARS-COV-2 isolation" study:
Isolation, Sequence, Infectivity, and Replication Kinetics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2:
A bonus, the infamous Rosenau "Spanish flu" study wherein every imaginable means of attempting to pass the supposedly-highly-contagious illness onto healthy people was tried and completely failed:
And finally, a link to Daniel Roytas' book Can You Catch a Cold?, wherein he reviewed over 200 studies re contagion of colds and found a grand total of zero scientific evidence supporting the contagion narrative:
I trust this is enough to get you started.
Aren't you a joy-truly insipid. LOL, most of these articles are from you and Nature. Next....
Turn the research facility into a level 3 biolab and isolate the birds…
…or move the facility to Ukraine
That’s where the CIA produces bioweapons all along the Russian border
I’m very likely to never take another “vaccine”…
…vaccines are a dead deal
The Ruling Intelligence State’s experiment backfired…
…they will have to force shots on a Billion humans the next time
'Autonomous' alleged vaccines that spread like viruses, are already in development. The are inhaled.
The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) published this article on their website at :
"A new class of “encrypted RNA” vaccines are being developed where the (synthetic modified) RNA would piggyback onto an existing wild virus and spread from person to person without any person’s knowledge or consent. Although this may sound like science fiction, it is far from it. Two companies involved in this research have received millions of dollars from the federal government. A study using this technology on hamsters and the SARS-Cov-2 virus has already been completed and a Phase I trial on humans is in the works.
ICAN’s attorneys have already sent legal demands to all government agencies involved."
"This so-called “therapy” uses a technology called TIPs (Therapeutic Interfering Particles), which are described as “engineered molecular parasites” that piggyback on a wild virus. If you get the virus, you also get these parasites. Once inside an infected person, the TIPs are supposed to rapidly multiply, hijacking the resources the wild virus needs to multiply and therefore stopping the virus.
(This is essentially an artificial virus.)
Supporters of this technology claim it will “solve” several problems with traditional vaccine delivery, including “behavior barriers” like noncompliance. Meaning everyone gets vaccinated—whether they like it or not."
Quoting another article:
"This next-generation RNA, which we aim to advance at Autonomous Therapeutics Inc., is designed to encode an artificial immune system that can detect and eliminate every variant of a viral family. We have developed encrypted RNA candidates with potential variant-proof efficacy against a wide range of pathogens, from coronaviruses to influenza and RSV. These can be made inhalable and shielded from human immune systems to enable safe and long-term prophylaxis. "
Read that last sentence again.
More info and links to the sources in the article.
And if they try, they will be very sorry.
This story reminds me of the death of more than 60 practitioners several years ago who applied natural cancer cures.
This nonsense is never ending. Let’s eradicate pharma and pull this evil up from its roots. I think these farms should get a slew of pit bulls to let loose when these crazies come on their properties.
A lovely couple, in person too. Their heavily referenced book is a must read "What Really Makes You Ill Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" by David Parker and Dawn Lester
The bastards must be stopped. They will senselessly destroy any and all living things in pursuit of universal control.
They are no different than the vile USDA culling everything in sight and with full intent destroying the livelihood of everyday working people. Flexing their so called "power". Both detestable agencies make me sick. All these blessed sentient animals suffering the consequences of immoral, corrupt tyrannists. May Karma bring all wrath down on these entities to pay for what they have done and continue to do. In addition to donating, what else can we do from the US side?
...and reducing the food supply for everyone.
Eggs, meats, and natural dairy products are the most nutrient-dense foods on earth. The only true "superfoods".
In spite of what we have all been told, plants contain zero amounts of some essential nutrients- Vit. B6, heme iron, Vit. A, and the EPA or DHA forms of Omega 3 fatty acids, for example.
Essential amino acids, building blocks of protein, and the 'provisionally essential amino acids, are absent, or available in low amounts and/or the wrong proportions in plants to supply human nutritional needs for optimal human development & health.
Plants all contain anti-nutrients and other toxins, too.
Dr. Bary Groves PhD, nutrition researcher, on 'What we are designed to eat'; references included:
Dr. Georgia Ede, MD offers well-research articles on nutrition and how foods affect our healt, from mental/ brain disorders to cancer:
These psychopaths always go to the extreme to prove their LIES. Who believes 😂 them anymore? Only the braindead who are now close to death.
This is the UN's 'One Health' in action.
"During COVID-19, the governments in Australia and China rounded up and killed pet dogs and cats under the pretense of public health....Once a government establishes that it has the power to exterminate animals without proof of danger, that power will be expanded. It always is."
Not just Canada, Trump appoints a One Health guy too.
Trump Taps Gerald Parker to Be New Head of Pandemic Office as Bird Flu Threat Grows
"President Trump has selected Gerald Parker, a veterinarian and former top-ranking federal health official, to head the White House’s pandemic office, two U.S. officials tell CBS News. Congress created the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy after the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Parker was previously the associate dean for Global One Health at Texas A&M University. “One Health” refers to the study of how health threats in animals and the environment are closely linked to human health concerns, including how dangerous viruses and bacteria often emerge in animals before spreading to humans.
"Health threats in animals and the environment are closely linked to human health concerns" politically, not organically and not in nature, and they're closely linked by Marxist sociopaths cashing in on decades of Hollywood propaganda that have convinced people that germs can be both deadly and easily spread. They can't.
Appointing Parker proves that Trump either has learned absolutely nothing from "covid" or that he's deliberately advancing the globalist agenda using "health" as a stalking horse. Meanwhile his fans are too busy clapping like seals over paper straw bans to notice that he just put the deepest of deep state operatives in charge of keeping the "pandemic" scam alive.
I don't trust Parker at all. One Health is garbage and the veterinary profession is buying into it too, hook, line and sinker; not only for large animals but for pets too. It is no damn good.
They Do
CARE.what we think...
They are not our government.
They work for our government, which is the American people and our assemblies.