If You have enough of the symptoms genearted by money-based system, then I invite You to play a different game. One based on sharing and not expecting anything in return, one, where we all live together, as one humanity in harmony and abundance without using monwy or trade. How? Visit https://www.reon.pl/qort
If You have enough of the symptoms genearted by money-based system, then I invite You to play a different game. One based on sharing and not expecting anything in return, one, where we all live together, as one humanity in harmony and abundance without using monwy or trade. How? Visit https://www.reon.pl/qort
If You have enough of the symptoms genearted by money-based system, then I invite You to play a different game. One based on sharing and not expecting anything in return, one, where we all live together, as one humanity in harmony and abundance without using monwy or trade. How? Visit https://www.reon.pl/qort