Cripple their greedy hands and minds👹

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The World Hell Organization should be SHUT DOWN. I will chew their bootox arf, leave protest in their shoes, and send squirrels into their bank accounts to shred all their cash...

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ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection), out of Germany is being sued. They advise the WHO. About 2 weeks ago the WHO announced, 'no harm by wireless.' This is completely false! The CHD (Childrens Health Defense) won a landmark case against the FCC on August 13, 2021. Industry can no longer claim, "Safety of Wireless Devices." ALL of this is happening with both Big Pharma and Big Tech. We need to stop this stupid GLOBALISM, or we'll lose our country for good! FYI, Kamala Harris's husband Doug Emhoff worked for DLA Piper Law Firm for the last 30 years. DLA Piper Law Firm partnered with FEMA a few years ago. Coincidence...I think NOT! We also need to stop PPPs (Public Private Partnerships) = FASCISM! The government should never be involved with private businesses! DLA Piper Law Firm also is linked to Big Pharma and Big Tech = Rockefellers... The WHO is a completely bogus organization. Just like always, working for industry! DLA Piper is in 40 countries and are in China. They hire CCP attorneys to keep all of this going. We must stop all of this!

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V.F. absolutely agree . The WEF has their sticky fingers all over this plot. Klaus Schwab & cabal infiltrated the U.N. over a year ago. They are intent on culling billions and enslaving citizens in their One World Order. Former Executive Director of the U.N. Calin Georgescu states the globalists abduct 8 million children a year for their 'ideology'. He states ALL citizens must stand up and say NO to the corrupt WHO ,WEF ,IHR ,Big Pharma and ALL of their self-serving ,diabolical orgs


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Thank you very much. The UN-WEF partnered in 2019. I've been researching and Harris/Biden just passed DoD Directive 5240.01. They have purged the military, and they will use 'lethal force' if there are riots after the election. Good luck waking people up and get them in action. I've been talking about 'wireless radiation health hazards' for over 16 years now. They can't get rid of their cell phones. IF they would, many of our problems would go away. I have no doubt 8 million children are missing. Most U.S. citizens have no idea that the WEF is in complete charge of our country. They are the ones weaponizing everything within the Federal Government. You'll never hear about these 8 million precious children. Makes me sick...

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I 110% reject teddy and his gang of WHO murderers. Screw your IHR amendments.

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It's time to eliminate these bastards.

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UN countries agreed the Pact for the Future just a few weeks ago - this is the WHO Treaty coming in the back door, global governance, it states the future of everything digital - and this we know is leading to digital id, digital banking, and social credit, so eg no jabs/boosters or used up your travel allowance and access to all services will be stopped.

This happened with no go ahead or knowledge from the public.

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I’m usually not interested in US politics but it is abundantly obvious that the WEF/WHO Cabal ‘s greatest concern is Donald Trump, as he’s one the few politicians that Her Schwab hasn’t got in his stable. This and the democratic freedom of speech are probably the murderous cabal’s greatest terror. No wonder they’ve tried impeachment, assassination and now the biggest storm of the century to shut him up.

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Really?? did you miss his operation warpspeed, and my blood is the vaccine, he is still standing behind the vaxx, he is part of it, he is just another marionette. A distraction.

Politics is a distraction......and a joke proven by the last 5 years....

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Here is archival footage of a history untold, buried deep along with the 100s of millions who were starved and slaughtered using the same techniques that the cabal is reviving today. Destroying the food supply to intentionally create famine is especially relevant. Once you understand our TRUE history, the present isn't nearly as confusing. This is a long, disturbing video series that you should only watch one part at a time. Take a break in between parts or you will feel sick and turn away in disgust. The sources for all of the documentary materials are listed at the end of episode 10. Unfortunately, this is a true story. https://us.europathelastbattle.net/watchnow-beta-test.html

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History has recorded repeatedly where the siege principle has been used. In Australia and USA for example it was employed blatantly and without conscience. It was of course a standard practice of warfare and castles were designed often as silos and water storage for that reason. Now we see the WEF/WHO Cabal is employing the same tactic on a global scale to promote mass executions to bolster their “plandemic scheme” and promoting their manufactured inflation and DIGITAL ID schemes.

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Creating famines is a part of their standard play book and they are well on the way to the destruction of the food supply. Killing millions of chickens, cows, pigs "possibly" infected with lab-produced "viruses" (bioweapons), burning down food processing and storage facilities, poisoning the soil, air and water with toxic chemicals so powerful they even kill the insects and the seizure, hoarding and repurposing of prime farmland accelerate the devastation.

We have to circumvent the unions and reach the sheriffs, police, military soldiers with the message that "just following orders" will affect the health and survival of their own families. The ones with the guns must turn to roundup the traitors and international criminals who are behind this takeover.

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Oct 13Liked by James Roguski

Thankyou James will Share

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The last thing we need is more totalitarian bullshit brought to us by entitled inbred babies who have no problem flying everywhere in their private jets, expecting towns to alter their infrastructure so their oversized yachts (penis insecurity anyone?) can fit through, and owning thousands (or millions in total) of acres to put their multiple (energy-guzzling) MacMansions on presuming to tell us how to live our lives. If the problem is mis- and disinformation, then all these idiots should be muzzled so it ends.

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To THE W.H.O OR W.E.F OR A PAIN WITH Out Breath.We Belong to our CREATOR. That ❤️ power blesses us with every BREATH no BREATH no life or back to DUST. The W .H .O .or W.E F. Without BREATH u have are NOTHING. U say that you have POWER BUT Without BREATH. U. R.NOTHING .Our CREATOR or God. Is our CREATOR'S EARTH GAVE US FREEDOM FREEDOM FREEDOM FROM WITHIN ONE SELF ♥️ ❤️ 💖 ✨️ 🙏🏻

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Is there anything else we can do on our end???

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Has there been any positive headway when dealing with WHO........

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I DEEPLY respect you and your work James.

Your unparalleled commitment to follow all the intricacies of the WHO manoeuvres over the last few years is something I am frankly in awe of.

However, I think the "call to action" at this stage needs to be sharper and more consistent:




That's it and nothing else!

All nation states should respond to the WHO in ONE way only:

No more engagement of any kind. DEPARTURE!

You don't negotiate with TERRORISTS!

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It is true, but James has already mentioned this and proposed actions, the only thing left for the people to oppose with firmness, because the expressed actions, written...will not be enough to stop them!

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Hi James, aloha! I’ve got a few ideas for you to consider.

1. The restored Kingdom of Hawai’i established a hundred years before the U.N., the W.H.O., etc. has standing and legitimacy in international law. See the Apology Bill signed by President Clinton in 1993. The Kingdom has no contracts with, or membership in the U.N., W.H.O., Federal Reserve, etc. The U.N. says they will obey international law. Asylum in the Kingdom is being organized now.

2. The yoke of bondage will be broken by the anointing oil. What? How? Why?

All humans are born with an endocannabinoid system which requires some cannabinoids for homeostasis. Most people have zero and are running on empty. All Mother’s milk contains cannabinoids for newborn nutrition and building natural immunity.

It’s high time for the return of anointing the head, the crown chakra with real holy anointing oil. Kaneh-bosm is Cannabis and the fragrant cane of the sacred recipe of Exodus 30:23.

Messiah = the anointed

Christ = the anointed

Mahdi = the anointed

Christian = an anointed one

Anti-Christ = against the anointed

Return of Christ =

May unexpected blessings and love keep coming to you and from you … and everyone!



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I would so much LOVE to see an independent native Hawaiian nation rise again. This is what I am waiting for before I will ever come for a visit again as I vowed to never set foot on US soil ever again until the the current regime is no more (and by that I don't mean democrats vs Republicans).


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We believe anointing is a literal thing. Anoint your crown with holy oil and hear the angels sing! 🎶 ❤️🙏

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